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I can't take it anymore! (Fight me.) 
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"Here." Hidra shouts, he grabs a dusty book. Many of the pages had been torn out and it was in poor condition but it was readable. "Basic white magic" the cover read. He quickly opened it on one of the pages. He then quickly skimmed over the intructions to perform one of the spells, (lesser cure.) It involved a series of hand gestures but Hidra thought he could handle it.

He performed all the movements and slowly the cuts on his body started to dissaper. Soon the only sign that he had just been in a fight, was the fact that his right arm still had a massive gash running down it.

Hidra then ran down the stairs back to the ground floor, carying his book.

Wolf: Can't let you do that star fox
Leon: Annoying bird I am the great Leon!!!
Andrew: Uncle andross
Pigma: my beutiful reward
Fox: I can't believe these guys consider themselves equal to team star fox
Peppy: Do a barrel roll
Fox: Ok maybe they are
Image My guide to kirby super star ultra I hope to expand it.

Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:41 pm
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Jacob immediatly scanned his surroundings of his other foes. Instantaiously, he spotted a form on the ceiling. With the blankly white paper airplanes reflecting the light from nearby candles, he spotted the being. Gotcha... Jacob thought. Switiching his sword with a bow, he took out his bottle of poison and dipped several of his arrows. Discreetly, he aimed at the shape in the shadows, with his four arrows. Aiming carefully, he launched all his arrows, then reloaded-ready for a second strike.


Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:21 pm
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Deux saw arrows coming toward him at blinding speeds, but using his form and reflexes to his advantage he steadily moved out the way of the oncoming arrows, he dropped to the floor and tight speed and made his way towards Jacob, using 4 of his legs to for a lap of speed, and armed his 2 front ones for a disabling blow.


Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:06 pm
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IC: Jacob darted back, and released he bow. In the confied space they were in, and judging the distance, it would be almost impossible to dodge one of the arrows, let alone all of them. As he darted back, he saw Hidra comming down from the stairs with a book in his hands and his wounds healed. Quickly slathering his poison on his sword, he headed over to him, aiming for the book and Hidra.


Thu Jan 08, 2009 3:13 pm
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ConquestStreak wrote:
IC: Jacob darted back, and released he bow. In the confied space they were in, and judging the distance, it would be almost impossible to dodge one of the arrows, let alone all of them. As he darted back, he saw Hidra comming down from the stairs with a book in his hands and his wounds healed. Quickly slathering his poison on his sword, he headed over to him, aiming for the book and Hidra.

Deux knew the space they were in was confined and arrows were coming at him, but he knew that they were on the second floor.
Like a beetle, he quickly carved in the floor, and hid under the roof of the the second floor.
Deux cralwed back into the dark and listened he heard coming down from the stairs, and noticed Jacob chasing towards him, he slowly begn to croch and crawl on the roof towards the both of them.


Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:54 pm
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Okay, I'm finally mustered up enough energy to join. But before I do, I need to know where your character is currently in the library, the most powerful aspect of your character, and a good reason why I should spare you.


Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:49 pm
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Zesper wrote:
Okay, I'm finally mustered up enough energy to join. But before I do, I need to know where your character is currently in the library, the most powerful aspect of your character, and a good reason why I should spare you.

1. On the roof of the first floor hiding
2. he's polymorphic
3. Because..I sdaid so?


Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:08 am
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Zesper wrote:
Okay, I'm finally mustered up enough energy to join. But before I do, I need to know where your character is currently in the library, the most powerful aspect of your character, and a good reason why I should spare you.

Place: En route to the first floor, heading towards Hidra, or on the first floor
Aspect: Depends. With nothing, the ability to quickly take into account of his surroundings. Equipment wise, thats a tough one. I have 2. Quickly exchangeable sword blades, or a deadly acid which kills when touched. Killing time varies with skin thickness, immune system, and creature type. Demons show most resistance to this poison. Poison marks a definite kill, and sinks deeply into skin, making it impossible to heal unless magic user completely exhausts self.
Reason: I R B1G FANZ OZ JU! I KN0Z UZ 1337!!!
I am Azn. You (kinda) rock. You pwned many people in many things.

Questions: What is fox hound? Are you related to kyzak?
As for Deux: Sheesh. Didn't expect that. I MUST battle you again.


Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:39 am
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Joined: Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:29 pm
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Location: The center of the galaxy
Place:Going down the stairs, on the first floor to the ground floor.
Aspect: I found a book that contains basic white magic (yeah I know thats not really very strong)
Reason why you should spare me: Because its no fun killing somebody miles weaker than you.

Wolf: Can't let you do that star fox
Leon: Annoying bird I am the great Leon!!!
Andrew: Uncle andross
Pigma: my beutiful reward
Fox: I can't believe these guys consider themselves equal to team star fox
Peppy: Do a barrel roll
Fox: Ok maybe they are
Image My guide to kirby super star ultra I hope to expand it.

Sat Jan 10, 2009 5:16 am
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...Also, please post his link.


Sun Jan 11, 2009 4:59 pm
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ConquestStreak wrote:

...Also, please post his link.

Okay, okay, I'll post.
Gawd. And I already posted my bio near the start of this.

The peaceful quiet of the ancient library was broken when the steady thumping of metal on wood echoed throughout the hollowed halls. Zesper Gastronburg had been hired by a shady organization to patrol the seemly never-ending isles of bookcases for any intruders. Why they were so intent on keeping people out was none of his business, all that he knew is that if one page in this archive were to be so much as creased, he would be out his payment. His job was a simple one at that, eliminate intruders, but it was also mind-numbing. His only source of entertainment was to read the titles of dusty book spines as he passed by, even sometimes going so far as to pull one out and examine the cover. It was now his fifth day of wandering the hallways, getting into a fighting stance at even the slightest noise or movement, and being overall bored out of his skull, when finally, something happened. The faint sound of conflict traveled swiftly through the isles to Zesper's ears, immediacy dropping a book titled "A hundred and one ways to please your woman" he had been curiously examining moments before, dropped to his knees with a "clunk, and put his ear to the dust coated floor to see if he could better hear what was amiss.

After a few moments of listening, Zesper finally rose to his feet, and slowly pulled his sword from off his back. "Intruders... Dead ahead..." He thought grimly to himself as he stared up over the tops of the bookcases into the distance to see the giant spiral staircase that stabbed up into the inky darkness that led to the second floor. With a tired sigh, he started off for the staircase at a trot, his billowing black cape trailing behind him.


Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:30 pm
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OOC: My bad...
Jacob had finally reached the first floor. Hidra had to be here... somewhere, along with Deux. All of a sudden, he heard a sword being drawn. Quickly rummaging through his memories, he found no indication that his two opponents carried swords. Stepping along, he swiftly swaped his blade with a rapier blade, sensing some quick stabbing would be necessary to avoid death.
OOC: soo... place your bets anybody?


Mon Jan 12, 2009 3:28 pm
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Deux crawled slowly towards Jacob, he halted and crawled back, hefelt another presence, stonger, there was another here, and he was stronger than the other 2, " I could try to combat him....but its easier to improvise." Deux looked around the libary, it contained huge columns, the structure was ancient, so hitting the right column would bring the place down, Deux began scheming, he crawled through the hole he came from and decided to serch for the weakest link.


Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:46 pm
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OOC: @Deux: Nice name. But i'm weak because I don't have any "special" skills like spells.
Jacob thought he heard someone, but immediately turned to find Hidra. "Stop!" he yelled, remembering that he was going to kill him. However, he flashed back to the sounds he heard, and swore he heard another person. Raising his sword in a blocking stance, he called to Hidra, "Stop, please. I need answers, and you seem to be able to give them."


Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:14 am
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Currently Playing: Vanquish
OOC: CS, Deux doesn't have any spells, just the natural ability of polymorphism.

Deux crawled deep down the halls of the second floor, until he had found a large stone pillar.


Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:44 am
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