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Joined: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:29 am
Posts: 7690
Location: Hell
Country: Antarctica (aq)
Gender: N/A
Currently Playing: Sekiro, Persona 4
Waifu: That’s right. PS4.
You know the drill. Copy the code and fill in the answers. Shout out 2 Crab, Geno, Andy, Esper, Term, Tid, Scott, and Void for helping me with this.

[b]Birth City:[/b]
[b]Years active on MG:[/b]
[b]Favorite Videogames:[/b]
[b]Favorite Movies:[/b]
[b]Favorite TV Shows:[/b]
[b]Favorite Anime:[/b]
[b]Favorite Music:[/b]
[b]Favorite Literature:[/b]
[b]Favorite Comics/Manga:[/b]
[b]Favorite Fictional Skeleton:[/b]
[b]Favorite Day Of The Week:[/b]
[b]What was your biggest accomplishment of 2018?:[/b]
[b]What would you like to accomplish in 2019?:[/b]
[b]Deepest, darkest fear:[/b]
[b]List three characters that you heavily identify with:[/b]
[b]What’s one thing that you’ve played/watched/experienced that changed your life?:[/b]
[b]Favorite Animal:[/b]
[b]Favorite Plant:[/b]
[b]Favorite Food:[/b]
[b]Favorite Beverage:[/b]
[b]If you could have one superpower, which one and why?:[/b]
[b]What is your biggest aspiration?:[/b]
[b]Can you play a musical instrument?:[/b]
[b]What’s one thing that everybody seems to like that you just don’t get?:[/b]
[b]How many languages can you speak?:[/b]
[b]Favorite Websites:[/b]
[b]Favorite subject in school:[/b]
[b]Do you consider yourself intelligent?:[/b]
[b]Favorite Meme:[/b]
[b]Favorite Sport / Sports Team:[/b]
[b]What do you value most in friends/partners?:[/b]
[b]2D Sonic or 3D Sonic?:[/b]
[b]Favorite Sonic Character:[/b]
[b]Who’s your favorite voice actor for Sonic The hedgehog?:[/b]
[b]Favorite Console(s):[/b]
[b]Do you believe in ghosts?:[/b]
[b]Can you cook?:[/b]
[b]Can you climb a tree with branches?:[/b]
[b]Can you climb a tree without branches?:[/b]
[b]Are you pro-breakfast or anti-breakfast?:[/b]
[b]Are you voting for Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican Primary?:[/b]
[b]Did you pick Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee?:[/b]
[b]What's your favorite Megaman series? (Classic, X, etc):[/b]
[b]Biggie or Tupac?:[/b]
[b]Do you like sweaters?:[/b]
[b]You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?:[/b]
[b]How do you cope with the pain of existence?:[/b]
[b]What is your favorite decade of music?:[/b]
[b]Favorite decade of film?:[/b]
[b]What is the least attractive quality someone can possess?:[/b]
[b]Favorite Candy?:[/b]
[b]What, in your opinion, is your biggest weakness?:[/b]
[b]Biggest strength?:[/b]
[b]Favorite Metal Gear Solid game?:[/b]
[b]Favorite Kirby game?:[/b]
[b]What’s one game you wish everyone would play?:[/b]
[b]Favorite Microsoft™ Windows™ operating system?:[/b]
[b]Steampunk or Cyberpunk?:[/b]
[b]Would you say that time is linear, cyclical, or something abstract?:[/b]
[b]Would you rather be stranded on an island with a mermaid or a reverse mermaid?:[/b]
[b]What’s the grossest thing?:[/b]
[b]Favorite letter of the alphabet?:[/b]
[b]Favorite number?:[/b]
[b]Favorite Emoji?:[/b]
[b]Favorite MG Emoticon?:[/b]
[b]Would you rather have sex with your girlfriend in your dad’s body or your dad in your girlfriend’s body?:[/b]
[b]Did you use Wild Wild Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas?:[/b]
[b]What kind of perks/traits do you like to pick in RPGs?:[/b]
[b]If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?:[/b]
[b]Favorite album by a Wu Tang Clan member?:[/b]
[b]What's your favorite song that you first heard because it was part of the licensed soundtrack in a video game?:[/b]
[b]Favorite video game OST?:[/b]
[b]Order the Paper Mario games from best to worst:[/b]
[b]Favorite Mario Party?:[/b]
[b]Favorite Mario Kart?:[/b]
[b]Favorite Smash Bros?:[/b]
[b]Favorite Star Wars film?:[/b]
[b]What's the dumbest thing in the star wars extended universe you've heard about?:[/b]
[b]Is origami cool or lame?:[/b]
[b]Do you like raisins?:[/b]
[b]What's your favorite christmas movie that isn't Die Hard? Yeah it's a good movie but it's such a played out "alternative" answer come on:[/b]
[b]What’s your favorite RTS game?:[/b]
[b]What’s your favorite word that rhymes with “Luke”?:[/b]
[b]Who would win in a fight, Robocop or Terminator?:[/b]
[b]Do you prefer digital or physical media?:[/b]
[b]What’s your favorite flag?:[/b]
[b]Favorite video game gun?:[/b]
[b]Any conspiracy theories you believe in?:[/b]
[b]Give me your hottest take:[/b]
[b]What’s the correct way to hang a toilet paper roll?:[/b]
[b]Meyers Briggs Personality type:[/b]
[b]D&D Alignment:[/b]
[b]Who is your "I’m not a furry, but" character?:[/b]
[b]If you could travel back in time, would you kill baby Hitler?:[/b]
[b]Do you like water levels?:[/b]
[b]Do you like ice levels?:[/b]
[b]Look to your right. What do you see?:[/b]
[b]Boxers or Briefs?:[/b]
[b]Who is your biggest inspiration?:[/b]
[b]What’s the most underrated game you can think of?:[/b]
[b]Describe yourself the best you can with one word:[/b]
[b]Post your contact info here, if you wish (discord, twitter, msn username, etc):[/b]
[b]This space is reserved for any information you would like to include on your census form[/b]:


Blue wrote:
lol Cry more, Terminex. f*** f**. lolololololol What a b****.

Tue Jan 01, 2019 7:04 am
Site Moderator
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Joined: Sun Jan 02, 2011 10:35 pm
Posts: 2681
Country: Albania (al)
Gender: Male
Name: not posting here!
Alias(es): esper
Age: 20
Birth City: not posting here!
Years active on MG: i'm not active on here
Favorite Videogames: hitman blood money
Favorite Movies: the thing
Favorite TV Shows: DARKPLACE
Favorite Anime: haibane renmei
Favorite Music: bach, prince
Favorite Literature: ts eliot idk
Favorite Comics/Manga: hxh
Favorite Fictional Skeleton: the fiends from shin megami tensei
Favorite Day Of The Week: friday
What was your biggest accomplishment of 2018?: nothing substantial
What would you like to accomplish in 2019?: pretty much getting my life together (which i am doing)
Deepest, darkest fear: people afraid of clowns
List three characters that you heavily identify with: aj soprano, jez from peep show, idk
What’s one thing that you’ve played/watched/experienced that changed your life?: niagara falls the city. most hollow and depressing place i've ever been to. made me cherish small town life
Favorite Animal: chimpanzee, rabbit
Favorite Plant: not partial to any of them
Favorite Food: broccoli
Favorite Beverage: gin
If you could have one superpower, which one and why?: timestop. not for anything weird; just silent reflection
What is your biggest aspiration?: steady career and quiet independent life
Can you play a musical instrument?: several
What’s one thing that everybody seems to like that you just don’t get?: paid streaming services
How many languages can you speak?: 2 on a good day
Favorite Websites: utube
Favorite subject in school: math
Do you consider yourself intelligent?: not overwhelmingly
Favorite Meme: tourettes guy
Favorite Sport / Sports Team: LEAFS
What do you value most in friends/partners?: transparency
2D Sonic or 3D Sonic?: 2d
Favorite Sonic Character: robotnik
Who’s your favorite voice actor for Sonic The hedgehog?: steve urkel
Favorite Console(s): ps2
Do you believe in ghosts?: maybe
Can you cook?: not to save my life
Can you climb a tree with branches?: no
Can you climb a tree without branches?: no
Are you pro-breakfast or anti-breakfast?: eating it right now
Are you voting for Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican Primary?: its happening
Did you pick Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee?: eviolite tyrogue
What's your favorite Megaman series? (Classic, X, etc): battle network in theory but i don't really like any of them
Biggie or Tupac?: biggie
Do you like sweaters?: wearing one right now
You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?: i live a risk-free life
How do you cope with the pain of existence?: loling at utube vids
What is your favorite decade of music?: i am seriously going to be the biggest hipster contrarian on this board and say the 1890s (you read that right)
Favorite decade of film?: easily, easily the 70s for all countries
What is the least attractive quality someone can possess?:
Favorite Candy?: terry's chocolate orange
What, in your opinion, is your biggest weakness?: gun
Biggest strength?: gun
Favorite Metal Gear Solid game?: 2 conceptually, 3 replay-wise, 5 to complain about
Favorite Kirby game?: SUPER STAR ULTRA :bandanadee: :bandanadee: :bandanadee:
What’s one game you wish everyone would play?: ghost trick
Favorite Microsoft™ Windows™ operating system?: windows 7 pro is literally the only ok one
Steampunk or Cyberpunk?: anything but steampunk
Would you say that time is linear, cyclical, or something abstract?: i am not a physicist so time to me is just what farmers invented so they know when to quit
Would you rather be stranded on an island with a mermaid or a reverse mermaid?: regular mermaid. you can't swim on the back of a reverse mermaid
What’s the grossest thing?: hollywood
Favorite letter of the alphabet?: L
Favorite number?: 24
Favorite Emoji?: tengu or oni
Favorite MG Emoticon?: :bandanadee:
Would you rather have sex with your girlfriend in your dad’s body or your dad in your girlfriend’s body?: i am not answering this
Did you use Wild Wild Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas?: do you need that to see the somethingawful zybourne clock joke, i dont remember. yes if so
What kind of perks/traits do you like to pick in RPGs?: the ones that let you punch people to death
If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?: this one feels too disrespectful to give a proper answer to
Favorite album by a Wu Tang Clan member?: gravediggaz 6 feet deep
What's your favorite song that you first heard because it was part of the licensed soundtrack in a video game?: most of the stuff on the san andreas rock station
Favorite video game OST?: evergrace
Order the Paper Mario games from best to worst: ttyd > super > 64. not playing the new ones
Favorite Mario Party?: never played any of them
Favorite Mario Kart?: DS
Favorite Smash Bros?: gun to my head melee but i don't really like any of them
Favorite Star Wars film?: the one where anakin becomes dark vader
What's the dumbest thing in the star wars extended universe you've heard about?: the force
Is origami cool or lame?: cool
Do you like raisins?: yes
What's your favorite christmas movie that isn't Die Hard? Yeah it's a good movie but it's such a played out "alternative" answer come on: bad santa
What’s your favorite RTS game?: don't play them
What’s your favorite word that rhymes with “Luke”?: DUKE
Who would win in a fight, Robocop or Terminator?: terminator
Do you prefer digital or physical media?: digital media
What’s your favorite flag?: albania!
Favorite video game gun?: one of those counter strike ones that has a lot of weight to it
Any conspiracy theories you believe in?: lots of hollywood child abuse ring stuff
Give me your hottest take: we need nuclear power now
What’s the correct way to hang a toilet paper roll?: by not hanging it and keeping it upright on a stand next to the toilet
Meyers Briggs Personality type: infp or intp, one of those
D&D Alignment: chaotic good
Who is your "I’m not a furry, but" character?: foghorn leghorn
If you could travel back in time, would you kill baby Hitler?: too many alternative variables to account for. you kill one hitler but another shows up elsewhere
Do you like water levels?: no
Do you like ice levels?: no
Look to your right. What do you see?: water bottle
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Who is your biggest inspiration?: our lord and savior
What’s the most underrated game you can think of?: craps
Describe yourself the best you can with one word: cool
Post your contact info here, if you wish (discord, twitter, msn username, etc): pm me if you want it and you don't have it? for some reason
This space is reserved for any information you would like to include on your census form: poopoo

snidbert64 wrote:
First off, you spelled "you're" wrong.

Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:14 am
Site Admin
User avatar

Joined: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:29 am
Posts: 7690
Location: Hell
Country: Antarctica (aq)
Gender: N/A
Currently Playing: Sekiro, Persona 4
Waifu: That’s right. PS4.
Name: Luke
Alias(es): Lukepi, Lai
Age: 23
Birth City: Boston, MA
Years active on MG: 8 or 9 I think
Favorite Videogames: Thief Gold, Metal Gear Solid 2, Kirby 64, Paper Mario 64, Sonic Adventure 2, Dark Souls, Metroid Prime, ICO
Favorite Movies: Be Kind Rewind, Punch Drunk Love, High Fidelity, Oldboy, John Dies At The End, The Doom Generation, Sorry To Bother You, The Meyerowitz Stories
Favorite TV Shows: The Eric Andre Show, Nathan For You, Arrested Development, It's Always Sunny, Gilmore Girls, Ozark, Twin Peaks, Regular Show
Favorite Anime: Serial Experiments Lain, Dragon Ball, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Bomberman Jetters, Ping Pong The Animation, REC
Favorite Music: Duster, Slowdive, Joy Division, Can, Autechre, Gigi Masin, Clark, Nine Inch Nails, Converge, Ratking
Favorite Literature: James Joyce - Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Ralph Ellison - Invisible Man, Fyodor Dostoevsky - The Idiot
Favorite Comics/Manga: Oyasumi Punpun, Dragon Ball, Megaman Megamix
Favorite Fictional Skeleton: sorry, it's sans undertale
Favorite Day Of The Week: I like thursdays.
What was your biggest accomplishment of 2018?: I released 3 full length albums and learned to incorporate singing into my music. Very excited to get a better mastery of it.
What would you like to accomplish in 2019?: I wanna make an album that is legitimately fantastic
Deepest, darkest fear: Horses. They're scary and they can stomp your skull in. No thanks.
List three characters that you heavily identify with: Raiden from MGS2, Shadow the Hedgehog, Stephen Dedalus from various Joyce novels
What’s one thing that you’ve played/watched/experienced that changed your life?: The first time I played Cave Story was pretty integral to my personal growth, I think.
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Plant: Peace Lily
Favorite Food: Grilled Sandwiches, Sushi
Favorite Beverage: Coconut Redbull, Ginger Ale, La Croix, Water
If you could have one superpower, which one and why?: Flight, but also invisibility so I could fly around all the time without people seeing and/or shooting me down
What is your biggest aspiration?: I want to be a career musician.
Can you play a musical instrument?: Keyboards, drums, bass, computer sounds
What’s one thing that everybody seems to like that you just don’t get?: Sports I guess
How many languages can you speak?: 1 (I can speak Greek to a degree to communicate with my relatives but not a lot)
Favorite Websites: twitter, lastfm
Favorite subject in school: I liked english/writing/literature
Do you consider yourself intelligent?: No lol
Favorite Meme: R.A.E.D. - I No She Wants Me Back
Favorite Sport / Sports Team: I don't watch sports
What do you value most in friends/partners?: Kindness, patience, sense of humor
2D Sonic or 3D Sonic?: 3D. I love both deeply but most of my favorite Sonic games are 3D.
Favorite Sonic Character: Shadow the Hedgehog (Big shock, right)
Who’s your favorite voice actor for Sonic The hedgehog?: Jason Griffith. He's not as talented or iconic as Ryan Drummond but when I think "Sonic" his voice is the one in my head.
Favorite Console(s): PS3, Gamecube, I've only played the Switch a few times but it is fun as hell and when I get one of my own it will be one of my favorites as well. I play PC mostly tho.
Do you believe in ghosts?: Yeah tbh
Can you cook?: To a degree. I can make some basic stuff and I can season/grill and s***. I'm no gourmet chef but I can survive in the kitchen.
Can you climb a tree with branches?: Yes.
Can you climb a tree without branches?: No.
Are you pro-breakfast or anti-breakfast?: Extremely Pro-Breakfast in theory but I rarely eat it.
Are you voting for Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican Primary?: WE ONLY HAD TO LISTEN
Did you pick Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee?: Hitmonlee
What's your favorite Megaman series? (Classic, X, etc): Zero and Classic
Biggie or Tupac?: Tupac
Do you like sweaters?: Hell yes
You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?: No wtf
How do you cope with the pain of existence?: Smoking cigarettes and making music
What is your favorite decade of music?: 90's baby. Shoegaze is my life.
Favorite decade of film?: Probably early 00's. I'm a film pleb
What is the least attractive quality someone can possess?: Meanness
Favorite Candy?: Sweet Tarts
What, in your opinion, is your biggest weakness?: Crippling self destructive habits and fear of growth
Biggest strength?: Unrelenting kindness, kind of funny sometimes
Favorite Metal Gear Solid game?: 2 BABY!!!!!!!!! 1, 2, 3 and 4 are all 10/10s tho.
Favorite Kirby game?: 64!
What’s one game you wish everyone would play?: Thief Gold
Favorite Microsoft™ Windows™ operating system?: I've been using Win10 and I hate it but it's functional, I guess I liked Windows 7 best.
Steampunk or Cyberpunk?: Cyberpunk every god damn day baby
Would you say that time is linear, cyclical, or something abstract?: Time is an illusion
Would you rather be stranded on an island with a mermaid or a reverse mermaid?: A regular mermaid I suppose. Fish are scary in general and regular mermaids seem more human than fish.
What’s the grossest thing?: Our President SON DROPS THE MIC DABS MIDAIR
Favorite letter of the alphabet?: Q
Favorite number?: 0
Favorite Emoji?: I like the ios emoji that looks like this: ^_^
Favorite MG Emoticon?: :love:
Would you rather have sex with your girlfriend in your dad’s body or your dad in your girlfriend’s body?: My girlfriend in my dad's body, obviously. the only thing that matters is what's in the heart.
Did you use Wild Wild Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas?: I probably did it once.
What kind of perks/traits do you like to pick in RPGs?: I like stealth related stuff. Sometimes I can trick myself into thinking I'm playing a stealth game.
If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?: Blind. I can't imagine not being able to hear. It's hard to describe with words but sounds register better in my brain, cognitively I guess. Also music is 80% of what I live for
Favorite album by a Wu Tang Clan member?: Only Built 4 Cuban Linx By Raekwon Da Chef!!!!!
What's your favorite song that you first heard because it was part of the licensed soundtrack in a video game?: We Are Scientists - Lousy Reputation
Favorite video game OST?: This is a really hard one, maybe Sonic 06.
Order the Paper Mario games from best to worst: Paper Mario 64, Super Paper Mario, TTYD, the other ones
Favorite Mario Party?: Mario Party 2
Favorite Mario Kart?: Double Dash Babey!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Smash Bros?: Smash 64 or Brawl
Favorite Star Wars film?: Revenge of the Sith
What's the dumbest thing in the star wars extended universe you've heard about?: Robot-Legged of Darth Maul (google it)
Is origami cool or lame?: cool as heck bro
Do you like raisins?: By themselves, sure. In cookies and cereals? I'd have to say "no thanks chief"
What's your favorite christmas movie that isn't Die Hard? Yeah it's a good movie but it's such a played out "alternative" answer come on: This is such a basic b**** answer but Home Alone.
What’s your favorite RTS game?: I'm going to put Dota because it's the only one I've played at length. I don't understand it tho
What’s your favorite word that rhymes with “Luke”?: Fluke
Who would win in a fight, Robocop or Terminator?: Terminator. F the police
Do you prefer digital or physical media?: For music I prefer physical media but for games I like my steam library.
What’s your favorite flag?: Antarctica
Favorite video game gun?: Plasma Rifle from Halo
Any conspiracy theories you believe in?: Not really nah
Give me your hottest take: Legalize Drugs
What’s the correct way to hang a toilet paper roll?: HANGING ON THE OUTSIDE
Meyers Briggs Personality type: I think INFP but I don't really believe in this kinda thing.
D&D Alignment: Chaotic Good
Who is your "I’m not a furry, but" character?: I'm not a furry
If you could travel back in time, would you kill baby Hitler?: Hell Yeah!
Do you like water levels?: Depends! Most of the time, no.
Do you like ice levels?: YEAH!!!!!!!
Look to your right. What do you see?: My cat is sleeping on the chair next to me. I have to clean my kitchen after I finish this census form.
Boxers or Briefs?: Briefs.
Who is your biggest inspiration?: Eric Andre, both in a comedic sense and aesthetically, personality wise. He's my f*** idol dude. Absolute legend. Every single thing he says is perfect and he has the best taste in everything. He is fearless. My favorite of all time.
What’s the most underrated game you can think of?: Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight
Describe yourself the best you can with one word: Idiot
Post your contact info here, if you wish (discord, twitter, msn username, etc):
This space is reserved for any information you would like to include on your census form: I love this forum and I love all of you. Happy new year.


Blue wrote:
lol Cry more, Terminex. f*** f**. lolololololol What a b****.

Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:27 am
User avatar

Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:16 am
Posts: 23226
Country: Chad (td)
Gender: Female
Name: xXgOkUsEpHiRoTh_666Xx
Alias(es): crab, kb, donkey kong
Age: 23
Birth City: the depths of space
Years active on MG: too many. like 11 or 12.
Favorite Videogames: chrono trigger, paper mario ttyd, kingdom hearts 2 final mix, zelda botw, resident evil 4
Favorite Movies: terminator 2, millennium actress, star wars the empire strikes back
Favorite TV Shows: breaking bad, the top gear specials, gamecenter cx
Favorite Anime: gurren lagann, k-on, all of -monogatari (but bake especially), millennium actress again
Favorite Music: the day i can't kick back and enjoy listening to some nujabes is the day life stops being worth living
Favorite Literature: i don't read books because that s***'s for nerds. i read the colour out of space by hp lovecraft the other day and that's super good
Favorite Comics/Manga: hinamatsuri, oshiete galko-chan, jojo (all of it but part 4 especially). i'm only early into one piece but it's probably gonna be in here for next year's census
Favorite Fictional Skeleton: If we count skeleton armour then it's gotta be King Hassan from Fate. otherwise probably Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. I still have to play Undertale. And MediEvil. And Grim Fandango.
Favorite Day Of The Week: friday night babyee
What was your biggest accomplishment of 2018?: i didn't kill myself
What would you like to accomplish in 2019?: continued existence would be nice. i'm fine with that
Deepest, darkest fear: i honestly don't know. that's kinda scary itself
List three characters that you heavily identify with: medusa is up there. i can't think of any else. i'll edit this if i do
What’s one thing that you’ve played/watched/experienced that changed your life?: nothing really stands out. i guess everything does subtly
Favorite Animal: cats
Favorite Plant: i don't pay much attention to plants
Favorite Food: pizza time
Favorite Beverage: a nice cold refreshing glass of water
If you could have one superpower, which one and why?: shapeshifting please thank you
What is your biggest aspiration?: right now it's finding an aspiration
Can you play a musical instrument?: i can press the keys on a piano. not competently, but
What’s one thing that everybody seems to like that you just don’t get?: idk i'm pretty good at getting why people like things even if i don't. probably coffee.
How many languages can you speak?: one. i've watched enough anime that i can vaguely understand spoken japanese but i sure as hell can't read it or understand grammar or any of that stuff
Favorite Websites: i keep coming back to this place so it must be doing something right. i f*** hate the way youtube is run but it's probably what i spend the most time on
Favorite subject in school: science was fun
Do you consider yourself intelligent?: in this house dumb b**** hours are 24 f*** 7
Favorite Meme: bone hurting juice and antimemes in general are good
Favorite Sport / Sports Team: I like basketball conceptually but don't actually watch it much. I personally don't think professional wrestling counts as a sport but some people do, and I watch that a lot
What do you value most in friends/partners?: Be into the same cool s*** as me
2D Sonic or 3D Sonic?: 2D, at least when done right. Sonic 4 is a worse game than Sonic 06
Favorite Sonic Character: Eggman
Who’s your favorite voice actor for Sonic The hedgehog?: I like Roger Craig Smith the most, but deep down I have to wonder if that's actually just down to Colours having much better writing regardless
Favorite Console(s): the PS Vita was a good boy. it didn't deserve the hate
Do you believe in ghosts?: Nope
Can you cook?: I can follow microwave instructions that counts right
Can you climb a tree with branches?: probably not. i'm not in good shape
Can you climb a tree without branches?: definitely not
Are you pro-breakfast or anti-breakfast?: f*** breakfast
Are you voting for Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican Primary?: It hasn't even begun
Did you pick Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee?: Hitmonlee all the way. headless facetorso kickmonster > a dude with a funny thing on his head that punches
What's your favorite Megaman series? (Classic, X, etc): zero
Biggie or Tupac?: tupac
Do you like sweaters?: conceptually, but i don't actually own any
You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?: looking up a guide to see which starter this gets me
How do you cope with the pain of existence?: video games, anime, staring at myself in the mirror until i start to disassociate, more video games
What is your favorite decade of music?: can i count the late 90s and early 00s as one. if not then just the 90s
Favorite decade of film?: probably the 80s. i need to watch more old films though
What is the least attractive quality someone can possess?: lack of empathy
Favorite Candy?: peanut butter cups
What, in your opinion, is your biggest weakness?: i'm too scared to be myself sometimes
Biggest strength?: it'd be nice if i could answer this
Favorite Metal Gear Solid game?: revengence tbh. 3 out of the main ones
Favorite Kirby game?: super star ultra
What’s one game you wish everyone would play?: Zelda 2. I finally played it for the first time recently and it's f*** awesome. It's been memed into being bad because it's different. Give it a try.
Favorite Microsoft™ Windows™ operating system?: I haven't had any major problems with 10 so far, but 7 was better. I like XP for the aesthetic though
Steampunk or Cyberpunk?: cyberpunk for sure, but i like steampunk when it's actually cool things and not just "make it brown and put a gear on it"
Would you say that time is linear, cyclical, or something abstract?: time is a cube
Would you rather be stranded on an island with a mermaid or a reverse mermaid?: cheat answer: a zora. actual answer a regular mermaid
What’s the grossest thing?: seeing people vomit always makes me want to vomit
Favorite letter of the alphabet?: V
Favorite number?: 8
Favorite Emoji?: the thinking face is too strong, too powerful
Favorite MG Emoticon?: i miss :snack:
Would you rather have sex with your girlfriend in your dad’s body or your dad in your girlfriend’s body?: well i don't have a girlfriend so
Did you use Wild Wild Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas?: at least once. not for a while though. one of those see it once never do it again kinda things
What kind of perks/traits do you like to pick in RPGs?: give me all the attack damage up things. i want to oneshot everything
If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?: deaf.
Favorite album by a Wu Tang Clan member?: haven't listened to any
What's your favorite song that you first heard because it was part of the licensed soundtrack in a video game?: i legit first heard billie jean in vice city
Favorite video game OST?: probably nier
Order the Paper Mario games from best to worst: TTYD > 64 > Super > the bad ones i didn't play
Favorite Mario Party?: 5
Favorite Mario Kart?: 8 Deluxe
Favorite Smash Bros?: Ultimate
Favorite Star Wars film?: empire
What's the dumbest thing in the star wars extended universe you've heard about?: Darth Vader was treated for his burns at the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center. watch the entire redlettermedia darth vader suit video. it's one of my favourite things on the internet
Is origami cool or lame?: the dedication is cool, the end result is lame
Do you like raisins?: one of those things where I like them when I start eating some but get sick of them when I eat too many
What's your favorite christmas movie that isn't Die Hard? Yeah it's a good movie but it's such a played out "alternative" answer come on: Tokyo Godfathers
What’s your favorite RTS game?: uhh. pikmin
What’s your favorite word that rhymes with “Luke”?: spook
Who would win in a fight, Robocop or Terminator?: terminator. sonic the hedgehog is the only blue life that matters
Do you prefer digital or physical media?: digital for everything except books. gimme that page turning feeling and smell
What’s your favorite flag?: Phoenix, Arizona
Favorite video game gun?: super shotgun from doom
Any conspiracy theories you believe in?: new coke was 100% a ploy to get sales up by bringing back regular coke
Give me your hottest take: the world would be much better if irony didn't exist at all
What’s the correct way to hang a toilet paper roll?: just leave it on top of the water tank thing
Meyers Briggs Personality type: idk and i'm not taking a test to find out or whatever. this is already long enough
D&D Alignment: literally everyone is going to answer chaotic good to this
Who is your "I’m not a furry, but" character?: i am a furry, but especially prince sidon
If you could travel back in time, would you kill baby Hitler?: Hell yeah, I would! You gotta step up, man.
Do you like water levels?: Aesthetically yeah but they usually have annoying gameplay
Do you like ice levels?: Aesthetically yeah but they usually have annoying gameplay
Look to your right. What do you see?: my wall with my posters on
Boxers or Briefs?: no
Who is your biggest inspiration?: me in the past. everything i do is to spite that asshat
What’s the most underrated game you can think of?: Probably Metal Gear 2. So many of the cool things it did get credited to Solid instead because that's the one people actually played.
Describe yourself the best you can with one word: alive
Post your contact info here, if you wish (discord, twitter, msn username, etc):
This space is reserved for any information you would like to include on your census form: I regret telling you to make this as long as possible

Tue Jan 01, 2019 10:44 am
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Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:19 pm
Posts: 4807
Location: Paul's Boutique
Country: Canada (ca)
Skype: ScottFromMG
Currently Playing: FFXIV
Waifu: you get ONE guess
Name: Scott
Alias(es): i use scott for everything
Age: 23
Birth City: Winnipeg baby, feel the grime
Years active on MG: idk, a while
Favorite Videogames: Valkyria Chronicles, Drakengard 3, Nier, Nier Automata, Pyre, Valkyrie Profile, Silent Hill 2, FF9
Favorite Movies: Ghost In The Shell ('95), Fury Road
Favorite TV Shows: uh narcos i guess, but i haven't seen the latest season. i don't tv
Favorite Anime: Lain, GitS: SAC, Fate/Zero, Welcome To The NHK, Haruhi Suzumiya, Angel Beats
Favorite Music: Fall of Efrafa, Hop Along, Coheed and Cambria, AFI, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Totem Skin, RX Bandits, Circa Survive
Favorite Literature: The Masque of the Red Death
Favorite Comics/Manga: Berserk
Favorite Fictional Skeleton: Settra
Favorite Day Of The Week: They all kind of blend together with my schedule
What was your biggest accomplishment of 2018?: not completely shutting down when faced with actual hardship for once
What would you like to accomplish in 2019?: Figure out what I even want
Deepest, darkest fear: Death
List three characters that you heavily identify with:
Zero from Drakengard 3, Pascal from Automata, and Grimoire Weiss from Nier. is it cheating that all the characters are from the same universe? i say no because they're my favourite games for a reason b****
What’s one thing that you’ve played/watched/experienced that changed your life?: the obvious answer once again is Nier, but i think i'll go with Twilight Of The Thunder God by Amon Amarth getting me into music with harsh vocals and generally heavier music. kickstarted my whole musical journey, if you want me to be dramatic about it.
Favorite Animal: Rottweiler
Favorite Plant: they're all the same thing basically
Favorite Food: pizza. defend pop punk
Favorite Beverage: Chocolate milk, rum & coke
If you could have one superpower, which one and why?: Invisibility to steal things mostly
What is your biggest aspiration?: n/a
Can you play a musical instrument?: No
What’s one thing that everybody seems to like that you just don’t get?: Melee
How many languages can you speak?: 1
Favorite Websites: twitter, sputnikmusic
Favorite subject in school: geo
Do you consider yourself intelligent?: No
Favorite Meme: winnie the pooh eating things that aren't honey
Favorite Sport / Sports Team: Hockey, Boston Bruins
What do you value most in friends/partners?: Honesty
2D Sonic or 3D Sonic?: 2D
Favorite Sonic Character: espio
Who’s your favorite voice actor for Sonic The hedgehog?: I don't know any of their names
Favorite Console(s): ps2, x360, ps4
Do you believe in ghosts?: No
Can you cook?: I can put things in an oven and make breakfast
Can you climb a tree with branches?: Yes
Can you climb a tree without branches?: I did once but generally no
Are you pro-breakfast or anti-breakfast?: love that breakfast. recommend it
Are you voting for Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican Primary?:
Did you pick Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee?: Neither
What's your favorite Megaman series? (Classic, X, etc): Zero, but only because they're the only mega man games i've actually played
Biggie or Tupac?: Biggie
Do you like sweaters?: Yeah. Cardigans more but sweaters are most of my wardrobe
You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?: No, and anyone who does is a f*** idiot
How do you cope with the pain of existence?: Making new friends at the bar
What is your favorite decade of music?: f*** i dunno, 80s probably
Favorite decade of film?: I don't know enough movies to even consider this
What is the least attractive quality someone can possess?: Dishonesty
Favorite Candy?: Hershey's cookies & cream bars
What, in your opinion, is your biggest weakness?: My unwillingness to do new things, but i've been working on it a lot over the last few years and came a long way. It's not so bad anymore, i'm pretty proud of who i am atm
Biggest strength?: Friendliness
Favorite Metal Gear Solid game?: 1
Favorite Kirby game?: never played lol
What’s one game you wish everyone would play?: Drakengard 3 if they also go through the supplemental material, if it's just something to pick up and play then Valkyrie Profile
Favorite Microsoft™ Windows™ operating system?: They all kind of do the same thing, idk
Steampunk or Cyberpunk?: Cyberpunk
Would you say that time is linear, cyclical, or something abstract?: Never thought about it
Would you rather be stranded on an island with a mermaid or a reverse mermaid?: Regular mermaid
What’s the grossest thing?: child abuse
Favorite letter of the alphabet?: S because i'm a f*** narcissist
Favorite number?: 17
Favorite Emoji?: thinking emoji but with the top hat and monocle
Favorite MG Emoticon?: :pacman:
Would you rather have sex with your girlfriend in your dad’s body or your dad in your girlfriend’s body?: If i had to chose, I wouldn't
Did you use Wild Wild Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas?: Yeah
What kind of perks/traits do you like to pick in RPGs?: Melee Weapons
If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?: Deaf, but the thought of either horrifies me
Favorite album by a Wu Tang Clan member?: Liquid Swords
What's your favorite song that you first heard because it was part of the licensed soundtrack in a video game?: Goliaths Disarm Their Davids from Brutal Legend
Favorite video game OST?: Transistor probably, though Nier and Automata are obvious choices as well
Order the Paper Mario games from best to worst: i don't think i played any of them to completion
Favorite Mario Party?: 4
Favorite Mario Kart?: idk which ones i've played.
Favorite Smash Bros?: 64 because i played it the most, but i would play ultimate if i had a switch
Favorite Star Wars film?: Empire
What's the dumbest thing in the star wars extended universe you've heard about?: I don't know
Is origami cool or lame?: Cool
Do you like raisins?: Yep
What's your favorite christmas movie that isn't Die Hard? Yeah it's a good movie but it's such a played out "alternative" answer come on: Nightmare Before Christmas
What’s your favorite RTS game?: Starcraft
What’s your favorite word that rhymes with “Luke”?: Duke
Who would win in a fight, Robocop or Terminator?: Terminator
Do you prefer digital or physical media?: Digital
What’s your favorite flag?: don't care but canada because I live here i guess
Favorite video game gun?: Halo CE pistol
Any conspiracy theories you believe in?: No
Give me your hottest take: undertale was just ok, flowey was mostly just annoying
What’s the correct way to hang a toilet paper roll?: with the piece you grab facing you
Meyers Briggs Personality type: INFP when i did it many years ago, but who cares
D&D Alignment: Chaotic Neutral probably
Who is your "I’m not a furry, but" character?: Makoto from blazblue, but idk if she really counts. Only one i can think of though
If you could travel back in time, would you kill baby Hitler?: Why not see what happens
Do you like water levels?: I have a crippling fear of water in video games and can't finish any that involve going under, so no
Do you like ice levels?: Yeah
Look to your right. What do you see?: A big coffee mug that says "good morning assholes" on it
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers
Who is your biggest inspiration?: Don't have one
What’s the most underrated game you can think of?: Lost Odyssey probably
Describe yourself the best you can with one word: Loyal
Post your contact info here, if you wish (discord, twitter, msn username, etc):
This space is reserved for any information you would like to include on your census form:


Tue Jan 01, 2019 12:08 pm
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Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:41 am
Posts: 10108
Country: Christmas Island (cx)
Gender: Female
Waifu: Trollbean
Name: Term
Alias(es): a dog
Age: 25 ish
Birth City: some nothing town in Tennessee
Years active on MG: 12? too many
Favorite Videogames: Smash, DOOM, Guitar Hero, Hotline Miami, Undertale, Spyro. Check out the 5/5 rated games on my spreadsheet
Favorite Movies: Inception, The Lego Movie
Favorite TV Shows: Breaking Bad, Black Mirror, Rick & Morty
Favorite Anime: Gurren Lagann, Jojo
Favorite Music: I like all kinds of s*** but some of my favs are Devin Townsend, Ayreon, Brockhampton, lately The Mountain Goats
Favorite Literature: I can't give a better answer for this than I did last year: "Saying "I don't read" makes you sound like an uncultured b**** boy, but honestly we live in the future where the stories that used to be told only through books can now be told through other mediums, such as games or albums or films or even Reddit posts. I think it's insane to hold one medium above all the others as somehow more classy or something just because it's been around longer. But what do I know, my favorite game is the one where you click a plastic guitar in time with KISS songs"
Favorite Comics/Manga: I don't f*** with either much but Jojo
Favorite Fictional Skeleton: Sans Undertale (play the damn game Crab)
Favorite Day Of The Week: It's an easy answer but it's gotta be Saturday
What was your biggest accomplishment of 2018?: Lost 60 pounds!
What would you like to accomplish in 2019?: Lose the rest of the weight (Not sure what the end goal is) and quit porn For Realsies This Time
Deepest, darkest fear: Either dying alone and not being discovered until the neighbors/mailman report a stench or wasps
List three characters that you heavily identify with: The stoner dude in Cabin in the Woods when he says "I have a theory about all this" while ignoring the girl giving him a lap dance, uuuh I cant think of any others right now? This is a hard one
What’s one thing that you’ve played/watched/experienced that changed your life?: If I hadn't played a flash game called Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe 2, I might never have found my loves for music and rhythm gaming. Thank you, SCGMD2. Superman is killin' himself tonight
Favorite Animal: Cats, crocs, crabs, bears, big cats, dude I love almost all animals except mosquitos and f*** wasps
Favorite Plant: Did you put this in here to ban people who say marijuana
Favorite Food: It's always gonna be a big cheeseburger or some finely crafted mac & cheese. Favorite restaurant chains are Papa Johns and Taco Bell
Favorite Beverage: Water for daily use, Mountain Dew for splurging and self-loathing, whiskey for dranks
If you could have one superpower, which one and why?: Definitely shapeshifting. Gonna eat whatever s*** I want and make myself hotter in the meantime. Gonna never age. Can maybe live forever if I learn how to, like, shift cancer cells out of my body. Even if not though this one seems subtle enough that I could largely keep it a secret
What is your biggest aspiration?: I want to make somebody's favorite game.
Can you play a musical instrument?: I bang the drums. So, almost
What’s one thing that everybody seems to like that you just don’t get?: Radiohead. f*** Radiohead
How many languages can you speak?: Uno
Favorite Websites: MG, twitter
Favorite subject in school: I've graduated but in high school it was pretty much any computer related class (we only had like 2 tho)
Do you consider yourself intelligent?: Reasonably
Favorite Meme: (some) deep fried surreal ytp s***. rip dat boi. The worst memes are "when thing happens *image of the week*"
Favorite Sport / Sports Team: Who gives a fck about sports
What do you value most in friends/partners?: I like people who are passionate about things. I want someone to rave about their favorite game/song/movie for like an hour
2D Sonic or 3D Sonic?: I like both!
Favorite Sonic Character: Shadow, he has a gun and says the d word
Who’s your favorite voice actor for Sonic The hedgehog?: I don't know any :((((((((((((((((((
Favorite Console(s): Switch for sure
Do you believe in ghosts?: No
Can you cook?: No but my mac & cheese bangs
Can you climb a tree with branches?: No
Can you climb a tree without branches?: No lol
Are you pro-breakfast or anti-breakfast?: I don't eat breakfast very often but it's an excellent meal
Are you voting for Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican Primary?: I will try to prevent this
Did you pick Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee?: Gotta be Hitmonlee
What's your favorite Megaman series? (Classic, X, etc): X is far more stylish I suppose
Biggie or Tupac?: No opinion
Do you like sweaters?: Definitely not. I'm a f*** animal and prefer to be as cold as possible at all times
You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?: I wouldn't be up there in the first place lol
How do you cope with the pain of existence?: DON'T THINK ABOUT IT
What is your favorite decade of music?: Maybe 10's. It's insane what the advent and popularization of the Internet has done for creating and nourishing so many different kinds of music, and the possibilities and kinds of experimentation that are going on just expand every year
Favorite decade of film?: idk I don't watch that many movies
What is the least attractive quality someone can possess?: Being generic, I suppose? Like a Tinder profile with a blonde that reads something like "Aqarius. Horses are my life. You will always come second, my kids come first! If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best!". Like please find a personality of your own
Favorite Candy?: Y'all know it's gotta be Reese's baby. Every now and then I flirt with some other candy but Reese's has my life on a spiked leather chokehold
What, in your opinion, is your biggest weakness?: Bullets. Or social anxiety maybe
Biggest strength?: Cool hair
Favorite Metal Gear Solid game?: Snake Eater, as all true gamers should know
Favorite Kirby game?: Nightmare in Dreamland but I totally acknowledge Super Star Ultra as -the- Kirby game
What’s one game you wish everyone would play?: DOOM
Favorite Microsoft™ Windows™ operating system?: Microsoft™ Windows™
Steampunk or Cyberpunk?: Cyber for sure
Would you say that time is linear, cyclical, or something abstract?:I can't allow myself to think it's anything but linear
Would you rather be stranded on an island with a mermaid or a reverse mermaid?: A reverse mermaid could never tell me about her life experiences
What’s the grossest thing?: A reverse mermaid
Favorite letter of the alphabet?: X, I'm an edgy boy
Favorite number?: 7. Look how cool it looks. So confident. So sleek.
Favorite Emoji?: Snake
Favorite MG Emoticon?: :smug:
Would you rather have sex with your girlfriend in your dad’s body or your dad in your girlfriend’s body?: The correct answer is girlfriend in dad's body, because you have to have sex with your dad either way, but this way your dad doesn't have to have sex with you. Also it's usually the mom luke what the f***
Did you use Wild Wild Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas?: Can I add New Vegas to the "popular thing you don't enjoy" answer
What kind of perks/traits do you like to pick in RPGs?: I like to be able to talk my way out of situations when possible, sneak around as a backup. I also like hacking. RPGs/ARPGs with shooting are usually not gonna be as good at that compared to something like DOOM, Quake or Sam so I basically never go in that direction.
If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?: Being blind seems far more debilitating, but god I'll miss music
Favorite album by a Wu Tang Clan member?: n/a
What's your favorite song that you first heard because it was part of the licensed soundtrack in a video game?: Man I'd have to dig through the entire GH/RB soundtrack for this one. We'll just say 2112 by Rush so I don't have to think about it that hard
Favorite video game OST?: Nier for sure
Order the Paper Mario games from best to worst: Superstar Saga > Partners in Time > POWER GAP > The 3DS ones. I haven't played Bowser's Inside Story
Favorite Mario Party?: They're all fine! Except the dumbass car one
Favorite Mario Kart?: 8 Deluxe
Favorite Smash Bros?: Ultimate
Favorite Star Wars film?: Empire
What's the dumbest thing in the star wars extended universe you've heard about?: Luuke Skywalker and Luuuke Skywalker
Is origami cool or lame?: Very cool
Do you like raisins?: Yeah kinda
What's your favorite christmas movie that isn't Die Hard? Yeah it's a good movie but it's such a played out "alternative" answer come on: The only reason people pick "Die Hard" is because they're tired of the same cliche Christmas movies being played every year. Yeah yeah, snow and santa and the meaning of christmas. Who cares. We set aside about two months a year to play the same songs and films constantly and they grate on people. I don't even enjoy Die Hard that much, but I tell people it's my favorite because it represents a bit of a "f*** you" to the status quo. Because, if we're being honest, I don't think I like any of the Christmas movie canon. I can quote nearly every beat in Elf but I don't think I enjoy it, it's just there. It exists. And that's about as much as I can say for any of those movies. The exception to this is The Nightmare Before Christmas, which is a fantastic movie, but I don't really consider it a Christmas Movie specifically. Anyway if I have to give you a genuine answer though it'd be that one
What’s your favorite RTS game?: Not a big fan of the genre
What’s your favorite word that rhymes with “Luke”?: Duke
Who would win in a fight, Robocop or Terminator?: I've never really thought about their powerlevels much but I'm gonna go Terminator
Do you prefer digital or physical media?: Depends. I love having a shelf full of my curated collection, but the Switch has made me really appreciate portability. The Switch is kind of a special case though so usually physical, especially if it comes with some neat extra goodies like a map or something
What’s your favorite flag?: Brazil's flag is cool. I don't really know what it is but I like that it's a design instead of just some colors
Favorite video game gun?: Probably the f*** CANNON in Sam
Any conspiracy theories you believe in?: Basically anything that involves big corporations f*** the masses, tbh. Have y'all noticed that the gas pumps that play s**** pump gas at like half the speed of the old ones? Not a coincidence
Give me your hottest take: AM2R is vastly superior to Samus Returns in basically every way
What’s the correct way to hang a toilet paper roll?: Over. Anyone that hangs it under is not welcome here.
Meyers Briggs Personality type: No
D&D Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Who is your "I’m not a furry, but" character?: I'm sorry but it's Carmelita Fox. It's the accent lads
If you could travel back in time, would you kill baby Hitler?: Actual answer is that this would probably f*** up the timeline to unrecognizable levels so no
Do you like water levels?: Usually no but when they're done well (DKC, Rayman Origins) it's phenomenal
Do you like ice levels?: Largely no but only because of slide physics
Look to your right. What do you see?: Window, pillow, remotes, phone, mouse
Boxers or Briefs?: Briefs are more comfy but god they look dorky
Who is your biggest inspiration?: Maybe Toby Fox. The man made a game true to his heart, mostly on his own, and now it's this huge phenomenon that people adore. I gotta make my game sometime
What’s the most underrated game you can think of?: Retro/Grade, Room of 1000 Snakes, the Sly Cooper trilogy (but especially 2)
Describe yourself the best you can with one word: bork
Post your contact info here, if you wish (discord, twitter, msn username, etc): @TerminX13 on twitter
This space is reserved for any information you would like to include on your census form: Smash fangame devs - and I'm not only calling out ours, here - are completely missing the point by adding characters that are already in Smash. Recent SSF2 announcements have had the right idea though by including fan favorites that will never ever be in real Smash, like Krystal and Isaac


Tue Jan 01, 2019 12:16 pm
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Joined: Fri Mar 16, 2012 4:54 pm
Posts: 4227
Location: I wish I knew
Country: United States (us)
Gender: Male
Currently Playing: Ninja Gaiden Black, Battle Chasers: Nightwar, Titanfall 2 MP
Waifu: Makoto Nijima
Name: Andrew
Alias(es): Remember that time I went by Arthur?
Age: 20
Birth City: Somewhere in Ohio
Years active on MG: Going on 7 now.
Favorite Videogames: Instead of listing 80% of the Halo games I'm going to say that nearly all of them go here, but especially Halo 3. Titanfall 2, Final Fantasy XIV, Warlock MOTA, Dawn of War II, Dead or Alive 3, Fallout New Vegas, Bastion, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, and Mass Effect 1/2 also belong here. There's a lot I forgot, too.
Favorite Movies: Oblivion (2013), X2, Unbreakable, 2001: A Space Odyssey, O Brother Where Art Thou, Nightcrawler, Hell or High Water, John f*** Wick, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Kill Bill, Saving Private Ryan, Gran Torino.
Favorite TV Shows: The Orville, Defiance, The Tick (both live action incarnations of the series go here), Psych, The Office.
Favorite Anime: Eureka Seven, Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, JJBA.
Favorite Music: oh no I'm going to be here for the next three hours listing these ones off. uhhh. you can listen to my top 100 songs of 2018 here, although be warned: I did a nostalgia binge last year and you'll find some edgier stuff than I would usually get into nowadays here.
Favorite Literature: Dracula, 2010: Odyssey Two
Favorite Comics/Manga: Goblin Slayer
Favorite Fictional Skeleton: Do the servo-skulls from 40K count?
Favorite Day Of The Week: Sunday
What was your biggest accomplishment of 2018?: Got a steady job that I absolutely adore.
What would you like to accomplish in 2019?: Would like to get a car, mostly.
Deepest, darkest fear: I'll ruin everything at work and lose something great.
List three characters that you heavily identify with: 343 Guilty Spark is the only character I can think of here and this might be my worst answer yet
What’s one thing that you’ve played/watched/experienced that changed your life?: Knights of the Old Republic/Eureka Seven/Going to Washington D.C. to do charity work
Favorite Animal: Wombats are, in fact, the best bats
Favorite Plant: uhhh grass
Favorite Food: You know the steaks they serve in really fancy high end restaurants that I'm too poor to afford more than once a year? Yeah, those.
Favorite Beverage: Tea, usually sweetened. Either cold or hot, depends on the time of year.
If you could have one superpower, which one and why?: Teleportation would be cool.
What is your biggest aspiration?: POWER Getting recognized for something I do. It always feels like nothing I put effort into gets noticed.
Can you play a musical instrument?: Nope
What’s one thing that everybody seems to like that you just don’t get?: I know they're the latest fad and all but I can't get into battle royale games. Easy answer, sue me.
How many languages can you speak?: 1.
Favorite Websites:
Favorite subject in school: History
Do you consider yourself intelligent?: Occasionally.
Favorite Meme: Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.
Favorite Sport / Sports Team: The Cleveland Browns are as miserable as I am.
What do you value most in friends/partners?: Honestly.
2D Sonic or 3D Sonic?: 3D, tbh. There's fewer good 3D Sonic games than 2D ones though.
Favorite Sonic Character: Shadow's design is still rad.
Who’s your favorite voice actor for Sonic The hedgehog?: Whoever voiced him in SA2.
Favorite Console(s): Pretty much the entire Xbox line. Also love the GBA, PSP, and 3DS.
Do you believe in ghosts?: Nah.
Can you cook?: Hardly.
Can you climb a tree with branches?: Nope.
Can you climb a tree without branches?: Also a nope.
Are you pro-breakfast or anti-breakfast?: I skip it too much but pro.
Are you voting for Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican Primary?: You know it, brother.
Did you pick Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee?: yes
What's your favorite Megaman series? (Classic, X, etc): X1 is one of the best games ever made but the rest of the X line isn't too strong, imo. Loved Zero though.
Biggie or Tupac?: Tupac
Do you like sweaters?: Eh
You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?: No, heights scare me anyways.
How do you cope with the pain of existence?: Miserably
What is your favorite decade of music?: 90s or '00s. Too close to call.
Favorite decade of film?: See the above.
What is the least attractive quality someone can possess?: Dishonesty. I hate being lied to more than anything else.
Favorite Candy?: Kitkats.
What, in your opinion, is your biggest weakness?: Constant, unending anxiety. It prevents me from committing to a lot of things.
Biggest strength?: I've been able to help more people with what I know about how Windows/PCs in general work, so let's go with that.
Favorite Metal Gear Solid game?: Revengeance
Favorite Kirby game?: I remember liking 64.
What’s one game you wish everyone would play?: Halo 3.
Favorite Microsoft™ Windows™ operating system?: For security reasons I'm requesting that all of you update to Win10 build 17763.195 immediately, but honestly Windows Vista SP2 is a joy to use. Probably the most beautiful operating system ever released.
Steampunk or Cyberpunk?: Cyberpunk for sure
Would you say that time is linear, cyclical, or something abstract?: Time is money.
Would you rather be stranded on an island with a mermaid or a reverse mermaid?: Mermaid. For a variety of reasons.
What’s the grossest thing?: Hard choice between fecal matter and actual, real gore.
Favorite letter of the alphabet?: B
Favorite number?: 12
Favorite Emoji?: thinking emoji
Favorite MG Emoticon?: where the f*** is :headbang:
Would you rather have sex with your girlfriend in your dad’s body or your dad in your girlfriend’s body?: the answer is no
Did you use Wild Wild Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas?: I actually didn't, surprisingly
What kind of perks/traits do you like to pick in RPGs?: Charisma based. If not available, science/hacking/lockpicking.
If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?: Deaf. There's still so much I would be able to do as long as I had my sight.
Favorite album by a Wu Tang Clan member?: Will do some research and get back to you on this.
What's your favorite song that you first heard because it was part of the licensed soundtrack in a video game?: I've got spurs, that jingle jangle jingle...
Favorite video game OST?: Halo 3
Order the Paper Mario games from best to worst: I'm not qualified to do this. I liked Super Paper Mario a lot, though.
Favorite Mario Party?: Need to research for this one, champ.
Favorite Mario Kart?: Uhhhh I played double dash once
Favorite Smash Bros?: Ultimate
Favorite Star Wars film?: Empire Strikes Back
What's the dumbest thing in the star wars extended universe you've heard about?:
Is origami cool or lame?: very cool
Do you like raisins?: yes
What's your favorite christmas movie that isn't Die Hard? Yeah it's a good movie but it's such a played out "alternative" answer come on: ALSO Empire Strikes Back
What’s your favorite RTS game?: Halo Wars
What’s your favorite word that rhymes with “Luke”?: Duke because Nukem
Who would win in a fight, Robocop or Terminator?: Probably Terminator but RoboCop's got my money anyways.
Do you prefer digital or physical media?: Physical for sure.
What’s your favorite flag?: U S A
Favorite video game gun?: Halo 2's battle rifle.
Any conspiracy theories you believe in?: Large swaths of rich and famous people being pedophiles wouldn't surprise me.
Give me your hottest take: I was the only person laughing in the theater at Holmes & Watson
What’s the correct way to hang a toilet paper roll?: you already know the right answer here. there is only one right answer. nobody hangs it the other way. i refuse to believe it.
Meyers Briggs Personality type: I forget and I'm not dumping an extra 10 minutes to find out lol
D&D Alignment: Lawful good
Who is your "I’m not a furry, but" character?: Fran from FFXII
If you could travel back in time, would you kill baby Hitler?: Changing the timeline at the most volatile point in modern history is a bad idea. If you killed baby Hitler odds are you'd be dealing with a different kind of modern Hitler right about now- a tragedy on the scale of WW2 reshapes the world in an attempt to prevent it from happening ever again.
Do you like water levels?: I can't think of one I enjoy, no.
Do you like ice levels?: For sure.
Look to your right. What do you see?: A door.
Boxers or Briefs?: Briefs.
Who is your biggest inspiration?: Whoever designed the visuals for Toonami inspired me to try my hand at my own designs.
What’s the most underrated game you can think of?: Lost Odyssey
Describe yourself the best you can with one word: Nice
Post your contact info here, if you wish (discord, twitter, msn username, etc): @fusionfan45 on twitter
This space is reserved for any information you would like to include on your census form: I just spent an hour on this and didn't have lunch. whoops

Term wrote:
"x are good" is a permanent part of my vocabulary thanks to you

Tue Jan 01, 2019 1:00 pm
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Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2018 2:02 pm
Posts: 1042
Location: An unknown cave island in Japan
Country: United States (us)
Gender: Male
Currently Playing: SSF2, Roblox, Kirby Star Allies, Sonic Mania Plus, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Pokemon Emerald, Leauge Of Legends
Waifu: Rera (SSVI)
Name: Joseph
Alias(es): Knuckles
Age: 13
Birth City: Kansas (I don't know which city)
Years active on MG: IDK
Favorite Videogames: Smash Ultimate, Sonic Mania Plus, Kirby Star Allies, Pokemon Emerald
Favorite Movies: Tomorrow Never Dies, Pokemon Destiny Deoxys
Favorite TV Shows: Kirby: Right Back At Ya!
Favorite Anime: Pokemon, Sonic X
Favorite Music: Pop, Classic Rock
Favorite Literature: It's Personal
Favorite Comics/Manga: The Legend Of Zelda: The Minish Cap
Favorite Fictional Skeleton: SANS
Favorite Day Of The Week: Friday
What was your biggest accomplishment of 2018?: PERSONAL
What would you like to accomplish in 2019?: PERSONAL
Deepest, darkest fear: Can I skip this?
List three characters that you heavily identify with: PERSONAL
What’s one thing that you’ve played/watched/experienced that changed your life?: PERSONAL
Favorite Animal: Turtles And Armadillos.
Favorite Plant: Tulips
Favorite Food: Pepperoni Pizza
Favorite Beverage: Dr. Pepper
If you could have one superpower, which one and why?: Superstrength. (Because MegaMan Volnutt has it.)
What is your biggest aspiration?: It's personal.
Can you play a musical instrument?: I can play the drums.
What’s one thing that everybody seems to like that you just don’t get?: FORTNITE
How many languages can you speak?: English. And Uganda Knuckles.
Favorite Websites: YouTube, Tumblr, Super Mario Wiki, WiKirby, Kirby Wiki, Smash Wiki McLeodGaming Forums.
Favorite subject in school: GYM (sometimes) and Math.
Do you consider yourself intelligent?: :doh:
Favorite Meme: I have plenty of favorite memes, but my favorite has to be the Ugandan Knuckles meme.
Favorite Sport / Sports Team:
What do you value most in friends/partners?:
2D Sonic or 3D Sonic?: 2D all the way.
Favorite Sonic Character: Mighty The Armadillo.
Who’s your favorite voice actor for Sonic The Hedgehog?: Jason Griffith.
Favorite Console(s): Nintendo Switch, Game Boy Advanced SP, Xbox One.
Do you believe in ghosts?: No.
Can you cook?: Heck yeah!
Can you climb a tree with branches?: A little bit.
Can you climb a tree without branches?: No.
Are you pro-breakfast or anti-breakfast?: Pro-Breakfast.
Are you voting for Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican Primary?: 2008 has passed, what do you even mean? DO U EVEN NINJA?
Did you pick Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee?: Hitmonlee.
What's your favorite Megaman series? (Classic, X, etc): I like the Megaman X and the Megaman Zero games.
Biggie or Tupac?: None.
Do you like sweaters?: Yes.
You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?: No.
How do you cope with the pain of existence?: :huh:
Favorite Candy?: Reese's!
Biggest strength?: I can punch like the King of the Koopas!
Favorite Metal Gear Solid game?: Snake Eater.
Favorite Kirby game?: Star Allies, Amazing Mirror, Triple Deluxe, Planet Robobot and Fighters Deluxe.
What’s one game you wish everyone would play?: Kirby And The Amazing Mirror.
Steampunk or Cyberpunk?: Cyberpunk.
Would you say that time is linear, cyclical, or something abstract?: Linear.
Favorite Emoji?: Turtle Emoji
Favorite MG Emoticon?: :blackmage:, :kirby: and :simon:
What kind of perks/traits do you like to pick in RPGs?: Stache.
If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?: None.
What's your favorite song that you first heard because it was part of the licensed soundtrack in a video game?: In The Finale!
Favorite video game OST?: Mario And Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story.
Order the Paper Mario games from best to worst:
Favorite Mario Party?: 10.
Favorite Mario Kart?: DS.
Favorite Smash Bros?: ULTIMATE
Favorite Star Wars film?: Episode VI. The remaster, not the original.
Is origami cool or lame?: It's OK.
Do you like raisins?: Yes.
What's your favorite christmas movie that isn't Die Hard? Yeah it's a good movie but it's such a played out "alternative" answer come on: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Do you prefer digital or physical media?: Digital Media.
What’s your favorite flag?: The Murican Flag!
Favorite video game gun?: The Chicago Typewriter.
Describe yourself the best you can with one word: Awesome.

Mains: :kirby: :rayman: :blackmage:
Secondaries: :sonic: :mario: :captainfalcon: :simon:
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge is the best anime film of all time. Admit it.
YouTube Video:

Tue Jan 01, 2019 3:40 pm
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Joined: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:12 am
Posts: 2932
Location: The Schwarzwelt
Country: New Zealand (nz)
Gender: Male
MGN Username: ;Danny;
Skype: N/A
Currently Playing: Poker
Waifu: Gwyndolin
Well, you weren't wrong when you said this was the biggest and baddest census yet (took me a f*** hour to fill out lmao)

Name: Daniel
Alias(es): Danny, Yaoguai Kai
Age: 18
Birth City: Singapore (it's a city-state so)
Years active on MG: 8 if going by pure numerical value, in terms of actual experience around 6
Favorite Videogames: MegaTen, MonHun, Mother, Smash, most Zelda games, most Metal Gear games, Bungie's Halo games, FFVI, NieR, Red Dead Redemption, Kid Icarus: Uprising, bunch of other stuff
Favorite Movies: John Wick, Django Unchained, Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Kill Bill, The Godfather, Ip Man, Aladdin, The Incredibles, WALL-E
Favorite TV Shows: Breaking Bad, The Eric Andre Show, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ed Edd n Eddy. Really need to watch more TV tbh
Favorite Anime: Gurren Lagann, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou, Baccano!
Favorite Music: Honestly I can dig almost anything. Rock and hip-hop are my favorites in terms of genre, though "tribal-sounding music" (like this or NieR's OST for example) is pretty much unbeatable. If you want me to name a particular artist though, I'll probably say Kanye West, and if you want me to name a particular album, I'll probably say Pinkerton by Weezer
Favorite Literature: Animal Farm, Dracula, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov. Edgar Allan Poe's poems and short stories are also fantastic reads
Favorite Comics/Manga: I don't really do either tbh, though I've been meaning to read Berserk for the longest time
Favorite Fictional Skeleton: Matador from MegaTen
Favorite Day Of The Week: Saturday
What was your biggest accomplishment of 2018?: Graduating from high school? I dunno I really didn't do anything noteworthy last year
What would you like to accomplish in 2019?: The improvement of my mental and physical health, as well as getting through my first year of uni smoothly
Deepest, darkest fear: Being buried alive
List three characters that you heavily identify with: I can't name anyone in particular, but I guess characters who never get thanked/recognized for their actions yet still tirelessly grind will always get a love heart from me <3
What’s one thing that you’ve played/watched/experienced that changed your life?: The experience is way too personal so I won't go into details, but I will say that mental illness was the overarching factor
Favorite Animal: Canines, any and all. Most animals rule tbh (except certain insects)
Favorite Plant: Uh, cacti I suppose
Favorite Food: Sushi, smoked salmon, pasta, buffalo wings, a good roast and a wholesome burger are all top tier
Favorite Beverage: Tea, ginger beer, lemon and lime bitters, ice cold water
If you could have one superpower, which one and why?: Shapeshifting, it'd be the most fun to play around with. All the possibilities at your disposal
What is your biggest aspiration?: To get a good job in the Ecology field and well, settle down with a lovely wife and kids once my heydays are over
Can you play a musical instrument?: Piano, but I haven't touched those keys in so damn long its debatable whether I can actually still play it or not
What’s one thing that everybody seems to like that you just don’t get?: Fashion. Specifically, keeping up with fashion labels
How many languages can you speak?: English fluently, Mandarin sort of, Spanish sort of. So like, one and a half?
Favorite Websites: YouTube, Wikipedia (donate $3 people), probably MG
Favorite subject in school: Biology by far. Occasionally English and History/Classics when we talked about the more abstract stuff
Do you consider yourself intelligent?: Fairly
Favorite Meme: Overreaction memes (like Wombo Combo and Supa Hot Fire) never fail to get me hyped. YTP done right is also legendary
Favorite Sport / Sports Team: Football and boxing are the sports I keep up the most with. Don't have any favorite teams in particular
What do you value most in friends/partners?: Honesty. I've had my fair share of two-faced asshats
2D Sonic or 3D Sonic?: 2D. Not to say that 3D is all bad (it isn't), but 2D is more consistent in terms of quality
Favorite Sonic Character: Knuckles, ever since I was a kid. Not because of s*** memes or whatever, but because the boy honestly has a heart of gold. Honorable mention to Eggman though
Who’s your favorite voice actor for Sonic The hedgehog?: Jaleel White
Favorite Console(s): Xbox 360, 3DS, PS2, SNES. Their game libraries are marvelous
Do you believe in ghosts?: Nah. I do have phantasmaphobia irregardless though thanks to watching one too many ghost movies as a kid
Can you cook?: I won't burn the house down as long as I have a cookbook at hand, so yes I suppose
Can you climb a tree with branches?: No
Can you climb a tree without branches?: Hell no
Are you pro-breakfast or anti-breakfast?: Pro in theory, anti in reality
Are you voting for Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican Primary?: I don't know what that is
Did you pick Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee?: Hitmonlee
What's your favorite Megaman series? (Classic, X, etc): Zero probably, though I've played Classic the most
Biggie or Tupac?: Biggie
Do you like sweaters?: f*** no get those horrible uncomfortable itchy things away from my skin
You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?: I'm good thanks
How do you cope with the pain of existence?: I don't
What is your favorite decade of music?: 90's probably
Favorite decade of film?: Early 00's, it's what I grew up in
What is the least attractive quality someone can possess?: Ingratitude. I can't stand folks who can't be content with what they have (unless what they have is next to nothing)
Favorite Candy?: Those fizzy ones that pop and crackle inside your mouth that I can never find these days. From the ones that I can find however, easily sour worms
What, in your opinion, is your biggest weakness?: Too self-driven. I'm the kind of guy to not want help even if it's painfully obvious that I need it
Biggest strength?: Being able to relate to all kinds of people (likely thanks to being a jack-of-all-trades in terms of interests)
Favorite Metal Gear Solid game?: Tie between Snake Eater and Revengeance
Favorite Kirby game?: Easily Super Star Ultra
What’s one game you wish everyone would play?: Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Mostly to see how everyone would react to getting their a** handed to them first time round
Favorite Microsoft™ Windows™ operating system?: I miss Windows 7
Steampunk or Cyberpunk?: f*** I love both, but probably Cyberpunk
Would you say that time is linear, cyclical, or something abstract?: Linear
Would you rather be stranded on an island with a mermaid or a reverse mermaid?: Mermaid. What the f***'s a reverse mermaid? Is it like a merman, or is it a top half fish bottom half woman sort of thing?
What’s the grossest thing?: Two-faced asshats
Favorite letter of the alphabet?: Y
Favorite number?: 7. Bungie may or may not have been an influence
Favorite Emoji?: The one with the sunglasses
Favorite MG Emoticon?: :headbang: was the greatest emote in the history of the Internet. Out of the current ones though, ;)
Would you rather have sex with your girlfriend in your dad’s body or your dad in your girlfriend’s body?: The former. Either way I'll probably castrate myself afterwards
Did you use Wild Wild Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas?: I think so? I can't remember
What kind of perks/traits do you like to pick in RPGs?: Buffs and debuffs. Played too much MegaTen for my own good
If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?: Deaf. Seeing is believing
Favorite album by a Wu Tang Clan member?: Haven't heard enough Wu Tang Clan to give a proper answer yet
What's your favorite song that you first heard because it was part of the licensed soundtrack in a video game?: First heard "Feeling Good" when playing The Saboteur
Favorite video game OST?: NieR or Touhou
Order the Paper Mario games from best to worst: Haven't played a single one
Favorite Mario Party?: Gun to my head 5
Favorite Mario Kart?: Tie between DS and Double Dash
Favorite Smash Bros?: Ultimate. Melee is kinda overrated imo
Favorite Star Wars film?: The Empire Strikes Back
What's the dumbest thing in the star wars extended universe you've heard about?: The Gungan language
Is origami cool or lame?: Cool but I also hate it coz I suck at it
Do you like raisins?: On their own, yes. God forbid if they're placed in cookies though
What's your favorite christmas movie that isn't Die Hard? Yeah it's a good movie but it's such a played out "alternative" answer come on: Home Alone. I don't consider The Nightmare Before Christmas a "Christmas movie" in the same vein
What’s your favorite RTS game?: Tie between Age of Mythology and Total War: Shogun 2
What’s your favorite word that rhymes with “Luke”?: Juke
Who would win in a fight, Robocop or Terminator?: Terminator would wreck Robocop's s***
Do you prefer digital or physical media?: Mostly digital, but reading material has to be physical. Tried reading an e-book and it felt like I was committing a grave sin
What’s your favorite flag?: Nepal
Favorite video game gun?: Needler from Halo
Any conspiracy theories you believe in?: No, though I used to believe in the Illuminati one for a while
Give me your hottest take: Take your pick between "People whining about Mother 3 not being localized should just shut the f*** up and play the already excellent fan translation damn it" and "Boba Fett is the most overrated character in the entire history of cinema"
What’s the correct way to hang a toilet paper roll?: Doesn't matter dude as long as your a** is clean at the end of the day
Meyers Briggs Personality type: ISTP
D&D Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Who is your "I’m not a furry, but" character?: Depends on what you count as "furry" material. If we're talking humans with animal traits (e.g. Scott's example) there's quite a few of them, but if we're talking full fledged anthropomorphic animals (e.g. Term's example) I'm not a furry but...Fiona Fox? I dunno I had to think really hard about this
If you could travel back in time, would you kill baby Hitler?: Probably not, don't really wanna mess with our timeline and s***, but I'll give him a handicap at the very least
Do you like water levels?: When I hear "water level" the first thing I think of is the countdown to Sonic drowning in his 2D games. The next thing I think of is the Water Temple from OoT. So the short answer is no. Not at all lol
Do you like ice levels?: Slide physics suck but most of the time they're bearable and the aesthetic of the levels themselves are wonderful, so I'll give them a pass
Look to your right. What do you see?: A painting of Dropout Bear my friend made for me for our friend group's Secret Santa. Thank you homie, very cool
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers
Who is your biggest inspiration?: Daddy
What’s the most underrated game you can think of?: Tenchu Z. Looking back on it it actually isn't very good in terms of quality but God was it so much fun to play. If quality is more of a factor however then I'd definitely say NiGHTS into Dreams
Describe yourself the best you can with one word: Sick (in all uses of the word)
Post your contact info here, if you wish (discord, twitter, msn username, etc): My Discord tag is #6385 but I don't use it often. If you wanna talk to me PMing me here on MG might actually be the best option
This space is reserved for any information you would like to include on your census form: To anyone who actually read all of this thank you from the bottom of my heart <3


Pochiman wrote:
Frank stretches his dick to the other side and asks his son to grab it. Then he ties his balls into a rock, and after that he cuts off his dick with his knife. Then he crosses by his dick.

Last edited by Danny on Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:52 am, edited 2 times in total.

Tue Jan 01, 2019 10:30 pm
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Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:19 pm
Posts: 4807
Location: Paul's Boutique
Country: Canada (ca)
Skype: ScottFromMG
Currently Playing: FFXIV
Waifu: you get ONE guess
i’ve learned that most of you need to brush up on your wu-tang, wtf


Wed Jan 02, 2019 3:46 am
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Joined: Wed May 29, 2013 5:15 am
Posts: 2481
Location: The MG Discord
Country: Bangladesh (bd)
Gender: Male
MGN Username: Sonario
Currently Playing: games probably
Waifu: Speedwagon
Damn this one was massive.

Name: Sonario
Alias(es): Tailuigi, Knuckshi.
Age: 19
Birth City: Dhaka
Years active on MG: Around 5.
Favorite Videogames: Way too many. Notable ones include the Mario & Sonic series, Team Fortress 2, Psycho Waluigi, SSF2, Megaman games, most Nintendo franchises (LoZ, Star Fox, Metroid etc) and also most Kirby games.
Favorite Movies: Terminator 2, MCU movies, Monsterverse movies, the LOTR trilogy, most Pixar and Dreamworks movies and the Pirates of the Carribean movies.
Favorite TV Shows: Most old cartoons (Ed, Edd n Eddy, PPG, Dexter's Lab etc) for animated ones, Kenan and Kel for live action.
Favorite Anime: Dragon Ball (Z and Super mostly), One Piece, Bobobo-Bo Bo-Bobo and the first 4 chapters of Jojo.
Favorite Music: Video game music mostly. My favorite among that is below in the favorite video game ost question.
Favorite Literature: The Hobbit and LOTR, lots of works by some famous Bengali writers, and if it counts, huge works of fanfiction like Azurixx's Mario and Sonic Heroes Unite.
Favorite Comics/Manga: If webcomics count, Brawl in the Family, Wooden Plank Studio's comics and VG cats. For regular comics, a Bengali comic series called Nonte Fonte (hilarious s***) and for Manga, the first 4 Jojo chapters.
Favorite Fictional Skeleton: Grim.
Favorite Day Of The Week: Friday.
What was your biggest accomplishment of 2018?: Surviving. Also getting into a university. (A low rank one but still)
What would you like to accomplish in 2019?: Surviving. Also doing well in university and hopefully get a side job tutoring.
Deepest, darkest fear: Math.
List three characters that you heavily identify with: Mario, Sonic and Waluigi.
What’s one thing that you’ve played/watched/experienced that changed your life?: Playing my first Mario game, Super Mario 64. It really opened my eyes to the gaming world.
Favorite Animal: Geckos and Chameleons.
Favorite Plant: Do potatoes count?
Favorite Food: Fried Chicken, Pizza, Steak, Grilled Fish, Spaghetti and Chili Dogs.
Favorite Beverage: 7up, Sprite, Coke, Tang, Tea and Dihydrogen Monoxide.
If you could have one superpower, which one and why?: Toonforce. Think of the wacky s*** I could do!
What is your biggest aspiration?: To make my family proud if I can and live an overall good life. And according to my beliefs, be good enough for a good afterlife.
Can you play a musical instrument?: I can drum a little bit by tapping on tables but not really.
What’s one thing that everybody seems to like that you just don’t get?: The horizontal tango. I might get it eventually but I doubt it.
How many languages can you speak?: Two: Bengali and English. I can also read arabic but I don't understand it.
Favorite Websites: YouTube, MG and Reddit.
Favorite subject in school: Computer Studies back when I had it. I'm studying Computer Science in Uni right now.
Do you consider yourself intelligent?: I am so smrt!
Favorite Meme: The Rage Comics from the olden days. Jojokes are good too.
Favorite Sport / Sports Team: Cricket and our country's national Cricket team.
What do you value most in friends/partners?: Kindness and supportiveness.
2D Sonic or 3D Sonic?: A mix of the two like in Colors and Generations.
Favorite Sonic Character: Knuckles is awesome. Eggman's a great villain too.
Who’s your favorite voice actor for Sonic The hedgehog?: Jaleel White for Classic, Roger Craig Smith for modern.
Favorite Console(s): 3DS, Switch, PS4, Wii, Gamecube, N64, PS1 and last but not least: Super Nintendo.
Do you believe in ghosts?: Nope.
Can you cook?: I'm still learning. So far I can cook eggs in three different ways but that's it.
Can you climb a tree with branches?: Nein.
Can you climb a tree without branches?: Nyet.
Are you pro-breakfast or anti-breakfast?: Pro definitely. It's too bad I wake up too late to have it.
Are you voting for Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican Primary?: huh?
Did you pick Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee?: Hitmonchan.
What's your favorite Megaman series? (Classic, X, etc): Classic but MMZ is a close 2nd.
Biggie or Tupac?: idk
Do you like sweaters?: They're ok.
You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?: I probably wouldn't go bungee jumping in the first place.
How do you cope with the pain of existence?: Games.
What is your favorite decade of music?: Sonic Adventure songs are probably from the 90's, so that.
Favorite decade of film?: Right now because MCU and Monsterverse. The 90's and '00s were good too though.
What is the least attractive quality someone can possess?: Manipulativeness. Too bad it's so common.
Favorite Candy?: Snickers, Frosties and Penguin bars.
What, in your opinion, is your biggest weakness?: Laziness and my weak immune system.
Biggest strength?: I'm not sure.
Favorite Metal Gear Solid game?: The original blocky Tactical Espionage Action, baby!
Favorite Kirby game?: Easily Super Star Ultra
What’s one game you wish everyone would play?: The Impossible Quiz 2.
Favorite Microsoft™ Windows™ operating system?: Win7. 10's ok but too intrusive.
Steampunk or Cyberpunk?: Cyberpunk.
Would you say that time is linear, cyclical, or something abstract?: Abstract I think.
Would you rather be stranded on an island with a mermaid or a reverse mermaid?: Mermaid. She could probably help out with underwater things. Maybe even get me outta there if convinced.
What’s the grossest thing?: Pedos.
Favorite letter of the alphabet?: M.
Favorite number?: 100.
Favorite Emoji?: The one with the sunglasses.
Favorite MG Emoticon?: :blackmage:
Did you use Wild Wild Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas?: I never played New Vegas.
What kind of perks/traits do you like to pick in RPGs?: The ones that refill health when killing/doing damage.
If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?: Deaf. Sign language exists but feeling around is awkward.
Favorite album by a Wu Tang Clan member?: Never heard.
What's your favorite song that you first heard because it was part of the licensed soundtrack in a video game?: The music from Crazy Taxi.
Favorite video game OST?: Sonic OST. If there's one thing Sega and Sonic Team always deliver, it's the music.
Order the Paper Mario games from best to worst: Original > TTYD > Super > Color Splash > Stickers.
Favorite Mario Party?: A tie between 3 and DS.
Favorite Mario Kart?: 8/DX and 64. The only ones that never made me want to throw the controller/handheld.
Favorite Smash Bros?: Brawl for the story. Ultimate otherwise. If SSF2 counts, definitely that cuz Waluigi.
Favorite Star Wars film?: All of the original trilogy.
What's the dumbest thing in the star wars extended universe you've heard about?: Jizz Wailers
Is origami cool or lame?: Cool but I can't even make a paper plane.
Do you like raisins?: Nope.
What's your favorite christmas movie that isn't Die Hard? Yeah it's a good movie but it's such a played out "alternative" answer come on: The original How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
What’s your favorite RTS game?: Age of Empires 2, Command and Conquer.
What’s your favorite word that rhymes with “Luke”?: Nuke
Who would win in a fight, Robocop or Terminator?: Terminator is from the future with far more advanced tech so I think that would win.
Do you prefer digital or physical media?: Digital has more stuff but I'll usually get physical if I can unless it's PC games or I have no room to keep it.
What’s your favorite flag?: Probably Bangladesh cuz I'm patriotic.
Favorite video game gun?: Most miniguns/gatling guns. Also the SSG from DOOM 2.
Any conspiracy theories you believe in?: No but they make good stories.
Give me your hottest take: I honestly can't think of anything lol.
What’s the correct way to hang a toilet paper roll?: Over please.
D&D Alignment: Neutral Good or True Neutral.
Who is your "I’m not a furry, but" character?: I'm not a furry despite being a subspecies of Sonic fan.
If you could travel back in time, would you kill baby Hitler?: No. If that happened, we wouldn't get Wolfenstein 3D, so First Person Shooters and PC gaming may never develop the way they did.
Do you like water levels?: Depends on the playable character's swimming ability.
Do you like ice levels?: Yes unless it has platforming with really tiny platforms and bat/medusa head like enemies.
Look to your right. What do you see?: A door.
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers
Who is your biggest inspiration?: Stefan Karl.
What’s the most underrated game you can think of?: Jazz Jackrabbit 2. It's a great game but I don't know if many know about it.
Describe yourself the best you can with one word: Unimportant
This space is reserved for any information you would like to include on your census form: It warms my heart that these old forums are still alive. :bandanadee:

Through plenty of determination, I've beaten I Wanna Be The Guy and so I am a The Guy. My save proves it.

Flash Card: show

My thanks to Utah P. Teasdale (Harr) for the amazing Flash Card.

Last edited by Sonario on Wed Jan 02, 2019 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jan 02, 2019 6:34 am
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Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:16 am
Posts: 23226
Country: Chad (td)
Gender: Female
Scott wrote:
i’ve learned that most of you need to brush up on your wu-tang, wtf

i need to brush up on music in general tbh

Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:23 am
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Joined: Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:21 am
Posts: 2520
Location: Nijigasaki High School
Country: Singapore (sg)
Gender: Anime Girl
MGN Username: VanillaKunikida
Currently Playing: SSBU, SSF2, SIFAS
Waifu: Hanamaru Kunikida
Name: Vanilla Kunikida
Alias(es): ^ just change the last name into a random japanese surname and there you go lol
Age: 18, about to turn 19 in a few days~
Birth City: Selangor
Years active on MG: almost 6 years
Favorite Videogames: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Mario Odyssey, Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee!, Love Live! School Idol Festival, Touhou Hisoutensoku.
Favorite Movies: Coco
Favorite TV Shows: The Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon
Favorite Anime: Love Live! ...and a few more like K-ON, but its mostly Love Live! nowadays lol
Favorite Music: ^ any music from the anime above. Besides that, video game OSTs i guess
Favorite Literature: Go the f*** to Sleep
Favorite Comics/Manga: School idol diary, Garfield, Awkward Zombie
Favorite Fictional Skeleton: Dry Bones
Favorite Day Of The Week: Wednesday
What was your biggest accomplishment of 2018?: Getting a Switch. That or surviving university throughout the year.
What would you like to accomplish in 2019?: Surviving university for this year as well.
Deepest, darkest fear: Death in sleep
List three characters that you heavily identify with: Maki Nishikino. Can't think of the other 2.
What’s one thing that you’ve played/watched/experienced that changed your life?: Getting a PSP. It brought me into the gaming world and eventually, the internet world.
Favorite Animal: dogs
Favorite Plant: sunflower
Favorite Food: pizza
Favorite Beverage: apple juice
If you could have one superpower, which one and why?: Hammerspace. Don't you think it's cool if you could take out an object from out of nowhere?
What is your biggest aspiration?: Becoming a freelance artist
Can you play a musical instrument?: Piano
What’s one thing that everybody seems to like that you just don’t get?: i still dont get why people like fidget spinners 2 years ago
How many languages can you speak?: 2: English and Malay (<--- Native).
Favorite Websites: Youtube and dA
Favorite subject in school: English language
Do you consider yourself intelligent?: I see myself as average.
Favorite Meme: rage comics and the early advice animal memes.
Favorite Sport / Sports Team: Baseball. As for team, nothing in particular.
What do you value most in friends/partners?: Supportiveness
2D Sonic or 3D Sonic?: The only sonic games I played are 2d games, so... 2d i guess :sonic:
Favorite Sonic Character: Metal Sonic
Who’s your favorite voice actor for Sonic The hedgehog?: Junichi Kanemaru. For English, Roger C. Smith.
Favorite Console(s): Nintendo Switch, PSP
Do you believe in ghosts?: No. I'm pretty much the only one in my family that doesn't believe in ghosts.
Can you cook?: Burgers
Can you climb a tree with branches?: No
Can you climb a tree without branches?: See above
Are you pro-breakfast or anti-breakfast?: Breaktfast is the most important meal of the day
Are you voting for Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican Primary?: who tf is ron paul
Did you pick Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee?: hitmonchan
What's your favorite Megaman series? (Classic, X, etc): Classic
Biggie or Tupac?: nah
Do you like sweaters?: nah, they're itchy
You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?: nah
How do you cope with the pain of existence?: ...wait, you can do that?
What is your favorite decade of music?: 00's
Favorite decade of film?: Early 2010s probably
What is the least attractive quality someone can possess?: Ungratefulness
Favorite Candy?: Chewy candy
What, in your opinion, is your biggest weakness?: Terrible social skills (IRL at least. it's slightly better in the internet)
Biggest strength?: Artistic
Favorite Metal Gear Solid game?: i don't play metal gear games :chibirobo:
Favorite Kirby game?: Super Star
What’s one game you wish everyone would play?: school idol festival
Favorite Microsoft™ Windows™ operating system?: its either Win7 or XP
Steampunk or Cyberpunk?: cyberpunk
Would you say that time is linear, cyclical, or something abstract?: linear
Would you rather be stranded on an island with a mermaid or a reverse mermaid?: mermaid
What’s the grossest thing?: rape
Favorite letter of the alphabet?: Q
Favorite number?: 121 (its a really significant number for me)
Favorite Emoji?: the "ok" hand
Favorite MG Emoticon?: :pikathinking:
Would you rather have sex with your girlfriend in your dad’s body or your dad in your girlfriend’s body?: can i skip this question?
Did you use Wild Wild Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas?: i dont play that game
What kind of perks/traits do you like to pick in RPGs?: whatever that's suitable for the battle. (if i can switch traits between battles that is)
If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?: deaf.
Favorite album by a Wu Tang Clan member?: i dont listen to wu tang
What's your favorite song that you first heard because it was part of the licensed soundtrack in a video game?: many from vice city stories
Favorite video game OST?: Touhou
Order the Paper Mario games from best to worst: TTYD > 64 > Super > the other 2
Favorite Mario Party?: i only played 6, so mp6
Favorite Mario Kart?: DS
Favorite Smash Bros?: Ultimate
Favorite Star Wars film?: not a fan of star wars :sweat:
What's the dumbest thing in the star wars extended universe you've heard about?: again, not a fan of star wars so idk
Is origami cool or lame?: cool
Do you like raisins?: nah
What's your favorite christmas movie that isn't Die Hard? Yeah it's a good movie but it's such a played out "alternative" answer come on: Home Alone
What’s your favorite RTS game?: i dont play rts games
What’s your favorite word that rhymes with “Luke”?: Brook
Who would win in a fight, Robocop or Terminator?: Terminator.
Do you prefer digital or physical media?: Digital
What’s your favorite flag?: The old flag of Libya. its so simple looking
Favorite video game gun?: Lunatic Gun from Touhou
Any conspiracy theories you believe in?: nah
Give me your hottest take: Legalize gay marriage
What’s the correct way to hang a toilet paper roll?: Over
Meyers Briggs Personality type: Skipping this cuz too lazy to take the test just to see what personality type i am
D&D Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Who is your "I’m not a furry, but" character?: Isabelle
If you could travel back in time, would you kill baby Hitler?: Nah, but i'll cripple him at least.
Do you like water levels?: no
Do you like ice levels?: no
Look to your right. What do you see?: my right joycon and a maki nesoberi
Boxers or Briefs?: Panties
Who is your biggest inspiration?: Katie Tiedrich
What’s the most underrated game you can think of?: Ice Climber
Describe yourself the best you can with one word: human
Post your contact info here, if you wish (discord, twitter, msn username, etc): My dART is the best place to contact me cuz i spent most of the time there. I also have discord (#8738), but i didn't go there often.
This space is reserved for any information you would like to include on your census form: Maki Nishikino is best girl :bandanadee:


Wed Jan 02, 2019 9:09 am
User avatar

Joined: Fri Jul 13, 2018 2:21 pm
Posts: 272
Location: front of your door
Country: Turkey (tr)
Gender: Male
Currently Playing: nothing
Name: I am not gonna say it.
Alias(es): 2spooky4you and POWEROFPRO
Age: .
Birth City: uhh Osmangazi?
Years active on MG: 0.25 or something because not 1 year
Favorite Videogames: SSF2 and Undertale
Favorite Movies: don't have
Favorite TV Shows: umm Adventure Time?
Favorite Anime: don't watching anime
Favorite Music: The World Revolving
Favorite Literature: don't have
Favorite Comics/Manga: don't have
Favorite Fictional Skeleton: Spooky Scary Skeleton
Favorite Day Of The Week: Friday
What was your biggest accomplishment of 2018?: Living without any snow in winter.
What would you like to accomplish in 2019?: Again, living without any snow in winter.
Deepest, darkest fear: Death
List three characters that you heavily identify with: Waluigi, Waluigi and Waluigi
What’s one thing that you’ve played/watched/experienced that changed your life?: Computer
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Plant: Daisy
Favorite Food: I have one but you guys don't know it so I don't write it. Jk, Döner if you know it.
Favorite Beverage: Ayran
If you could have one superpower, which one and why?: Teleporting. Do you know how crowded schools are? (english sucks)
What is your biggest aspiration?: Finding a good job when I grow up.
Can you play a musical instrument?: Flute
What’s one thing that everybody seems to like that you just don’t get?: Bowsette meme
How many languages can you speak?: English and Turkish
Favorite Websites: This Forum
Favorite subject in school: Science
Do you consider yourself intelligent?: a little
Favorite Meme: Nyan Cat or Sanic
Favorite Sport / Sports Team: Soccer.
What do you value most in friends/partners?: Don't know
2D Sonic or 3D Sonic?: 2D
Favorite Sonic Character: Knuckles
Who’s your favorite voice actor for Sonic The hedgehog?: Long John Baldry
Favorite Console(s): Nintendo Switch
Do you believe in ghosts?: Nope.
Can you cook?: I can make eggs.
Can you climb a tree with branches?: I can't
Can you climb a tree without branches?: I can't
Are you pro-breakfast or anti-breakfast?: I love breakfast but sometimes I can't have breakfast because of school.
Are you voting for Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican Primary?: Wat
Did you pick Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee?: Hitmonlee is cool
What's your favorite Megaman series? (Classic, X, etc): Classic
Biggie or Tupac?: Don't know
Do you like sweaters?: Yes.
You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?: Nope
How do you cope with the pain of existence?: I don't have the right answer so: I am not in depression
What is your favorite decade of music?: Kirby Falcon Punch Remix?
Favorite decade of film?: Don't know
What is the least attractive quality someone can possess?: Don't know.
Favorite Candy?: Haribo Goldbears
What, in your opinion, is your biggest weakness?: being a angry person
Biggest strength?: FAKE KARATEEEEE
Favorite Metal Gear Solid game?: I don't/can't play Metal Gear Solid
Favorite Kirby game?: Kirby Super Star
What’s one game you wish everyone would play?: Undertale
Favorite Microsoft™ Windows™ operating system?: Windows 7 because it's good. XP is good too but it's limited.
Steampunk or Cyberpunk?: Cyberpunk
Would you say that time is linear, cyclical, or something abstract?: Abstract
Would you rather be stranded on an island with a mermaid or a reverse mermaid?: Reverse Mermaid
What’s the grossest thing?: Don't know maybe I think later.
Favorite letter of the alphabet?: S because Spooky Scary Skeletons
Favorite number?: 1 because we are number one.
Favorite Emoji?: Middle Finger emoji from WhatsApp
Favorite MG Emoticon?: :sandbag:
Would you rather have sex with your girlfriend in your dad’s body or your dad in your girlfriend’s body?: My choice is don't having sex :sandbag:
Did you use Wild Wild Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas?: I don't/can't play Fallout.
What kind of perks/traits do you like to pick in RPGs?: Looks like me?
If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?: Deaf. Because they can show me with a paper.
Favorite album by a Wu Tang Clan member?: What is Wu Tang Clan.
What's your favorite song that you first heard because it was part of the licensed soundtrack in a video game?: Uhh The World Revolving?
Favorite video game OST?: Undertale
Order the Paper Mario games from best to worst: I don't know much about Paper Mario but I am gonna make it: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Paper Mario, Paper Mario 64, Paper Mario: Color Splash, Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Favorite Mario Party?: Super Mario Party
Favorite Mario Kart?: Mario Kart Wii
Favorite Smash Bros?: Melee
Favorite Star Wars film?: I don't watch Star Wars
What's the dumbest thing in the star wars extended universe you've heard about?: I don't watch Star Wars
Is origami cool or lame?: Cool
Do you like raisins?: No
What's your favorite christmas movie that isn't Die Hard? Yeah it's a good movie but it's such a played out "alternative" answer come on: I don't watched The Grinch but it's looking cool.
What’s your favorite RTS game?: Don't know
What’s your favorite word that rhymes with “Luke”?: Duke
Who would win in a fight, Robocop or Terminator?: Terminator
Do you prefer digital or physical media?: Digital
What’s your favorite flag?: Turkish Flag ;)
Favorite video game gun?: Portal Gun
Any conspiracy theories you believe in?: I maybe think later
Give me your hottest take: Wat
What’s the correct way to hang a toilet paper roll?: Wat
Meyers Briggs Personality type: Wat
D&D Alignment: Wat
Who is your "I’m not a furry, but" character?: Wat
If you could travel back in time, would you kill baby Hitler?: No
Do you like water levels?: Yes
Do you like ice levels?: Yes
Look to your right. What do you see?: Wall
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxer
Who is your biggest inspiration?: My family
What’s the most underrated game you can think of?: Undertale (right or not?)
Describe yourself the best you can with one word: Spooky
Post your contact info here, if you wish (discord, twitter, msn username, etc): look at signature
This space is reserved for any information you would like to include on your census form: I AM THE SPOOKY GUY
Sorry for so many don't knows and Wat's

hi bye

Last edited by 2spooky4you on Mon Oct 28, 2019 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jan 02, 2019 10:49 am
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Joined: Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:23 pm
Posts: 679
Location: Everywhere and Nowhere
Country: United States (us)
Gender: Male
MGN Username: snidbert63
Skype: Don't have one lol
Currently Playing: in a sandbox
Waifu: Weird Al Yankovic
Name: Snidbert
Alias(es): "Oh, it's you"
Age: 324
Birth City: Kansas City, Kansas
Years active on MG: Coming up on two- where does the time go?
Favorite Videogames: Smash Ultimate
Favorite Movies: Recency bias says Avengers: Infinity War and Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Favorite TV Shows: Doctor Who (by default; it's literally the only TV show I actively watch)
Favorite Anime: Cory in the House. This is funny because of the running internet joke that Cory in the House is an anime. This joke is not overused and you should laugh.
Favorite Music: Weird Al, Neil Cicierega, and Chris Kogos
Favorite Literature: Do Wikipedia and TVTropes count?
Favorite Comics/Manga: The Unbelievable Gwenpool
Favorite Fictional Skeleton: Illuvar Bones, a DnD character played by a friend of mine.
Favorite Day Of The Week: At this point, probably Wednesday, the day where I'm least likely to have anything going on.
What was your biggest accomplishment of 2018?: The 159 YouTube subscribers I gained in that year
What would you like to accomplish in 2019?: Move out of my parents' house
Deepest, darkest fear: Going blind. Everything I like to do would be impossible if I were blind.
List three characters that you heavily identify with: Zubaz/The Baz, who has what it takes to succeed, but nobody, not even himself, takes him seriously, so he always fails. I can't think of two more though.
What’s one thing that you’ve played/watched/experienced that changed your life?: I've had basically the same personality for as long as I can remember.
Favorite Animal: Humans
Favorite Plant: Piranha Plant, my future SSBU main
Favorite Food: Meat Lovers' Pizza
Favorite Beverage: Hot Fudge Milkshake
If you could have one superpower, which one and why?: The power to have any superpower I want, for obvious reasons.
What is your biggest aspiration?: To one day be a functioning human being
Can you play a musical instrument?: I used to play piano but now I'm way out of practice
What’s one thing that everybody seems to like that you just don’t get?: I don't know what "everybody" likes because I lived a very sheltered childhood.
How many languages can you speak?: One.
Favorite Websites: YouTube Dot Com, if it didn't keep screwing over its creators
Favorite subject in school: Math
Do you consider yourself intelligent?: Depends on how you define "intelligent".
Favorite Meme: Probably Steamed Hams. That thing had an amazing run.
Favorite Sport / Sports Team: The Kansas City Chiefs.
What do you value most in friends/partners?: No idea, I've only been emotionally open to one, maybe two people in my whole life.
2D Sonic or 3D Sonic?: I've never played a 2D Sonic, so 2D Sonic.
Favorite Sonic Character: Coldsteel the Hedgehog
Who’s your favorite voice actor for Sonic The hedgehog?: Mr. Pasquale
YouTube Video:

Favorite Console(s): If PC doesn't count as a console, Nintendo Switch.
Do you believe in ghosts?: No
Can you cook?: Yes, given a recipe.
Can you climb a tree with branches?: Yes
Can you climb a tree without branches?: No
Are you pro-breakfast or anti-breakfast?: I don't know what I'd do without cold cereal
Are you voting for Ron Paul in the 2008 Republican Primary?: I was too young to vote in 2008
Did you pick Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee?: I don't play Pokemon
What's your favorite Megaman series? (Classic, X, etc): Again, never played it
Biggie or Tupac?: Biggie Cheese definitely
Do you like sweaters?: Only if the sweaters have hoods
You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?: Nah, how you gonna bungee jump with a broken cord?
How do you cope with the pain of existence?: I don't, I power through, and eventually I'm gonna snap.
What is your favorite decade of music?: The 1980's, if only for memes like Never Gonna Give You Up and Africa
Favorite decade of film?: The 2010's, because I seldom see any movies older than that
What is the least attractive quality someone can possess?: Being dead
Favorite Candy?: Reese's
What, in your opinion, is your biggest weakness?: Laziness and procrastination
Biggest strength?: N/A
Favorite Metal Gear Solid game?: N/A
Favorite Kirby game?: Planet Robobot
What’s one game you wish everyone would play?: Whatever they want :)
Favorite Microsoft™ Windows™ operating system?: 7
Steampunk or Cyberpunk?: Steampunk
Would you say that time is linear, cyclical, or something abstract?: More or less linear
Would you rather be stranded on an island with a mermaid or a reverse mermaid?: Mermaid
What’s the grossest thing?: Me. I shower only once a week, and usually forget to wear deodorant; I'm told I smell pretty bad.
Favorite letter of the alphabet?: Z
Favorite number?: 0
Favorite Emoji?: The ok hand, but with dark skin color
Favorite MG Emoticon?: :pikathinking:
Would you rather have sex with your girlfriend in your dad’s body or your dad in your girlfriend’s body?: With my girlfriend in my dad's body. I don't have a gf, so I might cease to exist if I entered my gf's body.
Did you use Wild Wild Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas?: I should totally play that game sometime
What kind of perks/traits do you like to pick in RPGs?: Raw attack/defense power, I'm just bad at vidya games
If you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf?: Deaf
Favorite album by a Wu Tang Clan member?: More like, the Who Tang Clan! (Get it? As in, "Who are they?" What do you mean I'm not funny?)
What's your favorite song that you first heard because it was part of the licensed soundtrack in a video game?: Uh... Audi Famam Illius from Brawl
Favorite video game OST?: Probably Smash Ultimate
Order the Paper Mario games from best to worst: I've only played Super
Favorite Mario Party?: Only played MP9
Favorite Mario Kart?: 8 DX
Favorite Smash Bros?: Ultimate
Favorite Star Wars film?: Return of the Jedi
What's the dumbest thing in the star wars extended universe you've heard about?: Skip the Jedi Droid
Is origami cool or lame?: depends on the model
Do you like raisins?: yeah
What's your favorite christmas movie that isn't Die Hard? Yeah it's a good movie but it's such a played out "alternative" answer come on: A Charlie Brown Christmas
What’s your favorite RTS game?: FTL
What’s your favorite word that rhymes with “Luke”?: Puke
Who would win in a fight, Robocop or Terminator?: Don't know and don't care
Do you prefer digital or physical media?: Digital, for convenience
What’s your favorite flag?: The Kekistani flag
Favorite video game gun?: Any machine gun. I'm bad at aiming so spray-and-pray is usually my only viable option.
Any conspiracy theories you believe in?: YouTube's "failures" are actually deliberate, evil actions.
Give me your hottest take: TikTok is currently the best place to get vine-like content
What’s the correct way to hang a toilet paper roll?: towards the user
Meyers Briggs Personality type: INTP, if I remember right
D&D Alignment: Probably close to the corner of NG, TN, CN and CG
Who is your "I’m not a furry, but" character?: I don't know what you mean by this but I have a guess, and if I'm right I don't want to know
If you could travel back in time, would you kill baby Hitler?: No, I would kidnap baby Hitler.
Do you like water levels?: No
Do you like ice levels?: Yes
Look to your right. What do you see?: Stairs and a closet
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers
Who is your biggest inspiration?: Neil Cicierega
What’s the most underrated game you can think of?: Downwell
Describe yourself the best you can with one word: Disappointment
Post your contact info here, if you wish (discord, twitter, msn username, etc): snidbert64#9731 on discord, Snidbert on youtube, @snidbert64 on twitter, instagram, and (for some reason) tumblr
This space is reserved for any information you would like to include on your census form: If I were to guess, I'd say I'm going to die on Saturday, August 26, 2023.

Looking back I was kinda a jerk to some of the other users here, especially kyuubit. Sorry.

Thu Jan 03, 2019 5:52 pm
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