How's it going guys? My name's Deion. I'm not new to SSF2 at all. I sadly forgot my old account name and I just decided to make a new one. I never did one of the arrival things though. I'm a big SSF2 fan and been a supporter of McLeod since SSFM.
What really caught my eye about this game was the characters. I saw Ichigo, Naruto and Goku in the same game and thought "YESSS! MAJOR WIN!" and aside from that, the developers haven't disappointed with their releases....well, except for release dates but, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt
In actual smash games, I main Pikachu and Toon Link and my selection hasn't changed with SSF2. I stuck with Pikachu and I picked up Naruto.
I'm also a huge Street Fighter fanatic. My favourite characters are Gen, Yang, Dee Jay and Zangief but, I only main Gen and Zangief. If anyone want to take me on in Ultra Street Fighter 4, 3rd Strike or SSF2T HD Remix, I'm up for a challenge. Add me on PSN "DBlock1615" and I'll take you on.
Anyways, that's me. Glad to be here and don't plan on leaving anytime soon.