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Omnivident - Book 1: A War of Souls 
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Lotus became really confused, when she got a message on her PDA "Where's this club even held at?" she pondered aloud. She looked up at Harper and smiled. "Sure when this weekend?"


Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:15 pm
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Fiona was bored. The weeks have gone, and nothing interesting happened. The occult club was lively with its few members sure, but there weren't many things to do that her brother and his friends did already. Most of time the club just spent eating their lunches together, and occasionally teaching and performing magic tricks. If it weren't for the latter, she was sure the club would've been disbanded a long time ago. Not having a roommate didn't help matters either, although it gave her time to practice her abilities without anyone seeing.

As the bell rang, Fiona winced. She was too busy thinking about things to find a partner. Everyone was leaving for lunch, so she decided to do that too. She could find a partner later. Maybe. Well it's not like she had a ton of missing assignments, she could make it up.

Her PDA went off in her bag. Looking at the new message, it was a invitation to that Archive Club she heard about. Her brother refused to talk much about it, although from what his friends were saying, he was just mad that he could never get a invite. Other than that, she didn't know a thing about it. The occult club doesn't happen on Fridays, so taking a look wouldn't hurt, right? After finding it using the PDA Map, she overheard the new girl talking about a club.

"You got the message too? Wanna go together?" Fiona asked, figuring Lotus just joined too.

Before he could get lunch, Gregory's PDA vibrated in his pocket. Taking it out, it was a message regarding the Darren Archive Club. He had forgotten to attend it, being busy with other activities. Groggingly standing up, he went immedietly towards it. He wasn't feeling hungry so he could skip lunch.

He remembered where it was. It was pretty much the only thing he remembered, besides the bus incident. He didn't want to think about it, he didn't try to find information on it as he originally planned. Maybe the club itself had answers regarding it.

Gregory opened the door, and looking around, sat on the nearest empty seat.


Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:38 pm
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"what club? I'm not even sure why I got invited." she said with a confused expression. she was deeply confused by this message she only knew one person at the school and it was Harper. She stood up and picked up her back pack. "Okay lets go." She said wanting to know more about this club.


Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:09 pm
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Charlemagne seemed to believe he was superior to everyone but in fact he was quite inferior in every way. The only thing going for him was his rich family and his ego, which shines brighter than the face of the sun. Fortunately for Li, he could call him out on this whenever he tried to bully the two.

"Are you sure it was us making you look bad?" Li asked rhetorically. "By the looks of it, your belly could be the culprit," he said while wiping the sweat from his forehead with a towel. In contrast to most of the class, he wasn't panting loudly or sweating pools of water. As he let that thought sink in through Charlemange's skull, Li left the gym towards the Darren Archive club room. He packed a lunch in advance in order to skip the lines at the cafeteria and head straight to the weekly meetings.

As he entered the room, Li noticed a few new faces, particularly the boy in Basil's seat. He nodded at Alice, then proceeded to sit near the front.


The lunch bell was such a relief for Dom, as it spelled freedom from history class. Getting up from the table, he replied to Logan's question.

"Name's Domnic, but most people call me Dom," he said, accepting the handshake. "Now can I ask you a question of my own?" Without giving Logan much time to reply, Dom continued. "There's this club, the Darren Archive Club. I got invited but missed the first meeting. I tried finding it but can't seem to get any info." Dom was actually lying completely, as he never really bothered to research on the club. " Would you happen to know where it meets?". As he asked this, the two girls exited the library, arms linked. Dom looked down at his blazer, then back up at Logan. "My jacket isn't worn that funny, is it?"

Blue wrote:
Palestine should not be free

Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:24 pm
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Tsubaki was already done with the assignment by the time the bell rang, so when the librarian told the class they would have more time later, Tsubaki felt it would just be redundent. On the upside, the bell for lunch just rang, and Tsubaki was getting pretty hungry. As she was putting her things away though, her new school PDA went off, causing her to jump and let out a little yip.

Checking the message, she soon found out that it was a formal invite to the archive club. That meant she wouldn't be eating in the garden, but since she always packed lunch anyways it wouldn't pose too much of a problem.

The two boys were talking again, but it seemed like a conversation Tsubaki might need to be privy to. She desided to stick around, and if Logan couldn't help out this Dom, Tsubaki could at least show him the map on her PDA and they could find the room together. However if Logan did happen to know about the club, she could just follow them. Either way, Tsubaki took a bit longer than she normally would have to pack up.

When my eyes be rollin'
The haters get goin'
The seeds I'm sowin'
With a smile I'm flowin'
And if I be trollin'
Ya never be knowin'
'Cause when the haters get goin'
My eyes just start a-rollin'

Tue Aug 28, 2012 11:31 pm

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Logan and his newest acquaintance were both making their way for the door. The stranger introduced himself promptly before asking a question of his own. Logan groaned at the mention of the club, though. He had nearly forgotten that there was supposed to be a meeting today. He wasn't required to attend, but he didn't want to miss out on anything important, either. It appeared that his lunch would be cut short. As he turned to answer the inquiry, he noticed that the exchange student was now shadowing them, most likely with the same question as Dominic's in mind.
"Th' club is based in the counselor's office." He stated briefly. "Jus' take a left after ye pass the cafeteria, then the first right after that. Follow the hallway to the end, and ye're there. And na, yer jacket's fine." The trio were in front of the cafeteria now.
"Name's Logan, by the way. Now if ye'll excuse me, I've got somethin' tae take care of."
And with that, the junior disappeared into the cafeteria. No way he was attending any kind of meeting on an empty stomach.

Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:13 am
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Fiona shrugged. "It's some exclusive club, dunno why you or I got invited." she picked up her own backpack, but took out her sandwich first. She didn't want to be late to the meeting, and she always packed a lunch anyway. After finishing, she started to head out. Before exiting, she turned to Lotus. "Name's Fiona by the way, please to meet 'cha." she showed a wide grin before turning back and continuing to the club.


Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:45 am
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Johnathan nodded at Damian as he followed suit as the others left the theater. So far, Johnathan had to admit it was going well. No one complained or argued. Either it was that or his other two partners really didn't want to do this more than Johnathan. But, as long as they were agreeing with something, and actually listened to him, which he seemed to ramble on forever, things would be fine. He was still nervous about it, but eventually it would fade away. It'll have to, nothing good comes from being nervous. Johnathan wasn't about to skip lunch, meeting or not. He didn't pack a lunch in advance so his only choice would be to go to the cafeteria.

His stomach seemed to take over at the time and got what he craved most. A typical but a good peanut butter and jelly combination with milk. He took his time, even though it wasn't a huge lunch to begin with. He looked up and noticed Logan, one of his fellow omnivident peers also in the cafeteria, and nodded. He dumped his tray and headed towards the club.

When he got there, he noticed a mixture of new and familiar members. It seemed like their once close knit group was quickly fading, but the more the better. He also noticed... Damian? He quickly took a seat next to him. It didn't seem like he knew he was Omnivident yet, and Johnathan didn't want to spoil the surprise either. "Damian? Looks like we're in this club together, along with Carter."

Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:38 am
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Lotus hurried after Fiona "hey wait up!" she yelled after her as Lotus stumbled trying to keep up with her.


Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:59 am

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Carter went to get something to eat and settled for something rather unhealthy, he grabbed a burger and a good helping of fries and he devoured it, he never really did care about his health, he always thought taste over health was the way to go, not that a burger would kill him, right? Once he was done he dumped his dirty dish and made his way to the club, and what he found was some regulars and some fresh new faces, and noticed Damian, "Huh, go figure." he said out loud, not sure if anyone heard him, he saw an empty seat near the front and plopped himself down, ready for what'll happen next.


Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:13 am
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Ducett was as always being himself. Though Adi was tired from the morning, he was pretty sure he'd be able to get an overwhelming counter strike in if things escalated. Li had of course told him off already but Adi liked the idea of the "dynamic duo" of him and Li. They could do without being called by nicknames but you couldn't have everything.

"Is it really smart to be picking a fight with someone who has in your own words, made you look bad, in physical education?" Adi asked him as he caught his breath, "I mean, even your mouth runs faster than you do so I don't think you'd be able to outrun a beating."

With that Adi did a swift about face, dismissing his classmate entirely though not shifting his attention away, and walking to the weekly DAC meeting. He prepared himself to be attacked from behind. That was the kind of person Ducett was after all. The trick was making it look like Adi was hit first whilst disproportionately retaliating at less than lethal force. A challenge but a welcome one.

If the attack was not to come, no one would have to suffer.


Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:56 pm
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Third Years

Charlemagne's mouth hung agape as both of his targets sharply rebutted. Fatima flipped her hair and giggled before sauntering out of the gym, while the Wongs whispered to each other in the corner while looking in his direction.

"We'll see about that" murmured Charlemagne as he left the gym to lick his verbal wounds. He would get them both back, and it would be good.

Darren Archive Club Room

Ms. Shields entered the classroom quietly, nodding at the children and then handed Alice a letter:


While I am sure you still have many questions, I ask you not to worry; all shall be revealed in due time. For the time being, I ask that you continue to lead the club in my absence. Ms. Shield's mission lies elsewhere and she's only acting as supervisor for school policy's sake.

Now, I'm sure you've noticed the new students in the club today. Most of them are incredibly new to their abilities as well as the spirit world in general besides Gregory, whom you should remember from last year, and Tsubaki, who has transferred to our school from another Omnividence based club in Japan.

Dominic, an air Naturae, Damian, a Spiritorum with electricity and invisibility, and Lotus, our sole Animalium, are still very unaware of spirits. On the other hand, Fiona, a Spiritorum of metal and flight, and Daniel, who is a rare Vitri, have just barely scratched the surface of the spirit realm. They all lack finesse and proper control over their abilities, and need to be trained immediately. You'll be taking the role of myself and Mr. Albright before me, in introducing these children to the nature of Omnividence and why our powers exist. You can then delegate the training of their abilities to Li and Adi, or choose to train them yourself. Either way, Ms. Shield's should be giving you some new missions today and I would feel much more comfortable if there was an upperclassman with the student groups who go out on the mission. Don't worry about needing to detail the missions, she'll take care of that herself.

I wish you the best Miss Pearson, and I know you shall succeed.


Miss Rachel Dawn


Wed Aug 29, 2012 1:04 pm

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Damian sat rather bored looking and dozed out as students walked in quietly and took a seat, a few from his class. Waiting for something to happen, he took a break from reality and pondered in his imagination over the many ways his time here would go. His thoughts were interrupted when Johnathans voice was heard, leaving Damian rather surprised and having him notice Carter walk in, he replied toward John "Woah hey John, didn't know you two are in this fancy club, well since you're here I may as well ask, what is this club for? I'd rather not be wasting my time"


Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:13 pm
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Adi was slightly disappointed. Not only at the rebuttal but the promise of vengeance. Ducett obviously has a worse bark than his bite but that didn't mean he was stupid, far from it. The boy knew how to pick his fight and seeing Adi in superior physical condition, refrained from earning himself a beating of magnificent proportions. As for the the promise of getting back, well, he'd probably do something underhanded, attacking him not physically, but through other areas, just like a politician would.

Thoughts of forming a club suddenly flared in his mind. Yes, why not paint a juicy and obvious target for Ducett. He could lead the boy along, falling in to the throes of well rehearsed despair. It seemed distasteful to involve his hobby in schoolyard politicking but it had a better chance of working than not doing anything at all.

He followed Li in to the clubroom, having no lunch for himself as he planned to pretend to listen to the 'meeting' while meditating but with precautionary measures to implement, he'd just have to deal with it. Sitting down next to his friend he spoke.

"I think Ducett is upset Li," his tone so deadpan that it was obvious that it was a joke, "And now he swear vengeance against the both of us. Oh whatever shall we do Li? Perhaps if we banded together we would stand a chance."

His joking aside he shifted back to his normal voice.

"That and maybe we should hold a three way spar tomorrow. It looked terribly fun in the movies and I'm sure Logan could use the practice."


Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:26 pm
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"We better sleep with one eye open tonight," replied Li in the same sarcastic tone. It would be quite dumb for Charlemagne to physically assault one of the two, being that they were some of the most competent martial artists in the school. "I'd be up for a spar, certainly," he replied to Adi's question. "We could probably include a few of the new faces to see what they're capable of," Li suggested.


Logan's instructions were clear enough for Dom to understand, he even repeated them three times in his head to himself, not wanting to miss this meeting. It's been over a full year since Dom has practiced any power moves, so getting these powers under control was a priority, especially after missing the first invite. If it weren't for that, he wouldn't have gotten the second invite, since he left his PDA in his room next to his bed. Before he could thank Logan, Logan disappeared into the cafeteria. Before Dom knew it, his stomach was grumbling, so he chased after Logan into the crowded cafeteria. It wouldn't matter to much if he was a little late, other people have to eat too. Since nearly the entire school was in here, Dom lost Logan instantly, so he grabbed the first thing he saw, a burger and some fries. Most tables were full, and Dom not being the most friendly person, didn't bother to try and make friends at a new table. With that, he took his meal to go and went straight for the meeting, remembering Logan's instructions not to get lost.

When he entered the room, food still in his hands, he noticed that the room was quite full. Were there this many people around with abilities like him? Dom felt less alone realizing this. He proceeded to walk towards the back of the room, rather than sitting at the very back, he sat closer towards the middle, ready to listen to what the supervisor had to say.

Blue wrote:
Palestine should not be free

Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:49 pm
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