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Falst's hazel eyes scanned the horizon. His destination nowhere in sight, he climbed down from his perch atop the ridge and trudged onward. The satchel at his waist felt light. Too light. He almost laughed at the irony, having complained about how heavy it was at the beginning of his journey. Now, though, he would willingly carry ten times its weight for just a parcel of food.
As the sun sank low in the distance, Falst stopped in his tracks. There was no way he would make it to the city by dark. There will be plenty of time for that tomorrow, he decided, and prepared to make camp. He started a hasty fire and pulled what was left of his rations from the bag. He cooked the meat for far longer than was necessary, as if that would somehow artificially make the process of eating it last that much longer. He finished with both a stomach and a satchel that were far from full.
It then occurred to him that he was completely filthy, from his sandy brown hair to his ragged tunic all the way down to his tattered leather boots. He dismissed this, however, as it was far from unexpected. There would be plenty of time for a bath later, and what he needed now was to rest. Falst unrolled his sleeping bag and snuggled into it. All too slowly, he drifted off to sleep, praying that the firelight would stave off mother nature's more unsavory children for just one more night.

Falst awoke before the sun, hoping to arrive at his destination before it could peak in the sky. He felt more alive than he had in over a week. Today, he would finally reach the city. After a few hours of walking, he spotted it in the distance, a dark spot on the horizon against a cloudless blue sky. His enthusiasm surged, and he felt as if the weight of the world was gradually being lifted from his shoulders, his old life shed like the skin of a snake. As he approached the outskirts of the city, his anticipation grew. Here, he could have a fresh start, be whomever he wished to be. Not a thief. Not a criminal. Not some worthless street filth.
However, he was posed with a problem. With no money and few supplies, making a new start would be easier said than done. Even registering for identification would be impossible without a few coins to pay the fee.
Then Falst spotted something he didn't know whether to regard as a blessing or a trick of fate. There was a caravan just at the edge of the city, guarded by a single man sporting a soldier's garments. Falst fought against the part of his subconscious that told him to steal, but he knew it was a losing battle. He had no desire to take anything from this man, but he didn't have a choice either. So much for a new beginning, he thought sullenly.

Fortunately, the man hadn't seen him yet. This would be a simple enough pickpocket. The guard wore his fortune on his belt, hanging from a loose coin pouch that was just begging to be stolen from. Years of practice taking over, Falst silently crept up behind the soldier and cut the pouch loose and...
He stopped short, a heavy pressure on his wrist. He'd been had. The guard hoisted Falst to standing position by his wrist and looked him over, as if sizing him up. Acting on instinct, Falst drove his knee into the man's stomach. The wind knocked out of him, the guard doubled over and stumbled back a few steps, his arms around his abdomen.
Recovering from the blow, the guard drew a dagger and took up a fighting position. Before the soldier even had time to make a move, Falst was on him. The next thing the guard knew, he was on the ground and the pickpocket was holding his knife.
His grab failed, Falst tossed the dagger away and tried to make a run for it, but he was promptly ambushed and apprehended by three more soldiers he hadn't seen. Without so much as a word, they tied him up and and tossed him next to the caravan. Any attempts he made to talk to the guards were in vain. They stood strong as statues, and were just as silent.
God damn it, Falst thought. The first day of my new life and I'm already in deep s***.

Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:39 am
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Aranida rode her horse in silence, pleased that they were continuing onward in their journey, though gravely worried about the health of Avia. Although she knew that Avia was probably going to be fine, she couldn't help but wonder how the loss of her child must have affected her. Once again, she found herself wondering how the elders would have allowed a woman such as Avia in her state to go out on such a dangerous journey. How would the father of their child take the news? She sighed and pushed the dismal thoughts out of her mind. It was imperative that she be alert and aware of everything, she could not let another slip up occur. She heard the approach of galloping hooves as one of her soldiers quickly rode to catch up with her and she pulled back though signalling with her hands for the rest of the caravan to continue moving ahead.

She found herself glaring at a dishevelled man while she stood in one of the spare caravans that they had planned to use for prisoners with a set of two guards both inside and outside of the caravan. She never actually thought that she would have need of it so early in her journey. She combed her fingers through her hair as she usually did when she was stressed and sighed audibly. Things seemed to be falling apart so quickly. However she was determined to see her mission through, even if it meant that she had to walk up to the north and shoot down everyone all by herself.

"Well then" she asked plainly, while pacing back and forth casually with her hands behind her back, "What should I do with you? Go on, speak up, I'm curious."


Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:01 am

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Falst broke out of his somber haze long enough to glance up. A new character had entered the caravan; a woman. At a glance, he didn't think much of her. He figured she was likely just another soldier here to glare contemptuously at the lowly thief with her sickeningly self-righteous attitude.
However, the way the other guards stood at attention and saluted hinted that she was probably in a position of power, possibly even their leader. Either way, he was beyond caring. Once his reputation was made known here, he would never be able to live it down.
His thoughts were interrupted as the woman spoke.
"Well then, what should I do with you? Go on, speak up, I'm curious."
She was walking back in forth now. Everything about her, her posture, her movement, the way she spoke, radiated frustration. Something inside him told him that the smart thing to do would be not to provoke her. He ignored it.
"Any chance I could get a slap on the wrist and be let off with a warning?" He quipped, being sure to sound as condescending as possible.

Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:18 am
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Aranida stared blankly at the man and resisted an urge to burst out laughing and kick him in the stomach. She was never one to treat her prisoners violently unless her own safety was threatened, but she really wasn't in the mood to deal with this man. Presently she was more in the mood for some snivelling apologetic street urchin, but alas, nothing has been working for her today, so why start now?

"It's always the same with your types." she said tiredly and slightly irritated "They never think about the consequences of their actions, and when they have to face them, they'd rather opt out than receive what they justly deserve. You attempted to steal from one of my men, did you ever care to think that we were going on a journey? That rations might be limited? That his slim pickings of whatever may have been vital to his health even? No." she raised her hand not expecting, nor wanting an answer "No you did not. You were only thinking of yourself."

She opened her mouth to speak further, but then something hit her. For reasons beyond her own understanding, she was reminded of Gigantes. While technically they were two complete different people, one a slave trader and notorious bandit, and this man, a lowly and unsuccessful thief, in her eyes they were both on the wrong side of the law. She could just lock this man here for his allotted time in jail and throw him back out, but she had seen as with Gigantes that it ultimately came to no good. They never learned their lesson, nor became law abiding citizens of the city. Aranida had always hoped, that Gigantes would seek to join the Dragon Guard, but now he was dead. Assassinated. This man could be what she was looking for, hoping for, she could rehabilitate him just like she had dreamed that Gigantes would once be. She smiled with an almost sinister grin.

"Very well" she walked towards the man grabbed his wrist and smacked it "Your punishment shall be as so" she stated "You are to serve in the Dragon Guard, whether you like it or not. Should you run, I will hunt you down and shoot you in the leg so that you cannot run. Should you crawl, I will tie you underneath a horse and have it take you where I go."

"Guards, have this man bathed, and most likely deloused." she wrinkled her nose as if she caught whiff of him for the first time, "He will be given a uniform, but by no means will you give him a weapon of any kind. If you find a weapon on him, remove it from him at once. Give him a horse and he shall ride alongside me so that I may personally keep an eye on him, as well as keep him within shooting sights." She turned her attention back to the man.

"I am your Commander Lady Aranida Gwendolyn Lancaster, you will obey everything I say and the superiors that I put over you. You will be paid entrance wages as a member of the Dragon Guard and are expected to fully participate in daily training routines where you will be taught how to use a musket as well as a sword. The mandatory duration of your presence in the Dragon Guard shall last until this mission has come to a close and we have returned to the gates of the city. Afterwards, you may choose whether to continue in the Guard or leave for some other lawful occupation."


Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:17 pm

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Falst sat through the woman's tirade, entirely uninterested. It was exactly as he had expected, a lecture he had heard all too many times about how he was a lowly, selfish and thoughtless scoundrel. These authoritative types never gave his situation so much as a second thought, so he saw no reason to give theirs one either. Suddenly, the woman stopped mid-speech. An unexpected break, but a welcome one as far as Falst was concerned.
His relief quickly turned to curiosity as the woman seemed to be lost in thought. He could practically hear the cogs turning inside her head. Curiosity transformed once more into anxiety as he saw a twisted smile cross her lips. What was she planning? Whatever he thought she was scheming, what happened next was far beyond even what his imagination could fabricate.

"Very well," she said, giving him the requested wrist slap. "Your punishment shall be as so. You are to serve in the Dragon Guard, whether you like it or not. Should you run, I will hunt you down and shoot you in the leg so that you cannot run. Should you crawl, I will tie you underneath a horse and have it take you where I go."

Falst just stared blankly. If he didn't have complete faith in the reliability of his mind, he would have sworn it was playing tricks on him. She wanted him, a worthless street rat, to serve the Dragon Guard, the most elite militia of soldiers in the city? He quickly began to protest but was cut off as the woman spoke once more.

"Guards, have this man bathed, and most likely deloused." Falst was less than amused by the quip and cast the woman a quick glare. She ignored him and continued. "He will be given a uniform, but by no means will you give him a weapon of any kind. If you find a weapon on him, remove it from him at once. Give him a horse and he shall ride alongside me so that I may personally keep an eye on him, as well as keep him within shooting sights." She addressed Falst once more. "I am your Commander Lady Aranida Gwendolyn Lancaster, you will obey everything I say and the superiors that I put over you. You will be paid entrance wages as a member of the Dragon Guard and are expected to fully participate in daily training routines where you will be taught how to use a musket as well as a sword. The mandatory duration of your presence in the Dragon Guard shall last until this mission has come to a close and we have returned to the gates of the city. Afterwards, you may choose whether to continue in the Guard or leave for some other lawful occupation."

Falst couldn't believe his ears. Though he didn't want to show it in the least, this was possibly the best thing that could've happened to him. He said a quick word of thanks to whatever deity may be watching him from above. Not only would he have free food and shelter, but he would also be paid. The very prospect had him giddy, but he knew all too well what would happen if he let his captors know. They would use it to their advantage and abuse his willingness, just as others always had. He feigned resentment, pretending that he had no interest in going along with this woman's little plot. He didn't trust her one bit, and he certainly wasn't going to play his hand early.

"Well, Commander Lady Aranida Gwendolyn Lancaster... You drive a hard bargain," Falst began. He glanced at the guards surrounding him to give the impression that he was sizing them up, as if he intended to escape. "but I don't suppose I have much of a choice now, do I?" He marveled vainly at his own performance. Perhaps he was a lackluster thief, but at least he was a more than capable actor. At least, in his opinion.

Falst sat silently as a guard quickly patted him down. He knew the soldier wouldn't find anything; his knife had been taken by the guard he had tried to pickpocket. As the man finished frisking him, he regarded Aranida once more.

"So, what now?"

Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:05 pm
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Thomas stood at the edge of the City, watching the Scene unfold with disbelief. A man sneaking up to the Dragon Guards caravan, and trying to steal a Soldier's pouch. Then again, I'm not that desperate, he thought.
He watched as the Soldier quickly grabbed the man's arm, taking him by surprise. Predictable. The man wasn't nearly a high enough caliber thief to pull off that stunt He saw three more approach, and Toss the man into the caravan, no doubt to bring him to their commanding officer. As he turned away, the voices inside his head fought.
He deserves it, he was stupid. It wasn't that long ago, that man was you, stealing for a living. You reformed with help, without it, you wouldn't be where you are now. Return the favor. Thomas hopped on his horse. "What do you think old girl, what should we do?" The horse pulled in the direction of the Caravan. "Yeah, I was afraid you'd say that."
"Fine, but only to see what happens to the man." "I'm not getting in trouble with the Guard just to save some lowly thief." Nudging her, he spurned the horse forward, unaware of just how seriously that simple action would affect his life.

Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:31 pm
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"Well, Commander Lady Aranida Gwendolyn Lancaster... You drive a hard bargain," spoke the man, and Aranida rose her eyebrow about to mention dryly that the man did not have a choice in the matter, but before she could say anything he continued "but I don't suppose I have much of a choice now, do I?" She nodded pleased and watched as her guards did a preliminary body search on the man to ensure he wasn't carrying anything. She wasn't going to take anymore chances with assassins about.

"So what now?" he asked looking up at her.

"The guards will clean you up and give you a uniform and then you will be registered. If you cannot ride a horse you will learn as soon as you get one in approximately a half-hour. Afterwards you will report to me. I will be at the head of the platoon." She turned to open the door and leave the jailing caravan. "Be sure he does not get away, I'm not in the mood for chasing him down on my horse and shooting him in the leg" With that said she exited the caravan and climbed back onto her horse cantering back to her position at the head. She hoped that she was making a good decision, at least one success would be nice on this journey.

It was then that she was called yet again, by her guards, and she sighed out of frustration.

"What now?!" she asked feeling tense.

"We've found a suspicious individual" replied the guard trembling from the rage that seemed to emanate from the woman.

"Alright then" she replied curtly while taking out one of her pistols and following the soldier. She came upon a man, and his horse.

"Who are you and what do you want?" she said sharply while her pistol was in her hand as an obvious threat. Her patience was worn thin. Very thin.


Thu Jan 05, 2012 9:18 pm

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As Aranida exited the caravan, two burly guards hoisted Falst to his feet, one tightly gripping each arm. Any prospect of escape was long gone, but considering that his intentions of doing so were as well, he didn't mind. As they stepped out of the caravan, he glanced back and saw Aranida speaking with more soldiers. The expression she wore made him doubt whether looks were incapable of killing, and if they couldn't, hers definitely came the closest. If anything was certain, though, it was that her threats of chasing him down and shooting him in the leg were anything but idle.
The soldiers lead Falst to a different caravan and stopped. One of the escorts entered it and returned with what looked like little more than a large bucket. What they planned to do with it, he didn't know, but he could certainly guess. His fears were affirmed when they began to fill the container with water. When they told him to undress and get in, however, he didn't protest. He was simply thankful to have a wash, which he was badly in need of. He scrubbed himself like he had never scrubbed before, caked dirt falling off every part of his body. By the time he had finished, the water he was in had become as brown as his hair. As he got out of the tub, one of the guards handed him a towel, which he gladly took and dried himself.
No sooner was he done than the guards tossed him a uniform similar to the ones they sported, though slightly less ornate. He donned it eagerly, savoring the feeling of clean clothes against his skin. It felt a bit heavy and unwieldy for his tastes, but it was certainly comfortable. Compared to what he had been wearing, at least. Before Falst had a chance to do any more, the soldiers ushered him to the corral. Before he knew it, he was on a horse and learning the ropes. A quick learner, he was fit to ride in less than twenty minutes.

"You've had sufficient practice." One of the guards stated once he had finished. "As per orders, you are to immediately report to Aranida. Understand?" He nodded briefly and turned to leave when he heard the guard's voice once more. "And don't think about trying anything funny unless you want a leg full of lead!" the soldier called. Falst ignored the statement and continued on his way to see his new commanding officer.
Perhaps I'll be getting that fresh start after all. He mused with a wide grin.

Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:19 pm
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Thomas came close to the caravan. "Not too close, girl, we don't want them to se-" His words were cut off by a Soldier calling out to him. "You there, what do you want?" Well, that's screwed.

"I'm sorry, I got lost, saw the dust from you caravan, though you might be able to He-" Again, he was cut off by the soldier. "You'll have to come with me." "Okay, but I just need directi-" He was cut off yet a third time. "Now, or I shoot you where you stand."
Thomas followed the soldier, certain no good would come of this. "See what you got me into?" He whispered to his horse. "Last time I ever listen to you."

The soldier led him to the main caravan, where their commander waited. Thomas, with not much else to look at while he waited, looked at her. She was beautiful, strikingly so, which surprised him, considering that the Guard was not exactly well know for pretty girls. Nonetheless, he still felt sadness emanating from her, though she hid it well. His thoughts were interrupted by the woman standing there.

"Who are you and what do you want?" she said, a little sharp for his taste. Careful now, he thought. She won't be as easily fooled. He considered his options, and decide honesty was the best way to go.

"My name is Thomas Nelson." "I'm not sure what exactly happened." That, at least is true. "I saw a man try to steal one of your soldier's pouch, and my curiosity go the best of me, I wanted to see what happened." "You might say I was pulled here" He said, glaring at his horse.

"I'm sorry if I caused any problems." "I think I can find my way back, So I'm just going to lea-" She cut him off. What the heck is with these people and cutting people off?

Last edited by Sean Spicy on Fri Jan 06, 2012 1:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:42 am
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OOC: Productive stuff, guys.
btw, doctor, try not to auto reply for other people, otherwise you're fine.

Tyr gazed to his side and shook his head. The god decided he would have to pull out from the body in order to prevent it from suffering any harm that could jeopardize the message. He evaporated from Try's body, who slowly regained control. He slouched over and released his grip on the blade. Shocked, he took in steady, small breaths and, like a stunned wild deer, he shot a nervous glance at Galaonis and Lear.

Avia rested, eyes shut, in the carriage, hands instinctively covering her abdomen. Feeling vulnerable, she opened her eyes to search for her longbow and quiver, both lying across from her on the opposing seat. She leaned over to grab them, but pain shot through her stomach and she released a terrifyingly painful moan.

Biting her lower lip, Avia weakly reached over for the bow. Pain welled up and she began hyperventilating in response. After a noisy struggle, she wrapped her left hand around the bow and slowly dragged it toward her. The quiver followed soon after, and she began attempting to see if she could arm her bow in her state. Steadying her arms, she successfully loaded the bow, and fired a weak shot out the carriage's open window to test.

Feeling better, she held the longbow and quiver over her body and attempted to compose herself once again.


Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:53 am
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Aranida held up her hand to silence him "Well Mr. Nelson, you and that horse of yours better be careful. We are on high alert and had I been in even more of a bad mood, I would've shot you without any questions asked" She said this now, though she honestly didn't mean it. She wouldn't kill a stranger, well she would if it was necessary, but this guy didn't look threatening at all, especially with that docile looking horse of his. However, her patience was wearing thin and she felt as if she could shoot someone with no questions asked.

"Well, anyways, so long as your curiosity has been satiated you can run along, unless you have some sort of other agenda?" she asked with her arms crossed. She glanced over her shoulder to see whether the new recruit was on his way. Of course, she saw him riding towards her, she had to wrap things up quickly. "Alright, whatever you have to do, do it. I have business to attend to" she climbed back onto her horse and met the recruit half-way.

"Follow me" she spoke as she returned, yet again to the head of the caravan as they marched forward "I see you've taken well to horseback riding" she nodded in approval, "What is your name by the way?" she asked "How did you find your way here, I do not think you are from the city."


Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:12 am

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"You would be correct in that aspect." He stated in reply. "My name is Falst, by the way. Falst Barder." Whether he could trust this woman or not made no difference. There would be no harm in telling her his real name. "I'm from a small rat hole of a town some distance south of here. As for how I found my way here," He chuckled audibly. "Well I didn't need much more than some vague directions and a compass for that. I've always had a natural knack for navigation."
Realizing that he was probably revealing much more than he should, Falst stopped. There's no telling what kind of damage he could do by letting too much information slip. However, there was something about Aranida that made him feel less guarded. Something almost... matronly. But not quite trust.
"But please, don't try to patronize me." He continued brusquely. "This will go much more smoothly for both of us if you and I just leave each other be until this "mission" is over."

Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:20 am
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She held up her hand."Well Mr. Nelson, you and that horse of yours better be careful. We are on high alert and had I been in even more of a bad mood, I would've shot you without any questions asked"

He could feel the tension coming off of her. He wasn't quite sure if she meant what she said, but he wasn't about to find out. His thoughts were interrupted by what she said next.

"Well, anyways, so long as your curiosity has been satiated you can run along, unless you have some sort of other agenda?" she said, arms folded, clearly not happy. "Alright, whatever you have to do, do it. I have business to attend to." And then rode off, apparently not really wanting a reply.

Years later, he still wasn't sure why he did what he did next. "Excuse me, Ma'am." Both she and the man he saw earlier turned around. "Might I ask to join the Guard?" "I don't have anybody but Bess here, and I think you could use the help."

Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:02 am
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Qalim ran as fast as he could down the side of the street. Attempting to climb up to the nearest perch. Shots had rang out, and Qalim knew not what they were for, unless the man was magically able to counteract his thrown knives. It would be a terrifying prospect to say the least if there was someone who could react fast enough and have the precision necessary to down his daggers.

He had pulled himself up to the roof of a house, out of sight of the gunman but then he felt a sting in his left leg. Dropping down to one knee he turned and saw what had happened. He had been hit by a bullet. It was an impossible shot but somehow it hit him in his thigh. It was but a flesh wound though as it had passed cleanly through only meat. Still the pain was most annoying and he silently wished he had some pain killers on him. Obtaining some cloth by losing a sleeve, he dressed the wound as best he could. It was better than not doing anything at all but now he'd have a harder time sneaking about now.

Qalim paused to count his remaining arsenal. Eight more daggers were there. He only needed two. That and he'd have to find a way to replenish his stock at a later date. For all his knowledge a phrase soon stuck out from his shaken state of mind.

"Never bring a knife to a gunfight."

Which was another thing, he'd been fighting openly, whilst his usual method was to strike with overwhelming advantages like surprise. Sighing as he realised he had been fighting instead of winning, Qalim got up with some effort. Time to get back to the others before the gunman decided he could take impossible shots.


Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:09 pm
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Once again Aranida raised her eyebrow, slightly taken aback by the boldness of this new recruit. She glanced sideways at Falst from the corner of her eyes but said nothing. Better that he was annoying her as a soldier, than being a nuisance as a criminal. "I see," she replied without much interest or show of attention. "Don't think that just because I have hired you personally that I am going to favour you over the others. As long as you are here, I am going to be keeping my eye on you Recruit Barder. Never think otherwise."

Had she been a simpler woman, her eye would've twitched from the sheer frustration she was feeling at being pestered yet again.

"Excuse me, Ma'am," Both she and the man he saw earlier turned around. "Might I ask to join the Guard?" "I don't have anybody but Bess here, and I think you could use the help."

"I'm not quite sure what gave you the implication that I need help. I am the commander of the Dragon Guard and it is I who shall determine whether I need help or not. The purpose of the Dragon Guard is not to take in wayward orphans with no where to go and nobody to call on." Aranida looked Thomas up and down with a scrutinizing gaze and she sighed, for what seemed to be the thousandth time that day. "Fine. Go get a uniform. Whatever. You are a new recruit. However" she let the word hang in the air as a threat "Should you cross my path again today. So help me I will make Bess into a new pair of boots."


Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:32 pm
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