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Songs of Alvaris 
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"Go away, boy!" shooed the barkeeper as Herlewin approached "Can't you tell that something is amiss?" The inn had gone deathly quiet, and the revelry that had once filled the dining hall had been replaced by a wary tension. Some of the patrons had rushed to the window to watch as the carnage unfolded. The more cowardly patrons stayed as far away from the door as they could, the merchant dressed in gaudy green being one of such individuals. Only Cornelius had noticed that Helle and a mere boy had silently left the dining hall.

Miss Violet, as taciturn as ever, stood up on a small wooden stool with her hands raised to settle the crowd. "Calm down everyone," she said more as a firm command than a gentle suggestion, "I assure you that my father will protect all patrons from any danger, provided that you stay within the premises."

"And the rest of the village?" asked a young man in travelling gear.

"Unfortunately," she said with a grim frown "There is nothing I can do" She raised her gaze over the crowd in the dining hall once again "In the meantime, please return to your rooms, and you will be notified when it is safe to leave." The crowd begun to murmur, though the soon began to shift as they followed the instructions of the innkeeper. While they were not entirely sure what Miss Violet's father was capable of, they trusted the shrewd woman's judgement.

Cornelius looked sidelong at Milo, who sighed, knowing what it was that his friend was thinking. Stretching, Milo stood up and took up the lance that had been resting on the wall beside him. Cornelius slapped his friend on the back as he got up from his seat giddily.

"Come now!" exclaimed Cornelius, standing up on his chair "Ain't ye all the least bit brave enough to help these poor country folk?! If ye 'ave e'en half the heart of a true warrior, fight alongside Milo and me!"

The old man was ignored by most of the crowd; a few of the patrons stopped to look at Cornelius, only to shake their head sadly; while one man carrying an axe and another, carrying a lance, walked over to their side.

"Alright then!" Cornelius said confidently, "Let's show 'em we ain't afeared a no bandits!"


The girl nearly fainted as her shoulder was grasped by Helle's firm, yet gentle grip. The girl was pale with fright, her eyes looking about wildly as if she were being hunted. Despite this, the girl found herself calming as she assessed the woman before her, she seemed like a capable fighter, perhaps even strong enough to chase away the bandits that had fallen upon her unfortunate village.

"A mad woman and her band of brigands are attacking the village!" she exclaimed "She says that the emperor and his first born son are both dead, and now she seeks slaughter the next son. When we expressed dismay, she called us Torbican sympathisers and they began to tear apart the village," Looking straight into Helle's eyes, the girl pleaded "Please traveller! We are a people who have never seen battle, please help us!" The girl had not noticed the boy Jahan behind the Torbican woman.

As if on cue, one of the brigands, a lancer, approached Helle and Jahan with a menacing glare. His dark hooded eyes were focused intently on Helle as he spun his spear above his head.

"Looky here," he snarled with disgust "A Torbican whore."

GM: Helle & Jahan have entered the skirmish

Helle: 42/42
Jahan: 25/25


Enemy Lancer: 42/42

Mitra's hatchet whirled through the air and hit its mark perfectly, striking the enemy reaver and returning to her hand without so much as a misstep from the young woman. The bandit cursed after the strike, though he had little time to recuperate before he realized that Amelia was running towards him as well. In truth, the princess had been waiting for a moment such as this; it was in combat that she found herself able to think clearly. The swirling mass of confusing emotions that seemed to plague her throughout their trek vanished as she focused on her target.

Amelia spun on her heel deftly, spinning as she manoeuvred her sword over her head and jumped into the air, swinging her sword downwards onto her opponent with a groan as she landed onto the ground. The bandit fell backwards, the blade grievously harming him.

"You'll pay for that, wench!" yelled the reaver as he targeted Amelia, the closer of the two. He rushed at the princess, swinging his axe wildly as he charged at her. Raising her sword she was able to deflect most of the attack, though the axe had still manage to strike her.
Amelia: 37/42
Mitra: 42/42


Enemy Reaver:


Flying high above the small village, it almost looked like a map below Alborz. He could see warriors engaged in combat, though it was quite difficult to tell who exactly was fighting whom. There were a few more obvious actors, one in particular was carrying a torch and setting light to one of the huts in the northwestern region of the village.

GM: Alborz has entered the skirmish

Alborz: 62/62

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GM: Hey everyone, I'm so sorry this took so long. I wanted to make sure my battle calculator/simulator was working correctly before this skirmish fully went into play. I can now say that we are all good to go, even though that there are still a FEW things that need polishing but they will evolve over time.

A few things to note, unless specified by a certain skill, when in a skirmish you have only one <action> that you can take per turn: ie, attacking someone, using a skill, using an item, etc.

Also, I'm playing around with a "lite" leveling system, in which I will be taking note of every character's action:
- A miss grants 1 "EXP"
- A "glancing blow", using an item, using a skill, (missing with a concoction) grants 2 EXP
- A successful hit, using a staff, a spell song grants 4 EXP
- A critical hit grants 6 EXP

For promoted characters:

- 1 EXP
- 1 EXP
- 2 EXP
- 3 EXP

Once 100 EXPs are obtained, the character's endurance (the health) will go up by 1-3, likewise to raise the weapon level for every SUCCESSFUL hit a weapon will gain 2 EXP, (staffs, concoctions, and songbooks will gain 4 EXP), once they reach 100, the character will have access to a new weapon level.

This is all still very rough, so please bear with me as I go forward ^.^


Sun Jul 17, 2016 9:49 pm
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So the coward ran. There was little hope he'd do otherwise. Though running towards Jax was not a result that was expected, and it caused the metal man to tense. Had Jax seen a weapon earlier, the treeman would currently be meeting a terrible foe for his kind right that moment; instead Jax steeled himself and heeded the boggart and was only offered a light rapping in return.

'We' caught Jax's attention. So he had changed his mind. Good. All the help Jax could get would be needed, regardless of actual quality.

Feeling a need to acknowledge the man's company would be allowed, Jax gave in and responded to the banter the vagabond offered. "Is that the case? Then I suppose it will be on the 'morrow you'll finally feast."

Dispite walking, Jax moved at a soldier's pace, so it was much sooner then the purposed date when he actually reached the town and his companions. Quickly analyzing the situation he found the princess and Mitra engaged with a lone bandit. The princess was bleeding, but with no more than a flesh wound, the poor bastard that she had presumably slashed was not as lucky. Without care soon, he likely would die even if he fled. No point in getting in their way at least.

However, their skirmish was only a small part of the battlefeild, and was not the only part of it that mattered. On the right flank another marauder could be seen. Jax decided to preemptively engage them before they could cause trouble for the princess. Of course he let them know as well, just in case he was ordered contrarily, "Enemy on the right flank, moving to intercept."

Not knowing his foe's weapon Jax raised his Great Shield as he approached as a precaution, banging it a few times with his axe to gain the enemy's attention. "Halt right there, criminal scum!"

When my eyes be rollin'
The haters get goin'
The seeds I'm sowin'
With a smile I'm flowin'
And if I be trollin'
Ya never be knowin'
'Cause when the haters get goin'
My eyes just start a-rollin'

Wed Jul 20, 2016 10:48 pm

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The corner of Mitras mouth raised slightly as her hatchet found its mark, and she snatched the weapon out of the air as it returned to her. Amelia had already rushed ahead to meet the enemy in close quarters, obviously, so the reaver decided to close in as well. The young woman's eyes narrowed as the princess and the bandit traded blows. The enemy had clearly been on the losing end of the exchange, but he'd still managed to draw blood. The wound was superficial, but Mitra couldn't help wanting to end this engagement as swiftly as possible. Picking up speed, she wove around Amelia and dove past the bandit while striking out at his leg, coming to a stop once she was behind him. From her new position, she could see Jax trotting out of the forest.

"Enemy on the right flank, moving to intercept." The knight relayed before promptly doing just that. Mitra raised an eyebrow as a cry of "Halt right there, criminal scum!" emanated from nearby.

Thu Jul 21, 2016 2:49 pm
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Thankfully, the girl Helle approached, had the sense not to panic, though she was clearly frightened. As she explained the situation, Helle found herself growing more and more frustrated. News of the emperor's death had not spread to the village yet, which stood to reason, but the rest of the account made little sense. What kind of madwoman attacked an innocent village simply for being 'Torbican sympathisers?' Whoever she was, Helle would show her her place. Clearly these bandits had some issue with Torbica; well, they could take up that issue with her. If they thought it a worthy cause to attack a peaceful village, surely they would have no problem fighting a Torbican soldier.

"Please traveler!" The girl begged Helle, desperation in her voice, "We are a people who have never seen battle, please help us!" Helle wasn't good dealing with panicking people. A glance around showed that there was a young Qulmari boy standing behind her, an archer judging by his equipment. He was probably too young to be involved in a battle, but surely he could at least take the girl to a safer place.

As luck would have it (Helle's seemed to be particularly bad recently), an unpleasant voice called out--one of the brigands. "Looky here! A Torbican whore." The clear scorn in his voice ensured that he would get a sound thrashing. Helle bared her teeth, drawing her sword on instinct, watching him carefully as he twirled his spear about. Lances had an advantage over swords, but she could accommodate for that.

"Get away from here," she instructed the girl without looking back, not daring to take her eyes off of the enemy for a second. She moved from one foot to the other, thinking her options through before she ran forwards and slashed at the lancer diagonally, prepared to step back in a moment's notice to get out of his lance's range again.


Fri Jul 22, 2016 12:12 am
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Jahan, listening to the Torbican and the girl's conversation, found out that some mad woman attacked the village because they were accused of being Torbican sympathizers. And something about the emperor and his son being dead, which was truly saddening, but Jahan wasn't focused on that right now. After hearing her cry for help, Jahan was about to ask "What's so bad about Torbicans if tolerating one gets your village attacked?", but one of the brigands decided to approach them. Jahan, panicked a little and dashed back, but luckily for him, the lancer seemed to be occupied with the Torbican woman. Jahan watched as the woman ran for the lancer and got a hit in, while the girl she was talking to ran off. "Wow, she's fast" Jahan thought "...I should help, shouldn't I?" He said to himself.

Jahan grabbed an arrow from his quiver and loaded it into his bow. That's when he realized one important detail. "Wait a minute, I've never aimed at a human before! That's the one thing Master said NOT to do. I mean, I kinda already established that that doesn't mater right now, but still... I-I can do this... Right? Jahan thought. On the outside, his hands were sweaty and shaky, as if telling him "NO, YOU CAN'T DO THIS. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!" Jahan stalled his arrow a little longer, looking for an opening. Or waiting for his hands to stop shaking. "She's too close to him to shoot... But what if she gets hit on the way back? A lance to the face hurts!... I think... Hmm..." Jahan did his best to aim and decided to stall just a little longer, hoping that his finger wouldn't slip.

Mains: :kirby: :jigglypuff:
Secondaries: :gameandwatch: :pit: :yoshi:
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Fri Jul 22, 2016 2:59 pm
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“At least one of you doesn’t go back on his word,” replied Barrett, happy that the armoured mountain had not forgotten about the payment. He felt that he could grow to like this man, after he had robbed him blind.

The pair marched in silence for a time. The soldier moved at a pace which, much to his irritation, Barrett was struggling to match. It was too slow to run, but much too quick for the lazy cleric’s usual slow shamble. He found himself having to catch up every few steps, caught in never-ending cycle of awkwardly-timed footfalls that prevented him from uttering anything but the occasional curse mumbled under breath.

It was just as well. A tree singing at the top of its lungs tended to draw attention, and it was not long before Barrett spotted the women that had left him empty-stomached. He was glad not to have announced his presence prematurely. From the looks of things, the duo were engaging an enemy axe-wielder. The last thing he wanted was to get involved with any more of those.

Barrett spat. His metal friend has just announced his intention to engage another enemy, but the cleric had no such wish. When the knight went right, he went left, into the trees and around to the other side of the area in which the women were dueling. Content that he was in no immediate danger, he peered around a large tree, curious as to what was going on. Things seemed to be going well for the pair. Evidently they were experienced combatants, and the man facing off against them was beginning to resemble a plaything rather than an opponent. Barrett smirked. He was going to change that.

Filled with a spirit of petty vengeance, Barrett made his way towards the battle as stealthily as he could manage, until he was behind the sword-wielding girl. It seemed as though she had yet to notice him, engaged as she was with her adversary. Perfect. In a surge of unusual bravado he lept to his feet, and with the most intimidating voice he could manage, yelled: “Spite the spirits at your own peril, ye fiendish wenches!” With that, he held his staff high, pointed skywards, and unleashed his healing powers. On the bandit.

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Sat Jul 23, 2016 5:58 pm
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As Jax entered the battlefield, he moved so that he was closer to the enemy that had not yet taken notice of Amelia and Mitra, though it would have been a matter of time before they were. Proactively placing himself in between the enemy, and drawing his attention by beating his axe against his shield. The enemy lancer looked up and saw the knight slowly making his advance, he smirked, relishing the battle.

"Come 'ere tin can," said the bandit while menacingly approaching with his lance. The lancer thrust forward with his slim lance, though he quickly realized his erring, as his lance did not even scratch Jax's shield. His hand vibrated with the strength he had used to strike, and he stepped back warily.

"Darkness damned" cursed the bandit "As toff as a nut 'e is!"

GM: Jax has entered the skirmish

Jax: 42/42
Enemy Lancer: 42/42

Jax - skill
Enemy Lancer - Hit! 8 damage > 0 damage


Although at a disadvantage, Helle's blade struck its target, the enemy lancer crying out angrily as blood was drawn. Helle's manoeuvring was so that the lancer could not even retaliate before Jahan, who had been shakily preparing to release his arrow, finally mustered up the courage to fire his arrow. His nerves, however, got the best of the boy, and he shook his hands just at the moment he was about to fire. The arrow flew through the air, only just grazing the arm of the lancer, though still drawing blood.

Ideally, the bandit would have come after the little boy first, but he had a personal vendetta against the Helle. She was a Torbican. Even saying the name of the wretched country that they had waged war with for so long made him want to spit on the ground. He turned to Helle to attack. He pulled back his arm and struck the warrior maiden with his brass lance!

Wounded, Helle was still able to notice that in the bandit's rage, he had left an opening for her to attack once again.

<GM: Just to clarify, that last paragraph is generally how I'll announce an opportunity to counter. For future reference though, if you'd rather to just auto-counter, just let me know so that I can write it in, otherwise, you can do the counter yourself before choosing your next action: attacking, running away, using a skill/item, etc>

Helle: 34/42
Jahan: 20/20
Enemy lancer: 34/42 (27/42 post-counter attack)

Helle - Hit! 7 damage
Jahan – Graze 1 damage
Enemy Lancer – Hit 8 damage
(Helle Counter – Hit! 7 damage)


The princess and her compatriot had circled the bandit, it would only be a short while until they defeated him, and hopefully it would bring her closer to her brother. Seeing Captain Alborz's wyvern taking flight hopefully meant that Toby was somewhere in this village. She prayed to the light that he was only somewhere safe.

Mitra in the meantime swerved around the princess and struck the bandit's leg. He howled in pain as the axe dug into his flesh, his face becoming paler as he lost more and more blood. Good! It would soon be one bandit down, and however many more left to cleave through to find her brother. Amelia prepared herself to strike as well, though before she could, an oddly familiar voice suddenly spoke from behind her.

"Spite the spirits at your own peril, ye fiendish wenches!"

Her eyes widened, for she did not anticipate what was about to happen.

Sparkles of light emanated from the surface of the staff, flying through the air and landed like warm snowflakes on the enemy reaver's body. His eyes closed momentarily as he received the healing energies wash over his body. He opened his eyes with a renewed vigor, not entirely sure who the strange man who had healed him was, but perhaps he wouldn't kill him when he was done. They did need a healer mule.

Amelia momentarily froze, while she was absolutely livid that the vagabond had not only followed them into battle but also healed the enemy, she was largely concerned with the brigand who was currently trying to kill her. She, or rather Mitra, would deal with him shortly afterwards. The princess doubled down and raised her slim sword to slash at the enemy reaver's arms. Quickly bringing an end to the healing high that he had been feeling.

With slightly renewed strength, the bandit was still much better off than he would have been, had he not been healed. He raised his axe and struck at Amelia with a sick grin. The princess' face fell as she felt the axe hit her flesh, grunting in pain from the hit. She spun on her heels and put up her sword defensively as she tried to step away.

GM: Barrett has entered the skirmish

Amelia: 28/42
Mitra: 42/42
Barrett: 40/40
Enemy reaver: 16/42

Mitra – Hit! 8 damage
Barrett – Heal+3 13 restored
Amelia – Hit! 8 damage
Enemy Reaver – Hit! 9 damage


Sat Jul 23, 2016 6:48 pm

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Mitra duly noted Lumpy's departure from the forest shortly after Jax. He skirted around the battlefield cautiously, in a distinctly cowardly manner. It made sense, of course, as drawing attention to oneself was death for a healer. Still, why would he have decided to come back? Well, it hardly mattered at this point. The bandit was on his last legs. Or leg, as it were. By now, he was probably realizing his mistake; What a shame he wouldn't live to learn from it. As Amelia prepared to deliver a mortal blow, Mitra did the same.

"Spite the spirits at your own peril, ye fiendish wenches!"


As the enemy reaver was encircled in shimmering light, Mitra instinctively disengaged, quickly bounding away from the man. As she gained distance she saw that Amelia had taken a different approach, opting to go through with her attack. The bandit retaliated in kind, striking the princess with his first solid hit of the fight. Mitra's brow furrowed as she chucked her hatchet wildly at the offender. With a throw like that, there's no way it would be coming back to her this time, but she didn't care. No sooner had the weapon left her hand than she fixed furious eyes on the source of the healing. Barrett had taken up a position nearby behind one of his own kind. The reaver wondered if this had been some kind of trap, but quickly dismissed the notion. No, if that was the case, this shyster would never have bothered entering the fray.

What was it he said? 'Spite the spirits at your own peril?' Perhaps he... No, that can't be right. Nobody is that petty. Nobody is that stupid. Maybe it's-

She looked at Barret once more. He looked very self-satisfied, a soft glow still emanating from his staff.

Oh my f*** Light, he is that petty.

Mitra fixed the scrub of a man with a glare that would melt steel, menacingly reaching into her sash. She brought her arm up, but she wasn't holding her other hatchet. Instead, a small pouch dangled from her fingers. She made sure to shake it a bit, letting Barrett hear the coins jingling inside. She couldn't believe she was doing this, but there was nothing to be gained in this situation through pointless stubbornness. This strategy had been employed with surprising frequency when Mitra had still been working with Ingrid.

"Ugh, damn it. The Empress never would've let something like this happen." She muttered.

Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:03 pm
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Much to Helle's surprise, an arrow shot out from behind her, clearly meant for the bandit. For a moment, she was impressed, before she realized that the shot had only barely hit its target. She hadn't expected the boy to actually do anything. Inaction would probably have been the best-advised path anyway; now she had to worry about him as well as the lancer.

Right on cue, the lancer jabbed at her, and Helle couldn't help but wince as the attack landed. In her pride, she refused to show any other sign of pain, focusing instead on how she would destroy her opponent. For all his anger, he was an idiot at fighting. As soon as Helle noticed the opportunity to attack, she took it, slashing at him once again and then attempting a cross-guard catch to disarm, or at least disable her opponent temporarily. Maybe the archer boy could prove himself to be more helpful than expected.


Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:29 am
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The foolish thug had all but handed the battle to Jax, who quickly lowered his shield and took a wide horizontal slash at the bandit as it was talking. It was one thing to think one could take a Guardian Knight one on one, but it was plain reckless to do it with a lance when the enemy had an axe (especially if you were going to stop to chat). The wide blade of Jax's weapon was perfect for deflecting thrusts and the heft just begged to be used to snap a shaft in half. This at least he Jax could use of his training from long ago, even if the most the weapons still were out of his grasp even after all these years.

When my eyes be rollin'
The haters get goin'
The seeds I'm sowin'
With a smile I'm flowin'
And if I be trollin'
Ya never be knowin'
'Cause when the haters get goin'
My eyes just start a-rollin'

Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:04 am
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After Jahan shot his bow, he thought that it was a great shot, and that it was worth the inner conflict he had about shooting another human. However, while Jahan mustered enough courage to maybe shoot a well aimed shot, the outside of his body did not. Jahan saw the shot only graze the lancer's arm.At the very least, grazing it made him feel a little more confident about his aim, since he was more worried about hitting the Torbican woman than anything.

After his shot, Jahan saw that the woman did get hit, which is exactly what he DIDN'T want to happen. Before Jahan could spend one second in a state of disappointment in himself, the woman counterattacked and then do something Jahan had never seen before. Jahan figured that this would be a good time to start charging another shot, so he did. Jahan was feeling a lot more confident on the inside, however, on the outside, his aim was still quite shaky. Jahan waited for a second, and then released his bow, hoping to get a little than a scratch this time.

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Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:00 am
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As Alborz surveyed the area he finally decided to fly out towards the character with the torch. As the rider directed his wyvern out towards the pyromaniac. Alborz and Ignavus weaved through the clouds. Finally the duo dove out of the sky and landing in front of the bandit with a thud. As Ignavus turned to face the bandit, Alborz spoke.
"Halt, in the name of the prince! You have committed crimes against Alvaris and her people. What say you in your defense?" Alborz moved his hand over the hilt of his weapon just in case the bandit decided to be uncivil about his impending arrest.


Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:58 am
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Barrett observed the continued battle from the cover of the trees to which he had retreated after his act of… bravery, quite pleased at the results of his meddling. The sight of the redhead wincing in pain as the bandit’s axe tore through her brought a spiteful, crooked smirk to his face. Birdie was getting what she deserved, that she was. Granted, Barrett was not planning to let either woman die, but it was oh so terribly satisfying to watch them suffer. He would step in if things got out of hand. After all, he wasn’t a murderer, and more importantly, the tall one still owed him dinner.

Oh. The battle-axe was looking at him. She appeared angry. Furious, even. Rage-filled? Frankly, none of those words was a good descriptor for the nearly tangible aura of death that radiated from the reaver, focused now through pinpointed eyes in his exact direction. Barrett squirmed. This did not bode well. While he was reasonably confident that he could outrun her, especially in the forest, whether he could outrun her axe was another matter entirely. The verdant cleric stood upright, ready to bolt into the forest before his nemesis could take aim. He would run on three. One… she was still looking. Two… she was reaching into her sash. Three… jingle.


Barrett’s eyebrows disappeared behind his mass of tangled hair as he returned the reaver’s gaze. There was a coin purse dangling from her fingers, from which were emanating the angelic sounds of imperials clinking against one another. So she wasn’t going to kill him. Quite the opposite. What a pleasant surprise. Evidently this one remained in possession of the remarkable self-discipline that she had demonstrated earlier in the forest even while in the heat of battle. Rather than rushing over to kill the man that had just cost her friend a great deal of pain, she appeared to be bargaining with him for her safety. The healer was impressed. Not so impressed as to instantaneously cause him to change his loyalties, mind; perhaps amused was a better word. Yes, he was amused. In any case, he couldn’t have her thinking that he was that easy to purchase. He was, most certainly, but he couldn’t have her thinking that.

Feigning indifference, Barrett slid lazily to the ground, leaning his back on the tree behind him and his head on his hands. He fixed Mitra intently for a moment, then let loose a full-faced yawn before stretching out his hand, palm up, and beckoning with his fingers. She wanted to bargain? He would bargain. There would be no more freebies.

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I draw things!

Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:59 pm
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It would have been an understatement to say that Alborz's sudden appearance had frightened the arsonist. In truth, the bandit had soiled himself, if only just a bit, for he had never seen a wyvern up close in his entire life. Nevertheless, his brain reminding him of his purpose, the bandit's eyes widened as he realized what exactly the knight on his fancy flying lizard had just said.

"The prince?" he replied, "So 'e's 'ere then?!" He looked around and saw that none of his comrades were around. It was unfortunate, or perhaps, quite fortunate, for he could claim all the glory in defeating the knight and also telling his boss about the whereabouts of their prized target.

"I ain't afeared a no fancy knight on 'is jaundiced dragonling!" shouted the bandit while raising his axe above his head. The enemy reaver dropped his torch onto the ground and swung his axe at Alborz, successfully striking the knight and his gryphon.

Alborz: 59/62
Enemy Reaver: 42/42

Enemy Reaver – Hit! 3 damage


Helle's quick reaction allowed her to successfully take advantage of the lancer's mistake, and slash in retaliation to his original attack. Regrouping while stepping away from the lancer, Helle quickly slashed at the lancer once again, their weapons clashing loudly as they crossed paths. The enemy lancer gritted his teeth as he stared into Helle's eyes as the hilt of her sword caught the shaft of the lance. Using the weight of the longsword, Helle was able to wrench her enemy's lance from his hands. The lance flew through the air, landing a short distance away, spearheading the ground.

Jahan watched the struggle with worry but also growing confidence. He had fired his first arrow, and while it did not perfectly hit its target, he had done his bit to help. He felt his resolve mounting as Helle successfully knocked the lance from their enemy's hands. His courage bolstered, Jahan loosed his arrow and it met its target true. Revelling in the first hit striking he quickly strung his bow and loosed another arrow. He had fired two consecutive shots that beautifully hit their target.

The noise from their battle, however, was drawing the attention of another brigand that was nearby. An archer bearing a flatbow, she took aim at Helle from a considerable distance and fired. In that instant, however, Helle happened to move to her right, the arrow instead whizzing by and only nicking her arm. The archer, realizing her mistake began to back away even further, staying out of range of both Jahan and Helle.

Helle: 33/42
Jahan: 20/20
Enemy Lancer: 19/42
Enemy Archer: 41/41

Helle – Cross-guard catch – Successful disarm
Enemy Lancer – Disarmed (2 turns)
Jahan – Double Hit! 4 damage; 4 damage
Enemy Archer – Graze 1 damage


Jax's horizontal slash was effective. Having an advantage over the lancer, he broke through any manoeuvring that he would have attempted , drawing blood with his first strike.

Clutching his side, the lancer looked up in shock. Perhaps he had not expected such a hit from such a slow moving warrior. No longer would he treat this as a game. Now that blood was drawn, he intended to kill the knight and take his shiny armour for himself. Fortunately, he had speed to his advantage. The lancer quickly jabbed the knight at one of the joints, drawing blood and then once again at one of the heavy bracers.

Jax: 36/42
Enemy Lancer: 31/42

Jax – Hit! 11 Damage
Enemy Lancer – Double Hit! 3 damage; 3 damage


Mitra's axe flew through the air, though wantonly tossed as Mitra went to deal with the unintentionally treasonous Barrett. The bandit saw it coming, and ducked as it flew over his head and as it returned. Mitra's attention elsewhere, the axe fell onto the ground where she had originally stood.

Amelia did not have time to pay attention to whatever was happening between Mitra and the louse. The Reaver, renewed in strength, seemed to have only one target; her. She locked eyes with her enemy, not about to show him any weakness, though in truth, she could not help but feel the pain emanating from her wounds. She gritted her teeth, refusing to even wince as she ran towards him once again with her sword drawn. She extended her arm, thrusting her sword into her opponent's hip, drawing blood as she withdrew her sword.

While doing so, however, she slightly faltered, providing an opening for the bandit as she withdrew. Rushing forward, the bandit took advantage of Amelia's lowered defenses and slashed with his axe at the princess. Fortunately, she was quick enough to see the swing coming and moved just in time, allowing the blade to only graze her leg as she moved away.

The bandit was relentless, desperate as his endurance waned, stepping forward even as the princess had stepped back and slashed at her once again. Still, the princess' feather-like footwork kept her moving in retreat as the assault continued. Although the bandit had managed to strike her once again, he had only managed to nick her arm as she evaded him.

Amelia: 18/42
Mitra: 42/42
Barrett: 40/40
Enemy Reaver: 8/42

Mitra - Miss
Mitra – Parley
Barrett – Parley
Amelia – Hit! 8 damage
Enemy Reaver – Counter: Graze 5 damage
Enemy Reaver – Graze 5 damage


Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:47 pm
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Alborz could smell the fear of the Reaver. However despite the reaver seemed to not surrender. When the Reaver spoke Alborz gave a puzzled look.
"Has no one ever tried to arrest you? We literally must say that before arresting you. Do knights these days just go about killing scoundrel like you? That would explain the large amount of paperwork I always have to deal wi-" Alborz was cut short as he was struck. "Tis such a pity, I was hoping to spare you."
Alborz pulled back on Ignavus's reigns with that Ignavus raised up releasing a large roar as Alborz reached for his poleaxe. As Ignavus lowered his head from the roar Alborz followed it with a downwards swing at the reaver's unprotected shoulder. It was a simple tactic that they had done plenty of times to catch others off guard. Most soldiers became scared of the duo with just the roar but others were simply struck down as the cold steel became wedged into the victims flesh.


Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:50 pm
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