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Seymour did his best to stifle a laugh at Amelia's question. She really had no idea. If he wasn't the sadistic man he knew himself to be, it would break his heart to have to give the poor girl the harsh truth. Since he was, however, that simply meant he would enjoy this.

"Listen close, Amelia. This is very important. Ships have these things called 'cargo holds', and what they do is they hold cargo." The captain said with a patronizing pat on her shoulder.
Unfortunately, his impromptu lesson on the anatomy of a sea vessel was interrupted by Gal's return.

"Captain, I need to see all the navigational resources your ship has to offer me. If it's as understocked as it looks at first glance, you will resupply immediately. No negotiations. I have every tool I need, you should have the rest." The navigator declared.
Seymour turned to the man and gave him a look that, though mostly obscured by his facial hair, was clearly one of disapproval. He didn't expect or appreciate this kind of behavior this early on, especially from a man who looked like a stiff breeze would carry him away.

"As pathetic as this ship may seem to ye, I'm still its captain. On this floating hunk of timber, I'm the only one who gives orders. Is that understood?" He paused for a moment, and his expression softened, but he didn't wait for a response before continuing. "As such, it is my responsibility to make sure my crew have the tools to function effectively. You don't have to deliver an ultimatum to get what you need. The navigation room is at the aft of the ship. If you have nothing else to attend to, you can set a course for the island of Sycene."

Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:45 pm
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As everyone else, Frederick took little to no time in dropping off his things. It was pretty obvious why he kept his sack on person. His first impression of the crew had been great so far. They seemed like a strong and dependable bunch, though he hoped they knew how to have a good time now and again or whenever they had time. Frederick hadn't gotten any sort of bad vibes from the Captain or anyone on board so far, except maybe for Dale Banister who looked like all he seemed to be having was a good time, but then again he hadn't interacted with the Captain much. Not that he was nervous or anxious, but he didn't see it as a bad thing to be watchful of everyone on board.

Having everything in place, which is very important in the medical field as one thing out of place or any slight mistake could prove to be fatal, Frederick returned just in time to hear the Captain ordering Gal to set a course for Sycene. 

Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:05 pm
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Isabelle walked causally towards the docks. She did not bother with time or the speed in which she walked. Bella carried herself with pride despite her lack of a job. She just had her mind focus on one thing, getting on that ship. She managed to make it to the ship as the others were loading. She simply stepping in line and began walking aboard.


Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:24 pm
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Amelia looked at the captain skeptically, surely he must have been jesting, then it hit her, she was one of the crew. She had to assemble with her peers, and get to know them, if she had learned anything from her father, it was that they needed to trust on everyone they went out to sea with. She slipped away as the captain spoke to the elderly man who's name she could not recall, and walked down in the hold of the ship where the rest of the crew had assembled.

In the hold, it seemed that they had all already chosen their hammocks and set down their belongings. Quietly she found the sole unoccupied hammock and set her bag onto the ground. She did not have much, a change of clothes, her rapier and her throwing daggers. Once the ship got moving, she would equip all these weapons, with pirates at sea, it was always best to be prepared.

"The Captain says that we must prepare to depart for Syrene" she stated interrupting any small talk that had occurred prior to her arrival, "We should probably head to the deck"


Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:53 am
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Gal relaxed after the Captain's reply. If he was putting his honor on it then he probably had every tool Gal required. However, the fact was that Gal already possessed every tool he would ever need and he was just seeing how the Captain would respond.

"Alright, I'll plot a course immediately, " he replied.

With everything taken care of, he began walking toward the navigation room, already plotting the course in his head.


Sun Jul 21, 2013 11:52 pm

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"Good man!" Seymour chuckled as Gal went straight to work. The navigation room contained a desk, drawing utensils, various tools that Gal undoubtedly already possessed, and various sea charts that comprehensively mapped out the kingdom of Hetreah. The captain had no doubt that the weathered navigator would be able to make full use of these resources.
With that out of the way, it was about time to make final preparations for departure. He approached those who had assembled on deck and began barking out orders.

"Alright then, let's get down to business. Amelia, Jonathan, Cecil, Frederick, Alester, and… uh, ye." He began, pointing to the one woman who had yet to introduce herself. "I want ye six to loose all sails. Ye two," He continued, gesturing to Selvani and Samuel. "Cast off the lines. It's time to set this boat adrift!"
As the ragtag group scurried off to perform their respective tasks, the captain made his way to the aft of the ship and leaned over the edge.

"Ye ready, Dale?" He called out.

"Aye, cap'n!" Came the slurred reply.

"Now!" With Seymour's command, the drunkard shattered his bottle against the ship's stern. The lines keeping the ship moored were cast off, and all of the sails billowed in the wind as they unfurled.

"I hereby declare this the maiden voyage of the Driftwood!" The captain bellowed as the breeze began to coax the vessel away from the dock, leaving poor Dale behind.

"Wait for me!" The drunk called out, but his voice was quickly lost amidst the sounds of the sea.

"Excellent work, everyone," Seymour said, taking the helm. "But our work is just begun! Jonathan, I want ye to examine the ship's hull and patch any breaches. Samuel and Selvani, ye two are responsible for preparing meals for the crew. Amelia…" The captain paused for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts. "Be a dear and swab the deck, aye? It wouldn't do to have someone slip and break their necks. The rest of ye are free to do as ye please for the time being."

Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:57 pm
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Amelia restrained the urge to cut her eyes at the captain in front of the rest of the crew, and she picked up the swab, which leaned against a barrel filled with fresh water and began to mop the deck earnestly. Her father had always said, to do a job well, whether it was great or small, and she took it to heart. Despite the fact that she was doing what she personally believed to be a menial task, her heart was jubilant. Finally, she was taking the necessary steps to fulfill her quest. All the months she had spent planning; the research she had conducted; the people she had to persuade; it was all now coming together. Yes, it was only the beginning, and they were still on Hetrean soil, or rather, Hetrean water, but it was a start. No longer was she sitting idly with all these plans in her head left untested, now she faced the ultimate test.


Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:03 pm
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Jonathan merely nodded in response to the captain's order. He'd had a good talk and done all that, and now he actually had to do his job on this ship. As he headed below deck, he checked his tool belt and frowned. If what he wanted wasn't on his belts, it was in his pockets. He sighed and dug through his pockets, encountering a small, round bottle. Taking it out, he smiled briefly, only for his expression to change to confusion. He did have pitch in his pockets? How did--never mind. Ignoring his initial confusion at the things he had in his pockets, he set to his job, running over the hull with a fine-toothed comb and repairing each and every one of the cracks that didn't require something he couldn't provide at the moment.


Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:34 am
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Gal approached the desk and glanced over the map of the world. He placed Bleu-Nial on the map, where the cat curled up and began to sleep. Mapping a course to Syrene was hardly a challenge for him, but his experience of the waters in the area was somewhat outdated. Pirates never appeared around the capital because of the navy's strong presence in the capital so he had little experience in these waters outside of his trip here.
Syrene was just across the sea, so all the shop had to do was ease out of the harbor and head south. Weather permitting it should be smooth sailing and take less than a few hours.

With that done he returned out to the deck to give the captain the plotted course.


Mon Jul 29, 2013 5:32 am
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Isabelle slightly taken aside by the captain telling her to do a task suitable for lower henchmen. But she listened. She set loose her part of the sails. She approached the captain. Once there she bowed taking off her hat to show more respect.
"Isabelle Winters, I'm pleased to meet you. I've come to apply for your opening as first mate." She raised herself and placed her hat back atop her head. She emerald eye dancing across his face until they locked with his. She held a hopeful expression upon her face.


Tue Jul 30, 2013 12:12 pm
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Samuel was assigned to work right in his comfort zone with another crew member, Selvani. Hearing that he came from the island of Marsette, Samuel knew the crew would be well fed. It was quite intimidating to hear that this is who he would be working with. He wasn't quite sure he would be up to par with the chef's cooking ability. Still, Samuel didn't let that stop him from working. Approaching Selvani, he decided to get to know who'd he be spending most of his time with.

"Hello! I'm Samuel, a simple fisherman," he opened with. Samuel was actually quite nervous, but did a good job not showing it. Upon closer inspection, Selvani was quite young, making Samuel feel much more relaxed around him. "I hear you're from Marsette and I look forward to fishing for you. Shall we head to below deck to see what we have to work with?"

Blue wrote:
Palestine should not be free

Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:06 pm

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Gal, Belle, Alester, Seymour

Seymour stepped away from the helm as Gal approached. He received the plotted course and, after briefly looking it over, grunted in approval.

"Everything seems to be in order. Good work." He said. After a brief pause, he spoke again. "Ye seem to have much experience at sea. If yer not otherwise occupied, I'd like ye to take Amelia through the basics of life on-board a ship."
The captain was interrupted by a voice behind him.

"Isabelle Winters, I'm pleased to meet you. I've come to apply for your opening as first mate."
Seymour dismissed Gal with a gesture, then addressed the woman who had spoken.

"The pleasure is all mine, Isabelle," The captain said, tipping his hat and showing his receding hairline. "but are ye sure ye have what it takes to be first mate?"
He stroked his beard for a few seconds, then spoke again.
"Alright, I can't see any harm in givin' ye a shot. Take the helm, and try not to crash into any large landmasses." Seymour commanded, handing her the plotted course. "Oh, and one more thing. At the first sign of incompetence, I'll have ye on barnacle scraping duty."
With a grin, he walked away.

Next, Seymour went to find Alester. As a merchant, his skills would be useful once they reached Syrene in a few hours.
"Alester, I need ye and Cecil to take stock and make a list of things we'll need once we make port. Think ye can handle that?"

Jonathan, Bleu-Nial, Percival

As Jonathan busily fixed any cracks in the hull below deck, he spied a small, round hole, roughly the breadth of the handle of his hammer. After a moment a small, fuzzy head poked through, its eyes fixing on him for a second before the rest of it came out. It was a weasel. Before the carpenter had a chance to react, the creature leaped onto his arm, climbed to the top of his head, and jumped up to the main deck through a grate.

After a bit of wandering, Percival found himself in the navigation room. He had been here before a few times, occasionally sleeping in some of the rolled up maps. Now, though, there was something new on the big desk in the middle of the chamber. Whatever it was seemed to be a living creature, but the weasel had never seen anything of its kind. His curiosity piqued, he jumped up onto the table and cautiously prodded the animal with his tail.

OOC: Seaworthy, now with character labels for your convenience. Magical. And hey, Green, don't leave Jin hangin'. If everyone gets scurvy, I'm holding you personally responsible.

Sun Aug 04, 2013 5:18 pm
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"Sure thing, Captain." Alester was quick to respond to the captain's request. He wasn't entirely thrilled about being pried away from the upper deck where he could watch the sea, but for now he would simply do what he was told and do it fast. But just as Alester was preparing to descend from the aft-most portion of the ship he quickly turned and started back towards Seymour.

"Dear Captain-" Alester's words quickly shot from his tongue and through his teeth as he directed himself back into Seymour's immediate view. "What are we working with as far as funds are concerned? What money do we have, overall, to finance not only our first stop but our entire endeavour?"


Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:01 pm
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Amelia's head raised at the mention of finance, it was true, that unbeknownst to the rest of the crew, she was the benefactor of this voyage, for she had the most to lose in regards to this voyage. Of course, she would never reveal such a thing, lest it be let known among the crew. Furthermore it would endanger not only her well being, and the well-being of her new comrades. All she did was glance at the captain knowingly, he would know what to say and deal with it quite accordingly. Well, it was that, or he would give some long winded excuse that explained nothing of the question that had been asked of him.


Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:17 pm
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Isabella was pleased to hear the captain was giving her a chance. She nodded at the captain's orders "Aye aye sir." she walked towards the helm, once out of the captain's ear shot she chuckled. "Barnacle Scrapping." She whispered to herself, " I've heard more threatening things than barnacle scraping." As she grabbed the helm she shouted out to the captain. " Capt'n, Where be our heading?" her voice rang out with a certain amount of pride. She was happy to be back at the helm of a ship. She stood straight and tall allowing her hair to flow in the salty sea winds. The way she stood made her appear as though she belonged there at the helm. She stared at the captain awaiting his response whilst guiding the ship with a sturdy grasp.


Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:26 pm
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