The Plot- In the wake of the destruction caused by the Void and similar attempts to destroy all dimensions, something is bringing all known dimensions together and their alternates. At any moment you might find yourself walking in another world, talking with creatures familiar and not.
In short: anything can happen for any reason. Just try not to destroy/dominate the roleplay and the other characters.
The Setting- [s]Fox, No Items, Final Destination.[/s] The area will be a sort of mashup of the various characters' worlds. Any character who is brought into the RP unlocks the ability to walk around in areas from or similar to their world.
- Example: Kirby is on Popstar and bumps into Waluigi. With the introduction of Waluigi, the roleplayers now have access to the Mario world, its galaxies (obvious source) and dimensions (Subcon and the Super Paper Mario dimensions).
The Characters[*]Because this is a roleplay where any characters from any game can come in, you can choose anyone and roleplay them in whatever personality you deem suitable.
[*]You may use original characters as well, but please try to keep them under control.
[*]There is no actual limit to how many characters you can use total, but at a time I suggest as few as possible for sanity's sake.[/list]
Joining and Posting[list][*]To join, just say in OOC brackets that you wish to join. For example: ((Hey, this looks fun! I want to join as character ____ from ____!))
[*]The character you choose may be already in the roleplay, but since this is a multiverse roleplay, the character can be as similar or as different as possible.
[*]When posting, please don't post script-form or with asterisks. Please post in the "story format" mentioned in the rules.
[*]Please be clear who you are talking to and in the case of multiple versions of the same character, please specify which version.
[*]Aside from specifying which version of a character you're talking to, please don't break the Fourth Wall.
[*]If there's no way a character could know an earlier event without talking to someone, please don't give them outside knowledge. Minor exception is the Meta Knight from Kirby of the Stars (but he spies on people, so that's how.) An example of this is Character A thinking about how they will set up a trap for Character B and then Character C walks in and says "Character A is planning on trapping Character B!"
[*]The point-of-view will not be in the First Person (I see Character A standing in the shade of a very big tree.) It will be in the Third Person (Character B sees Character A standing in the shade of a very big tree.)
[*]If you plan on having more than one character, I suggest altering the post's appearance.