War P. Anda
Joined: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:05 pm Posts: 1503 Location: in your heart all along
Gender: Female
Alright, before you ask, no, this is not an RP to teach you how to RP. It is meant as a school for your character. It is just as much an RP as the Phoenix Remedy, and I don't want anyone to forget that.
Second, I have posted this here for correction and such. Nothing else. Otherwise I would have posted this directly in the RP section.
Third, humans are the only races here. Well, the only humanoid ones at least. They're also the only intelligent ones. Dragons and other such mythical beasts will make an appearance, however.
Fourth and final, this takes place in midieval times. No guns, cannons, bombs (unless it's an exploding flask or a spell), or anything of the sort here.
In this world, there are many dangerous things. Dragons, angry people who want to kill you, thieves and the likes. But who is to stop these things? Adventurers of course! But no. This is not a perfect world where monsters somehow drop gold that you use to conveniently buy that oversized sword that just happens to be very good for slaying that dratted dragon that's terrorizing the poor villiagers in the neighboring town. No, in this world adventurers often find themselves dead before they even GET to the neighboring town. An unexperienced peasant with a rather poorly crafted sword isn't going to invade the evil king's fortress and somehow defeat all the gaurds he comes across and eventually the king's pet dragon. No, that peasant would most likely be digested by the slime hiding in the bush next to the apple tree in his yard.
Which is why Jacob Adams, the most famous adventurer of his time, decided to start a school of sorts in his retirement. But this is no ordinary school. This is a school for adventurers, or the Academy of Adventure to be specific. Since it opened, adventurers have grown in population by quite a bit. And guess what? That's the place you're writing an application to.
First thing's first; send the form to the Academy of Adventure. And no, I don't mean send it to me through PM, I mean post it here AS YOUR CHARACTER. Then send it to the Academy through your local mailman. After that a horse and buggy will come, pick you up, and bring you to your new li'l home (that is, if you're accepted. Otherwise you'll get a letter declining your proposal and you'll lead a boring life of not being an adventurer. You also won't be able to post in the section again exept directly after seeing the letter (to show your disappointment) or if you try a different character).
After a week of trying the different positions as an adventurer (warrior, mage, archer and assassin) you'll get to choose a main position and a secondary (optional). After another week of classes you'll be able to take a more specific role as an adventurer, but only for your main position; you'll need to wait another week for your secondary. After a month you'll take "feild missions", which you'll be getting scores on afterwards. Missions at first will be easy, and usually won't require any combat, but difficulty will rise. Most, if not all of these missions won't put you in any danger of death.
While there ARE weapons that may be provided, they don't come without cost. You see, there are "favors" that will sometimes be handed out by the school, usually things like getting rid of the slime that's been hiding out in the bush near an apple tree in some peasants yard. If you complete these favors, you will be given the reward told on the contract. The favors are completely real, and are put out as training as training for when you become a real adventurer. If you accept a favor then you must see the school princable to see if you are ready for it, as they would rather not have students die.
Magic in this world is used in the form of runes. To use magic you must trace the runes into the air. After that you must focus on the spell and concentrate magic into the runes written in the air. In the case of using too much magic, you will go into large amounts of pain before falling unconscious for a few days. Saffs are meant to inscribe runes into, so that you don't have to write the rune before concentrating on the spell and such. Of course for some spells "sacrifices" will be required, often needing a frog or something of the sort.
Here are da rules: Obey the basic rules of roleplaying (no autohitting, no godmodding and the like. That's not all but I'm just gining examples). Read the rules to see 'em. If you haven't done that, do it. HAVE DECENT GRAMMAR. I HATE LOOKING IN THE TOPIC AND SEEING A REPLY LIKE "fred jumped out of the way and screemed 'you cannot beat me!!!! i am super!!!' and then he got really shiney and super and his stick turned into a buster sword 100x bigger than couds sword!!!! then he beat bob to a pulp and said 'yeah!!! i am a best!!!'" (Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit here, but still). Post length doesn't matter too much, but try to keep it to at least three sentences. Please do NOT start out with a powerful character. This roleplay is meant for character growth, and that can't happen if you're already the bestest archer in the whole wide world.
The Form:
This is the form that you can buy for five pieces of silver just about anywhere.
What is your name?
What is your backstory? We must know if you're set out to destroy us or not, and we can't take your word for it.
What is your profession? Please choose from Archer, Warrior, Mage, and Assassin.
What is your appearance? We must know what you look like to pick you up.
What is your age? Please note that you must be sixteen years of age or older to join the Academy of Adventure.
Where are you currently?
Why would you like to join the Academy of Adventure?
Last edited by War P. Anda on Thu Mar 04, 2010 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
War P. Anda
Joined: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:05 pm Posts: 1503 Location: in your heart all along
Gender: Female
Like, potion stuff?
And don't do the "no,no,no," thing, do the whole "yes, yes, yes," thing. In other words, < see that? put a space after it. Also I don't know if you're even a good RPer.