necropost but I liked the idea of it, may the mods forgive me
Name: Everette
Aliases: EvT1991
Age: 27
Location: USA
Job: McDonalds, Maintenance
Years active on MG: 10+ years ago
The last member of MG you spoke with outside of MG, if applicable: MaxXyian2
Favorite video games: DOOM
Favorite music: Metal
Favorite literature: Sweetness & Lightning
Favorite film: you know, that one film, where the thing happened, with that one (or more) person(s) in it
Favorite TV, anime: Fullmetal Alchemist
Favorite food: Lasagna
Favorite color: Dark Blue
Favorite animals: Doggos
Favorite dog breed(s): fluffy Fluffy
Favorite meme(s): Stupid but funny
Favorite emoji: N/A
Favorite MG smiley: Favorite Lukepi song: N/A
Bulbasaur, Squirtle or Charmander: Charmander
Last time you went outside: about an hour ago
When's the last time you got warned: Yesterday, around Noon
Moderators/admins whomst you appreciate: the ghosts that may or may not still roam these halls
Other members of MG that you appreciate: ^
Inactive member of MG you miss the most: ^
Favorite websites other than MG: Youtube
What did you accomplish in 2017: nothing, and it was lovely
What are you looking forward to in 2018: continuing the above trend
What's on your bucket list: ^
How was your day today: Fantastic, ty
What's your dream: to continue to do nothing, but somehow get paid for it
What questions should be added for the 2019 census: What questions should be added for the 2020 census:
This space is reserved for anything at all you would like to add to your form. Any additional information or anything you are interested in sharing, please post here: Post contact info here (Skype, Discord, etc) if you want: Discord is W'olh Tia#2907, feel free to add me if you wish
How do we save MG: we gotta make MG great again!