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[MP] Marvel vs Capcom 3 
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Ramsey wrote:
It's capcom, it goes without saying.

Yeah, there was DLC, they were ment to be Phoenix Wright, Rocket Raccoon, Frank West etc. etc., but they just ended up throwing that all on one disc and calling it UMvC3.

And not to mention Shuma and Jill.

The producers also said that there wouldn't be much DLC, I still hope we get some more though.


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Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:12 pm

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Damian wrote:
The producers also said that there wouldn't be much DLC, I still hope we get some more though.

Oh, there will be DLC. These will most likely be the first available (new) DLC after release
And likely more to come. (I heard that every character is planned to have at least one alt.)

Michael M wrote:
So this only means one thing!
If megaman is gonna be DLC for mvc3, its definitely the original blue bomber one

As an alt for Zero! Lol

Anyway, as far as I can tell, DLC characters aren't planned at the moment, but depending on sales I guess we'll see.

In other news: ... ge-teaser/

Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:05 pm

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Damian wrote:
Michael M wrote:
So this only means one thing!
If megaman is gonna be DLC for mvc3, its definitely the original blue bomber one

I doubt that there will be more MvC3 DLC actually. All that was ment to be DLC was put in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.
They also said they didn't have time to put in all the characters they wanted before the release date. So they settled to just put the new 12 we have now.

I still don't understand why Jill and Shuma are still downloadable.

Crapcom, stop trying to troll us.

If this is true, I wonder if he's the way he was original for TvC before being cut? He was removed for balance issue as it was said his Objection hyper hitbox was very large and he could combo it into itself.



Luigi Movement, Cancel, Tech, etc.
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SSF2 Google Drive
". . . Emphasis . . . of players helping one-another"

Mon Oct 03, 2011 2:51 pm
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Seth Killian wrote:
“At the end of the stage show Ishizawa mentioned that out of the 4 remaining characters Phoenix Wright is probably one that people are wondering about. Then the discussion turned to Phoenix Wright. According to Niitsuma, Phoenix fights without fighting. His standing weak attack has him showing the opponent some documents. His crouching weak attack has him looking for clues on the floor.

YouTube Video:

Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:05 pm

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Just in case you guys missed it.

Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:32 pm
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Michael M wrote:
Seth Killian wrote:
“At the end of the stage show Ishizawa mentioned that out of the 4 remaining characters Phoenix Wright is probably one that people are wondering about. Then the discussion turned to Phoenix Wright. According to Niitsuma, Phoenix fights without fighting. His standing weak attack has him showing the opponent some documents. His crouching weak attack has him looking for clues on the floor.

YouTube Video:


Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:43 pm

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Michael M wrote:
Seth Killian wrote:
“At the end of the stage show Ishizawa mentioned that out of the 4 remaining characters Phoenix Wright is probably one that people are wondering about. Then the discussion turned to Phoenix Wright. According to Niitsuma, Phoenix fights without fighting. His standing weak attack has him showing the opponent some documents. His crouching weak attack has him looking for clues on the floor.

YouTube Video:

it is interesting that the nostalgia critic has something he does to unfunny people, because the nostalgia critic is an unfunny person

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Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:56 pm
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Well he used to be funny TBF, after a hundred videos it's hard to come up with new material.

But I'll wait for gameplay to judge Phoenix.

Now bored of being a trolling a******, let's talk some games gents.

Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:52 pm
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talesoffan wrote:
Well he used to be funny TBF, after a hundred videos it's hard to come up with new material.

But I'll wait for gameplay to judge Phoenix.


I think Phoenix is gonna be a bit of an oddball to play as. He is described as the 'Mr. Game&Watch (refering to his Smash Bros incarnation) of UMvC3'. I really liked Mr. G&W so I'll wait and see.

Super excited about Frank West though! I hope they release a gamplay video of him soon.


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Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:35 am

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Really? Game &Watch? By who? I've heard Niitsuma compare him to TvC's Hakushon Daimou...

Anyway, quoting this from another forum.
So someone on Gaf just posted this about PW moveset. Normally it's nothing to be aware of but it seems the same guy who posted this about Wright also posted this about Vergil before he was revealed

Basically Dante with a cancellable command teleport which seems pretty huge. His sword seems faster and his range still gross. Forward + h lunge goes fullscreen almost can go right into launch. Some other Dante moves are switched around air S is killer bee and his air down H is air s for example. Can otg with df H that relaunches but not sure on followup. Has DT obviously, needs it for his lvl3. Has a super where he summons some sword shield thing can use to protect I guess or you can put it on your enemy and it goes off eventually an attacks them.

So anyway here it is

phoenix wright is a multi stance character
investigation stance, court stance and turnabout stance
each stance has a different move set
he also has an additional bar along with the hyper bar in which he stores pieces of evidence that you have to pick up by pressing S and any normal
the thing is you can either get a solid piece of evidence or junk
if you get junk you have to throw it away for solid evidence

there's 4 different types of evidence that you can pull
each do something different in court stance like shoot different types of projectiles
you can freely switch between those two stances
however to get the turnabout stance, which is the only stance you can do the level 3 in, you need to have 3 solid pieces of evidence and hit them with your text box move
then you go into like this mode for a brief amount of time where all your specials are buffed and you are able to do level 3
level 3 is not a counter
His level 3 hits everywhere on screen.

phoenix wright is a stance character who can call other other characters from the series


Also, it's Tuesday, so that means palettes!
Gamespot: Doom and Zero
Note: Zero has no more Megaman palette! It is possible that Megaman may appear as DLC (either as his own character or as an alt for Zero).

Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:13 pm
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Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:54 pm
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Yeah... what a bad recoloring.

I do like Vile's however.

Now bored of being a trolling a******, let's talk some games gents.

Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:22 pm
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talesoffan wrote:
Yeah... what a bad recoloring.

I do like Vile's however.

Its not that im concerned about

> Zero's megaman color scheme in the original MVC3
> Megaman Legends Stage
> Zero's win quote in the new MVC3
> Zero recolors of what should have been a Zero Alt costume and a recolor of one of megaman X's suits
> Rumors of MegaMan X that could be an Alt for Zero
> Cancellation of Megaman Legends 3
> Cancellation of Megaman Universe

Literally, they're teasing and pushing around all their Megaman fans back and forth.
And once Mega Man comes out as a character for MVC3, hes either gonna be the original blue bomber or the TVC megaman Volnutt... With no confirmation of Mega Man X...

They're about to lose a huge Mega man fanbase here

Last edited by Michael on Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:50 pm
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Crab Combat wrote:
Michael M wrote:
talesoffan wrote:
Yeah... what a bad recoloring.

I do like Vile's however.

Its not that im concerned about

> Zero's megaman color scheme in the original MVC3
> Megaman Legends Stage
> Zero's win quote in the new MVC3
> Zero recolors of what should have been a Zero Alt costume and a recolor of one of megaman X's suits
> Rumors of MegaMan X that could be an Alt for Zero
> Cancellation of Megaman Legends 3
> Cancellation of Megaman Universe

Literally, they're teasing and pushing around all their Megaman fans back and forth.
And once Mega Man comes out as a character for MVC3, hes either gonna be the original blue bomber or the awful megaman Volnutt... With no confirmation of Mega Man X...

They're about to lose a huge Mega man fanbase here

>b**** about Legends 3 being cancelled
>then calling Volnutt "awful"

f*** off.

Im not saying that Volnutt is terrible... But his moveset in TVC was a joke compared to the original..
Edit: I edited the above post to show you what i was saying...

Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:54 pm

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dem booblights

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Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:52 am
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