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MG Manga - 12/4/16 Update! - Some Bad News 

What Should the Name of the Manga Be?
The McleodGaming Manga 25%  25%  [ 2 ]
Welcome to McleodGaming 13%  13%  [ 1 ]
The OMG McleodGaming Super Fan Club 38%  38%  [ 3 ]
The Tower of MG 25%  25%  [ 2 ]
Other(List what ideas you have in the comments) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 8

MG Manga - 12/4/16 Update! - Some Bad News 
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Disclaimer: Don't know of this is the right topic since I've never posted anything like this before. If not then if possible this topic will be move or closed and reopened in the appropriate topic.

Hello People, I'm here to talk about a project I was thinking about. Before I get started, let me tell you about what's going on. OK, so first up there's this neat app for mobile devices called Anime Animo, its dedicated exclusively to Anime and Manga Content where some people even host weakly challenges with real giveaways! Last Spring, one of the users decided to post a little challenge, #MakeMyMangaChallenge. The object was to pitch your original manga idea to a group of artist in the form of a blog, the artist would then pick which story they liked the most and draw it out as a 20 page manga pilot. I entered a story but only made it into honorable mentions, however the artist has revealed that they'll be reopening the contest this Fall! instead of refurbishing my old story, I've chosen to wright an original one. One of the options I came up with(and yes I'm aware this has probably ben tried/thought of before) was a Slice of Life/Comedy Manga based off of the Mcleodgaming community and some of its more prominent users.

The Synopsis:
A group of highscool students try to make there way to the head office of their favorite video game company's(Mcleodgaming) main office to uncover the secrets of there next BIG project. Everyday trying new and intense stunts to reach the top.

The Pilot:
This is a little rough but the basic plot for the pilot I have is this: The Main Character(In this case me) finally raises enough money to visit Mcleodgaming HQ, where he coincidentally runs into a group of kids from his highschool. They invite him over and begin to talk when one of them asks if he'd like to see the head office, the main character questions if they can actually get up there, but then one of the members comes up with a not-so-smart plan that everyone but the main character agrees on. However one of the members quickly convinces him to join. Each member of the group then waits for one of the Developers to exit the building where one of the members pick pockets his ID badge. The group then waits the next day for the building to reopen to the public. The group waits in anticipation and then bum rushes the employee elevator. The group then gets out of the elevator and quickly begins to search the higher floors for the main office. Each member of the group is slowly caught until the main character and one other member finally makes to the main office, however when they try to unlock the door, they realize that the key they stole doesn't unlock the door to the head office and are caught by a dev passing by immediately after. The group is then sat down in front of a dev where the dev begins to explain to them the consequences of their actions and notifies them that if they have talent they can always sign up an internship. However the group reject and instead choose to wait til tomorrow where they'll try again

The Characters:
The characters will be based off of you guys, that said, not everyone can be included. This is a pilot for a 20 page manga, there's only so much that can be crammed into 20 pages without making it feel stuffed. I plan on having at the max 10 characters apart of the club.

All the current characters are listed below, with the exception of the Devs.
All Current Characters: show
Main Characters:
Kuro Kagami: The Leader of the OMGMGSFC. Kuro inflicts her will forcefully on the members of the group, inserting herself into the leadership position of the club. Kuro constantly manipulates the other members of the group and dragging them into odd situations. Kuro possibly "suffers"(term used loosely) from a mild form of borderline personality disorder(and possibly some other mental conditions). Kuro devotes all her time into leading the club and making sure everyone's faith in Mcleodgaming doesn't falter.

Shine-Chan: A petit, annoying weebo girl, who uses cute cosplay as here Special weapon against the Devs of Mcleodgaming to temporarily stun them with overwhelming cuteness, but she mostly uses it(as well as her other weebo attributes) to intentionally annoy her fellow club mates.

Lighting: The slightly Narcotic, Self-Absorbed member of OMGMCSFC. Lighting only sees himself as a king over many often fighting with Kuro over leadership over the club, though his attempts are normally under calm circumstances and tend to quickly end in risk of "harm to his beautiful exterior". Despite wanting to be at the top Lighting follows very closely to Kuro. He is very competitive and is a very good strategist and helps with group with their schemes.

Baron Von Jiggly: "The two sided coin." Baron is normally the moral compass, he tends to think things through before executing them. However, this is mostly due to him being unable to control himself in certain circumstances. Baron tends to go berserk when irritated or annoyed. The Leader of the group warns people of his violent laps of sanity, and causing physical harm to those around him. Baron is still fun to have at a party though, just don't the amount of punch his allowed to have.

THoT: One of the sane ones, she tends to just fall behind the other idiots while also finding her own unique thing to bring to the group. That being said her love for Mcleodgaming and the OMGMGSFC is a strong as all the others.

Blackking/Omegafalcon: Falcon is a devote fan of MG who stumbles upon a (fake) ad to beta test MG's next game only to find out that its a secret ploy by Kuro Kagami to recruit more members into the OMGMGSFC. Since then, Falcon has been a devoted member of the club always reluctantly u for the craziest of challenges no matter the difficulty. Falcon is sorta shy and has trouble fitting into the club but is always there his fellow club mates.

Term: Term is another loyal member of the OMGMGFSC. Term, due to events in his past is very attached the members of the club and MG possibly more so than anyone else. Term is always enthusiastic about anything that involves the club and MG continually showing how deeply devoted to the club he truly is.

Doqtor Kirby: An astute musician and composer. Doq only joined the OMGMGSFC out of boredom and to have a circle of friends, however his ulterior motive is to ultimately be a Dev himself, and plans on ditching the OMGMGSFC if/when he does.

SmasherOfLegend: Legend is Highly competitive and is the youngest member of the club, still in middle school. Legend was given his name after earning the highest score in a game intentionally made for you to loose. Legend often contributes when it comes to physical challenges(thanks to his martial arts skills). Legend keeps a private diary on his tablet(Not a good idea ;) ) implying that he might have a crush on one of the members. [/size].

Supporting Characters:

kittenpuncher: The wise yet not-so-wise school Janitor only known as Kittenpuncher. There are a lot of myths surrounding this guy, some say that he's the original founder of the OMGMGSFC(the "Oh My Goodness Mcleodgaming Super Fan Club[working title]), some also say that he's the only one to actually see the head office which is why he dropped out of highschool stating that his life is "Complete" and that He "Only wants to help the next generation make it to the top", some also say he actually punched a kitten and spent serious jail time for it.

CSWooly: The leader of the Computer club, the amount of smart in this guy is unheard of(for a bunch of highschool "idiots"). Wooly often uses his superior intellect to Con the group out of serious cash for services they would otherwise get for free elsewhere(as wooly commonly calls them......"idiots"). I guess you can consider him a mini antagonist to the group, especially when they don't have money.

Danny: The average "Joe", who desperately tries to become a member of the OMGMGSFC, however due to his incredible blandness Danny is constantly rejected, even poor Danny's name is bland, but one day he'll get his shot to prove his.....ummm......not blandness to the group, maybe his very own heist adventure would do the trick! ;)


Master Wex: The one that stares creepy to be a club member.

This Is A Community Project? What Can I Do To Help?
Right now, I need to perfect the story, this is something anyone can help with. Have any wacky ideas or crazy problems are characters can run into lets hear them! If you've been chosen to be a main character then maybe you can help with your characters dialog.

UPDATE!!! 11/3/16
It's been a month since the last update, I've had work and some family things to deal with so I haven't had time to focus on this. That said I'm still working on the story the best I can. Unfortunately, the contest I mentioned above that I planned on entering the story in still hasn't started and at this point I don't expect it to. So instead I'm now looking for new ways to get this story illustrated. The thing is that though this project was originally supposed to be a free project, finding a skill artist who can take on this project might require cash, cash I personally don't have. Now there are many ways to earn the money(Kickstarter, Donations, Begging, ect...) but there's more freedom when money isn't involved. For Example: starting a Kickstarter turns this into a project for the community(mainly) where there could be undisclosed time between chapters and whatnot to a project that will require release dates, promotion, constant work, and even more money, turning the project into a much more stress filled adventure. That said I'm willing to do what it takes to get this done. What do you guys think, do you guys have any ideas on what should be done or an opinion on whats going on. Are you an artist that wants to help out where you can? I'd wanna hear whatcha have to say.

PS. I also have the poll above still running because its currently stuck at a 4 way tie, so if you'd still like to vote then please do. Oh, and Happy Holidays!

Past Updates: show
UPDATE 11/3/16
Hey guys, This update has come a lot latter than I had hoped, but its better than nothing I guess. Anyway the previous update's poll has ended(you can see the results in the past updates tab below) with Doq Kirby, Term and Kuro topping the poll they will fill the last of the Main character slots. There character profiles are listed at the end of the update(Note: anyone who hasn't submitted their idea for what their character should look like still can until I say otherwise). The leader of the contest I planned on entering the story in had some good and bad news to give, His group will be starting the contest in the coming weeks, however their lead artist, so they are expecting a "drastic change in quality" so as a consolation of sorts the winner will be able to choose between anime merchandise or their manga being made. I plan on entering the story regardless but what are you guys thoughts on this "drastic change in quality". With all that out of the way, I'd like to note that I may not be very active here for a while. Due to being extremely behind in school and trying to self tech myself Computer Programming and the upcoming holidays. Hopefully this doesn't get in the way of the story's progress, but we'll see I guess. With all that said her are the character profiles for Term, Doq, Kuro and Myself:

Term: Term is another loyal member of the OMGMGFSC. Term, due to events in his past is very attached the members of the club and MG possibly more so than anyone else. Term is always enthusiastic about anything that involves the club and MG continually showing how deeply devoted to the club he truly is.

Doqter Kirby: Doq, a complete nutcase when it comes to anything involving gore, horror and everything similar. Doq combines his interest in gore with his inventive skills to create incredibly realistic and horrible gadgets which he uses torment the devs. Doq also serves as the groups doctor whenever Barron gets injured after one of his episodes.

Kuro Kagami: The Leader of the OMGMGSFC. Kuro inflicts her will forcefully on the members of the group, inserting herself into the leadership position of the club. Kuro constantly manipulates the other members of the group and dragging them into odd situations. Kuro possibly "suffers"(term used loosely) from a mild form of borderline personality disorder(and possibly some other mental conditions). Kuro devotes all her time into leading the club and making sure everyone's faith in Mcleodgaming doesn't falter.

Blackking/Omegafalcon: Falcon is a devote fan of MG who stumbles upon a (fake) ad to beta test MG's next game only to find out that its a secret ploy by Kuro Kagami to recruit more members into the OMGMGSFC. Since then, Falcon has been a devoted member of the club always reluctantly u for the craziest of challenges no matter the difficulty. Falcon is sorta shy and has trouble fitting into the club but is always there his fellow club mates.

One last thing before I go, I'm trying find a new name for the manga and I want you guys help so I've put up a new poll with some ideas I had. If you guys have any ideas for a good title just list them in the comments section so everyone can see them and determine if its something we'd like to go with. Thus ends this update, can't wait to what you guys decide to name the Manga.

UPDATE 10/4/16
OK guys, so I'm in the design stage now, and wanted to know, what you want your character to look like! Here's how this will work. For those of you who have characters(full list below) describe your character in the comments section. It would be even more helpful if guys used pictures, however if you do make sure to put them in a box so that they don't consume the page. You can use pictures from a Anime/Manga and describe what you want changed or you can post a picture of multiple character and request an amalgam of their designs. You can also post pictures of yourself here as well if you'd like. Here is a list of all the characters so far:

*Baron Von Jiggly
*Master Wex

I'd also like to note that SmasherOfLegend has ben added to the Main Character section of the OP, I am currently not 100% if he will remain a main character but for now that's where he's being placed. For those of you who came in late and want to know more about the Last Main Character Poll you can find the details in the "Past Updates" tab below. With all that said, that is the end of this update! I can't wait to see what ideas you guys have for character designs.

Mini-Update: Poll has ended.

UPDATE!!! 9/27/16
It's been a while, but I've finally got an update for the Mcleodgaming Manga. So first Lightning and Baron Von Jiggly have been added to main character section op and KB has been removed, increasing the amount of main character list to 5. I'm looking to add 3 more main characters for the pilot. If you haven't noticed already there's a poll above with the names of 10 members who have either been here the longest, have been prominent members of the community, or have made contributions to Mcleodgaming and/or SSF2(BR Member[s], Tournament Organizers, ect...). Now if your name is included in the poll and a)I spelled your name wrong b) You have an idea for your character c) or don't want to included then just comment below and we can sort things out. If anyone else would like to be apart of this project whether behind the scene or in the Manga its self then feel free to comment below, however there will be no more requests for main characters. If you feel like you should be a main character then feel free to state your case below(though it probably won't make a difference). That's it for this update. See you guy's later!

Poll Results - Who Should be the Last 3 Main Characters
24 Total Votes
Kuro Kagami - 25%[6]
Term - 21%[5]
Doqtor Kirby - 17%[4]
Psycho - 13%[3]
RealHerooftheWinds - 8%[2]
Rexos - 8%[2]
Kirb-Star - 8%[2]
BluePikmin - 0%[0]
Byllant - 0%[0]

UPDATE!!! 8/30/16
I'm finalizing the story now, so if you'd still like to be included then say so within the next week I've still got a few more spaces left to fill in the Main Cast.

Literally Nothing to see here

Last edited by blackking1700 on Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:31 am, edited 12 times in total.

Mon Aug 15, 2016 12:31 am
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i would read this no joke


sorry, I only listen to freshest jams from the youngest leans

Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:41 am
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Thanks Record, I'm glad you like it.

If any of you guys would like to be a character in the story then feel free to ask.

Literally Nothing to see here

Tue Aug 16, 2016 10:54 am
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my name is record now


sorry, I only listen to freshest jams from the youngest leans

Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:20 am
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I've tried this idea multiple times and dropped it. If you end up doing it that would be really cool and fun.

Tue Aug 16, 2016 3:19 pm
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Geno wrote:
I've tried this idea multiple times and dropped it. If you end up doing it that would be really cool and fun.

I'm gonna try to enter it into a contest this fall, I'm still trying to fill in the blanks on my story, while making it fit into 20 pages, I've gotta work on my dialogue.

Yeah Rexos autocorrect sucks.

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Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:28 pm
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: )


sorry, I only listen to freshest jams from the youngest leans

Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:40 pm

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Can I be the wise janitor who gives everyone good advice

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Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:28 pm
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can i be the weeaboo girl who wears cat ears all the time nyyyaaaaaa

Mains: :zelda:, Image

Tue Aug 16, 2016 10:51 pm

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Isn't that like half this site

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Tue Aug 16, 2016 10:54 pm
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Shine-chan wrote:
can i be the weeaboo girl who wears cat ears all the time nyyyaaaaaa

Yes! How does this sound: A petit, annoying weebo girl, who uses cute cosplay as here Special weapon against the Devs of Mcleodgaming to temporarily stun them with overwhelming cuteness, but she mostly uses it(as well as her other weebo attributes) to intentionally annoy her fellow club mates.

Kittenpuncher wrote:
Can I be the wise janitor who gives everyone good advice

I've got one for you too! Here goes: The wise yet not-so-wise school Janitor only known as Kittenpuncher. There are a lot of myths surrounding this guy, some say that he's the original founder of the OMGMGSFC(the "Oh My Goodness Mcleodgaming Super Fan Club[working title]), some also say that he's the only one to actually see the head office which is why he dropped out of highschool stating that his life is "Complete" and that He "Only wants to help the next generation make it to the top", some also say he actually punched a kitten and spent serious jail time for it.

Literally Nothing to see here

Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:47 am
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Maybe I am going for a more realistic route but how about you do a manga about a person or group of friends who fly to SmashCon and meet the devs followed by having wacky adventures with each one of the them? Like you do a chapter (or arch lol) on each dev. Like there could be a Steve arch, a Geno arch, etc. And you could base it on real life events, like show a part where everyone is getting hyped about the newcomer. Maybe you could even get lost with a developer (don't know where that would go lol). You get where I am going? Basically I just threw out a bunch of ideas.

Bonus points if you dm the devs and try to get a feel of their personalities.

Hey! You! Yes you!
...never mind.
YouTube Video:


Wed Aug 17, 2016 8:49 am
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Master Wex wrote:
Maybe I am going for a more realistic route but how about you do a manga about a person or group of friends who fly to SmashCon and meet the devs followed by having wacky adventures with each one of the them? Like you do a chapter (or arch lol) on each dev. Like there could be a Steve arch, a Geno arch, etc. And you could base it on real life events, like show a part where everyone is getting hyped about the newcomer. Maybe you could even get lost with a developer (don't know where that would go lol). You get where I am going? Basically I just threw out a bunch of ideas.

Bonus points if you dm the devs and try to get a feel of their personalities.

Hmm I think I could go a little further with my current idea, the story will eventually lead are characters into other adventures outside of Mcleodgaming, like school field trips, Summer break, I also had an idea for a local paintball tournament the characters would get into. I think overall there's alot of potential, but the characters are gonna be what drives the story. And yes I do plan on having some of the devs get involved with some of the shenanigans. The only issue with your story, is that it seems deep and dramatic(just my immediate take on it) and kinda lacks the fun and overall tone that I believe a highschool club series should have, also having each arc center on a Dev, kinda takes away from the other characters and kinda takes away the whole premise of the Manga(mainly about a club obsessed with Mcleodgaming) and eventually you run out of devs. I personally believe that my take on it can have the same depth and dramatic moments while also having humour and keeping the overall focus on the club, and the things they do on a daily basis.

Literally Nothing to see here

Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:09 pm
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I'm the background character that creepily appears once on every page.

subbing to see where this goes. would read.

this post is an enigma. a dream.

Wed Aug 17, 2016 9:06 pm
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i like ur idea desu blacking desu

Mains: :zelda:, Image

Thu Aug 18, 2016 12:02 am
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