22 samples were enough to keep it unbiased as possible, we all know what we lack, we all know where we really are, every top 10 was almost UNANIMOUS among the 22 lists, with the exception of my own top 10 in which i ranked Hanaj 3rd, we all were UNANIMOUS on WHO was in the top10, from top 11 to 30 we all were unanimous as well, only differing to the placements, some people had different picks for 29th and 30th placement mentioning players like DaMexicanOreo, FutureMac and Jammy but those were really on the minority, we all agreed almost unanimously on who deserved to be top 30, the only things we would differ would be on the placements past top 13, and that was pretty much it, so far i believe this is the most perfect method considering more people would alter the rankings quite a lot if their opinions differ much from the others.
Almost everyone we included in the Committee was in top 30 yes, but for the same reason they are top30 is because we included them, since they DO UNDERSTAND THE MECHANICS AND META OF THIS GAME and they do put it on paper with amazingly well thought explanations, even if we hate people in there we all agreed on that person receiving the placement he deserved, Gax is an example of it.
_________________https://gfycat.com/NearWeeBluejay Some Ness main online, Taco-speaker. Problematic.