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Omnivident - Book 1: A War of Souls 
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"An Alchemist, huh?" Johnathan thought out loud, he glances over to Carter's group. It seems everyone else over there also has some type of power. Why didn't he take something up? He was so busy studying, he didn't have much time for hobbies, but that would all change today. Hopefully. He wasn't to do something similar to Carter's though. Johnathan didn't hear his name in that batch, so he waited, for a short time.

"Everyone else, over here" It was Li's, who had been introduced to him previously. Maybe they'll let me take up something. He thought as he casually makes his way over there. "Johnathan Rickheight," he says nodding.

Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:04 pm
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Miss Rachel sat at her desk looking through various files. Upon further inspection one would see that there was a file on each and every omnivident individual in the building, both students and adults. Her eyes raised upwards from her papers casually as she noticed another student enter the room. She smiled at the boy, though her eyebrow was raised slightly as she noticed something else.

"Ah, Mr. Król," she said while closing the file she had been presently examining "So good of you to come. My name is Doctor Dawn though you may just call me Miss Rachel...I assume you've been smoking? While normally I would not condone such things, seeing as it is the very nature of your being I shall let it pass, though I suggest you be much more discreet with your habits." She took notice that the young man had noticed the empty room "Ah, the others have left for a bit of exercise, and you shall join them shortly, but before that happens I have a small presentation for you." She walked up and closed the door behind him and pointed to one of the seats in the room.

"I am not going to beat around the bush and simply state that ghosts exist," she waited a moment for this to sink in "Creatures of myth and legend are inspired by things that only you and I can see." She paused momentarily attempting to read the expression on his face "Now before you run off screaming, Sir William?"

"Yes, my lady" spoke Sir William as he appeared out of thin air.

"Have the children commenced their exercise?"

"Not yet, my lady, though as soon as they are ready I shall call my colleagues to spar with them," he replied.

"August, this is Sir William, he is an ancestor of one of the alumni of this school, and serves as protector and gatekeeper of this club. The Darren Archive Club is simply a front for a much more vital purpose. In this club we train people like you, gifted with omnividence, the ability to see spirits of all kinds, both good and bad, and use the abilities gifted unto you to defend humanity from the creatures that seek to prey upon us. You are a disciple of Naturae, meaning you have the ability to control a specific force of nature, and your smoking leads me to believe that you have control over fire. It is imperative that you learn to control these powers." She smiled, realizing she was dumping a lot of things on him at once by himself and stopped herself before going any farther "Questions?"


Evelyn was quite frankly bored with the "doctor's" presentation. She had known about the whole struggle between good and evil, omnividence yadda yadda ever since she was a child. She just wanted to carry on and get to the s****. Her older sisters had told her about the secret facilities underneath the school and she was eager to see them for herself. Second to that was her desire to get some action; Evelyn was itching to show off her abilities.

Eventually the woman's spiel came to an end. Evelyn was slightly surprised that no one didn't decide to turn tail and leave the room, she supposed that more of them were aware of their abilities than she had originally thought. One of the freshmen boys seemed to have his mind blown by the massive amount of information come his way. "Fresh meat," she thought to herself while smiling.

The bookcase slid open through the efforts of the club mascot/defender of sorts, Sir William, and they all followed Miss Rachel into what seemed like the depths of the earth down a long flight of metal stairs. Eventually the stairs came to an end and they were in a very long room lit with florescent lights. Miss Rachel stated that their abilities were to be assessed by the older members of the club and she left. Basil, the co-president who seemed very apathetic in regards to all things, and Alice, the co-president who was too blonde and uppity for her liking were then to pick teams for the assessment.

Adi, one of the "seasoned veterans" announced who would be on Basil's team, she was with the boy she had passed by earlier and the Scottish boy. She walked over to their side and stood with her arms crossed.

"So, when do we start this whole sparring thing?" she asked while looking at her nails.


Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:25 pm
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"At ease junior Douglas. Hello junior Gram."

"So, when do we start this whole sparring thing?" piped up the only girl of the group.

He gave her a look before speaking to Sir William.

"Well since junior St. Augustine is in a bit of a hurry, Sir William, if you'll please."

In response three ghostly forms materialised across from them in the training space. They took on a human appearance, their silhouettes slowly coming in to focus until they were distinguishable. They were clad in full armour plating of the late medieval kind with a menacing English bill hook in their hands. For now they stood motionlessly with their polearms at rest.

"Your task is to defeat them however you wish. You will be assessed mainly on teamwork and creativity. Keep in mind that since I cannot exorcise spirits, I cannot help you much if at all. If there are any objections then you may voice them now, otherwise, you have the opening move."


Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:05 pm

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"At ease junior Douglas. Hello junior Gram." Adi replied to the assembled students. Logan wondered when they were going to get some action. The sooner this assessment was through, the better.
"So, when do we start this whole sparring thing?" inquired the girl amongst their ranks. Wait, sparring?
"Well since junior St. Augustine is in a bit of a hurry, Sir William, if you'll please."
Before Logan could process what was being said, three knightly apparitions appeared before the group, each sporting full armor and what appeared to be glaives. So their skills would be gauged through combat application. How intriguing.
"Your task is to defeat them however you wish. You will be assessed mainly on teamwork and creativity. Keep in mind that since I cannot exorcise spirits, I cannot help you much if at all. If there are any objections then you may voice them now, otherwise, you have the opening move." Adi concluded.
"Sounds good tae me." The junior stated with a zealous grin. Without hesitation, Logan donned his armor, dirk and targe appearing in hand. As much as he would have loved to charge heedlessly headlong into the fray at that moment, that likely wouldn't prove very creative or teamworkly. He turned instead to his associates.
"So, who's got a plan?" He asked, absently ruffling his hair.

Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:32 pm

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"Everyone else" turned out to be just one person. Alice checked the small list of students Rachel provided for her and found that the 1st year in question had no experience with spirits, and his abilities as an Omnivident were, as of yet, unknown.
"Johnathan Rickheight is you, I'm guessing?" She said as she looked him over. He seemed stoic, serious, and fairly intelligent. From her years of experience working with freshmen, she could tell he had all the traits of a textbook Artes Notatorum user. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Today we'll be focusing on discovering which of the twelve Artes is most suited to you, and afterwards we'll teach you the basics of using it against malevolent spirits."

Turning towards one of the many bookcases aligned against the walls, she plucked a dusty book off the shelf almost without looking. Even though most of the tomes were so old that the covers were completely unreadable, they were always in the same place thanks to Sir William's careful organization. The girl momentarily recalled a time during her first year when she asked the knight how he managed to organize books without seeing the covers -- he answered that he simply kept them the way they had been since his days as a student in the Academy hundreds of years ago. It was silly and even a bit depressing to think about, but she was glad the reliable ghost couldn't go senile because then nobody would know how to work their powers.

She motioned for Johnny to join her while she opened the book to one of the first pages, sending a massive cloud of dust into the air. After waiting for the powder to clear, the senior pointed towards the strange sigil that covered most of the page. "You're good with numbers and things like that, right? This is Veritas, the sigil of Truth. If you draw it on something it, uhh, 'reveals what's been hidden'. I'm not sure what the exact use is, since sigils aren't really my area of expertise, but why don't you try copying it onto this piece of paper and we'll see what happens." She handed him the sheet of white printer paper that Miss Dawn wrote her list on, along with a pencil. While users of one arte find it more difficult to understand the workings of the other artes, each Omnivident had a sort of intuitive understanding of their own area, so handholding was generally a poor method of teaching new users. Still, a "crash course in brain surgery" approach would end with lots of injuries and Alice intended to avoid another bus explosion incident.

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Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:19 pm

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"So who's got a plan?" asked Logan. While he asked this, Carter was putting on his armour. "Heh. I was talking to that John kid, and he gave me a piece of paper, I turned it into stone to impress him. This'll be useful for a distraction, no?" Carter looked around the room, and saw a torch. "I think I got an idea." Carter took the torch and handed it to Logan. "You think fire will do something to them?"


Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:47 pm
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Evelyn rolled her eyes at the suggestion "Yes, let's make the ghosts mad by throwing stuff through them" she stated dryly while levitating lightly off the ground. She sighed and crossed her arms, a look of impatience glowing in her eyes. "Ok rock boy, go find something made of iron, the common ghost can be dissipated with a clean swipe through it. Scotts," she then said while turning to Logan's direction, "You and I will have to entertain the ghosts with our abilities. Your armour can interact with the spirit, like my wisps can. We can take them down with these abilities, but it'll take us longer compared to a swipe of iron. Got it? Ok don't slow me down" She levitated higher off the ground and flew towards one of the ghosts and threw one of her wisps at the ghosts, leaving the other two to the tasks she had given them.


Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:04 pm

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Logan looked at Carter for a second, unable to bring himself to tell the freshman what an utterly horrible idea that was. Fortunately, the girl did it for him, and with gusto. The junior wasn't sure he liked her attitude, but her plan seemed well enough. Problem was, he didn't see any iron around, though some steel weaponry was scattered about. After all, steel was just an alloy of iron and carbon. He hoped for Carter's sake that the slight discrepancy wouldn't be problematic.

Before Logan had a chance to air his grievances, the girl jumped into action, bombarding one of the knights with... something. The alchemist would just have to make do.

"Do as she says, lad. We'll keep them ghosties occupied." Logan said with a reassuring pat on the arm. With that, he turned and charged heedlessly headlong into the fray. As he brandished his studded shield like a battering ram against the ghosts, he couldn't help but take a liking to this plan.

Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:38 pm
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Johnathan glanced over at Carter's group once more. It seemed they were talking over a plan of some sort, with the only female in the group as the leader.
"Johnathan Rickheight is you, I'm guessing?" Johnathan snapped his head towards the direction of the voice, which turned out to be Alice, one of the coaches for today. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Today we'll be focusing on discovering which of the twelve Artes is most suited to you, and afterwards we'll teach you the basics of using it against malevolent spirits." Johnathan simply nodded, easily hiding his excitement.

The senior then turns to a bookshelf, and almost instantly pulls out a book. Alice then motions for him to come. He does, and walks into the cloud of smoke that left the book. "This is Veritas, the sigil of Truth. If you draw it on something it, uhh, 'reveals what's been hidden'. I'm not sure what the exact use is, since sigils aren't really my area of expertise, but why don't you try copying it onto this piece of paper and we'll see what happens." She continues after the cloud cleared up, handing him a piece of paper and a pencil.

He keeps his eyes locked onto the sigil, occasionally looking back at his work. After he was done, Johnathan holds his paper up, then, places it next to the book to compare it. It felt weird drawing it, it wasn't to hard to draw, and it felt natural. Like he was born to do this. He then turns to Alice, "Ok, it's done."

Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:09 pm
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Alice signaled their current student to come to the library. Being a typical library it was as dusty as you could imagine. Alice had a hunch that Johnathan was a disciple of the Artes Notatorum, which Li didn't object to, Johnathan did show seem like a booksmarts guy.

"You're good with numbers and things like that, right? This is Veritas, the sigil of Truth. If you draw it on something it, uhh, 'reveals what's been hidden'. I'm not sure what the exact use is, since sigils aren't really my area of expertise, but why don't you try copying it onto this piece of paper and we'll see what happens." Alice told Johnathan. All Li did was nod and agree. He watched Johnathan draw out the sigil, and although it was a bit slow, Johnathan seemed a natural at it. He looked over to Alice, impressed by her hunch.

After a minute or two, Johnathan finished the sigil. Alice didn't seem to familiar on it's workings so Li stepped up.

"Alright, lets keep things simple Johnathan. I'm going to clear my mind and think of a colour. Place the sigil on me and tell me what colour I'm thinking of."

(OOC: I hope I'm doing this sigil thing right.)

Blue wrote:
Palestine should not be free

Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:38 pm

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What's wrong with rocks? Thought Carter. I like my rock... Picking up the Steel sword, Logan patted Carter on the back. "Oh, so you'll entain the ghosts with some wisps and not just make them angry by throwing my rock? Well, I don't like your ways, but I'll swing this steel sword and kill them... And if they try to attack, I'll RELY ON MY ROCK DAMMIT." Ranted Carter and he charged, swinging the sword in the a ghost's rib, he recovered from the recoil and swiped the ghost's neck. He looked at the next ghost, and hoped that those wisps will keep him busy.


Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:09 pm
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Evelyn watched as the sword went through the ghost without so much as a tickle. She sighed loudly to herself, pulling back from the ghost she had charged and immediately pelted it with three consecutive wisps of energy before floating over to Carter's side. "I said iron, rocks for brains, iron!" she scolded while hovering out of his reach with her arms crossed as Logan dealt with the ghosts in their stead. "You're an alchemist aren't you?! Purify the steel so that the sword will be composed solely out of iron!"


Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:32 pm

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After getting scolded by what seemed to be the most annoying person ever, Carter took his rock and threw it at an attacking ghost, distracting it for a second, he started to transform the steel into iron, watching it transform, he said to Evelyn, "Sorry for not knowing all about ghosts, I don't like dead things, really. And also, could you stop being a-" And he remembered that he had to deal with the ghosts, he took his now iron sword and charged, swiping the ghosts sides until they were no more.


Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:44 pm

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The ghost staggered as it was barraged with energy, but quickly regained his footing. The one Logan had managed to fell with his shield had recovered also. With Evelyn preoccupied with explaining the plan to Carter, he was on his own against the threat.
"Whatever ye're doin', make it snappy!" Logan exclaimed over the din of battle.
With his little knife, there was nothing he could do against the superior range of the knights' polearms but take cover behind his shield. It took a moment before he finally realized something that had been painfully obvious from the beginning. Stepping back from the aggressors, Logan hastily pulled off his chain mail and tossed it at the ghosts. Without it on, the ethereal knights couldn't make physical contact with him. He hoped.
Before he could rush back into battle, Carter returned with the sword, now slightly more ferric than before. He dispatched the knights with ease, leaving the trio victorious.
"Well, that weren't so bad." Logan said with a chuckle, dispelling his armaments.

Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:55 pm

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"I still like my rock." Carter said. "Hey, I think we should celebrate this fine moment." Carter pulled out a strange vile of liquid. "A... a good friend gave this to me." Carter poured out only enough to fill the cap, he drank it, and offered it to the others. "It's a syrup of a type, it constantly changes it's chemicals, thus making a different flavour every so often, think of it as an advanced Dr.Pepper, if you will.


Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:08 pm
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