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[PS3] Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale 
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Nextoy wrote:
Steven wrote:
Nextoy wrote:
Looking at the original trailer I'll put my money on it being MGS4 Snake. Either way, which incarnation do you guys think will be in?

Also, knowing Hideo Kojima, he'll probably request an alternate outfit being the original MGS1 character model; PSX graphics and all.

Old Snake is the most likely imo, considering MGS4 is the only PS3-exclusive game out of the main Metal Gear series. And the younger version of Snake, Solid Snake, already got his kicks in Smash Brothers and TV World Dream Fighters (both games used MGS2's Solid Snake IIRC).

Visual Design wise Smash kinda fused Solid and Naked, but functionally they used Solid.

However my question is how/if they are going to flow in his Solid Eye (or whatever its called) into Battle Royale gameplay.

Solid Snake already had the beard in MGS4 IIRC.

The Solid Eye priobably won't be part of his moveset if he gets in.

Is taunting in this game btw?


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Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:19 pm
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Steven wrote:
Nextoy wrote:
Steven wrote:
Nextoy wrote:
Looking at the original trailer I'll put my money on it being MGS4 Snake. Either way, which incarnation do you guys think will be in?

Also, knowing Hideo Kojima, he'll probably request an alternate outfit being the original MGS1 character model; PSX graphics and all.

Old Snake is the most likely imo, considering MGS4 is the only PS3-exclusive game out of the main Metal Gear series. And the younger version of Snake, Solid Snake, already got his kicks in Smash Brothers and TV World Dream Fighters (both games used MGS2's Solid Snake IIRC).

Visual Design wise Smash kinda fused Solid and Naked, but functionally they used Solid.

However my question is how/if they are going to flow in his Solid Eye (or whatever its called) into Battle Royale gameplay.

Solid Snake already had the beard in MGS4 IIRC.

The Solid Eye priobably won't be part of his moveset if he gets in.

Is taunting in this game btw?

I was referring to his alt costumes being camouflage from MGS3.

Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:29 pm
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Nextoy wrote:
Steven wrote:
Nextoy wrote:
Steven wrote:
Nextoy wrote:
Looking at the original trailer I'll put my money on it being MGS4 Snake. Either way, which incarnation do you guys think will be in?

Also, knowing Hideo Kojima, he'll probably request an alternate outfit being the original MGS1 character model; PSX graphics and all.

Old Snake is the most likely imo, considering MGS4 is the only PS3-exclusive game out of the main Metal Gear series. And the younger version of Snake, Solid Snake, already got his kicks in Smash Brothers and TV World Dream Fighters (both games used MGS2's Solid Snake IIRC).

Visual Design wise Smash kinda fused Solid and Naked, but functionally they used Solid.

However my question is how/if they are going to flow in his Solid Eye (or whatever its called) into Battle Royale gameplay.

Solid Snake already had the beard in MGS4 IIRC.

The Solid Eye priobably won't be part of his moveset if he gets in.

Is taunting in this game btw?

I was referring to his alt costumes being camouflage from MGS3.

Yeah ok, but I was talking about his main design (first costume).

Also question; are Ratchet&Clank already confirmed for this game? I know that there's a Metropolis stage, but I haven't seen the two themselves yet.


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Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:36 pm
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Superbot has been hush hush about the game after E3. So nothing has been Confirmed about Rachet & Clank.

Speaking of Metal Gear, you know what would be cool stage crossover concept?
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Edit: Some info I found in the playstation forums.

Info: show
Just thought I'd share with you guys some interesting details about All-stars revealed in the GameSpot

 1) The game will support customizable controls, so you can remap certain buttons to any playstyle you want.

 2) The game *might* support fight sticks (the woman in the interview said "joysticks" but it's possible that she meant fight sticks). I'm a little confused as to how these will work if this game uses both sticks on the DS3 (left for movement, right for throws), when fight sticks only have one. She might have just been talking about the analog sticks on the Vita or PS3 controller. I guess we'll see! 

3) The game will be absolutely identical on both platforms, so you literally shouldn't be able to tell who is a Vita player and who is a PS3 player. There won't be any cheap touch screen only mode like there was in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 for Vita.

 4) Some new info on level 1 supers: These are apparently very risky because they can be "interrupted."Not sure if this is exactly new info, but I think it gets the idea across that level 1s are the trickiest to pull off for and level 3's are easiest. Also a few more additional details from the following interview with PS Blog ... ure=relmfu 

5) All the game's characters will be voiced by their original voice actors. I think most of us expected this but it's nice to get a confirmation 

6) There will be stories for each individual character in arcade progression. The game's director let slip that they have been writing stories for each indivdual character in the arcade mode.  Looks like SuperBot's really focusing on the competitive aspect of this game, which I'm looking forward to a lot! What do you guys think about these details?  

 UPDATE 6/9: Just found out a few more details about the game from the following GameSpot interview: ... T-2X8APAdo 

7) There will be an option to turn off interactive elements of all stages. Many of the levels shown so far have elements in the background which can interact with you. If you would rather not have Hades or the Hydra attacking you from the background, and would just like to fight on the static stage itself, there will be an option for turning off interactive elements of all stages.  

8) All Characters can drain opponents' super meters by throwing them. Before, we knew about 2 ways to drain opponents' supers. Certain items like the Spear of Destiny or RPG drained opponent's super meter, and Sly Cooper could drain opponents' super meter when he goes invisible. Now, it has been revealed that all characters can drain their opponents' super with throws on the right analog stick. A few more details from this interview as well ... ars/731796  

9) Developers are VERY CLOSELY involved with the appearances of their characters in this game. It looks like for at least a few of these characters, many developers are going to be very hands on with the making of their characters in all stars. Just to give an example, Bioshock creator Ken Levine himself wrote the story for Big Daddy in arcade mode. 

10) In Overtime mode, characters' moves fill their super meters twice as quickly. A tie-breaker mode is expected in a game about scoring points, and it was revealed here in this demo. Looks like it really amplifies the pace of the game. 

UPDATE 6/20 

11) Cloud Saving between PS Vita and PS3 versions for single player. I'm sure we all know by now that the Vita version and the PS3 version will hae full cross-play support for playing online and versus mode, but in the interview above, one of the developers at SuperBot revealed that there will also be Cloud Saving for the single player. Basically, when you're playing single player on PS3, you save your game to the cloud. Then just pick up your Vita and pick up right where you left off. Obviously this works vice versa as well. Sounds like it will all be seamless with no cables required, which is pretty awesome! 

12) At this point, it looks like October is likely the game's release date. I know a lot of us have seen certain release dates on retail websites hinting at an October release, but in the video above a Sony rep actually alludes to it. Not a confirmatioin, but if a Sony rep himself says it, then it's something to pay attention to. October's only a couple months from now, though, and this game's apparently still pre-alpha. I'm guessing this means that the game's pretty much close to done now. UPDATE 6/21 Looks like a few details about the game have been revealed via the Amazon product description page: ... VUCYW636D5 

13) This game will run at full 1080p HD. Now THAT's really nice to hear. Not only does this game already look pretty good, but it will also run at full 1080p and have a silky smooth 60 frames per second framerate? And even with all of that STILL be fully compatible with the Vita? Wow, if this is true, kudos to you SuperBot! 

14) There will be "over 20 characters" in this game. Not quite sure what that means for the roster count yet, but I'm guessing that this means it'll be in the 22 or 23 range. Or maybe SuperBot's just leaving a ton of characters in the game as surprises for the fans. Still though, if this game's 20 characters are all elite Playstation characters like they are so far and none of them are clones of each other...then 20's a pretty solid number (and that number could rise dramatically thanks to DLC). Not bad, SuperBot, not bad! 

15) This game will feature "rivalries" and "an award system designed to encourage competition." So in addition to the tournament mode, the website mentioned "rivalries." I have no idea what this means, but if I had to guess, I'd say that they might be something similar to Smash Bros' event matches. Again, I have no idea, but it sounds pretty interesting. Also mentioned was "an award system designed to encourage competition." Sounds pretty good to me, considering that's already one of this game's combat system's advantages.  

UPDATE 6/24 After browsing a few websites, I happened to find the official press release for the game, which surprisingly revealed a few details about the game that people might not have known about. ... oyale.html 

16) The game's online mode will include "Special Event Battles". According to the press release, "Special Event Battles allow SuperBot to set match parameters daily, and players earn experience points towards an overall leaderboard based on performance." So basically, a mode where SuperBot will set up daily challenges and/or a certain set of rules for a match. Sounds interseting! 

17) The game's single player modes will include "Combat Trials." Again, I'll directly quote the press release. "In Combat Trials, players not only learn the basics of the game but perfect their skills through hundreds of unique challenges." To me, this sounds similar to Street Fighter 4's trial mode, where the player learned some basic moves for each character and then was challenged to perform rather difficult combos. SuperBot must really have a deep combat system if they're including like this.

Edit2: Jak and Toro have been leaked to appear on the PSASBR roster.


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Sun Jun 24, 2012 10:39 pm

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^ Aw beat me to it. But here's the source (I think... Article was taken down): ... tle-royal/

Luckily someone got screenshots of the article:

No official, in-game screenshots it seems

Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:23 pm
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Well idk how Toro is gonna play out but its good to see Jak confirmed

Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:28 pm
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[Citation needed]

Can't trust some no-name blog. Especially one that can't spell "Royale" correctly.

I mean, let's be honest, everybody knows Jak will be in it. But this is far from a confirmation.


Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:04 am
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We'll have wait to see if the leak is true at EVO 2012. And to be honest, I think Jak being revealed with Ratchet at EVO would be better than Toro. If anything, if they should reveal anything that appeals to Japan, then it would be at TGS.


The sly eagle doesn't kill at whim.

Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:44 am
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TerminX wrote:
[Citation needed]

Can't trust some no-name blog. Especially one that can't spell "Royale" correctly.

I mean, let's be honest, everybody knows Jak will be in it. But this is far from a confirmation.

Jak&Dexter were officially confirmed already though IIRC. I don't have any citation though.

Stories sound like they could be good.

EDIT: OMG so happy I can turn the Hydra in Metropolis off.


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Wed Jun 27, 2012 2:09 pm

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Well, I didn't see this one coming: ... -employee/

Spoilers: Seth Killian, who recently left Capcom, has joined up with Sony and is helping out with PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.

Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:05 am
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Oh good. Glad he's still doing what he loves. There's a massive jump in dev quality there too.. Superbot seems really bro-tier so far, whereas Capcom is Capcom.

Good for him.


Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:20 am
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What is Capcom doing to it's employees?
This guy's like the 5th or so relevant face to pack up and leave.

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< epic. just, epic.
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Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:03 pm
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What they're doing to their employees probably isn't much better than what they're doing to their customers.

Especially the Megaman fans. God damn, a moment of silence for you guys.


Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:08 pm
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Back on topic please.

Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:15 pm
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Some info about the EVO presentation at Las Vegas.


The sly eagle doesn't kill at whim.

Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:10 pm
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