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Supernova - Humanity's Struggle for Survival 
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Currently Playing: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle
Supernova - Humanity's Struggle for Survival


Political: Humanity has continued to improve, and thrive for thousands of years, culminating in new technology, and weaponry. During these years, military powers have shifted, resulting in the Earth's most powerful Continent by the year 2500 A.D. being Europe, who achieved this position of power by bombing many major American capital cities until the United States were forced to surrender. With the success of this plan, Europe is currently attempting Global Domination through the random implementation of this attack method on unsuspecting Countries. With this plan set in motion, an era of peace for nearly 200 years has ended with the declaration of World War 3. A war which had been predicted (prior to its occurence) by many to be the "War to end all Wars". Third World countries still oppose ideas to industrialize.

Space: Meanwhile, in space, nothing has been the same since December 2012. In that one month, many stars (Including Alpha Centauri) collapsed in on themselves, and "died", causing a belt of black holes to form around the Earth's surrounding area of space. At the same time, the new clumps of mass distorted Earth's gravitational hold on the Moon, causing it to drift toward Mars. Upon impact, many asteroids were created, each being big enough to cover the Earth in dust if they successfully make impact with the Earth's crust. As a result, once every few months, said Asteroids must be destroyed once they drift too close to Earth's atmosphere. Since then, things have remained calm. However, now the Sun is showing the characteristics that the former stars had shown before collapsing.

Religion: All of the world's existing religions have survived the long centuries, and many new religions have formed. The current leaders being Immobilism (A religion emphasizing laziness), and Coitusism (A religion based on sexuality)

Flora and Fauna: Unfortunately, many of the animals of our time were poached, killed, or eaten. Most animal species still exist, yet are very rarely seen in most places, although whales, and sharks have been driven to total extinction. Notably, there are also very few plants, and trees in locations where industrialization has set in. In Third World Countries, however, plants and animals continue to thrive.

Transport: Disappointingly, cars still have not left the ground due to the Government's recently instilled focus on weaponry over day-to-day technology. Needless to say, many Anti-war lobbyists do not take this well.

Civilization: Most Nations have moved forward with industrialization, leaving Africa, and Antarctica as the only Continents with more Rural land than Urban land. Notably, India, Iran, and other eastern countries appear to have temporarily halted industrialization attempts, leaving them with many incomplete cities, and lots of vast forests, and deserts between each city. Most industrialized nations appear as American cities did circa 1999, again due to the preference of weapon building over upgrades to existing structures.

Weaponry: Weaponry has recieved drastically more signifigant upgrades, with ion tablets replacing bullets, and handheld miniature sawblades replacing knives. However, these new weapons are experimental, and flawed whereas older weapons carry with them a sense of near-certainty of their effectiveness. Newer weapons also carry a higher risk of malfunctioning, sometimes resulting in fatal injury to the user.

(Note - I will not be controlling any character in particular. I will be controlling NPCs and the story. If someone wants to be an in-game Co-DM, then make a request. I may join in if things get interesting enough, though.)

Bio Sheet:

[b]Name: [/b]
[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Nationality: [/b](Preferrably a Country, not a Province)
[b]Class: [/b](Soldier, Politician (Limited, and given on a 'First come, first serve' basis.), or Civilian. A Soldier's role is mainly in battle, a Politician's role is that of a leader who tends to various political matters, and a Civilian merely struggles to survive the events that will unfold. (Note that you will be given opportunities to change your class in gameplay if you meet certain requirements.)
[b]Backstory: [/b](Should give a decent history of your character's actions.)
[b]Personality: [/b](Optional, but it increases the chances of your bio being accepted.)
[b]Inventory: [/b](A knife, or something of the like that you will start out with. Nothing overpowered, though.)
[b]Faction: [/b]
(A choice of three basic groups)
    *[b]United Armed Enforcement Squad [/b]- A group owned by England's President who combat rebel uprisings in conquered lands, and attempt to conquer other countries as a part of Europe.
    *[b]United Rebel Army [/b]- A group of rebels from all countries conquered by England so far. Currently America, and France are the only countries involved.
    *[b]Neutral[/b] - A group that is not allied with either of the aforementioned Factions. Civilians fall under this Faction by default.

NPCs to Know:

Gregory Patterson III - The President of England - A strong willed man who has been known to go to any extent to conquer his opposition. He recently claimed America in the name of England in an act of ruthless genocide.

Robert Smith - The Leader of the United Rebel Army, and Former United States President.

Richarde LeBlanc - Second in Command of the United Rebel Army, and Former Prime Minister of France.


Name: Robinson D. Grace
Age: 32
Nationality: North American.
Class: Soldier
Backstory: He lived a fairly normal life as a kid, went to school, got in fights with siblings, friends, and other people, had crushes, the works. One day however, when he was fourteen, he was wrongly accused for murder. The man who was stabbed to death was his father, and afterward, Robinson ran up to his father, right after the real criminal had escaped. As you may have guessed, witnesses thought he did the dirty deed, and after five months of court, he was put in prison. When he was eighteen, he was of course still in jail, but the military was desperate enough to take teens out of jail just to hire recruits. Of course, when I say this I mean they offered to take him out of jail if he joined them, and him not knowing any better, he took the offer, and joined the military. For the next few years he fought rather hard, somehow always managing to still be alive in the end. When he turned twenty-four he realised that he wasn't just lucky, as he was asked to join black-ops, and still not knowing any better, he agreed. It was during the next few years he realised just how much he didn't want to do this anymore. He saw people his age fighting, people with families, kids, freinds. He realised how many of them he had killed, too. And these people had a reason to fight, for freedom. He quit when he was 27, and for a while he was a reporter, but he still mourned over who he had killed. He was just like what he never wanted to be, a murderer. When he was thirty-two, he decided that he wanted to make up for what he had done, and to fight for the right side. He joined the United Rebel army.
Personality: Fairly calm, he always thinks things through before doing them, and never jumps to conclusions. Ever. When he doesn't need to be carefull, he still is, and is ready for anything. Although this is probably just paranoia.
Inventory: A notepad and pencil, but he keeps a handgun on him at all times, too.
Faction: United Rebel Army.


Last edited by Wolf on the Moon on Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:04 pm
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Joined: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:05 pm
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Location: in your heart all along
Gender: Female
Name: Robinson D. Grace
Age: 32
Nationality: North American.
Class: Soldier
Backstory: He lived a fairly normal life as a kid, went to school, got in fights with siblings, freinds, and other people, had crushes, the works. One day however, when he was fourteen, he was wrongly accused for murder. The man who was murdered was his father, and when he was murdered with a knife, he ran up to him, right after the criminal had escaped. As you may have guessed, witnesses thought he did the dirty deed, and after five months of court, he was put in prison. When he was eighteen, he was of course still in jail, but the military was desperate enough to take teens out of jail just to hire recruits. Of course, when I say this I mean they offered to take him out of jail if he joined them, and him not knowing any better, he took the offer, and joined the military. For the next few years he fought rather hard, somehow always managing to still be alive in the end. When he turned twenty-four he realised that he wasn't just lucky, as he was asked to join black-ops, and still not knowing any better, he agreed. It was during the next few years he realised just how much he didn't want to do this anymore. He saw people his age fighting, people with families, kids, freinds. He realised how many of them he had killed, too. And these people had a reason to fight, for freedom. He quit when he was 27, and for a while he was a reporter, but he still mourned over who he had killed. He was just like what he never wanted to be, a murderer. When he was thirty-two, he decided that he wanted to make up for what he had done, and to fight for the right side. He joined the United Rebel army.
Personality: Fairly calm, he always thinks things through before doing them, and never jumps to conclusions. Ever. When he doesn't need to be carefull, he still is, and is ready for anything. Although this is probably just paranoia.
Inventory: A notepad and pencil, but he keeps a handgun on him at all times, too.
Faction: United Rebel Army.


Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:36 am
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Currently Playing: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle
Edited, and accepted on a probationary basis.


Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:26 pm
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Location: in your heart all along
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Mon Jan 18, 2010 6:34 pm
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Interesting. I'll join.
Name: Zachary Taylors
Age: 26
Nationality: Check
Class: Civilian, I'm not dealing with any other kind of s***
Backstory: Ever since his ROTC years, Zach has been very interested in fighting/military activities. But, after his discharge, he was glad he left. He'd be glad to help again, though, if he had the chance. He had 8 years in the military and retired to end up with a family of 3 (him, his wife, and a baby boy). He has had training, particularly in the martial arts and weaponry.
Personality: A very rational person with a good temper. When something happens to someone he loves, however, he can get very ruthless. He is exceptionally selfless, on the other hand. He cares much more about others than himself. Even the enemy, sometimes...
Inventory: Katana, pistol
Faction: Neutral (default ftw)

Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?

Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:27 pm
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Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2009 8:03 pm
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Name: Baruk al-Arid
Age: 38
Nationality: Sudan
Class: Politician
Backstory: Baruk al-Arid was born in an unusually wealthy Iranian family, and his parents got almost anything for him that he happened to want, including lessons in fencing (off the top of my head). However, one day when he was 17, he went for a walk at night and saw his father beating another man to death. Baruk's father killed the other man and took his money home. Baruk realized this was how his parents could pay for everything he wanted! After realizing that he had not done anything to help the innocent man his father had killed, Baruk decided to run away and went to Sudan. He lived off the streets until he got enough money to go to college. After getting an education, he used his way with words to get elected to a high Sudanese government position.
Personality: Baruk is a normally cheerful man and generous to an extent, but he has a bit of a temper. He is also good at public speaking.
Inventory: A small rapier.
Faction: Neutral

Last edited by Densetsu on Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:50 pm
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Currently Playing: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle
Notice: Game Start delayed due to Ushi/Uchi Deshi. (Look it up)


Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:30 pm
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You're training? For what, may I ask?

Is this the real life?
Is this just fantasy?

Sat Feb 13, 2010 9:38 pm
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Whoo... Major bump! Anyways, I'm finally done with Uchi Deshi as of last week (And got advanced to Black Belt as a result), so now this can resume.


Wed May 05, 2010 5:16 pm

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MGN Username: Nixter
Currently Playing: Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
Name: Dexterix, Dexto for short

Hight: 4'11

Age: 14

Dominant hand: Left

Personality: Relitivaly calm but will attack anyone who annoys him and he will hold a grudge on someone for along time

Special atribuites/skill,etc.: Potent magic user, guns and the like, dagger, good alchemy skill (for potions an posions), fast,intellegent,luck, and accurate

Weakneses: Not strong physically, dependent, mistakes friends for foes, fumbles sometimes, and has a weakness to magic

Hair color: brownish blonde

Eye color: Blue

Likes: Reading, shooting guns, honing skills, winning,humiliating foes, helping friends, making jokes, left handed people, and alchemy

Dislikes: Writing, drawing, having to get in close in the fray, doing absoulutly nothing, people with magic, people who thinks there bettter than him, and requiereing help

Story backround Dexterix grew up with is family that was very poor he had 3 sisters all older than him and zero brothers. His father would beat his family almost every day. One eveining Dexto came to see his father holding an knife to his mother, Dexterix grabed a revolver that the family owned and shot his father in the leg, causing him th flinch and fall to the ground Dexterix walked up to him and said, "Your life is over, you peice of cow s#%$&!" And he shot him right in the brain. His mother ran up to him with mixed emotions, "Son" She said with glistining eyes, "Son, you have killed your own blood... your father... but, you did the right thing, Iam proud of you for you have saved my life now we can move on but with only me working we need more money." then an idea spaked in Dexterix' head, "Don't worry mum, I've got an idea, I'll enter a sharpshooting contest and win everthing this damn world owes us!" And so he did and won first place, but then the decided to see more of the world, and thus his jouney began...

Am I to late?


Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:05 pm
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Year old topic, please don't bump.


Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:06 pm
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