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2 vs 2 battle 
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Legendary Ghost
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Location: Where angels fear to tread, and man is but a cautionary tale.
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Her blood would gush from her newly cut wound into her shoulder, shield taking another heavy hit. The Wisps would continue their barrage, perhaps getting even more furious in their assault. The flames tossing towards him, the ferocity of the attacks growing whether his sword absorbed some or not. Her shield took another heavy crack in its surface, so far withstanding though not for long. Althea would not engage the 4th wisp within her shield, or even use its power, letting the shield be wailed upon. She would take this chance to slash at him again, thrusting her blade towards his mid section, the steel bloodied. Her expression of pain, but she continued to endure.

Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:02 pm
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Tekun moved to the side, the steel going across his midsection, turning the ground red with gore as he swung hard at the shield, unleashing the arcane flame magic that had become pent up in his blade. Up attacking it full force and turned quickly and leapt at the nearest whisp, swinging accurately and precisely at it. The only reasult he was sure of was the gain of more energy for the sword, wether it was destroyed or not he was unsure. Hell, he was unsure of the amount of damage his flaming slash had done to Althea's shield.

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Sat Oct 04, 2008 10:15 pm
Legendary Ghost
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The wisp would sputter in a foreign language as it took the blow to its field, with a flash of teal sparks. The force of the blow enough to knock it out of the it and to the soil; meanwhile the blast would hit her shield, the power colliding against it viciously, sending her skidding back once more. Luckily enough for her, due to the flames pure origins, the magical flames that predominated the strike would instead engulf the shield, returning to their normal color as they re-purified and then simply went out harmlessly. However the shield had taken the full power of yet another harsh determined physical attack.

It would take another huge crack across it, the symbol upon it flickering out as it then broke apart into fragments of adamantine upon the earth. left in the symbols stead; still floating in the air, was now what formed into yet another wisp, making four in all. The wisp upon the gravel levitated up off the ground and the two remaining in their attack would cease. All four together re-positioned at either side of Althea, two at each. Shieldless, Althea would smile, rearing back her blade and using her free hand to grasp under the weapons tip. Her adversary was bloodied, as was she. Her shoulder had been keenly sliced open, and the bleeding hadn't stopped in its staining of her green armor; as it trickled down.

"Im not finished quite yet.." Althea would say wearily but still as committed as ever, he was indeed very much a worthy opponent, it took great skill to break her armor in this state. Her wings would flutter once in unison as she stood; readying for his next blow, devising a trategy..

Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:56 am
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Tekun had suceeded in riding Althea of the shield, however, now there were four wisp to deal with as well as his opponent. Though she was bloodied and worn down, the fight was far from over. Tekun himself was worn and injured, bloodied. He had substained much more then Althea as he lacked any armor from the start, just a cloak. He twirled his blade and went into a stance. A voice ringing in his mind to stop, this needs to end, enough is enough. It was becoming louder, but still drowned out.

"You will be soon." He retorted, that madening look in his eyes yet. There was a silence for but a moment and then he charged, examining her armor for a week spot. He would aim for a slit in it, the side. Cut right through her chainmail. As he approached he raised his blade and swung her to her side.

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:58 pm
Legendary Ghost
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Quickly she'd try to parry his blade with her own, releasing her hand at the tip and lunging forward as he had attacked, their blades clashing in an eruption of sparks, fervently holding her blade to his as she tried to hold off the attack, both hands secured upon the handle, holding her weapon at an angle; arms shaking to hold the position. "You know.. you remind me of my sister.." She would state amidst the struggle. "Only, frost isn't your bane.." she would press forward into the parry, attempting to meddle with his balance, though with her weakened and bloodied shoulder, it was hard to so much as use the accompanying arm to help hold off, this would show as the blood flowed. Her red hair messily scattered about her face from the ardent battle, though leaving a good bit of vision . "I wonder then.." She would conclude, as the wisps seemingly went into a frantic panic, spinning around her body in erratic motions with no set path or specific coordination. This was indeed quite the fight for her..

Mon Oct 06, 2008 10:55 pm
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The two had their blade's locked, the coldness of the Icebrand began to creep in, cooling his blade. Althea was holding back his blade with both arms, one was weakened due to a wound, as she held her blade tightly, blood gushed from her wound. The lock would be easily broken.

"You know.. you remind me of my sister.....Only, frost isn't your bane..I wonder then.."

He heard her mutter. Tekun couln't help but smile, he had no comment. She had a unique style that reminded him of that of knights he had fought in the past, though she was far above any of them.

"It's over.." He muttered as he brought his blade down with both hands and over powered Althea and went in for a slash at the adominal area. When he did it, he would run by and stop, following all the way through, cutting through that armor and wounding.

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:08 pm
Legendary Ghost
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The metal would tear open to another flurry of sparks and sheared metal, the concentrated attack making for a gash across her abdomen, further staining the majestic armor upon her figure. She'd grunt lightly in pain, retaining her stature and enduring through the surging sting. Her blade had deflected downwards as he made his move, but now was set for a counter attack, ripping her blade back up and across his still lunged upper body, the blade a blur against the wind as she whisked it; following up her attack with a robust thrust of her unwounded shoulder to knock him back. Her breathing was heavy, through all stamina training she had gone through, this had really put it all to the test; the sprites floating about her would sprint into action once more, the four of them maneuvering over to her weapon just as it had met with the peak of its upwards slice. Encircling around its surface in two sets of two, the speed only hastening as time went on. The blade taking a faint glow as the 4 wisps orbited closer and closer to its surface, following up her shoulder tackle with a defensive stance; sword held with the flat towards her opponent as the spirits rotated, Her injured arm limp at her side as she held position.

Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:36 pm
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Tekun felt the blade go in against his flesh as he overpowered her blade, using his own attack against him to an extent and then a shoulder tackle. He took it, lost his footing and rolled back to recover from it, as he did, leaving a slgiht trail of crimson red. When he stopped with it, he came out of it almost instantly into a stand and in a stance. The wound he had taken had gone down across his chest, a burning pain. He was nearing his limit. Soon the rage would wear off due to bloodloss and a battle within himself coming to a close. She stood in a stance, defensive, shieldless and down an arm, holding her sword almost like a shield with four whisp around her. This was indeed a great fight, one he never wanted to do. The blood ran down his chest, lightly staining his black pants and the remainder of a tatered white shirt. The redness in his eyes began to fade just a bit. He knew full well that this next blow would be it for either her or himself. He grinned and made another charge. Mauvering his sword into a different posistion, it looked more organized then before, instead of him just going into a mad dash as usual.

"Get ready!" He muttered alloud to her, waiting to see what her reaction would be as he drew closer, she'd have to decided on what to do quickly as there was little distance between them.

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:56 pm
Legendary Ghost
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Althea would smirk as blood trickled down her body; she was losing too much, and the effects were beginning to show. Her smirk was not one of arrogance or conceit, but rather a cordial grin, not of any contempt. The wisps merged into the surface of her weapon in a shining grace. "All or nothing, eh?" She'd ask him, her weapon growing to the size of a zweihander; encrusted along its middle section was a green hieroglyph going straight down to the guard. The outer edges of the blade were a brilliant white, the blade widened as it met with the hilt; which, like the grip, was of a shimmering gold.

It hurt to so much as breathe. Her armor was in shreds over her; now thick with rips and wide openings. revealing wounded flesh underneath. With a subtle murmur she poised her heavy sword on par with her shoulder with both arms, fighting through the pain. At the very tip of the weapon, a swirl of energy spun; growing larger in vivacity. The whirl extended down the length of the weapon. For once, she would make her own attack and move from a defense.

Wings folded on her back, a faint stream of blood going down from her lower lip to her chin. Althea leapt upwards from her position, spreading her wings suddenly; breaking her trajectory while retaining the momentum. A shockwave of holy light spreading due to the sheer force. "By the order of the valkyrie knight, by the cleansing flames of purity; this ends here!" She'd recite before lunging down from her point. A deep aura straggling behind her from off her frame, hair thrown into the whiplash. White flames spurred from off her body; Furiously trailing from off her limbs. She slashed her weapon at her adversary; lost in a blur of sacred force. The whirl had gone along the edge, bracing against the air.

An attack of this magnitude and at such close proximity, one would find hard to avoid and be just about forced to confront, just the right distance for this strike; though It used all the holy power she had left. This would be it, for better or worse.

Sat Oct 11, 2008 2:38 am
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Tekun countered the slash with his own, unleashing any energies he had remaining in the blade, but it was for naught. There was simply not enough to counter Althea's attack, a slash of intense holy power. He dimished the power by a little, enough to reduce some of the impact. But the end reasult was Althea slashing across Tekun's right arm and the holy power and the whirlwind, burning him and his clothing as it passed. The end reasult was Tekun standing in front of Althea, a gash across his weapon arm, blood streaming and dripping off his arm, his skin singed and burned, the remaining tatered clothing, was no longer there, he stood shirtless now, all the wounds showing on his body, bleeding across his scarred body.

The red feral look in his eyes was diminishing, but there yet, he would have one more attack. One final blow to counter. A grin came across his face as he raised his blade up high to counter, to go in for the kill. As he brought the blade down upon her, aiming for the neck, he stopped, a voice screaming in his head to stop, to come to his sense. Tekun clenched his eye's shut, fighting the feralness, he would not kill a friend, not if he could help it. He lowered his blade,as he opened them slightly, the look in his eyes had returned.

"I.....I won't..." Tekun muttered breathing heavily and dropping his blade. He was ready to collapse, to exausted and wounded to do much.

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Sat Oct 11, 2008 12:22 pm
Legendary Ghost
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Behind Tekun, lie streaks of white flame along a deep gash along the gravel. Just to have survived, he proved himself of immeasurable power. Althea now stood before him, driving her blade into the ground and using it as leverage to stand. She too was exhausted, her wings folded and suddenly burst into a flurry of feathers, her armor's base color turning back to the silver it had been before; Half-slumped against the impaled sword. He had not taken this moment to strike at her when most vulnerable; the wisps within her blade might just have not been able to free themselves from its surface in time to dampen such an attack. She smiled at him, he was returning to the Tekun she knew so well. "Glad to see you're back.." she said between pants, eyes fluttering as she became unstable. Letting herself go, Althea fell sideways next to her blade in a sound of heavy metal hitting earth; falling into the depths of unconsciousness.

Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:27 pm
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Tekun breathed heavily, he remained the only oen standing among the arena. He limped up to Althea and kneeled down besides her. He lacked medicle supplies at the moment, he would let the infirmery here take care of her. With what little strength he had, he took Althea's blade and sheathed it and picked her up carefully. With so much armor loss, he could actually manage it. He slowly made his way over to the exit, and whenhe finally did, he handed her over to what appeared to be a docotor of some sort.

"Her wounds come first." He stated handing her over to the man. He then coughed up blood and fell to one knee. He couldn't take it for too much longer, exaustion was taking over. With that he smiled and then fell over, passing out. the next thing he knew, he awoke in an infirmery, is wounds stiched up, bandanaged and treated. Unsure of how long he had been out for he got up slowly, rising from the bed looking about.

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Sun Oct 12, 2008 9:46 pm
Legendary Ghost
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Althea was sat upon the bedding across from him, already awoken. Her full set of armor, tho ravaged, was placed neatly upon a table just a few feet away; along with her reformed shield, having its respective symbol once again placed within it, as was with her sword, which was tight in her grasp as she refined its edge with a whetting stone, both her sword and shield were reverted to their original metal state.

White bandages were wrapped tightly around her midsection and over her wounded shoulder, stained dark red where the cuts lied underneath. The blood was dried however, and she was recovering. Her under-clothing could be seen in this state, nothing but black skin-tight yet sturdy pieces of cloth; one wrapped around her chest, the other over her hips and going down to just above her knees, straight over her thighs. Her feet were bare as was the rest of her. Her muscles were toned and hardy yet still retaining a rather lean look to them. Retaining her femininity yet displaying her strength from her aggressive training.

With her hair now neatly done in its braids, flowing down her back; Althea spoke aloud to Tekun as she busily sharpened her weapon. "You've awoken, good to see.." Her tone once again with its formality. Until she would stray her green eyes from her blade and over to him, dropping the tone into an informal and friendly one. "How're you feeling?" she said with a smirk. The worst was over now, and she knew not what happened to the other two participants in the arena, whether still drifting in death or recovering as well. She could at least be assured no more blood would be spilled this day.

The room they were in was most definitely an infirmary, one with many windows across the walls; shining in plenty of mid-day light from the sun in the sky. A cleanly place, despite the gore that spilled almost daily in the arena just on its outskirts. Pristine white sheets upon each bed, trays placed upon small counters besides each bed; some empty, some with particles of food remaining. The floor was of hardwood, and seemed sleek with a waxed shine. A small cup of hot black tea sat steaming at Althea's counter, thus far untouched.


OoC: Wow, i think we're about to be the first in the new forums to play through an RP from beginning to end without it like.. dieing first. Al beit, it was a duel. Ive left room for Kevin/Whimmy to make posts if they so deem so, as outlandish as it sounds for a decapitated man to be alive again; nothings truly too out of bounds when it comes to rp.

Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:34 am
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"You've awoken, good to see.......How're you feeling?" '

He heard a warm, friendly fimiliar voice. Across from him was Althea, sitting up on her bed, she had stopped sharpening her blade to address him. Tekun gave a smirk, he was sore, and would otherwise be a bit onnery afterwords. Despite his condition, he moved from his bed and got out of it. His torso was covered in scars and various wounds, most being covered by fresh looking bandages. He was in the same tattered clothing he had been in. He turned to look at Althea.

"I'm fine enough to move about." He said lieing just a bit as he took a step and clenched his teeth from the sudden pain. Underneath his foot was package of some sort. On it was just a tag addressed to him, no from. "What's this?" He muttered as he knealt down slowly, trying not to bend picking it up. He unwrapped it to find an exact replica of of his cloak and white t shirt. He rolled his eyes and muttered. "Son of a b**** was watching the whole time and did nothing to stop me." Loud enough for Althea to hear.

He took a seat back on his bed and sat the clothing on a nearby table next to his bed, one that his sword lay on. "Well, I guess I can't move about just yet." He chuckled. "Well, how are you holding up? I'm more concerned about the damage I did, your armor looks like it got trampled in a stampeed."

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Tue Oct 14, 2008 5:14 pm
Legendary Ghost
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DH_Ninja wrote:
"Well, how are you holding up? I'm more concerned about the damage I did, your armor looks like it got trampled in a stampeed."

"Hmph" Althea scowled. "I wouldn't be so mindful of my gear, and would be more worried about the dozen or so wounds against your flesh, the way you moved around, it was without any concern for your well being whatsoever." It would be incredibly expensive to fix up her armor; while her sword had their wisps to mend things back together, the armor was entirely man made and without such enchantments. It would cost her a bundle; and Althea, while a stalwart warrior, was also incredibly stingy when it came to money. Everlasting proof of her wealthy background.

She would soon drop her disdain however, he was a friend, and he meant no harm.. at least not now anyway. Placing her blade upon the counter, she would take the glass of hot tea and take a delicate sip. " Well then.. i suppose when we're back in shape.. we'll be parting ways again.." Althea would state, with an underlying layer of sadness.

OoC: how shall we end this?

Wed Oct 15, 2008 7:41 pm
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