=Initial impressions of new
I'm kinda disappointed about his changes. I'm not a Sonic expert, but I think this was more experimental than anything else.
Only really noticeable and good buff I saw for Sonic to me, was his spindash having less frames before it hits.
And after a little labbing, looks like spindash>jump>dair>??? is my best option for spindash combos.. Feels now like spindashing is easier to hit with now, but harder to follow up on-which made me have an impression that yall wanted Sonic to be more hit-and-run oriented.
I used to love the first hit of uair being able to combo, now I feel like I lost a potential style setup.
Dair has more hitstun but I still see it only useful as a little poke-in tool. I was able to follow up though so dunno what that's all about, will look further into it.
I don't get why the dev team would decrease KB scaling and increase hitstun, but still end up increasing the base knockback, by a large percent, too. It's like yall were thinking: "Hey, how about we make d-tilt follow up better?" "Ok, but let's also make d-tilt knock ppl farther away." I actually would love to get an explanation of why yall did this; I find it odd.
Bair looks like it covers less distance now, definitely NOT a good thing considering his lack of range being a very exploitable thing for him..
I'm also kinda conflicted to the change in damage values relating to this move too.. Yay more damage but ehhh on less base kb.. We can't combo bair into stuff so I don't see why that change existed
Tbh u-throw/b-throw being buffed in base kb annoy me.
Now u-throw to u-air is even harder to get now, and b-throw still is weak in comparison to other kill throws, killing at 150%, and we lost a potential super early percent chaingrab. Last part was a nitpick but I feel a bit salty still over it.
Well, at least both of these throws kills around the 110-120% mark for lightweights..
This feels like a general neutral messing-around to me, and judging by his struggle in viability, I don't see him getting any more viable from this rebalance. Of course, time will tell if we learn some crazy new spindash tech that would bump him up a bit along the way.
F-smash needed not just more kill power, but the hitbox deserved to be bigger and cover not just his fist.
Light Speed Dash's sweetspot still doesn't kill for jack. Why not buff its knockback scaling/percent a bit?
How about making his f-tilt aimable in three directions, if you're gonna bother buffing it? (kind of a nitpick but
His dash grab is still bad and his throws are pretty mediocre besides u-throw at early percents.
I'm left with the impression that Sonic has been improved more for the sake of him being hit-and-run, and sacrificing his already mediocre setups and already mediocre combo potential, resulting in a slightly less fun/viable Sonic on my hands.
At least fair's still the same fun move I love spamming.
I'm interested in d-smash being buffed-I might actually use it for once. The lowered angle of being launched was a good addition in its buffs.
What do you guys think?
We need to get this ball rolling, people..