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Omnivident - Book 1: A War of Souls 
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Heather listened to Miss Rachel's speech taking notice of the brooch on her cloak. Upon looking around the room she noticed several others with a brooch and determined it must be something they receive in training.

"If you know our gifts why not skip the cultist ritual and tell us?" Heather began to ask "Nevermind." She didn't care much for such pomp and circumstance that surrounded these big traditions. Although with a sigh she agreed to play along in Miss Rachel's charade. After all she might learn something about the life style of Omnivident in the old days.

Heather again turned off her hearing aids blocking all noise allowing her to concentrate. She closed her eyes and began to search. She felt nothing with a deep sigh Heather began to walk around to the podiums and look at the various stones identifying them. She revealed several that were pumice, granite, shale, and even some rather unimpressive fossils. Then something caught her eye. A bright blue glow from within one of the piles of stone. Heather's curiosity got the best of her. She dug through the pile finding a bright blue glowing stone. Unknown to her it appeared to the others as a simple chunk of limestone. The stone looked beautiful through her eyes. It's bright blue glow and wisps of blue energy that moved around it seemed to calm her as she held it. Heather looked around at everyone before walking and tossing it into the fire.

After some crackling the bright blue glow pulsed outward resonating off each one of the stings that filled Heather's life. The silence she heard was broken as she felt the beautiful tunes the sounded around her. Heather quickly switched her Hearing aids on to catch sound of the most harmonic melody. Once it finished Heather stood there in awe at what she experienced. Her hands were shaking and her eyes were tearing up. She couldn't explain it but she felt happy and sad, excited and scared, Love and Fear all at once. She couldn't do anymore but turn her head towards Miss Rachel waiting for an explanation as to what she experienced.


Last edited by Wizzquizz on Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:11 am
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((Thanks for the explanation Kiki, I was having a hard time deciding how to start without making an a** out of myself because of my character's disbelief lol))

The day had arrived, no doubt about it. Today was the first step towards moving on with her life! Alyx was so excited. She'd finally get back to continuing her studies and not only that, but also meet all kinds of new people, live all sorts of new experiences and visit so many new places in an all new friendly environment. ... At least that's what she kept repeating to herself. The truth is she hated the idea of having to go through the exhausting process of getting acquainted with new people and being forced to interact with them every day again. She felt so reassured when she received the invitation though that she decided right then and there that Archlight was her place to be. But now, surrounded by all these new faces her mind has gone off over-thinking as it so often does. The words spoken around her fade into the background noise as her focus is entirely set on her second thoughts about coming. "No!" She yells in her head. "I won't allow my pessimistic thoughts to get the best of me... I need this, this is the change I need in my life. This is what's going to keep me from losing my sanit-" Alyx now stood frozen in place, the storm in her head is brought to a sudden halt. The day was going as normal as any other new school day would go. Then she saw Phora.

Being lost in her thoughts, Alyx didn't pay attention to anything anyone had said, but she didn't have to hear anything to have her attention caught by what found itself in front of her. She remained still, examining everyone and their casual behavior despite clearly acknowledging the creatures in the room, for what felt like hours. She recognized the feeling that shot up her spine too. This all had a certain aura surrounding it. Unexplainable but certain, she had felt this before with her strange sightings. All those random strangers... her mother, Laura, that one horrible night. Was this a dream? No. For better or worse the pinch she then gave herself soon left her with the hard fact that this was real. After staring blankly at nothing for a moment she slowly let the conversations around her blend back into her now undivided attention, just in time to be lead into the s****. As she followed she felt terrified and confused like never before but the familiarity of the sensation reassured her enough to keep on walking. Her curiosity was to be satisfied, that was the one and only thing she cared about for now. She could worry about her sanity afterwards.

Once inside Alyx couldn't help but admire the atmosphere of the room, it spoke to her. "I guess there are worse places to be murdered..." She jokingly thought to herself as she felt her anxiety rising. Her eyes immediately started scanning the area and she was bombarded with thoughts yet again. This was all too much to swallow at once though so she did her best to focus on Miss Rachael's words and ignore everything else. All she wanted to do was get this over with already and pass out in peace. After Miss Rachael's explanation was finished Alyx remained as she was, now standing hunched slightly, playing with her fingers at this point. "Look deep within myself?" She could feel her body getting heavier and her eyesight blurring slightly due to tears beginning to form. She had been hurting so bad for so long now but always acted stronger than she was for her Father's sake. Something about this ritual just made her want to release it, if only for a second... But it was time to face the matter at hand now. With a deep sigh she then corrected her posture and wiped the mist from her eyes. "Okay." She said, as calmly as she could. Looking over at all of the podiums, she felt a strange attraction to one when her gaze locked on to it. Without hesitation she made her way towards it and picked the stone from it's resting place with her shaking hands. "I'm next..." She said sheepishly, stone clenched in her fist.

EDIT: I assume this is done one by one and you write the flames' reactions, right? Or should I just go ahead and toss the stone in now?

Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:36 am
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Janet's stone was the first to enter the fire. At first, there was no change in the flames, and then suddenly they turned an eerie green; the fire began to twist and coil, spiralling into the air. Before the children, a vision appeared above the flames, something that looked like an ornate mirror was created by the flames. The mirror seemed to shatter as the fire burst into a shower of sparkles and the fire returned to normal. Miss Rachel nodded to the girl solemnly saying "Artes Vitri" and then looked towards the next girl to place her stone into the fire.

Heather was next to place her stone into the fire. Miss Rachel's eyes seemed to glow with delight as the girl had approached her stone with due diligence and a keen spiritual awareness. As the stone fell into the fire, it immediately burst magnificently into the air. Lines of light were strung above the fire, weaving themselves into a circle in the air. Again, Miss Rachel spoke "Artes Filarum", and then looked towards the last girl to hold her stone.

Following the lead of the other two girls, Alyx threw her stone into the fire. For a few moments, the fire continued to burn as if nothing had been done. The girl looked at Miss Rachel searchingly but her expression remained impassive, her eyes watching the fire intensely. Slowly her eyes began to narrow, and then suddenly the fire erupted towards the ceiling as a pillar. A powerful wind began to blow around the fire, slowly circling around the flame until the fire was nearly put out. The wind then rushed away from the fire, dissipating into the air. Miss Rachel smiled as she said "Artes Naturae: Ventus".

Leading the girls before the group, Miss Rachel stood in front of them with a very proud smile as she looked down at them.

"Janet, Heather, Alyx. Do you accept the artes which the fire has revealed for you?"


Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:32 pm

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Winter Break came at a perfect time. After that ball chaos, Damian felt drained. He wasn't sure if it was that day specifically or the year as a whole that had him depleted but he needed time to relax and rest. Aside from a random awakening by Lotus before he went off to visit his parents, he got what he was looking for and returned rejuvenated. He quickly found to his delight that Fiona and some older members returned to the club, adding more to their ranks. Evidently, the group wasn't even finished growing. He'd turned up seated between Daniel and Derrek as three new girls were introduced. Yikes, what a winter break.

He'd barely heard Daniel saying something to Lotus and idly commented afterwards in a whisper. "Where does she keep finding us random ki-" Upon glancing over at Daniel, it seemed as if Lotus was crying. "...Kids." He finished his statement and gazed down awkwardly. He mouthed to himself "Never mind then." He wasn't sure but at the ball and ever since, it seemed as if they were pretty close. How he hadn't figured it out from Daniel himself in their room at any point was a mystery but he had atleast an inkling about it. Whatever was going on with Lotus and/or him, it seemed best not to try and chat with him right now. He stared up at the strange ritual for a bit, watching the new people toss their stones. Damian then leaned over slightly, asking Derrek with a smirk. "You think we'll sacrifice anything today?" He looked back at the ritual as Miss Rachel asked a rather important question.


Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:44 pm

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Alice clapped happily. "Welcome to the club! Now get ready to drink the Holy kool-aid. Just kidding! Let's head over to Appollon and see what these new kids do. Where's the door?"
Phora, who had been sitting on the Artes De Totem pedastal, fluttered next to Heather. "You have the creepiest Arte. Congrats."

Daniel eyed the vitri girl with surprise. "Maybe I should show her the palace of seers. She might be able to see the future."

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Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:01 pm
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It was starting to become nice in the Archive Club, Derrek felt. Aside from having made some friends, the female to male population was becoming heavily tipped to one side. Of course the down side was Miss Rachel had decided to go full blown cult leader today to introduce said new girls (and the returning Fiona). This apparently worried his chair nieghbor enough cause him to ask if he thought there was going to be any sacrifices in the near future.

"Nah man, I wouldn't worry about it. If there were to be any virgin sacrifices, I think between the lady killer trio here," he gestured at the three 'D' named boys, "We'd manage to save them all no problem. If you know what I mean." He added an overblown wink and a clicking noise for good measure.


This was a ritual Tsubaki was, in a weird way, glad that she was forced not to partake in. It was notably spooky, made worse by the odd way Archlight handled the stone selection process. But honestly it was second to her right now. First on her mind was building up the nerve to say something to Lotus. An attempt to comfort her, if luck decided to give Tsubaki a good day to interact with others.

It was to be difficult for sure, she was in the wrong aisle on the wrong side of the room to do anything without getting up a drawing attention, however, she had a secret weapon: Being very small and meek. Using this advantage she made her way to the weeping girl without alerting anyone else, and stopped at her side. She was still at a loss for words, but thought of a way to stall for time. Taking out her school uniform handkerchief, she carefully wiped the tears from the blade, and held it aloft for any further use Lotus might had needed it for.


But before anything came out she realized there was no right thing to say. So she didn't.

When my eyes be rollin'
The haters get goin'
The seeds I'm sowin'
With a smile I'm flowin'
And if I be trollin'
Ya never be knowin'
'Cause when the haters get goin'
My eyes just start a-rollin'

Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:09 pm

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Daniel noticed Lotus was still crying. He reached into his pocket, hoping for a coin, but instead took out a ball of lint. "Uhh... Pocket lint for your thoughts?"

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Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:21 pm
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Id huffed as her interjection was rightfully ignored. She glanced around the room and noticed her so called buddy Derrek. She slumped over and sat behind him just in time to hear his comment.
"Lady-killer trio huh? I believe You pointed at the wrong students for that my friend." Id then leaned back in her chair "Plus that fires not big enough for a proper burnt offering...Although I can fix that." The last bit of her sentence trailed off as she thought about the fire and imagined it spreading.
Lotus watched the small girl care for her hand-me-down katana. She took the handkerchief and wiped her eyes. She looked at the handkerchief her mascara had smeared. Lotus looked up at Tsubaki, with her mascara running down her face.

"Thank you." Lotus said between acute breaths. Lotus looked over to Daniel... "I need a hug." She said softly to him.

Heather chuckled at the pixies comment "You're the creepiest thing in lore and ,I assume, this still remains true in the normal world."

Heather walked over to Alice "Yes let's go to see this Appollon. I was told there was a library, I would like to be lead there and left to do my reading. Please." Heather turned around and pulled another book out of her backpack then began to read it.


Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:12 am

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Daniel smiled and wrapped his arms around Lotus, letting her mascara bleed into his uniform. "Whatever is wrong, it will get better, okay?"

Phora turned her nose up at the girl and returned to Alice's side. "When we get to Appollon, let's fight someone. Like her!" She pointed to Heather.

Alice stared at Heather for a minute, unable to shake the feeling of familiarity. She shook her head with a quick motion. "New kids! Let's all head to the armory. It's time to choose your equipment."

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Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:52 am

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Damian turned to Derrek, snickering a few times at his comments. He noticed discussion of heading to Appollon and thus stood, opening his mouth to respond to Derrek only to be stopped by Idelia having responded. He furrowed his brow and asked. "You ever try to think of anything other than fire or is that pretty much all you can manage?"


Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:16 pm
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Tsubaki daintily took her handkerchief back, folded it and put it in her, now quite large, Ad Arma'd ammo bag. When Lotus asked for a hug though she hesitated, not picking up it wasn't directed at her, but was luckily not made to suffer as Daniel filled the request readily. She gave him a small thumbs-up and patted Lotus's back quickly before heading towards Apollon, since she thought she heard the group was going to be headed that way.


"Don't waste your breath, dude. She's already engulfed in the flames." Derrek replied with a slow shake of his head.

Before Derrek was ready the stand, however, he prepared to enact a dangerous plan. Using his powers he let Id's chair tip a little further back so that it lost it's balance, but simultaneously shot out his hand to grab a hold of Id's wrist, and stood up to make sure he had the leverage to pull the chair back to a safe standing position.

"Saved your life. Damn I'm a good friend."

When my eyes be rollin'
The haters get goin'
The seeds I'm sowin'
With a smile I'm flowin'
And if I be trollin'
Ya never be knowin'
'Cause when the haters get goin'
My eyes just start a-rollin'

Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:33 pm
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Alyx nodded slowly at Miss Rachael's question, eyes still wide open and facing the fire. The bursts of color, the sudden gusts of wind, the rise and fall in temperature thanks to the flames' spectacle, it was all so... Amazing. Suddenly it seemed her anxiety was replaced by awe and excitement. Then it hit her; disappointment. She quickly looked over at Miss Rachael and slowly began walking her way. Surely she noticed, surely she had answers. Now in front of her, Alyx paused for a second. "...Miss Rachael, may I ask you a question?"

Wed Jan 20, 2016 7:06 pm
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"Why of course Alyx," replied Miss Rachel casually while slipping out of her white cloak. The woman indicated for the girl to follow her as the group walked through the doorway that led into the ancient city of Apollon. The new members, and Fiona, were stunned by the sudden change of scenery. The warm brush of the Atlantic trade winds was a pleasant reprieve from the stiff winter weather that held Darren City in its grip. The city looked as it had before, untouched by time, preserved in its majesty, yet eerily silent.

The Spiritorum were able to sense the minor stirrings of ancient spirits lingering within the city. They were harmless of course, lingering just beyond the fabric of reality, so that their presence would not be revealed. The fountains, their ancient underground springs disturbed by Maximilian's former arrival, was the only activity in the city that had continued since their last group excursion. One of the largest, the fountain in Plaza Apollon, bubbled quietly as Miss Rachel led the group before it.

"You'll have to forgive my lack of explanation," stated Miss Rachel "You've come to us in a tumultuous time, and thus, I do not have the opportunity to slowly introduce you to this new reality. You see," she said while sitting on the lip of the fountain "We have each been gifted the ability of omnividence, named as such because we can see all things. Historically, this meant ghosts, but as time bore onward, this refers to the many different spirits and creatures that are not human in nature."

"Each of the artes were developed as a means of communicating and interacting with these entities; the seers would listen to the winds, sing songs, inscribe runes, et cetera, et cetera. The others already know of this, but this city was once a haven for those with our gift. Hidden away in the Atlantic Ocean, and said to be protected by the angels. Occasionally I bring you students here to reconnect with the shared history of those who bore the same gifts that you all have. Now tell me, Alyx, what question did you have for me?"


Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:47 pm

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Alice stopped walking and turned to face Heather. "My totem wants us to fight." She said. "Stick em up!" She shouted as she brought her fists up.

Daniel held Lotuss hand as they walked. "Let's go to the palace of seers and meditate." He said.

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Sat Jan 23, 2016 10:36 pm
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"That does seem rather convenient." Id said shoving Derrek back. She then turned and began walking into Apollon. Once inside Ego materialized on Id's shoulder. She raised her hand then pointed into the air after she made the signal Ego lunged into the air with a sharp screech. Id then noticed the fountains, they were working again. She quickly decided to stay a safe distance away from them despite her urge to try and push Miss Rachel in.

"Man oh's been a while since I've been here. So Miss Killjoy, are we going to play a game? Maybe Dodgeball? Oh no wait! Can we play Capture the flag? I loved that game. I promise this time I won't break anyone's arms for the flag. Although I will break someone's arms if you dragged me out here to meditate or some other s***." Id chuckled.

Heather laughed so hard her eyes teared up. She wiped away the water.

"Mom said you would be this rash. Let me ask you this, Why do you want to fight? You feel like fighting me would help you learn more about me. My fighting style to be more accurate. Perhaps it's because you're insecure with your current position. Maybe afraid at any moment you could be sent away and replaced just like you were by your parents. Maybe afraid that my familiar face is an ill omen. Well allow me to set those two petty fears at ease, Alice. When you were sent away from home you weren't so much replaced as you were purposely forgotten. Your parents had another daughter not even a year old when you were banished from their household. Due to the 14 years of not meeting your sibling or even hearing mention of her explains how you've forgotten." Heather stopped speaking letting Alice soak in the info she had learned.

"Oh yes, and my familiar face." Heather walked over to the taller girl. "I am your sister Alice. Nice to meet you. I'm Heather, Heather Pearson." She extended her hand towards Alice.

Lotus stood up to follow Daniel. She held his hand in one of hers and the other held her sword close to her chest.

"I'm not to fond of meditating." Lotus said as they neared Apollon.


Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:59 pm
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