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Joined: Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:14 pm Posts: 892 Location: 3 o'clock
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Seaworthy: The Grand Adventures of Stalwart Sea Captain Seymour WinslowThey came from the void, the gods, and from the void they shaped Tahnem and every being which inhabits its realm. Gentle Anem, king of the heavens, who from the void he fashioned our world, holding it together with his mighty winds, and filling our lungs so that we may breathe. Firm T'ah, ruler of earth, who brought stability to the chaos, shaping the land as we know it, and drawing our flesh from his domain so that we returned to it once our spirits were freed. Keen Kahrek, lord of the seas, who brought the waters to Tahnem, causing life to stir, and filling our flesh with waters so that our blood might flow. Sweet Yaris, lady of light, who placed her great lanterns into the skies, allowing life to grow, and granting us the spark of life so that we would experience life to its fullest. The Tahnemians were beloved by the Sacred Quartet, who aided them in their development and establishment of great kingdoms. The world prospered greatly under their hands; feeling that their children could survive without their aid, they left them to flourish on their own. It was during this era of prosperity that a brilliant man by the name of Potophi constructed miraculous devices of wonder and power. The rulers of the land became covetous of the devices, demanding that Potophi build devices for their own personal gain, as well as waging war among each other for those that were scattered throughout Tahnem. Potophi had no desire to become a pawn for the rulers so he went into hiding, and no more of his devices were made. Nevertheless, war consumed all of Tahnem as the rulers used the few tools that existed to conquer their foes. The peasants suffered greatly throughout the era of war, for there was nothing they could do to stand up to the powers displayed by their rulers through the "Potopian Tools". Potophi went out in secret and searched the kingdoms to find three youths who he deemed worthy of his discipleship; brash Nathaniel of Arryndown, watchful Lydia of Sumetreah, and clever Hayden of Dom. They studied under Potophi for thirty years, until they too learned how to craft wonderful devices like their master. These, however, were not perfect. Nathaniel's tools were much too focused on offense in combat, while those of Lydia were focused on defense; they were made primarily for warfare. Hayden's tools were the closest in design to Potophi, though beyond utility, there was not much else they could be used for. Regardless, Potophi sent his students out into the world. They travelled from kingdom to kingdom leaving behind their creations for the oppressed peoples and eventually revolution stirred. The gods returned to a world filled with suffering, corruption, and war. They were filled with great sadness at what their children had done to their beautiful world and they wept bitterly. A hundred days went by, and the face of Tahnem had changed forever. The treasures of the empires were lost beneath the seas and only a few islands dotted the surface of Tahnem with the fortunate few who survived the deluge. EMPLOYMENT s****
Greetings, fair people of Tahnem. I, highly esteemed sea captain Thaddeus Wickerton, will soon be setting sail on a righteous mission to purge this world's sparkling oceans of the abhorrent lowlifes that have claimed it as their own. Today marks the beginning of a new era for all who call the sea their home, an age rife with justice and prosperity! What's more, I, tremendously powerful sea captain Bartholemew Worthings, am offering you a chance to take part in making this future a reality. I am assembling a crew of the finest seafarers in Tahnem. Navigators, marksmen, physicians, cooks, and even working girls all have an important role to play. However, keep in mind that I, remarkably intelligent sea captain Horatio Manchester, only accept the best and the brightest. Together, united under a banner of justice, we shall strike terror into the hearts of ne'erdowells the world over, and fill the hard-working people of this land with hope and inspiration! Come and join me if you think you're up to the task.
For more information, visit dock seven at Myra harbour.
Immeasurably Handsome Sea Captain Seymour Winslow TL;DR: Potophi makes cool stuff. People want stuffs. World war cuz of stuffs. Gods flood world. Captain hiring to find stuffs and beat pirates. Geography: While the world map is fairly extensive, there are still various islands throughout the world that remain uncharted. Technology: Technology in this world is similar to that of the Colonial era. Muskets, and gunpowder are fairly rare, and expensive to maintain. Animals: No creatures are sentient. The typical run-of-the-mill mythological creatures do exist, but they only live on uninhabited islands and aren't thought to exist. Magic:Doesn't exist in the typical sense. Profile |  |  |  | Code: [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Profession:[/b] (1st Mate, Navigator, Carpenter, Cannoneer, Doctor, Cook, Tailor, Blacksmith, Trapper, Marksman, Lookout, Sailor, or make a suggestion. Roles will ultimately be decided by the captain.) [b]Weapon(s):[/b] [b]Potopian Tool(s):[/b]None. [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Skills:[/b] No god modding. Has to make sense through relation of the biography. [b]Misc. Item(s):[/b]
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Last edited by Shrapnel on Fri Jul 12, 2013 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:34 pm |
Joined: Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:14 pm Posts: 892 Location: 3 o'clock
Gender: Male
CharactersUser: Live Grenade Name: Seymour Winslow Age: 43 Appearance: Somewhat short and rather stocky, Seymour has the body of a laborer. His reddish-brown hair is swept back and typically covered by a tricorne hat. His eyebrows and mustache are very thick, and his face is unshaven. His eyes are a stormy grey, and his skin has an ashen quality to it. Personality: Seymour is boisterous to a fault. Positions of power tend to give him a big head, and considering he's captain, his ego is roughly the size of the ship. He's a bit eccentric and very spontaneous, and he really enjoys messing with people. Seymour is unfalteringly loyal to his friends and all those in his command, but has trouble trusting them to be loyal in return. Profession: Captain Weapon: A sabre and a flintlock pistol Potopian Tool: Spirit canvas Biography: Brought up by a fisherman and his wife, Seymour left home at the age of eighteen to join the Hetreah navy. He rose through the ranks fairly quickly, recognized for his inane ability to effectively unite a group of people under his command. However, he never made captain. Fifteen years later, he discovered corruption amongst the upper echelons of the military, who were dealing with pirates. When he tried to reveal this information, he was stripped of his rank and all credibility. Since then, he has worked as the captain of a small fishing vessel. Nearly a year ago, Winslow and his small crew were out fishing when they made a peculiar catch. Among a netful of fish sat a chest. Though it was severely rusted, it was also ornately decorated. Deciding that the box must hold something of value, the captain pried it open. Inside was what appeared to be a large, blank roll of fabric. Still convinced that whatever this cloth was had to be somewhat valuable, he brought it to an antiques dealer to have it appraised. After looking it over, the dealer said that it was just regular fabric, offering to buy it from him for a low price. Winslow wasn't convinced and decided to try somewhere else, but the dealer drew a gun, demanding he hand over the cloth. The captain easily disarmed and pinned the man. After a brief interrogation, he discovered that the cloth he had found was in fact the spirit canvas, one of the legendary Potopian tools. He also managed to squeeze the location of several more out of the dealer. With this information, Winslow resolved to build a crew and set out to find these immensely powerful artifacts and bring justice to both the pirates and the double-dealing military. Skills: Able to effectively unite, inspire, and command a group of people. Considerable proficiency with standard issue naval weaponry. Misc. Items: Fishing net. Good amount of money, obtained from selling the chest that contained the spirit canvas. Percival, his pet willow weasel. User: Deciton_Reven Name: Cecil Furantu'an Age: Despite appearing in her early 20's, something about her seems to always tip people off to her true age (or close to) which is at least 10 years older. Thirty-something. Appearance: Bright blue eyes clash against dark skin and darker hair and are complemented by a flowing blue top lashed in place with rope braclets and belt as well as tan pants bound in the same manner. On a deeper level she appears a bit more nerdy, small glasses are often resting on her face, and her long hair is pulled up in a bundle and kept in place by twin hair spikes. She is tall which helps in her body language, that of grace and flair, and her emotions while haggling or describing something new could speak volumes in and of themselves. Her nails are pink and have been trimmed for the occasion. Odd? yes. Personality:Usually Cecil is dressed in a manner more fitting of her personality, formality and politeness, but not to shy to speak her mind. She's not cold but will value a person in the same manner as a item, exactly what it's worth. She's a barterer and haggler by her truest nature and is always on the lookout for exotic wares. Fare trade is possible but usually she refrains from doing things not necessary unless she feels she is getting more out of it than the other party. She's also a bit more religious that others, not overly or forcefully though. Profession: Tailor; Clerk Weapon(s): As well as the classic knife in boot that's to be expected, or the spikes in her hair, Cecil has one slightly more exotic weapon; a small single load pistol strapped to her wrist, and designed to flip out with a flick. It doesn't have much stopping power, but it's never pleasant to be shot. Potopian Tool(s): None. Biography: How does one become essentially a monk? Well as any monk will tell you, from an odd turn of fate. Cecil joined the monkhood at the same time as her mother, after the death of Cecil's father, around the age of 11. Her mother's stay didn't last long though, as her grief drove away her mind and her health, and her body was returned to the earth 4 years later. Cecil left with nothing else stayed with the monkhood, where she was taught reading, writing, arithmetic, as well as history. More so ever she was taught care and usage of medicinal herbs as wells as foodstuffs, upkeep of a household (ie cooking, cleaning, mending), and personal defense. Eventually she began life as a traveling merchant selling her relativity rare and quality goods, and purchasing oddities to add to her collection or to resale for profit. She has taken various clerk or scribe jobs as well to earn additional funds or as passage to other islands, but is no stranger to hard work either. Sound mind, sound body, sound soul. Skills: A good haggler, scribe, has experience in household chores. She has almost an aura of calming, and is adept at calming others, though it doesn't reach to animals. She of course can grow many kinds of plants well and knows how to apply the medical, or other properties, to others deftly. Misc. Item(s): As a merchant it would be odd for her not to have many normal kinds of various nicknacks. A handful of fish hooks or sewing needles, candles or chalk, pencil and paper, etc. She, as well, has various herbs to relieve pain, boost energy, make you smell good, to act as an aphrodisiac, etc. She has just a few really exotic items, most are utterly useless beyond looks, however she has a couple nifty little sticks that, when struck against a rough surface, burst into flame, these however are nearly priceless and are not renewable by Cecil herself. If you reached here and are still wondering why Cecil's nails are pink, well, that's a special mix of berries, sap, and a bit of animal oil, concocted by Cecil herself. Some women are just enthralled by the stuff, which is good. User: usuk Name: Jonathan Daley Age: 33 Appearance: Being a carpenter's son and working at the job himself, Jonathan is fairly muscular, with dark skin, windswept black hair, and brown eyes. His clothes are simple, consisting of a brownish green shirt, a tool belt, and tan pants with a multitude of pockets on them. Jonathan is a 'teddy bear' sort of guy, almost always smiling, with most people just knowing that he is friendly from seeing him. Personality: Jonathan is a friendly and honest guy, who'll always make time to help another person if they're in a pickle. However, he is not naive, and shows that he does have a sharp mind, almost never falling for a trick or scam. Jonathan enjoys the company of children, but tends to become uncomfortable around upset people and usually tries to cheer them up. If he feels that someone is just being a general bother and slowing everything down, then he will give them a piece of his mind and proves to be skilled at motivation. Profession: Carpenter Weapon(s): The only thing in Jonathan's possession that could be considered a weapon is his hammer. He uses his own strength most of the time anyway. Potopian Tool(s): None. Biography: Jonathan was born and raised a carpenter's son. Since he was born, his father began bringing him up to follow after his footsteps, teaching Jonathan to be a carpenter. He showed honest skill in carpentering and often whittled scraps of wood as well. Jonathan's life was largely uneventful, and his relationship with his father well and good, considering his mother died during childbirth. Eventually, his father died and left his work to Jonathan. He faithfully carried on as his father had done, until a job opportunity came up. He hitched a ride to another island, only for bad luck to suddenly turn up. First, he didn't get the job. Second, he fell seriously ill for a week and a half. Third, he came back to his home and found that it had been burned down in a fire. Fortunately, his bad luck came to an end. Jonathan managed to hang in there as a carpenter, skipping from island to island on merchant's ships and gaining some reputation for his hard work and friendly behavior. Skills: Jonathan is generally skilled with working wood, is rather strong, can talk well in front of people, and easily befriends others. Misc. Item(s): Jonathan has carpenter's tools with him either on his tool belt or lost somewhere in his many pockets. He has a whittling knife somewhere (lost, and he'll probably cut his finger by accident if he finds it) and has multiple small scraps of wood in just about every pocket. User: Infinity Name: Frederick Moonsdale Age: 31 Appearance: Frederick is of average height and weight. He also has brown curly hair that is well kept, and a mustache and beard combo that he usually flaunts around. Despite his choice of study, he isn't weak and has a decent build. His deep and dark brown eyes can best be described as sharp and focused. Frederick can be usually seen in informal attire and hates to be in stiff, formal and frankly uncomfortable clothing. Personality: Similarly to his preferred choice of clothing, Frederick is generally laid back and open, though this completely shifts when he's at work and is focused and quiet. He'll also ignore people and get caught up in his work, which is the complete opposite of what he normally is. When he's not working, studying or anything of the like he can be described as jovial. Though he is never quick to trust, he'll try his best to get along with the other person or people. Frederick is also very passionate about his profession and what he believes in. Profession: Doctor Weapon(s): Not wanting to mix up his surgical knives or anything else similar and using them as weapons, Frederick uses a separate pocket knife for close combat use instead and a small pistol that he rarely uses. Potopian Tool(s): None. Biography: Growing up in the Kingdom of Farzanth, Frederick followed in his mother's footsteps and started at a young age taking interest in the medical field, while his brother opted to follow a more different path and break away from family tradition. Living a normal and regular life Frederick and his brother had more time to develop their skills, showing genuine interest in their choice of profession. Though his brother migrated to The Fa'Jali Military Academy. Skills: Vast knowledge of medical terms and treatments, able to recognize various diseases, infections and illnesses on the spot. Well spoken, has quick hands and is very precise. Works well under pressure. Knows a lot about plants and natural herbs. Misc. Item(s): A medical bag that contains a collect of diverse medical supplies that reside in a backpack like sac. Commonly used items include, a pair of surgical knives, tweezers, multiple plants and natural herbs, bandages, a flask of whiskey, painkillers, and needle and thread. There are also other supplies there too, those are just the more regularly used items. User: Kiki Name: Amelia Age: 24 Appearance: Amelia's stature is average and her build quite slim. Her skin is fair, and her body looks as if it had not done much physical labour. Her eyes are a rich forest green and piercing. Her cheeks are a dull shade of pink, as if she is just about to blush, though the rest of the features on her face are sharp, giving her gentle features an edge. Her hair is long and a deep dark red, kept in a long flowing ponytail that goes down her back, held in place by a "cheap" bangle. Her clothes are simple, a black tunic with a red sash slung over her hips and baggy beige breeches stuffed into brown leather boots. Personality: Amelia is cordial and polite, her manners seeming to stick out among sailors. She seems a bit stiff when dealing with people one on one, as if she has a shield raised in front of her, though she is charismatic, charming, and diplomatic when addressing crowds. While she often upholds a lady-like demeanour, when in the presence of her dear friend the Captain, (or alcohol), she can be quite rowdy and swashbuckling. Profession: Sailor? Weapon(s): Rapier, a number of throwing knives. Potopian Tool(s):None. Biography: Amelia is quite an enigma. The sole person who knows of her true identity appears to be the captain, as they are reputed to have known each other for many years. The story she often tells of her life is that she's the daughter of a sailor and a barmaid. Of course, her origins have been contested, but she adamantly defends it, and will get quite defensive if people suggest otherwise. Skills: Amelia has an almost a ridiculous knack for aiming, being able to throw darts, and shoot arrows without much of a thought and hitting her targets in precise locations. She has a penchant for always having gold on hand, and an incredible eye for determining whether items are real or fake. Oddly, she seems to have an incredibly high tolerance for alcohol. Misc. Item(s): A locket of which she is very protective, and a flask at her waist. User: Wizzquizz Name: Isabelle “Bella” Winters Age: 32 Appearance: Bella is a taller girl with blonde flowing locks that go to shoulder length. Bella’s head is adorned with a brown captain’s hat. Her green eyes also make her seem like she’s up to something. She has a fair skin color that stands out against her dark clothing. She has a white shirt covered by a black captain’s coat on. Her legs are hidden beneath a pair of brown trousers secured by a belt. She also wears so jewelry on her wrist, usually a pearl bracelet. Bella has a necklace hidden under her shirt that is a symbol of Kahrek. Personality: Isabelle is a nicer person, until angered. She also has strict rules. She deeply despises traitors often killing them on the spot. She tends to hold herself to a more regal posture. Profession: To be decided. Weapon(s): Bella carries around a knife in her boot. A one shot flint pistol strapped to her thigh. Her most useful weapon is her long elegant Rapier. Potopian Tool(s): None. Biography: Born on Urtune Isabelle quickly wanted to leave with the constant sailors that came and left on a daily basis. She spent most of her childhood playing around the docks and disrupting the peace. Isabelle voiced her opinion to her mother. Her mother then responded, telling the young child she it wasn’t safe. Bella then began training in sword fighting. She soon became a natural. By a young age she joined a ship and set off. She spent the next couple of years working aboard the ship, cleaning and other forms of grunt work. Then one day it happened…Pirates. They ransacked the ship, taking the child as a captive. Luckily form Bella the captain saw potential in the lass. She began to train and work and learn as the pirates did. She assisted in several attacks and raids. She worked her way up to first mate. She began to love the pirate lifestyle. Then the ship was attacked. The crew managed to defeat the opposing force, but at great cost. The pirate’s captain was lost, giving Isabelle the position. Isabelle began her rule with an iron fist. Her crew quickly became upset with her marooning her on a small island. After several days a ship came to Bella’s rescue. She was then taken and thrown into jail. After serving her time she was released seeking one thing, a way to slaughter all of her old crew. She began searching ending up on Hetreah seeking the position as first mate. Skills: Great as fighting in close quarters. Very quick witted. Has a knack for evading capture. Misc. Item(s): She carries around a telescope, often attached to her belt. She also has a compass tied to her belt. She also carries around a small flask, often filled with rum. She also carries a pocket full of ammo and random pieces of scarp that could be fired if needed. She also has a small bag of sand tied to her belt Name: Gal Gebara Age: 58 Appearance: Gal could be described as "almost gone" physically. Years of abuse and weathering hazardous sea conditions have not done him any favors. He stands at around 5'10'' and moves his fragile body slowly and carefully. His skin is fair, albeit covered with wrinkles and blemishes from age and wear. His hair is white and whatever is left is very thin with his thick beard and mustache being the only exception. He wears a beaten up, frayed and bloodied naval uniform complete with epaulets and naval decorations (which he stole) as well as a bicorne worn fore to aft. He also carries his small cat, Bleu-Nial, around with him, which either rests in his hands or hangs on his shoulder. Personality: Rowdier in his younger days, Gal has mellowed out as he has grown older, especially after retiring. However, he is a cranky, often very blunt man with very little manners or care for formalities. Though he is no longer a pirate and does not dress the part, he still acts as if he was one. Profession: Navigator Weapon(s): None Potopian Tool(s): None Biography: Gal was born in Flint to a woman of low standing who had a relationship with a sailor. He does not remember his mother too well because around the time he was three his father came by to take him away. He spent his youth working on his father's ship, traveling across the vast sea and cut his teeth in exotic ports of call. By the time he was 17, acting on a whim, he jumped ship and joined a pirate crew to search for greater thrills. He drifted around crews for a few years, learning the various roles necessary to run an efficient ship, but around age 23 he finally settled on the ship "The Whore of the Sea," where he trained under their navigator. After a few years the navigator died from a debilitating disease and Gal took his place, working as the ship's navigator for over 30 years. He was offered other high up jobs, but relished his position and hung on to it. Over the years he collected a large amount of items, both stolen and purchased, and began wearing a naval uniform he stole from a captain he killed when he was 25. As he entered his 50s he decided it was time to retire from the ship he had called home for most of his life, and settled on one of the Arryn isles, where he was supposed to live out the rest of his days. However, after a few years he grew restless, and on his 56th birthday he packed up his necessities and his companion, Bleu-Nial, in search of a grand mission to end his life with. He traveled the seas he knew so well as a young man in a small boat in search of adventure, and, upon arriving in Myra, discovered the posting. Though not keen on dealing with pirates in that he himself was one, Gal decided to apply in order to satisfy his thirst for one last grand adventure on the high seas. Skills: A life on the sea. Fit for most journeyman and high profile roles experience-wise, but unfit for physically demanding ones age-wise. Misc. Item(s): A small cat, Bleu-Nial, which is actually a bobcat runt. Various navigation tools and maps shoved in his pockets. User: Green Mage Name: Selvani Celtigar Age: 23 Appearance: His olive skin has a few blemishes of red, culminating in a noticeable ruddy nose. He is about a head above the average, which his lean build highlights. His eyes are a light green colour, which works well with his short brown hair. His clean-shaven face often has a confident smile on it. As for outfits, he wears a white jacket, grey pants, and hard leather shoes. While cooking, he always makes sure to try and wear a apron just in case. Personality: Like any Marsette cook, Selvani has the utmost belief that his cooking ability is next to none. He also likes to tells others of Marsette's superiority over various things. However, it's not of ill will that he does this; It's due to his upbringing and wanting others to know of its greatness. Otherwise, he's generally neutral towards others despite his proud demeanor. He likes people who take the cooking arts seriously, and dislikes those who waste food. As for his interest in food, it can seem a little over-the-top for certain people (e.g. anyone not named Selvani Celtigar). One would be hard-pressed to find a subject where Sevani can't relate to food. He is aware of how excessive he can sometimes be about the topic, so he likes to exaggerate more when talking about it, just to point out the silliness of it (and because it's fun to do so). Other than that, he also enjoys drinking, and collecting knives, whether or not they're good for cutting meat. Profession: Cook Weapon(s): In the off chance that he has to take up arms, he has armed himself with "Elizabeth", his spare general-utility chef's knife. He also can use his other utensils, but prefers them to be clean and "taking the life of those he'll eat" instead if he had to. Potopian Tool(s): None. Biography: Hailing from the Kingdom of Marsette, it was no surprise that Selvani would take the profession of a chef, as his ancestors before him. What was a surprise was his rather impassioned (some would say fanatical) to the art. When possible, he personally found his own ingredients, either by haggling, or hunting with a bow or even with his own knives. He practiced as many recipes as possible, and ate anything that seemed edible, if it would add to a dish, or a addition to them. While his oddness sometimes put off his fellow Marsites, his ability to cook just about everything also gave him a small following. Perhaps some would be satisfied just being a eccentric, but not him. Even with the amazing food and ingredients available on his homeland, Selvani felt unsatisfied with cooking them. It wasn't until he tasted a dish from another land as he passed through the markets that he found his muse of sorts. Raised to believe Marsette had the best food, he was amazed by the taste, yet also the health benefits. With this knowledge that perhaps there are foods better than what was in Marsette, he proceeded to go on a journey of discovery, searching for new ingredients and recipes, and showing off the cooking prowess of a Celtigar. Skills: Of course, Selvani is a accomplished chef, able to cook just about anything on hand, while preserving great taste when possible. He's very good with a knife from this as well, being swift and precise. He also has somewhat decent aim with a bow, although he mostly uses them for hunting. Selvani also has great stamina; Useful for when the orders keep on coming. Misc. Item(s): Like any good cook, he has a assortment of various cooking utensils at his disposal. From bone-cutting cleavers, to sturdy ladles, he has it all, and each one having its personal name. He also carries a few spice and seasoning, just in case. User: Ichigo Name: Alester Age: 25 Appearance: Alester stands at just over average height and is very much of an average weight. His skin is fair and his body shape seems fairly built, though not built enough that it would bulge beneath clothing. His eyes are golden and filled with a magnificent luster and his hair is just the same. Beyond being of a striking colour, his hair is long, just over shoulder length, and tied back loosely by an exquisite red ribbon. Due to the loose nature in which his hair is tied, most of his hair still hangs over his brow and ears, though not low enough that it would be troublesome. His face is handsome, sharp, defined, yet still soft and round about his cheeks and nose. Alester normally wears a white, long sleeved formal shirt and a pair of deep brown trouser which hug tightly around his waist but billow outwards until they once again hug inward as they are stuffed delicately into a pair of black, calf high boots. Over top of his formal shirt he wears a short sleeved, black tunic which covers just over the top of his trousers. Around his waist, over top both his shirt and tunic, is a grey sash with a brown, leather belt tucked just under it. The belt sports space for a holster, a scabbard, and a few pouches to be pinned which on occasion Alester uses. Over top all of this Alester wears a long, red coat which stops just barely before his boots and is cuffed back around his wrists so that his white sleeves may protrude. The coat is generally worn open and is tucked under the collar of his white shirt. Personality: Alester is charismatic, proud, gentle, witty, and a very keen liar. He can also be seen as somewhat boastful and overly indulgent, though this is generally just a front used to relax those about him. When doing his 'work' Alester is very a calculating person though he makes certain to never lose his gentlemanly appeal. Profession: Sailor Weapon(s): An unusual rapier which is curved very gently so that it can lightly cleave. A standard pistol. Potopian Tool(s): None. Biography: Like his father and grandfather, Alester is what one may describe as a gentleman thief. Since coming of age, Alester has wandered from country to country absorbing both the culture and customs of many people so that he may rob the most prestigious of each land respectively. Only steal from those who can afford to be stolen from and only steal for sport, these are of course the most basic guidelines for any thief who could ever want to call themselves a gentleman. Alester lives by these guide lines as his grandfather was supposedly the one to establish them so long ago and, on numerous occasions, has gone out of his way to try his hardest to best both his grandfather and father who were known for some of the most elaborate, impressive, and of course daring heists ever performed by man. In some places, Alester has earned the nickname 'The Wolf' though he generally dislikes the idea of being compared to a dog. Skills: Alester is adept at the art of disguise, sleight of hand, pick pocketing, sneaking, climbing, and of course general thievery. Over the years Alester has also become quite good with a sword and numerous fire arms, though he prefers not using either if at all possible. Explosives and other weaponry of the sort are not foreign to him either as he has used small bombs and explosive powders for many of his heists. Misc. Item(s): Lock picks and a broken key necklace which is generally kept in his tunic pocket. User: Jin Name: Samuel Tavares Age: 20 Appearance: Quite the slender young man, Samuel's body is composed of mostly lean muscle. His tan complexion reflects his youthful age while his sharp jaw is covered by some stubble. Normally Samuel keeps his long hair tied up in small bun, sometimes held back with a red bandana. He wears a wine red shirt, only buttoned half way, with the sleeves torn off. On top of that he wears a light brown vest. His canvas pants are tucked in tightly into very lightweight brown boots. Personality: Samuel's age reflects his personality. He is full of energy, always enthusiastic to do something new. Usually the one to act before he thinks, Samuel is often seen as naive. He is not afraid of speaking his opinion, but knows when to accept defeat and back down. More often than not, Samuel will choose to move on his own, as he is quite independent. Profession: Fisherman Weapon(s): A fishing spear and a small scaling knife. Potopian Tool(s):None. Biography: Samuel was born and raised in the republic of Altak. His father was a trader from the Arryn Isles who spent much of his time sailing back and forth between the two. Once he reached the end of his sailing career, he settled down in Taxista, got married and gave birth to Samuel. Like most Altak, Samuel was raised to be a fisherman. He quickly learned to sail from his father and fish from his mother. Quickly developing these skills, he would often go fishing on his own, growing a liking for spear fishing. With this, he developed a likeness for swimming and exploring what fish he could find deep underwater. Soon enough, Samuel got a little bit bored and wanted to explore the world. He came across Captain Seymour's s**** and decided it would be a fun adventure. He figured his assets could contribute to the crew. Skills: Samuel is a very capable swimmer, able to hold his breath underwater for a full minute. He is also quite fit and of course is a skilled fisherman. He's not a bad chef by any means, but he only knows how to cook dishes with fish. Misc. Item(s): A fishing pole, various bait and hooks, and a fishing net.
Last edited by Shrapnel on Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:41 am, edited 6 times in total.
Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:34 pm |
Joined: Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:14 pm Posts: 892 Location: 3 o'clock
Gender: Male
MapsThe Kingdom of Hetreah: show Nationality: Hetrean
Click to expand thumbnailHetreah is one of the most powerful and prosperous nations in Tahnem. Historically, it was arguably the second kingdom to rise after the great flood. The people are fairly formal, with their culture revolving around proper etiquette and social status. This makes Myra, the capital of the kingdom and seat of the throne, the most ordered harbour in the world. The island itself is fairly temperate, with deciduous and coniferous trees growing about it. SurmaNationality: Surmian Surma, while technically its own state, is considered a province of Hetreah. Centuries ago, the people of Surma pledged their allegiance to the Hetrean throne, so long as they were under their protection. The Surmian culture is fairly similar to that of the Hetrean, though they vote for their lords to have the island represented in the Hetrean Royal Court.
Click to expand thumbnailFlint Nationality: Flintish Flint is often considered the second province of the Hetrean Kingdom. The island is rich with minerals and deep mines that go into the earth. Hana'tul and T'ahrek, are simple mining towns. Unlike Surma and Hetreah however, the people are a lot more informal with each other and tend to be much more rough around the edges. It is often rumoured that Flint was in fact the top of a mountain before the flood, and that a forgotten kingdom lies within. Racial Attributes: Fair to tan skin, full range of hair and eye color. The Kingdom of Marsette: show
Click to expand thumbnailNationality: Marsite Marsette is an island kingdom renowned for its famous chefs, and their superiority complex. They have a strong sense of nationality, and are quick to declare of the marvelous foods, monuments and natural beauties of their island. Their island is temperate, and the capital, Alsance, is separated from the major cities by a dense coniferous forest. Racial Attributes: Ruddy skin, brown to blonde hair, lighter eyes.
Click to expand thumbnailNationality:Hannese The Hannese Empire was the third nation to rise following the great flood. The people are very strong adheres to respect of authority figures and elders, as well as the concept of family honour. The island is known for its beautiful trees that flower in the spring. The Emperor of Hann, is often in conflict with the King of Marsette and the President of Dorn, because of his threatening expansionist policies. Kokora, the capital, was constructed with a great wall around it. There is a large following of Kahkrek in this nation as well, many of the cities, are founded by rivers or the sea. Racial Attributes: Golden skin, dark brown to black hair, brown eyes. The Kingdom of Farzanth: show
Click to expand thumbnailNationality: Farzanthic The Kingdom of Farzanth is a patriarchal kingdom in which the women are seen as subservient to the men. The bustling capital Farina however is a bastion of knowledge and philosophy. The Sultan of Farzanth, a young man who has only recently acquired the throne dreams to modernize his island, though he must contend against his royal advisors. Farzanthic library in Hul'kbar has a vast wealth of knowledge on the world before the great flood. Racial Attributes: Medium brown skin, dark brown to black hair, full range of eye color. The Republic of Dorn: show
Click to expand thumbnailNationality: Dornish The Republic of Dorn is the largest of the islands, as well as the most established. It's capital, Dorn City, is the center of commerce and international relations between the islands. Its vast size has led to an influence from various other surrounding islands. Liliko, and the surrounding villages have a distinct Hannese influence, while Allain has a slight Arrynian influence. Dorn's size contributes to its vast wealth of resources, containing vast forests as well as mineral rich mines. Feron, Allain, and Liliko are major trading port cities. The President is elected by all citizens of Dorn. Racial Attributes: Fair skin, lighter hair and eyes.
Click to expand thumbnailNationality: Arrynian The Arryn Isles are a lush tropical chain of islands with active volcanoes. The people are known for their artistic spirit and laid back lifestyle. The Goddess Yaris is believed to be the patron of this chain of islands, thus, she is revered by the people and a common theme found in the festivals and ceremonies. The lack of unified government however has also allowed some of the smaller islands to become black markets for pirates. Racial Attributes: Tan skin, full range of hair and eye color.
Click to expand thumbnailThe Frozen Isles are a collection of islands that have been made into one solid island of ice. The people are viewed as barbarians by many of the other islanders for their primitive state of living. However that is quite the contrary, they are a fairly cultured people with strong ties of family and friends. They are however, isolationist, preferring to refrain from interacting with the other peoples, so not much is known about the tribes people otherwise. Racial Attributes: Light brown skin, brown to black hair, full range of eye color.
Click to expand thumbnailNationality: Fa'Jali Fa'Jal is a parliamentary state island found in the tropics, south of Arryn. While it is relatively small, the island is known for their formidable warriors. The Fa'Jali Military Academy, found in Tellum, is regarded as one of the best in the world, and where many have gone to hone their own skills. Their culture seems to revolve around their ability to fight, in that individuals are to fight for what they believe in, both literally and figuratively. Racial Attributes: Olive skin, brown to black hair, full range of eye color. The Republic of Altak: show
Click to expand thumbnailNationality: Altaki The Republic of Altak, is a major trading island. The island is home to merchants of all kinds who sell various things from all over Tahnem. The Altaki people themselves go sailing very extensively, and have built numerous beautiful and sturdy ships. Their island is the largest exporter of iron wood, a strange wood that will not burn, and is hard to break. Aside from being excellent merchants, the Altaki people are skilled fishermen and most of their cuisine consists of fish and other assortment of sea creatures. Racial Attributes: Dark skin, black hair, brown eyes.
Click to expand thumbnailNationality: Odongo Odoo is a kritarchy, a state ruled by a council of judges, also known as the Wise Five. The judges are fairly well known throughout Tahnem, said to have been gifted with great wisdom and being capable of answering almost any question. Odoo enjoys a fairly tropical climate, and grows various tropical fruits and vegetables. The people of Odoo are musically inclined, and often sing songs while working on the various farms. The people are fairly light hearted and open to embracing newcomers. Racial Attributes: Tan skin, full range of hair and eye color.
Click to expand thumbnailNationality: Urtunese Urtune is the smallest of the established island nations. The island itself is more of a minor port, a break for sailors travelling to Farzanth or Marsette. It is a sleepy island, where really only a mayor of Svalin runs administrative duties. The beaches of Urtune are incredibly beautiful, and the waters around it are all shallow, making it a popular tourist attraction. Racial Attributes: Fair to tan skin, full range of hair and eye color.
Click to expand thumbnailNationality: Elliano While Ellian Island may be small, its one city Lylan is known for its upward construction. Tower upon tower upon tower, the Lylan city sores into the sky. The Elliano are inventive people often at the forefront of new technology. They were the first to discover the use of gunpowder. The Lylan scientists are often in competition with the scholars of Hul'kbar. Racial Attributes: Fair to tan skin, full range of hair and eye color. InformationReligion in the world of Tahnem is fairly loose and not a vital aspect to the lives of the people. There are no universal rules of conduct over how one must live their lives, or really any structure to religion as a whole. Simply, the Sacred Quartet is revered and worshipped as one sees fit. Before the flood, special people called "Dedicates" spent their lives living for the gods, acting as their mouthpieces. The Dedicates held various ceremonies and were said to exhibit strange abilities, though this all ceased following the flood. Dedicates have become exceptionally rare, and most wouldn't recognize one. Today, the Sacred Quartet is respected, though more often than not forgotten, unless one asks for their favour.
Anem Titles: King of the Heavens, Keeper of Air, Warden of the West, Master of Autumn, Whisper of the Present, Patron of Progress, Freedom, Rulers, and Birds. Physical Attributes: Slim young man with white hair, with a gentle smile on his face, grey eyes, and long flowing red scarves. Often depicted with a crown on his head, or looking into the distance. Symbol: A spiral Sacred Animal: The eagle T'ah Titles: Ruler of the Earth, Keeper of Earth, Warden of the East, Master of Spring, Rumblings of the Past, Patron of History, Fortitude, Nature, Hunters, and Beasts. Physical Attribute: A mature looking man often with a serious expression, with a thick black beard and sharp green eyes. Often depicted with a young animal on his lap. Symbol: A square Sacred Animal: The lion Kahrek Titles: Lord of the Seas, Keeper of Water, Warden of the South, Master of Winter, Ripples of the Future, Patron of Time, Mystery, Judgement, Scholars, and Fish. Physical Attribute: A mature looking man, though younger than T'ah, often with a pensive expression, with wavy long blue-green hair and blue eyes. Usually holding a gavel or observing scales. Symbol: A circle Sacred Animal: The killer whale Yaris Titles: Lady of Light, Keeper of Fire, Warden of the North, Master of Summer, Spark of Life, Patron of Health, Prosperity, Emotion, the Arts, Entertainers, and celestial lights. Physical Attributes: A young woman often smiling, with wavy red hair and bright amber eye wearing a bright dress of red, yellow, orange and gold. Often depicted holding a lantern or dancing. Symbol: A four pointed star Sacred Animal: The dragon Nautical Terminology: show This is where all of the fancy words will go. The list will be amended more or less whenever the hell I feel like it.
Aft- Refers to the back portion of the ship. Aloft- "Above", typically used to refer to someone who is in the ships rigging or masts. Bow- The very front of the ship. Fore- Refers to the front portion of the ship. Foremast- The forwardmost mast on a ship. Hull- The body of a ship. Keel- The central beam around which the hull is constructed. The act of keelhauling, dragging someone across or along the bottom of the ship, is named for this part. Mainmast- The central mast on a ship. Mizzenmast- The backmost mast on a ship. Port- Left. When something is off the port side, it is to the left of the ship. When something is off the port bow, it is in front and to the left. Ratlines- Those ropey net things used to climb up to the masts. Scuttlebutt- A water cask where the crew can go to get a drink and socialize. Not particularly relevant since our ship doesn't have one. I just think its name is hilarious. Starboard- Just like port, only everything's right instead of left. Stern- The very back of the ship.
Last edited by Shrapnel on Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:35 pm |
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Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:37 pm |
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Thanks, and to everyone worrying about the future of this RP. I'm not going to be the one running it. LG is going to be doing all the heavy lifting, while I support and continue running Omnivident.
This is part of my plan Operation: Silver Era. Bringing life to the RP Section once again!
Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:45 pm |
Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:41 am Posts: 1913 Location: In a candy coated heart of darkness. (free hugs!) Country:
Oooh pirate RP. I'll write something up soon. FOR THE BOOTY!
(Sorry if I'm posting to soon and disrupting the space reservations, but that is why you're a mod, right?)
_________________ When my eyes be rollin' The haters get goin' The seeds I'm sowin' With a smile I'm flowin' And if I be trollin' Ya never be knowin' 'Cause when the haters get goin' My eyes just start a-rollin'
Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:46 pm |
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lol It's not a problem at all ^.^ Mod powers are awesome~
Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:59 pm |
Joined: Sun Jul 07, 2013 9:40 pm Posts: 22
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When are sign ups over? I want to read up all of the RP rules, read some of the other roleplays and see if I can imitate the roleplaying formula you guys follow and then decide if I'll sign up. Is that fine?
_________________I like butts.
Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:25 pm |
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That's totally fine, and don't worry about trying to be perfect at RPing, even as you go, you learn new things. If you make a mistake or two, we'll point it out so you can learn from it, and move on. I suggest reading: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=14182 It was the one topic in the RP Pro section. Ad Infinite is also pretty solid.
Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:50 pm |
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Sounds fun already have someone in mind...yes yes *le evil laugh.
Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:13 pm |
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Can we make more than one character to start off with in this one?
Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:28 pm |
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I'd say start with 1 for now, it's up to LG as to how many of characters each person can have.
Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:55 pm |
Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:41 am Posts: 1913 Location: In a candy coated heart of darkness. (free hugs!) Country:
I didn't exactly know where to make her from b/c of racial traits, nor where to place the monkhood-ish place, since religion isn't exactly prominent anywhere, that I saw, anymore, but I'll add that in if it I get a suggestion?
Name: Cecil Furantu'an Age: Despite appearing in her early 20's, something about her seems to always tip people off to her true age (or close to) which is at least 10 years older. Appearance: Bright blue eyes clash against dark skin and darker hair and are complemented by a flowing blue top lashed in place with rope braclets and belt as well as tan pants bound in the same manner. On a deeper level she appears a bit more nerdy, small glasses are often resting on her face, and her long hair is pulled up in a bundle and kept in place by twin hair spikes. She is tall which helps in her body language, that of grace and flair, and her emotions while haggling or describing something new could speak volumes in and of themselves. Her nails are pink and have been trimmed for the occasion. Odd? yes. Personality:Usually Cecil is dressed in a manner more fitting of her personality, formality and politeness, but not to shy to speak her mind. She's not cold but will value a person in the same manner as a item, exactly what it's worth. She's a barterer and haggler by her truest nature and is always on the lookout for exotic wares. Fare trade is possible but usually she refrains from doing things not necessary unless she feels she is getting more out of it than the other party. She's also a bit more religious that others, not overly or forcefully though. Profession: Tailor; Clerk Weapon(s): As well as the classic knife in boot that's to be expected, or the spikes in her hair, Cecil has one slightly more exotic weapon; a small single load pistol strapped to her wrist, and designed to flip out with a flick. It doesn't have much stopping power, but it's never pleasant to be shot. Potopian Tool(s):None. Biography:How does one become essentially a monk? Well as any monk will tell you, from an odd turn of fate. Cecil joined the monkhood at the same time as her mother, after the death of Cecil's father, around the age of 11. Her mother's stay didn't last long though, as her grief drove away her mind and her health, and her body was returned to the earth 4 years later. Cecil left with nothing else stayed with the monkhood, where she was taught reading, writing, arithmetic, as well as history. More so ever she was taught care and usage of medicinal herbs as wells as foodstuffs, upkeep of a household (ie cooking, cleaning, mending), and personal defense.
Eventually she began life as a traveling merchant selling her relativity rare and quality goods, and purchasing oddities to add to her collection or to resale for profit. She has taken various clerk or scribe jobs as well to earn additional funds or as passage to other islands, but is no stranger to hard work either. Sound mind, sound body, sound soul. Skills: A good haggler, scribe, has experience in household chores. She has almost an aura of calming, and is adept at calming others, though it doesn't reach to animals. She of course can grow many kinds of plants well and knows how to apply the medical, or other properties, to others deftly. Misc. Item(s): As a merchant it would be odd for her not to have many normal kinds of various nicknacks. A handful of fish hooks or sewing needles, candles or chalk, pencil and paper, etc. She, as well, has various herbs to relieve pain, boost energy, make you smell good, to act as an aphrodisiac, etc. She has just a few really exotic items, most are utterly useless beyond looks, however she has a couple nifty little sticks that, when struck against a rough surface, burst into flame, these however are nearly priceless and are not renewable by Cecil herself. If you reached here and are still wondering why Cecil's nails are pink, well, that's a special mix of berries, sap, and a bit of animal oil, concocted by Cecil herself. Some women are just enthralled by the stuff, which is good.
_________________ When my eyes be rollin' The haters get goin' The seeds I'm sowin' With a smile I'm flowin' And if I be trollin' Ya never be knowin' 'Cause when the haters get goin' My eyes just start a-rollin'
Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:37 pm |
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Given your character's dark skin and hair and lighter eyes, Farzanth, Fajal, and the Frozen Isles are the best candidates. While it may seem unlikely, it wouldn't be at all unprecedented for something like a monkhood to be in any or all of the island nations, so take your pick.
Also, only one character for each person to begin with.
Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:10 am |
Joined: Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:22 am Posts: 322 Location: California
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Haven't joined an RP here before (and the ones that are going are already developed and pretty past the accepting characters point) so I guess I'll give it a shot.
I'm not sure where he'd be from. Part of me is leaning towards the Republic of Altak.
EDIT: Jonathan is now from the Republic of Altak. :3
Name: Jonathan Daley Age: 33 Appearance: Being a carpenter's son and working at the job himself, Jonathan is fairly muscular, with dark skin, windswept black hair, and brown eyes. His clothes are simple, consisting of a brownish green shirt, a tool belt, and tan pants with a multitude of pockets on them. Jonathan is a 'teddy bear' sort of guy, almost always smiling, with most people just knowing that he is friendly from seeing him. Personality: Jonathan is a friendly and honest guy, who'll always make time to help another person if they're in a pickle. However, he is not naive, and shows that he does have a sharp mind, almost never falling for a trick or scam. Jonathan enjoys the company of children, but tends to become uncomfortable around upset people and usually tries to cheer them up. If he feels that someone is just being a general bother and slowing everything down, then he will give them a piece of his mind and proves to be skilled at motivation. Profession: Carpenter Weapon(s): The only thing in Jonathan's possession that could be considered a weapon is his hammer. He uses his own strength most of the time anyway. Potopian Tool(s): None. Biography: Jonathan was born and raised a carpenter's son. Since he was born, his father began bringing him up to follow after his footsteps, teaching Jonathan to be a carpenter. He showed honest skill in carpentering and often whittled scraps of wood as well. Jonathan's life was largely uneventful, and his relationship with his father well and good, considering his mother died during childbirth. Eventually, his father died and left his work to Jonathan. He faithfully carried on as his father had done, until a job opportunity came up. He hitched a ride to another island, only for bad luck to suddenly turn up. First, he didn't get the job. Second, he fell seriously ill for a week and a half. Third, he came back to his home and found that it had been burned down in a fire. Fortunately, his bad luck came to an end. Jonathan managed to hang in there as a carpenter, skipping from island to island on merchant's ships and gaining some reputation for his hard work and friendly behavior. Skills: Jonathan is generally skilled with working wood, is rather strong, can talk well in front of people, and easily befriends others. Misc. Item(s): Jonathan has carpenter's tools with him either on his tool belt or lost somewhere in his many pockets. He has a whittling knife somewhere (lost, and he'll probably cut his finger by accident if he finds it) and has multiple small scraps of wood in just about every pocket.
Last edited by ezlybored on Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:16 am |
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