Hey all! It's wolferoid. I'm not sure how many people are still here from back when I used to be active (and admittedly I don't have the best memory so sorry if I don't recognize some of you), but I used to chill here as Mike Power or some variation of that. I'm technically permabanned for being an annoying kid who no one liked, but I think 5+ years and some perspective probably make it less of a big deal.
So, what's up? How've yall been? I've been pretty good. I'm a 19 year old graphic designer at this point. I'll probably be 20 in a year's time, that's usually how it goes. I still think about this place a few times a year and how obnoxious I was. I remember me doing a lot of talk about hacking, which I never had any idea how to do and still don't. I'm glad I can look back at this place and laugh at all the flame wars and whatnot.
I'm sure there's other things I could say here, but I'd have to think of them first, so instead I'll just hand over the mic and see if anyone here has any clue who I am.