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so we're clear, this is what will happen to me if i participate

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Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:16 am

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Whim and Wizz have been added to the list.
The first mate will be selected from all of the characters based on their skills once the RP has kicked off. Wizzquizz, if you aren't chosen for the position, your character will be flogged put into another role that suits her talents. By the way, I don't recommend using those scraps as ammunition unless you want your pistol to get jacked up.
Speaking of which, now may be a bad time to say this, but the provided list of roles is not comprehensive. Feel free to suggest disciplines you think would be useful on a ship. But mark my words, if at least one person doesn't apply for the position of cook, I will be very disappointed. And then everyone will die of scurvy. Or worse, Cecil will have to cook.

And KP, that's going to happen whether you participate or not.

Thu Jul 11, 2013 7:57 am
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Whimzer wrote:
*Whim's glorious profile*

also this is the theme for this rp
[ ]

PS: Kiki one day you need to make up for Pitre and Anya never finding a home

*silent tears of happiness*

Also funny you should mention that, I was actually thinking of reviving the awakening just so I could have those two continue their story. They're my favourite character pair of all time.


Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:36 am
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my cook best cook

Selvani Celtigar: show
Name: Selvani Celtigar
Age: 23
Appearance: His olive skin has a few blemishes of red, culminating in a noticeable ruddy nose. He is about a head above the average, which his lean build highlights. His eyes are a light green colour, which works well with his short brown hair. His clean-shaven face often has a confident smile on it. As for outfits, he wears a white jacket, grey pants, and hard leather shoes. While cooking, he always makes sure to try and wear a apron just in case.
Personality: Like any Marsette cook, Selvani has the utmost belief that his cooking ability is next to none. He also likes to tells others of Marsette's superiority over various things. However, it's not of ill will that he does this; It's due to his upbringing and wanting others to know of its greatness. Otherwise, he's generally neutral towards others despite his proud demeanor. He likes people who take the cooking arts seriously, and dislikes those who waste food.

As for his interest in food, it can seem a little over-the-top for certain people (e.g. anyone not named Selvani Celtigar). One would be hard-pressed to find a subject where Sevani can't relate to food. He is aware of how excessive he can sometimes be about the topic, so he likes to exaggerate more when talking about it, just to point out the silliness of it (and because it's fun to do so). Other than that, he also enjoys drinking, and collecting knives, whether or not they're good for cutting meat.
Profession: Cook
Weapon(s): In the off chance that he has to take up arms, he has armed himself with "Elizabeth", his spare general-utility chef's knife. He also can use his other utensils, but prefers them to be clean and "taking the life of those he'll eat" instead if he had to.
Potopian Tool(s): None.
Biography: Hailing from the Kingdom of Marsette, it was no surprise that Selvani would take the profession of a chef, as his ancestors before him. What was a surprise was his rather impassioned (some would say fanatical) to the art. When possible, he personally found his own ingredients, either by haggling, or hunting with a bow or even with his own knives. He practiced as many recipes as possible, and ate anything that seemed edible, if it would add to a dish, or a addition to them. While his oddness sometimes put off his fellow Marsites, his ability to cook just about everything also gave him a small following.

Perhaps some would be satisfied just being a eccentric, but not him. Even with the amazing food and ingredients available on his homeland, Selvani felt unsatisfied with cooking them. It wasn't until he tasted a dish from another land as he passed through the markets that he found his muse of sorts. Raised to believe Marsette had the best food, he was amazed by the taste, yet also the health benefits. With this knowledge that perhaps there are foods better than what was in Marsette, he proceeded to go on a journey of discovery, searching for new ingredients and recipes, and showing off the cooking prowess of a Celtigar.
Skills: Of course, Selvani is a accomplished chef, able to cook just about anything on hand, while preserving great taste when possible. He's very good with a knife from this as well, being swift and precise. He also has somewhat decent aim with a bow, although he mostly uses them for hunting. Selvani also has great stamina; Useful for when the orders keep on coming.
Misc. Item(s): Like any good cook, he has a assortment of various cooking utensils at his disposal. From bone-cutting cleavers, to sturdy ladles, he has it all, and each one having its personal name. He also carries a few spice and seasoning, just in case.


Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:37 am

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Damn, and I was so looking forward to everyone getting scurvy. Alright, you're in.
Also, pre-boxed profile. Nice.

We still need a powder monkey. Any takers?

Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:06 am
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Live Grenade wrote:
Damn, and I was so looking forward to everyone getting scurvy. Alright, you're in.
Also, pre-boxed profile. Nice.

We still need a powder monkey. Any takers?

I was planning on making a nimble fisherman, but now that you mention it, I want to make a rugged explosives expert with an overly thick accent.

Yeah, I realized that after writing it, that it made a little sense, but don't worry, I have a plan for it.

Edit: here he is

Name: Samuel Tavares
Age: 20
Appearance: Quite the slender young man, Samuel's body is composed of mostly lean muscle. His tan complexion reflects his youthful age while his sharp jaw is covered by some stubble. Normally Samuel keeps his long hair tied up in small bun, sometimes held back with a red bandana. He wears a wine red shirt, only buttoned half way, with the sleeves torn off. On top of that he wears a light brown vest. His canvas pants are tucked in tightly into very lightweight brown boots.
Personality: Samuel's age reflects his personality. He is full of energy, always enthusiastic to do something new. Usually the one to act before he thinks, Samuel is often seen as naive. He is not afraid of speaking his opinion, but knows when to accept defeat and back down. More often than not, Samuel will choose to move on his own, as he is quite independent.
Profession: Fisherman
Weapon(s): A fishing spear and a small scaling knife.
Potopian Tool(s):None.
Biography: Samuel was born and raised in the republic of Altak. His father was a trader from the Arryn Isles who spent much of his time sailing back and forth between the two. Once he reached the end of his sailing career, he settled down in Taxista, got married and gave birth to Samuel. Like most Altak, Samuel was raised to be a fisherman. He quickly learned to sail from his father and fish from his mother. Quickly developing these skills, he would often go fishing on his own, growing a liking for spear fishing. With this, he developed a likeness for swimming and exploring what fish he could find deep underwater.
Soon enough, Samuel got a little bit bored and wanted to explore the world. He came across Captain Seymour's s**** and decided it would be a fun adventure. He figured his assets could contribute to the crew.
Skills: Samuel is a very capable swimmer, able to hold his breath underwater for a full minute. He is also quite fit and of course is a skilled fisherman. He's not a bad chef by any means, but he only knows how to cook dishes with fish.
Misc. Item(s): A fishing pole, various bait and hooks, and a fishing net.

Blue wrote:
Palestine should not be free

Last edited by Jin on Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:45 am
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Name: Alester
Age: 25
Appearance: Alester stands at just over average height and is very much of an average weight. His skin is fair and his body shape seems fairly built, though not built enough that it would bulge beneath clothing. His eyes are golden and filled with a magnificent luster and his hair is just the same. Beyond being of a striking colour, his hair is long, just over shoulder length, and tied back loosely by an exquisite red ribbon. Due to the loose nature in which his hair is tied, most of his hair still hangs over his brow and ears, though not low enough that it would be troublesome. His face is handsome, sharp, defined, yet still soft and round about his cheeks and nose. Alester normally wears a white, long sleeved formal shirt and a pair of deep brown trouser which hug tightly around his waist but billow outwards until they once again hug inward as they are stuffed delicately into a pair of black, calf high boots. Over top of his formal shirt he wears a short sleeved, black tunic which covers just over the top of his trousers. Around his waist, over top both his shirt and tunic, is a grey sash with a brown, leather belt tucked just under it. The belt sports space for a holster, a scabbard, and a few pouches to be pinned which on occasion Alester uses. Over top all of this Alester wears a long, red coat which stops just barely before his boots and is cuffed back around his wrists so that his white sleeves may protrude. The coat is generally worn open and is tucked under the collar of his white shirt.
Personality: Alester is charismatic, proud, gentle, witty, and a very keen liar. He can also be seen as somewhat boastful and overly indulgent, though this is generally just a front used to relax those about him. When doing his 'work' Alester is very a calculating person though he makes certain to never lose his gentlemanly appeal.
Profession: Sailor
Weapon(s): An unusual rapier which is curved very gently so that it can lightly cleave. A standard pistol.
Potopian Tool(s):None.
Biography: Like his father and grandfather, Alester is what one may describe as a gentleman thief. Since coming of age, Alester has wandered from country to country absorbing both the culture and customs of many people so that he may rob the most prestigious of each land respectively. Only steal from those who can afford to be stolen from and only steal for sport, these are of course the most basic guidelines for any thief who could ever want to call themselves a gentleman. Alester lives by these guide lines as his grandfather was supposedly the one to establish them so long ago and, on numerous occasions, has gone out of his way to try his hardest to best both his grandfather and father who were known for some of the most elaborate, impressive, and of course daring heists ever performed by man. In some places, Alester has earned the nickname 'The Wolf' though he generally dislikes the idea of being compared to a dog.
Skills: Alester is adept at the art of disguise, sleight of hand, pick pocketing, sneaking, climbing, and of course general thievery. Over the years Alester has also become quite good with a sword and numerous fire arms, though he prefers not using either if at all possible. Explosives and other weaponry of the sort are not foreign to him either as he has used small bombs and explosive powders for many of his heists.
Misc. Item(s): Lock picks and a broken key necklace which is generally kept in his tunic pocket.


Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:52 am

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Ichigo's character has been accepted. Jin, you don't seem to be quite finished yet.

Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:40 am
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Live Grenade wrote:
Ichigo's character has been accepted. Jin, you don't seem to be quite finished yet.

Oh woops, somehow I forgot two words. Fixed it up now.

Blue wrote:
Palestine should not be free

Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:13 am

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Jin's in. Alrighty then. I don't think we're going to be getting many more participants, so we'll probably get this thing afloat sooner rather than later.

Fri Jul 12, 2013 1:12 pm

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Got room for one more?

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Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:16 pm

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NO, YOU'RE TOO LATE! Actually, I guess we could pick someone up at Syrene. Or maybe there's a stow-away.
Yeah, sure, why not?

Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:56 pm

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Alright, listen up scallywags. There is now a very precise and accurate schematic of the Driftwood in the maps section, courtesy of Kiki. Everyone say thanks to Kiki, then take a good long look at that map, because that's where you'll be for the foreseeable future. Oh, by the way, remember when I said the crew's quarters were below deck? That was a fib. All your asses will be sleeping in the forecastle, because that's what it's for.
If you'll also notice, there is now a very precise and accurate list of nautical terminology in the information section, courtesy of me. Everyone say thanks to me, then take a good long look at that list, because those are the words you'll be using for the foreseeable future.
That is all. Dismissed.

Wed Jul 31, 2013 8:30 am
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Where are the posts at


Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:14 pm
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I'm waiting on a response


Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:21 pm
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