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Post AAA
New character bio
AAA - Anaranjado in Cyan

I made this guy up for an English assignment. I will probably sprite him and reshape him sometime.

The Existence of the Iniverse.
“You’ll never succeed!” cried Azul in White as he was dragged into the EMSL(V) [Evil Mad Scientist Laboratory (Vwahahaha)] by the guards.
“O ye of vlittle faith, how vlittle do you know!!!! Vwahahahahaha!!!!” replied Gannanadarf, the Evil Mad Scientist (Certified). “You are privileged: you are about to vitness ze turn of ze century and ze assimilation/enslavement of all ze vorld! Vwahahahaha!!! Fleep ze svitch!”
Gannadarf’s Evil Blockhead Assistant (Certified) (EBA© for short) flipped a series of complicated switches, accidentally electrocuting himself.
“No, not zat von, blockhead! Zis von!!! Must I do evryzing myzelf?”
Gannadarf took over a rather bulky laboratory console and manipulates it expertly, starting a PowerPoint presentation about his own greatness. He drones on throughout it, while Azul snores silently. Eventually, Gannanadarf sums it up in a five-page conclusion, and has the guards slap Azul awake. Startled, Azul is roused just in time to hear another famous trademark(ed) Evil Gannanadarf Laugh© as he presents his World-Destroying/Enslaving Device©.
“Zis is ze moment of my greatest triumph! Vwahahahaha! I vill take zese broom handles and coat zem vith a matter/anti-matter solution that vill penetrate any surface! Vwahahahaha! Vith zese I vil conquer the world! Vwahahahaha! Dunk zem! Vwahaha!!! Vell, vot are you standing around vaiting for? Dunk zem! All of ye!”
All of the guards in the EMSL(V), who had been standing around bored, waiting for him to finish his speech, lurched toward the mysterious vat of concoction that had been puzzling Azul for some time. On their way, each of them grabbed a broom handle from the side of the wall. Fortunately for Azul, his guard left him too, and Gannanadarf did not notice him, being too absorbed in his Moment of Glory. Unfortunately for Azul, he was still handcuffed.
“Vwahahahaha!!! Vwahahahahaha!!!! Vwahahahahahaha!!!!!” Gannanadarf’s Evil Laugh reverberates around the room constantly, and it is finally that which gives Azul the incentive to burst free of his bonds and wreck Gannanadarf’s plan. He tackles the Evil Genius, throws him into his own vat of Concoction, and activates a sonic grenade, eliciting mass unconsciousness from the guards. Taking one of the Concoction-coated broom handles, he chucks a remote-detonated bomb into the vat and exits the facility. Once at a safe distance, he activates the device and, whistling, strolls into the nearby forest, dusting his hands off.
“Another job well done, and no side effects this time!” thinks Azul happily. Then he wonders, “I wonder what’s taking that bomb so long to detonate…”
He rushes out of the forest in time to see an enormous explosion occur where the facility had stood milliseconds ago. A giant purple vortex was swirling around above it, and it appeared to be sucking everything around into it… Oh no. Please no. NOT MY PAPER!!- I mean, um, never mind. Azul, confused, took one step closer, then, as realization hit him, he took two, then three, then four rapid steps back, finally breaking out into a run. But he wasn’t fast enough: none of his extensive training had prepared him for escaping a rift in the fabric of the time-space continuum, or in layman’s terms, a wormhole. Azul was lifted bodily and flung backwards into the wormhole, still carrying his “lightstick,” as he had dubbed it. Screaming in rage, Azul finally blacked out.

:oops: Blarg. I can't find the middle. Will edit when I find it.

NB: AAA is his name. Read on (when I find it) to find out.

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Thanks 2 SolidKlonoa for my sig.
NintendoJava wrote:
LittleBigPlanetFan wrote:

That would be redundant. As this is the "Sprite Workshop".

Save the dragons... please? And btw, just because they are not eggs does not mean they will automatically survive. They have to mature to survive. Thus, please click?

Last edited by Team Chaotex on Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:54 pm
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Your character is a inverted sonic with a horrid backstory.

Again, NO.

Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:59 pm
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1. ... it's called a headdesk.
2. I said it was a Sonic recolor, didn't I?
3. That is the first out of 5 or 6 pages of his story. I have to find the middle.
4. I'm going to sprite him and make him NOT a Sonic recolor. I don't like Sonic recolors.

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Thanks 2 SolidKlonoa for my sig.
NintendoJava wrote:
LittleBigPlanetFan wrote:

That would be redundant. As this is the "Sprite Workshop".

Save the dragons... please? And btw, just because they are not eggs does not mean they will automatically survive. They have to mature to survive. Thus, please click?

Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:02 pm
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teamchaotex wrote:
1. ... it's called a headdesk.
2. I said it was a Sonic recolor, didn't I?
3. That is the first out of 5 or 6 pages of his story. I have to find the middle.
4. I'm going to sprite him and make him NOT a Sonic recolor. I don't like Sonic recolors.

You could've edited it eariler, before you posted this s***. And if you don't like Sonic recolors, then you definetly should've.

People say I'm depressed and anti-social, but I'm just someone that has actually taken a look at our awful society.

Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:06 pm
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Well I have to create it, don't I?
I'm probably going to do it during Thanksgiving break.

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Thanks 2 SolidKlonoa for my sig.
NintendoJava wrote:
LittleBigPlanetFan wrote:

That would be redundant. As this is the "Sprite Workshop".

Save the dragons... please? And btw, just because they are not eggs does not mean they will automatically survive. They have to mature to survive. Thus, please click?

Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:07 pm
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teamchaotex wrote:
Well I have to create it, don't I?
I'm probably going to do it during Thanksgiving break.

If you didn't have time to do it in the first place then why did you post something that's barely made?

People say I'm depressed and anti-social, but I'm just someone that has actually taken a look at our awful society.

Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:08 pm
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Because I had a long backstory that I wanted to post, but then I lost the middle temporarily.

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Thanks 2 SolidKlonoa for my sig.
NintendoJava wrote:
LittleBigPlanetFan wrote:

That would be redundant. As this is the "Sprite Workshop".

Save the dragons... please? And btw, just because they are not eggs does not mean they will automatically survive. They have to mature to survive. Thus, please click?

Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:09 pm
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teamchaotex wrote:
Because I had a long backstory that I wanted to post, but then I lost the middle temporarily.

You know, the backstory isn't the only thing that counts in a character bio.

People say I'm depressed and anti-social, but I'm just someone that has actually taken a look at our awful society.

Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:15 pm
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I know. I forgot.
EDIT: Anyways I don't want to post anything until I find the middle section, "Transitioning."

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Thanks 2 SolidKlonoa for my sig.
NintendoJava wrote:
LittleBigPlanetFan wrote:

That would be redundant. As this is the "Sprite Workshop".

Save the dragons... please? And btw, just because they are not eggs does not mean they will automatically survive. They have to mature to survive. Thus, please click?

Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:15 pm
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Here we are.

Azul was awakened by an excruciating pain in his left hand. Feebly forcing open his eyelids, he looked toward his left hand: what he saw was part of the console, dripping Concoction. Groaning, he passed out from the pain again.
Still later…
“Clear!” Azul awakened on what appeared to be a surgical table. He was strapped down with metal bonds. He briefly glimpsed a pair of robotic eyes, and heard a metallic voice: “It seems he is awake. Put him to sleep again.” A PANIC!! message hacked its way through the murky mire that was Azul’s consciousness, just in time to be suffocated by the sedative creeping through his system.
Yet again still later…
Azul woke up in a black bed, with black sheets and a gray headboard. His left hand was attached to a brace, and a cast wound its way up to his mid-forearm. A robotic-looking being entered the room, calming him with a wave of his hand. Azul asked him his name. He replied, “I am Chief Wall2D2. You are upon the Lockedland of the Newbies. We are its people, the Wall2D2’s. We have lived and cared for this land of all of two weeks (basically all the hu-mans suddenly ran away and we took over their stuff). We found you when a giant purple distortion-in-the-space—time-continuum appeared above our medical officer and dumped you on top of him. Luckily for you, he was able to temporarily stablizie your condition. Unluckily for him, as soon as he had done so, your strange weapon sliced of part of his feet. He then severely burned his hand picking it up the wrong way. But in the long run, he is fine, and thanks to him, so are you.”
“What happened to my hand?” asked Azul.
“Umm… it was crushed by a falling console that came with you through the wormhole. It also took a piece of our medical officer. Unfortunately, we had to amputate it.”
“So now I’m missing a hand?”
“Umm, no. We cloned your nervous, tissue and circulatory systems in your hand, amputated it, replaced it with a titanium bone structure, placed the nervous and circulatory systems in a piece of your (replicated) tissue, then covered the metal skeleton with the tissue. Finally, we coated it with more titanium, to keep it together. There is a side effect though: the metal skeleton we created was hollow, and there was no way to replicated your bone marrow without taking it from somewhere else. So we created an artifical organ that would function as your marrow would, and placed it inside your wrist. Another thing: since the bones were hollow, we had to replace them with something, and the best available material was… well, anyway, you can now extend your left wrist to about 7 feet. You can also implant in your fingertips various devices; we did not know which devices you would prefer. Thus we left the choice up to you. But until your fingertips are solid, you will not have great strength with them. Oh, and another thing: a word of warning. Your hand, being metal, generates a small magnetic field. We managed to link it to your body so that it is covered or absorbed by your own magnetic field. We also implanted a node in your brain that allows you to increase or decrease its magnetic properties. On the downside, your own magnetic field will respond with the opposite change. So be careful: being robots, the organic magnetic field is one of three things we do not know very much about. The other two are eating ice cream (which melts too fast) and utilizing contractions. They appeared to be improper grammar to our race originator, and we have never been able to speak with them.”
Stunned by all this information, Azul collapsed back on his bed.
“Well, I must leave now. By the way, I never heard your name.”
“Huh? Oh… my name’s Azul.”
“Azul? As far as I know, that is, umm, oh yes, Spanish for blue. Rather interesting idea, don’t you think? But not very apt…”
“What do you mean? I’m very blue.”
“In personality, yes. But in personal characteristics… umm…perhaps my visual processers are malfunctioning, for you appear to be orange to me.”
“Oh, that’s ridiculous. Of course I’m…” Azul died off as he looked down at himself and realized he was, in fact orange, with cyan shoes in place of his white ones. “AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!!!! NOT MY SHOES, TOO?!?!?!?!?!”
“We have done nothing. That is how you appeared to us. Oh, wait… now I see. This place you are in is a sort of stopping place for interuniversal/dimensional travelers. Due to a great battle fought here with a Subspace enemy named something like Taboo, this world, if you can call it that, possesses inverted colors. Do not worry. It is only temporary. When you return to your original world, you will be back to your normal colors. Although…”
“Although what?”
“Although… I have heard of one who stayed too long and was permanently color-inverted. His name was Osprawk, or at least that was the name he took when he realized his color change. He stayed in this place for seven years.. Then, due to the effects of his natural cell deterioration and the healing effects of this world, his pigment cells were replaced with inverted cells. He is said to have fallen unconscious for several days. Then, he abruptly got up and For you, however, that process would be accelerated: due to the strange concoction we found upon you, your cell deterioration rate has increased, while your new hand ties you to this world physically. For you, I estimate around five-and-a-half years before your pigment cells are inverted.”
“Uh… thanks, I guess. Well, I suppose you had better get back to your duties, whatever they are.”
“Yes, I must. Also… if you wish I can summon the medical officer to talk with you about specifics.”
“That would be nice, if you don’t mind.”
And thus Azul entered the Lockedland of the Newbies (who weren’t really newbies, and the land wasn’t really landlocked: it was surrounded by an elemental cube-barrier, and each side led to one of the domains, namely those of fire, ice, earth, sky, light, and dark.) He met another organic life-form, by the name of Slivow. He had been in a similar situation, from the domain of dark. There, his name had been Shade, but he was now almost pure white. He had taken a new name, and encouraged Azul to do so also, claiming it gave a sense of self-security. After much consideration and consultation with the Chief Wall2D2, he chose: Anaranjado in Cyan. His friends, however, simply called him “Triple A”. He lived his life on this island, fighting injustice, saving lives, rescuing Wall2D2’s, and choosing a finger implant each year. By the time his allotted time was almost up, he had, implanted in his respective thumb- and fingertips: a grappling hook, flamethrower, plasma whip, dart gun, and miniscule taser. He also had an energy generator in his palm, with which he could fire burst of energy or freeze objects. At last, he had only days left. But a new menace arose in the land: a villain so powerful that his friend Slivow was captured by him, and who was enslaving the land itself. He originated from between the lands of dark and earth, and he was known solely as: Goblin Williams.
Thus AAA set off on a new adventure. HE met friends and enemies along the way, passing through trials and tribulations, until finally he infiltrated the base itself. Unfortunately, he was captured and handcuffed, triply. He was led to the inner sanctum of the villain’s fortress, and there he saw, terribly, two things. One was Slivow, stretched out on an operating table, unconscious. The other was a figure from the past: one he had never thought would trouble him again.
He inhaled sharply. “Gannandarf!!!”
“Finally, ze penny drops. VWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Ye are now about to vitness my eternal triumph! And you cannot stop me now! Vith your friend’s DNA I ave creat a zuperveapon: an army of clones! VWAHAHAHAHA!!! ZROW HEEM EEN ZE DUNGEON!!!!
As AAA was dragged away by the guards, he thought he glimpsed a star-like figure emerging from behind G.W.

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Thanks 2 SolidKlonoa for my sig.
NintendoJava wrote:
LittleBigPlanetFan wrote:

That would be redundant. As this is the "Sprite Workshop".

Save the dragons... please? And btw, just because they are not eggs does not mean they will automatically survive. They have to mature to survive. Thus, please click?

Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:28 pm
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If you want to write a story about an unfinished character, then do it in the Liturature section.

People say I'm depressed and anti-social, but I'm just someone that has actually taken a look at our awful society.

Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:29 pm
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And the end:
AAA woke up on a dark, dank cell. Looking around him, he saw Slivow chained to the opposite wall, unconscious. He himself was also chained. Suddenly he heard a beeping sound. Looking at his arm, he found the source of the beeping: his watch. For a moment, he stared uncomprehendingly at it; then, just as he realized what it signified, the timer reached 0:00:00:00 and he instantly blacked out.
Floating in what appeared to be an inky black vacuum of darkness, AAA’s consciousness bumped into another’s: Slivow’s. He realized that Slivow would have the same cell-deterioration/pigment recoloration problem, all though he had never really thought of it before. Slivow contacted him: ‘While G.W. was torturing me, I heard him ranting about someone in Subspace called Taboo, or something. I was able to garner a general idea of his appearance and consciousness. I am receiving signals that indicate he is that way, through the maze. But the way is fraught with danger, and is only made for one at a time. I’ll go first. Wait 20 minutes, and then come in yourself.’ As Slivow’s consciousness entered the maze, two great stone walls crashed together behind him.
20 minutes later…
AAA heard a scream, and the walls of the maze rolled back. He entered the maze, and endured many endeavors, hardships, and mental sufferings, until he finally exited the maze, his shoes slightly smoking and his hair spikes sticking up.
AAA turned around slowly. There, on a pedestal, stood Slivow, laughing manically (PYSCHE! scratch that) There, AAA sensed Slivow, unconscious on the floor. He looked up, and a mental energy bolt hit him.
AAA found himself looking at his life. He was shown all the bad things he had done in his life, without any justifications or embellishments. He was forced to come to terms with himself, and accept himself as he really was. He realized, he didn’t need to return to his old world, as he had been so desperately attempting; he had a better one here. He had friends, a job, and a life. And who know, maybe a nice lady interdimensional/universal traveler might stop by one of the days–
AAA smacked into the floor, facedown. He turned over and saw Slivow stirring. Sitting up, he waited for Slivow to come around, who then asked, ‘What happened?’
AAA replied, ‘We got hit by some sort of truth bomb. We need to keep going to fight Taboo.’
‘Strange. I feel kind of self-satisfied, like I’ve finally realized why I’m here, or something.’
‘Me too. Let’s go.’
The two of them stood up, and suddenly saw their enemy: Taboo, the son of the infamous Tabuu. He was watching something that resembled a computer screen, and holding something resembling a game controller. On that screen they saw two people: Goblin Williams (no surprises there) and one other: the Chief WALL2-D2. Surprised, they breathed in sharply. Alerted by the noise, Taboo turned around and attacked, only to find himself eating a taser dart.
Taboo stumbled backwards, his mouth blackened and smoking. Retracting the taser dart, AAA commented to Slivow, ‘I didn’t think I could do that here.’
About to respond, Slivow instead warned him, ‘He’s coming back. He’ll be wary of you. Look out.’
Taboo, now wary of AAA, rushed towards him but at the last second changed tack and attacked Slivow, but was repelled by a massive blast of dark energy. Stumbling back again, Taboo wizened up and instead attacked them with a sphere of subspace energy, which was slashed to pieces with AAA’s plasma whip, and then blasted back at him by Slivow. Going on the attack, AAA fired his grappling hook into Taboo’s ear, and swung his way up to his neck. Upon reaching it, he jumped off his neck, off his head, and fired his grappling hook to a wall on the other side. As he swung across, he scorched his head completely with his flamethrower. Landing on the wall, he fired three darts in quick succession into Taboo’s ear canal. Roaring in pain, Taboo swatted the wall where AAA was perched, knocking him under a newly-created pile of rubble. Slivow now took over the attack. He blasted Taboo in weak points: knees, elbows, neck, and face with enormous blasts of chaos energy. As he prepared his finishing blast, he tripped and fell, releasing the blast upon the ground, smashing himself into the ceiling. Taboo roared his triumph, but just as he was about to crush Slivow, AAA energy-blasted his way out of the rubble and blasted Taboo’s hand, reducing it to a smoking cinder. As Taboo stumbled back (once again), AAA energy-pulled Slivow out of the ceiling, knocked him conscious, and together they created a giant blast of light/dark energy, completely destroying Taboo and the opposite half of the room, as well as the controllers Taboo was using to control G.W. and WALL2D2.
AAA and Slivow suddenly found themselves dropped out of Subspace and in front of the Clone Room. G.W. stared at them with increasing panic, then, as the Off Waves of Taboo’s destruction reached him, he shrieked in pain and agony and collapsed into an empty pile of clothing in bad taste. Behind him, a diminutive star-like figure stood, glaring at them.
“Ristar! But, what…” AAA was confused.
“You abandoned me, Azul.” he sneered, “You left me in the wilderness to die. You were all focused on your own goals, and your own wants, and you didn’t see anything or anyone beyond that.” Ristar continues to rant, but finally something clicked in AAA’s mind.
“It wasn’t me, Ristar. Didn’t you notice that someone else was with us? Someone who constantly endangered us, without us realizing it?”
“You mean… Chief WALL2D2? That’s preposterous.” Ristar sneered.
“We saw how Taboo was controlling him. We entered his laboratory and destroyed it, and him.”
“Taboo, Taboo… oh, you mean him who GW kept talking about restoring? Him?”
“Yes. He was controlling GW AND Chief WALL2D2. We have proof…”
After long deliberation, AAA and Slivow convinced Ristar that Taboo was behind the whole thing. Then came the real shocker: Ristar revealed that the reason that only extraordinary people could willingly travel between dimensions and universes was that it was he who controlled the legendary Bill Gates, which allowed ordinary people to travel between universes and dimension. With this knowledge, AAA and Slivow returned to the WALL2D2 main compound and sorted things out. When Ristar offered the two of them the chance to return to their original world, Slivow quickly accepted, but AAA declined. He had a life here, and friends, and an occupation. Who needed anything else?

Yes, it's a bit weak. And slightly cheap. No character development for Ristar, but I was typing this 10 min before class at school, during lunch, which unfortunately I didn't have time to eat. I also didn't have much time for details.

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Thanks 2 SolidKlonoa for my sig.
NintendoJava wrote:
LittleBigPlanetFan wrote:

That would be redundant. As this is the "Sprite Workshop".

Save the dragons... please? And btw, just because they are not eggs does not mean they will automatically survive. They have to mature to survive. Thus, please click?

Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:31 pm
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I guess I win then.

People say I'm depressed and anti-social, but I'm just someone that has actually taken a look at our awful society.

Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:32 pm
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Thanks 2 SolidKlonoa for my sig.
NintendoJava wrote:
LittleBigPlanetFan wrote:

That would be redundant. As this is the "Sprite Workshop".

Save the dragons... please? And btw, just because they are not eggs does not mean they will automatically survive. They have to mature to survive. Thus, please click?

Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:33 pm
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Thanks 2 SolidKlonoa for my sig.
NintendoJava wrote:
LittleBigPlanetFan wrote:

That would be redundant. As this is the "Sprite Workshop".

Save the dragons... please? And btw, just because they are not eggs does not mean they will automatically survive. They have to mature to survive. Thus, please click?

Last edited by Team Chaotex on Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:35 pm
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