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Must Stay! Must Go! Choose Your Moves! 
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Joined: Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:42 pm
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Premise: If your favorite character/s were to be completely overhauled, redone, remade from the ground up, what would you say? What qualities of that character do you cherish or detest the most?

Move Must Stay: A specific move a character has that you are absolutly in love with. One if said character were to lose said move would personally destroy the character for you.

Move Must Go: A specific move a character has that you almost never use and generally find useless in most situtions. One that you would love to see be replaced for another.

Some personal examples for me would be:

Must Stay: F-air. This moves completes BBM and is his most unique regular attack
Must Go: Side B - Bomb Kick. This move is literally only good for moving bombs and nothing else. Would love to see it replaced with a move that would add to BBM recovery game.

Must Stay: D-air Favorite way to approach, combo, and send people to the shadow realm with.
Must Go: D-tilt basically a low basic combo that overstays its welcome.

This is more of an interesting case than a Must Stay/Must Go
but is relevant all the same. MM losing his Weapon Change and Ball n Chain killed the character for me. Tho i am glad to see his B-airs the same.

gEmssbguy13 wrote:
He doesn't have to be Meta Knight weak...

WelfareWednesday wrote:
Why should it be better? And who's asking for a huge nerf?
ProjectBrawl7 wrote:
Nobody is asking for a nerf, the SSF2 did it...

Fri Mar 15, 2019 7:02 pm
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Currently Playing: SSF2, Roblox, Kirby Star Allies, Sonic Mania Plus, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Pokemon Emerald, Leauge Of Legends
Waifu: Rera (SSVI)
Must Stay: B-Air has to stay. It's useful for causing a fence of pain, similar to how Falcon's F-Air is a wall of pain. The only improvement it needs is having a sweet spot.
Must Go: The Brawl/Sm4sh Dash Attack has to go. Ever since Ultimate brought the Melee Dash Attack back, v1.2 needs to have that.

Mains: :kirby: :rayman: :blackmage:
Secondaries: :sonic: :mario: :captainfalcon: :simon:
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge is the best anime film of all time. Admit it.
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Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:35 pm
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Waifu: Speedwagon
Must stay: The Forward Aerial! It's one of my favorite meteor smashes in the game! It's satisfying, the sweetspot is feasible, it's both a great setup and finisher. Old fair was useful but this is invaluable.

Must go: Side-B. The light dash doesn't really provide much in terms of usefulness. Sonic can recover just fine with a Homing Attack and up B most of the time. It's also slow in startup and endlag, extremely predictable and the sweetspot isn't even that powerful compared to Fsmash, Dsmash or even Bair. Still, it's better than a second spindash I guess. (Though I'd prefer a projectile like Sonic Wave or something)

Must Stay: Dtilt. A great poking tool for approaching and quick hits.
MUST GO: THE INHALE ANIMATION. It looks fine in 3D but when converted to a sprite it looks disgusting!

Through plenty of determination, I've beaten I Wanna Be The Guy and so I am a The Guy. My save proves it.

Flash Card: show

My thanks to Utah P. Teasdale (Harr) for the amazing Flash Card.

Sat Mar 16, 2019 12:40 pm
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Currently Playing: SSF2, Roblox, Kirby Star Allies, Sonic Mania Plus, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Pokemon Emerald, Leauge Of Legends
Waifu: Rera (SSVI)

You aren't alone on that.

Mains: :kirby: :rayman: :blackmage:
Secondaries: :sonic: :mario: :captainfalcon: :simon:
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge is the best anime film of all time. Admit it.
YouTube Video:

Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:10 pm
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MGN Username: bagrielmarmanjo
Currently Playing: SSF2, M.U.G.E.N (rarely), GBA Kirby Games, SSBC, Deltarune
Waifu: i like bepis
Must stay: Shoulder Bash is a pretty great move. Nuff said.
Must go: D-air. Where do i even begin? The ground pound was great, but did you have to replace a move that METEOR SMASHES with a move that's just easily spammable?


out of ideas here '-'

Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:25 pm
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MGN Username: CSWooly
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Currently Playing: Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright, SSF2, SSB4, League of Legends.
**Must stay:** Demon Fang, Tiger Blade, Nair, Fair, Bair and Dash Attack. They're a lot of fun to use and you can usually get some halfway decent combos off them.
**Must go:** His spritesheet (some nice SSF2 sprites would work), Down Smash. It doesn't work, the reward is mediocre as hell and I'd rather we just got the move to be a reworked Grave Blade instead of this.

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SSF2 Backroom Character Analyst and Labber

Mains: :lucario: :simon:

Sat Mar 16, 2019 5:29 pm
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Currently Playing: SSF2, Roblox, Kirby Star Allies, Sonic Mania Plus, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Pokemon Emerald, Leauge Of Legends
Waifu: Rera (SSVI)
Must Stay: All of his attacks. They're very fun to work with (while a few do need improvements), and Haste and D-Air can combo pretty well, if you have the right timing.
Must Go: His sprite sheet. I'm pretty much more used to the Mario Hoops 3-On-3/Mario Sports Mix Black Mage than the Final Fantasy version (and no, Final Fantasy IX doesn't count as that Black Mage is pretty cool.), so I'd rather see the more sporty Black Mage in action using hockey sticks, dodgeballs, the works.

Mains: :kirby: :rayman: :blackmage:
Secondaries: :sonic: :mario: :captainfalcon: :simon:
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge is the best anime film of all time. Admit it.
YouTube Video:

Sat Mar 16, 2019 7:39 pm
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Must Stay: I am actually fine with Falcon so I don't want him to change some attacks or something. That means I want everything to stay, except some little things.
Must Go: Up B's both vertical and horizontal distance and F-Smash's ending lag. In short buff Captain Falcon.

hi bye

Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:56 am
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MGN Username: VanillaKunikida
Currently Playing: SSBU, SSF2, SIFAS
Waifu: Hanamaru Kunikida
Must Stay: Rapid jab finisher. It's the only jab finisher in the game and probably the safest rapid jab to use.
Must Go: Gum-Gum Pistol. It's basically just his grab with longer range and can be used in midair, which makes the move redundant.
I'd rather see his fsmash (which is the real gum-gum pistol) moved to nspec and him getting a new fsmash as a consequence.
Besides, he'd still has 3 grab moves (sideb, upb, regular grab) so it won't completely shatter luffy's grappler playstyle.


Sun Mar 17, 2019 2:34 am
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Currently Playing: Parsec and sometimes Fightcade.
Must Stay: Pseudo wavedash. One of the few pseudo wavedashes and easy to perform, meaningful for chaingrabs.
Must Go: Neutral B concept. Bring back his descent recovery, cuz it's fully trash when this is used in the air
(I'm not referring the windbox tho).

Mains: :rayman: :ichigo:
Secondaries/Counterpicks: Image :krystal: :simon:
pockets: :luffy: :kirby: Image :captainfalcon: :marth:

Good times at helping this great community
My discord: TheGodTierCeviche#0303

Also join Zimbax's discord:

Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:44 am
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MGN Username: Sonario
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Waifu: Speedwagon
Must stay: The Mega-Shoryuken (Up tilt). It's really unique for Megaman to have Up tilt be a stronger move and finisher instead of his Up Smash. It's fluid and easy to use too.

Must go: The weapons being confined to a few certain moves for certain weapons instead of the whole weapon switch mechanic we used to have. That was way more Megaman-like.

Must stay: Side-B. Airlift might be spammable sometimes and a little OP if you can chain it, but it's a really useful tool for Tails' moveset.

Must go: Remote Robot. With his jumps reduced and gliding removed, having a recovery move would be handier than the remote robot. It's also really annoying to face and not that fun to use IMO. The old tornado spin with a little buff (mash B to go higher like the bros. tornadoes?) would be preferable.

Through plenty of determination, I've beaten I Wanna Be The Guy and so I am a The Guy. My save proves it.

Flash Card: show

My thanks to Utah P. Teasdale (Harr) for the amazing Flash Card.

Sun Mar 17, 2019 4:41 pm
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Currently Playing: Super Smash Flash 2
Black Mage:
Stay: His normals. they are all great and fun. And Random Encounter is my favorite FS in Smash history, so keep that.
Go: His specials. Make warp like a normal teleport, switch haste and meteor to the 9b form, and get rid of Stop. Replace it with Tornado or Water.

SSF2 Mains: :bandanadee: :luigi: :chibirobo: :blackmage: :lucario:
SSF2 Secondaries: Waluigi :pacman: :sheik: :sandbag: :rayman:
Ultimate Mains: :luigi: Snake Greninja :sonic: Olimar Vincent
Ultimate Secondaries: Toon Link, R.O.B. Richter, Roy, King K Rool, Lucas

Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:30 pm
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WOW! Thought this might be a bust. Glad to see all these comments!

Must Stay: D-air literally the most satisfying move to land in this entire game. I love how effortlessly Tails will doom his opponents to an eternity in the Shadow Realm with utmost disrespect.

Must Go: D-Smash lost its novelty with the sprite updates and is completely contradictive of Tails playstyle.

Must Stay: U-air Love the angle, the unexpectedness, and versatility of this move.

Must Go: D-Smash Useless. Literally forgot it was a thing till today.

gEmssbguy13 wrote:
He doesn't have to be Meta Knight weak...

WelfareWednesday wrote:
Why should it be better? And who's asking for a huge nerf?
ProjectBrawl7 wrote:
Nobody is asking for a nerf, the SSF2 did it...

Mon Mar 18, 2019 12:10 pm
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Currently Playing: SSF2, Roblox, Kirby Star Allies, Sonic Mania Plus, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Pokemon Emerald, Leauge Of Legends
Waifu: Rera (SSVI)
Must Stay: Down Special. The opportunity to pseudo-wavedash with it is cool!
Must Go: Side Special and Up Special. Side Special is spammed constantly and there's absolutely no way to get out of it. Up Special has no use except it's immunity to no-knockback moves, it's just plain boring, and I'm glad it's being replaced with Tails' v0.9b Up Special.

Must Stay: F-Air. Sonic Eagle is my favorite attack in the game by far, and I really like having fun with it!
Must Go: Side Special. It isn't a reliable recovery option for Sonic, as Spring Jump is a totally better option, and it should've been replaced with Cyan Laser or Crimson Eagle in the v1.1.0.1 update, but they kept the second worst move in the game instead, with Fox's laser being the worst, as opponents can walk right through the beams! Speaking of Fox...

Must Stay: Up Special. Maybe a horrible recovery option like Sonic's side special, but at least it works.
Must Go: Neutral Special. The worst move in the game, by far. Opponents can walk right through the projectiles, it only does 1% damage, and it leaves you open from above and behind!

Mains: :kirby: :rayman: :blackmage:
Secondaries: :sonic: :mario: :captainfalcon: :simon:
Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge is the best anime film of all time. Admit it.
YouTube Video:

Mon Mar 18, 2019 3:03 pm
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Joined: Tue May 22, 2018 7:25 pm
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MGN Username: Knuckles for SSF2
Currently Playing: Super Smash Flash 2
Fox's lasers are for chip damage and they work. He can have just run and laser camp and get a ton of free damage on you. It is the most obnoxious thing ever.

SSF2 Mains: :bandanadee: :luigi: :chibirobo: :blackmage: :lucario:
SSF2 Secondaries: Waluigi :pacman: :sheik: :sandbag: :rayman:
Ultimate Mains: :luigi: Snake Greninja :sonic: Olimar Vincent
Ultimate Secondaries: Toon Link, R.O.B. Richter, Roy, King K Rool, Lucas

Mon Mar 18, 2019 3:50 pm
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