Here ya go! All 4 of meh characters!
Name: Berginon–Karston–Zargull
This plus a long scar horizontally across his forehead.
Nickname: Kar
Race: Andalite
Main Eyes Color: Green
Stalk Eyes Color: Black/No Color
Special Abilities:
1. Being able to morph in any creature he touches by absorbing it's DNA (MUST ABSORB DNA IN ORDER TO MORPH)
2. His incredible skill with his tail blade.
Personality: Proud, occasionally mean, but has good in him. Loves to fight(a lot), likes to morph into human to eat candy! Has known Starby and Chris for years.
Name: Starblast Bunon
Skin- Light Blue/Cyan
Clothes- A bright pink t-shirt and blue jeans. Also wears a belt with various pouches and such.
Hair- None
Eyes- Bright Yellow and fairly big
Other- About 5'4, and lime green diamond and star patterns on her skin. Has two antennea on her head.
Nickname: Starby(pronounced Starbee)
Race: Sunsterblerst
Special Abilities:
1.) Climbing
2.) Jumping
3.) Super Speed
Personality: Has a very pure heart. Never backs down and fights only for good. She's also very relaxed and calm usually. Has known Kar and Chris for years.
Name: Christopher M. Narg
Alliance: Good
Appearence:Skin- Fairly pale.
Clothes- Black T-shirt with the Nintendo logo in the middle and black shorts that reach an inch or so past his knees.
Hair- Blonde, kinda messy, and barely reaches neck.
Eyes- Brownish Green
Other- Always wears a small bright green jewel around his neck that's usually hidden in his shirt. It was given to him by his mother. Also has a sword left behind by his father. It has a golden hilt and handle with a small dark green jewel similar to the one carried on Chris' neck. It's about 2 feet long not counting the handle and 2 1/2 feet counting it. The tang is 2 inches. The sheath is black and kept at Chris' side.
Personality: Kind of silly sometimes and doesn't take things seriously, but when he does buckle down he's very stubborn and won't usually give up no matter what the cost. Very smart, but you can't usually tell under the silliness. Good at puzzle-solving. Has known Kar and Starby for years.
Name: Starson Xanobi
Alliance: Good
Appearence:Skin- Has a bit of a tan.
Clothes- Tan robes like teh Jedis wear of course.
Hair- Bald
Eyes- Green
Other- Used to have a best friend that was a Keyblade Master named Ghan Litespeed. He died when a swarm of Heartless attacked Coruscant. Starson was a child training to be a Jedi then. Starson decided to work harder to become a Jedi, and when he constructed his first lightsaber, he worked especially hard to make it have a handle that looked like a Keyblade handle. The blade is a very light yellow.
Personality: Very serious ever since Ghan died. Absolutely loathes Heartless and vows to find some way to get rid of them all for good to avenge Ghan. Usually likes to work alone.