I had that problem before. You could do it like Super Smash Bros. Brawl where theres a huge health bar and every time your player attacks it takes down a certain amount of health. make or draw the boss out with all attacks. youll need an AI code. im not soo good with that, but if you have that code, all you'd need to do is make a movieclip of a healthbar, and give it the instance bosshealth. then on the players MC, put:
then you could put somthing like:
then you put what you want to happen if you kill the boss. not 100% sure but just trying to help.
Edit: Also the width of the bosses health bar has to equal how much points of life the boss has.
EDIT#2: LOL, i was going through all of my old stuff on the site then looked back at this post and realized i might have forgotten something:
The boss has to have the instance of 'boss' no quotes. (that may have given you a problem if you didn't give it that instance.
If you already figured that out well... thats great! you can forget about this edit. otherwise...well.. you know.
also, if you want to change the instance to your liking, make sure the new instance name matches the hilighted part of the code:
so if i want the new instance to be 'ganon', id put:
then continue from there.