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Champions of Estaria 
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Joined: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:32 am
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Story: show
In times past, there was an emperor by the name of Azozenrath. As much as he was a cruel and powerful warrior, he was also a cunning and corrupt magician of terrible note. He brought the kingdoms of Estaria to their knees and snuffed out dynasties like the flames of a candle. All of Estaria cried out for an end to their woes and sought aid from the ageless ones.

For years the people of Estaria suffered. Their majestic forests were burned to the ground, their villages were plundered and the people were enslaved. Not even on the highest mountain peaks could the Estarians find peace. Azozenrath’s reign left wounds on the land, sea and the very heavens.

It was then that word of great warriors, no champions, had risen in the land. They were strange beings, human like themselves, yet alien to Estaria, though gifted with great powers. Uniting as one force, the Champions of Estaria defeated Azozenrath, and then disappeared, never to be seen again.

Five hundred years have come and gone, though the wages of war still scar the land. The civilizations that thrived prior to Azozenrath’s rise to power now dwindle, many on the verge of extinction, if not extinguished already. Forests have risen where ruins remain, and rivers flood lands which were once maintained. In a sense, the impact of humanity lessened greatly as nature reclaimed the fallen settlements.

However with these changes came new threats. Rumors of creatures preying on those who strayed too near to the wilderness have grown rampant throughout Estaria. Foul beasts plague the lands, a threat to all, though no one knows their origins.


Meanwhile on present day Earth, you’re enjoying your usual pastime on a Sunday afternoon, when suddenly you begin to feel incredibly sharp pain in your head. Before you have the opportunity to deal with the sudden onset of pain you pass out.

TLDR: Evil guy destroy world. Foreign champions save day. Champions disappear. New evil comes. Need new champions.

Setting: show
Estaria is comprised of four main continents:
Enimos - The uninhabited perpetually snow covered continent of the north.
Stalis - The smallest continent, which houses the golden tree.
Rianan - The continent of the east, known for Alum's spine which splits the continent in two.
Ahbenrah - The continent of the west, on which the Kar'Dak Desert lies.

There were once six great empires, the ruins of three only remain, while the other two were swallowed by the forests and the last hidden beneath the sands.

The level of technology is medieval, though a "crystal-punk" sort of society exists in Bregora.

Click to expand thumbnail


[b]Age:[/b] <14 – 60>
[b]Personality:[/b] (Has an effect on the RP, so write clearly)
[b]Bio:[/b] (Can be fairly brief. MUST answer what they were doing before they were transported to Estaria.)
[b]To which element does your heart belong?:[/b] <Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Metal, Water, Wind, Wood>
[b]What do you desire?:[/b] <Select from the box>
[b]An object you brought:[/b] <One object you brought with you to Estaria>
[b]Offense, defense, or utility?:[/b]<Choose one>
[b]Offense, defense, or utility?:[/b]<Choose one>

Desire: show
A King’s Judgement: To condemn your foes.
A Queen’s Gaze: To stir fear in the hearts of others.
A Sailor’s Gamble: To risk all around you for a great boon.
A Messenger’s Gift: To get where you need to go.
A Youth’s Song: To raise the spirits of your comrades.
A Huntress’ Discipline: To have the patience to strike those beyond your grasp.
A Tactician’s Plan: To manoeuvre others into your hands.
A Warrior’s Valor: To bear arms against your foes.
A Maiden’s Heart: To bring peace to your allies.
An Inventor’s Design: To create beyond your limitations.
A Mother’s Embrace: To be held in the depths of security.

This is probably going to be magical boy/girl/powerangers-esque type thing.


Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:28 pm
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Infinity - Zane: show
Username: Infinity
Name: Zane Netratus
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Zane is the calm, collected type of person. However, he is in no way quiet or shy. Though, he has some insight on certain things, he sounds a bit naive when he speaks. He is appreciative of the little things or gestures. At times, he can get controlling and fierce. When he is like this, he claims his 'other half' of his personality is coming out.
Appearance: Zane has a little over average build than most teenagers his age. Thick black hair with fair tan skin. His eyes are a deep brown. He's also tall, and most people think he's older than he is.
Bio: Growing up, Zane had a pretty normal life starting out. His father a police officer and his mother a nurse, they occasionally had to struggle making ends meet with the high cost of living nowadays. Nonetheless, they still considered themselves middle class. Zane was the second born out of three, an older brother and a younger sister, named Niko and Janice, respectively. In the summer, Niko would work at a grocery store to earn a little extra money.One day, Zane was 10, the whole family went out, doing their usual Saturday errands, the parents food shopping, Niko was going to get some clothes for school, Zane to get a new video game, and Janice wasn't going to get anything special, but she was too young, and couldn't be left home alone. 14 minutes later, the family crashed into another car. The other car's driver, a teenager who had just learned to drive, had been texting away. No serious injuries, or anything happened, but from that moment on, they became closer than they already was. Perhaps a little too close. They then went out somewhere different every Friday afternoon. If they didnt have any money to go out, they would stay inside and improvise.
Eventually, Niko graduated and moved onto college, and ever since then, the little getaways hadn't been the same. It was like something was missing. Eventually they learned to get around it. One day, Zane had been studying for a test he needed to pass to get into college, the test was Thursday. All of a sudden, he felt a sharp pain and fell unconcious.
Element: Earth
Weapon: Flanged Mace
What do you desire?: A King's Judgement
An object you brought: A cell phone (iPhone).
Chalice: Unrevealed
<Terraise> Raises a wall of earth from the ground.
<Hands of the Colossus> Pieces of earth and stone cover Zane's hands and arms granting him powerful punches.
<Crack into the Abyss> Zane smashes his mace onto the ground, causing it to shake violently and open a gaping hole into the earth beneath his foes and swallows them up. The move is incredibly draining however.

Green - Akira: show
Username: Green Mage
Name: Akira Ayers
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Akira is a quiet yet generous girl, if at times air headed. She takes on a entirely new personality switch when wearing masks however. Generally, said personality is much more excitable, prone to theatrics and acting like a "hero of justice".
Appearance: She has a lean build, which is well toned though often hidden under clothing. Her height is slightly above average, but she tends to slouch in a way to avoid attention. Her wavy black hair is at shoulder length, although she keeps most of it in a pony tail, leaving the sides and her bangs long. When in her mask self, she shows a more confident self.
Bio: Born to a Japanese business woman, and a American police officer, most of her early childhood was spent on self-defense classes her father insisted on, and her babysitter, who mostly tended to her needs, and liked watching wresting and cheesy shows, which she watched with him. Up to her high school days were relatively normal, until a certain day occurred. She found one of her friends was being bullied in a alleyway while shopping. Wearing a ski mask she recently bought, she rushed to his aid, fending off the bullies and running off as they were all gone. She felt completely different, a feeling of elation even when doing this. So she wound up doing this a couple times, stopping a couple crimes here and there. She stopped afterwards after considering the problems it would cause for everyone involve, but not after being a sort of infamous icon in the city. Although she quit trying to be a hero, she occasionally wore it in secret, as she felt more free in many ways. On that Sunday day, she was off on her motorcycle, as a recently graduated student.
Element: Lightning
Weapon: Gauntlets
What do you desire?: A Messenger’s Gift
An object you brought: A blue luchadore mask, covering the upper part of her face while leaving the lower open.
Chalice: Unrevealed
<Lightning Fists> Akira's gauntlets glow yellow and are imbued with electrical energy, every hit releases electrical energy in her foes, which she can strike multiple times.
<Thunderous Hammer> Akira's legs become charged with lightning, allow one powerful blow, or sending a surge of electrical energy in the ground, hitting everyone in a small radius around herself. Can use either action with one leg, or both for increased effect.
<Storm Surge> Akira is hit by a burst of lightning and gains super speed for a limited amount of time, shocking her foes if they get too close to her while she runs by.

Jin - Sydney: show
Username: Jin
Name: Sydney Riley
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Personality: Sydney is the quiet type of girl, always keeping to herself. She prefers to be alone or with a small group of friends rather than large groups. When she is put in these large groups, she stays quiet and only speaks when spoken to. Despite what her outward appearance of solitude implies, she is quite happy about her life and in general is optimistic and caring.
Appearance: Sydney is a petite girl, only standing at 5'3". Her large blue eyes match her soft facial features which compliments her long, dark brown hair.
Bio: Sydney lived a regular life by going to public school, then high school, and currently studying in university. Most of her free time is spent studying in her dorm room. She never really got involved in any extra curricular activities but instead focused solely on school. While studying for her midterm in her dorm room, Sydney felt a sharp pain in her forehead. She thought this was just a studying headache like normal, so as she got up to get some advil, she collapsed.
Element: Ice
Weapon: Shield
What do you desire?: A Maiden's Heart
An object you brought: Her laptop bag with a laptop and some stationary.
Chalice: Unrevealed
<Glacial Wall> Creates a solid and unmovable wall of ice in front of Sydney
<Great Shield> Ice begins to coalesce on Sydney's shield increasing the perimeter of Sydney's shield making it stronger and larger, though still capable of deft movement.
<Chilled Renewal> Placing her hands on a wound, frost begins to cover the wound and it is immediately healed once the ice melts. The more severe the wound, the more frost needed.

Thai - Pierre: show
Username: Thai
Name: Pierre "Maudit" L'Orphelin
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Personality: The typical quiet type, even his speech is barely above a whisper with a laid-back laissez-faire kind of attitude. Has a rather black or strange sense of humor.
Appearance: A grand beard graces the face of Pierre, his jawline softened by the thick growth. This contrasts horribly with his shaven head which would be a black mane but he doesn't like long hair. His skin is dark due to his Senegalese descent and despite his average height, possess a body of a military man.
Bio: Pierre's name is not actually his. Though now a citizen of France, he originally came from Senegal, the reason of which he keeps to himself. Joining the French Foreign Legion as soon as he was able, he is now an Adjutant in the 1st Foreign Regiment of Engineers with three chevrons of seniority. His nickname, Maudit, "The Cursed" is a joke from back when he was a Legionnaire. During an explosive defusal exercise, the bomb he was given exploded though it wasn't armed in the first place. No one was harmed during the incident but his fellow soldiers often remind him of the fact, much to his silent s****. He plays boardgames in his spare time, managing to organise games over the internet with other like-minded fellows or otherwise collects models of ships, planes and soldiers. At the time of the fateful day, Pierre was cleaning a gift from an American friend he had made during an overseas deployment and was browsing the internet, reading a hilarious story of an order of knights created by a single person's wish to "rub an elf's ear."
Element: Metal
Weapon: A gun.
What do you desire?: A Huntress’ Discipline
An object you brought: An unloaded Thompson Contender fitted with a .45 Colt barrel
Chalice: Unrevealed
<Rule of Steel> Grants Pierre the ability to create and modify metallic objects.
<Pure Eyes of Structural Analysis> Allows Pierre to read the structure and history behind an object he touches. He has a greater ability to read objects that are of metallic origins.
<Only My Railgun> Pierre prepares a railgun track in his mind in a specific direction allowing him to mentally catapult metal objects in the direction he has discerned in his mind.

Hypersmiley - Jack: show
Name:Jack Bradley
Appearance:Jack has a powerful build, he clearly works on his body a good amount. He has a military buzzcut, and a shaven beard, his hair is black. He has a tatoo pattern on both his shoulders which run down to his elbow
Personality:Jack is a chaotic person, easily prone to anger. He is friendly to those he knows well, but cares little for those he doesn't. He can be sarcastic at times and he tends to be honest and outspoken. When Jack is angered though, he is a danger to everyone, even friends so he is not trusted very well. He tends to break things when angry.
Bio:Jack was born to an abusive father who worked as a cashier, his mother was a waitress. Jacks father would often abuse him or his mother, leaving Jack in fear every night. He went through school and did average, but he was bullied there as well. Once he finished school he decided not to go to college and instead simply work as a garbageman with his friends. He rented an apartment and has been living there since. On a certain sunday, he recieved a painful headache and knocked out sitting on his couch.
Element: Lightning
Weapon: Axe
What does your heart desire?:A Queen's Gaze
An object you brought:Nothing
Chalice: Unrevealed
<Thunder Hammer> Jack's axe charges up with electrical energy. When the axe hits its target the energy is released in a powerful burst of lightning and booming thunder.
<Electro-Field> Jack raises his hands to either side of himself and a sphere of electricity surrounds him.
<Stunning Glance> Jack's eyes flicker white briefly and whatever he is looking at it paralyzed momentarily.

Kiki - Kayla: show
Name: Kayla Mansfield
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: Kayla is sassy and stubborn. Quick to speak her mind in any situation, she rarely leaves others wondering what she's thinking. Patience isn't one of her strongest suits, though she has a bravery like no other. She can be described as no-nonsense in behaviour when dealing with others and will cut those who she believes are getting in her way. She does have certain soft spots and can be surprisingly sympathetic with others in their weakest moments.
Appearance: Standing at roughly 5'8 and dark caramel skin from her African-French heritage. Her eyes are hazel, predominantly brown with flecks of lighter shades of brown, amber and green. Her hair is long, wavy and black kept maintained to just below her shoulder blades.
Bio: Kayla had a fairly typical upbringing. Even though she was the third of four children, her parent drove her and all her siblings to do their very best in school. She excelled in English as well as in drama. She eventually went to a school in Manhattan, majoring in English, and minoring in Theatre. She was in her dorm room reading one of her novels for class when she felt a sharp pain in her head, however before she could do anything about it, she passed out.
Element: Wood
Weapon:Double-ended glaive
What do you desire?:A Tactician's Plan
An object you brought: Swiss army knife.
Chalice: Unrevealed
<Eternia Vine> Kayla calls forth vines to do her bidding. She can have them used as ropes, binds, whips, or extended limbs.
<Thorn Storm> Kayla puts her hands together to rapidly fire abnormally large thorns at her foes.
<Lavender Thicket> Kayla places a glowing seed on the ground that immediately begins to sprout lavender in the surrounding area, creating a heavy aura of sleep for those that wander into the thicket.

Terra - Chris: show
Username: Terra
Name: Christopher "Chris" Lin
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Personality: A rather reserved and shy teenager. Goes with his gut when making decisions for himself, which usually turns out well. Cynical of authority, and always questions in his head the leader's decision-making abilities. Well-meaning when criticizing people(which he does quite regularly), but doesn't realize that he can be annoying to those close to him. Feels physically and mentally vulnerable when on his own.
Appearance: A 170cm Asian, Chris is substantially taller than most of his classmates. He's approximately 60kg, and is slim, but not lean, as he never did much sport. His eyes are black, and his skin tone is pale from many hours sitting in front of a computer. Wears a plain black T-Shirt and jeans.
Bio: When he was just six years old, Chris' Asian parents, "kiasu"(don't want to lose) as they were, constantly pressured Chris with multiple threats if he didn't do well in his studies, get top in his class for everything, and bring honor to the family name through constant amounts of intellectual competitions. It worked, and Chris won multiple accolades, including the Commonwealth Essay competition, Project Earth, and getting perfect every year for the Maths Olympiad, but Chris never felt a connection to his parents because of that. At university, Chris became a very talented speaker and English Literature student, proving his eloquence time and time again in countless amounts of literature discussions with his lecturer. This talent, however, brought him few friends and many enemies(due to jealousy). While doing an assignment in his bedroom, he felt the pain in his head and was transported to Estaria.
Element: Fire
Weapon: Twin Hookswords
What do you desire?: A Mother's Embrace.
An object you brought: The transcript of the play:"Julius Caesar"
Chalice: Unrevealed
<Burning Twister> Creates a spiralling wall of fire that churns around Chris' radius for a few seconds.
<Inferno Burst> Christ points in a direction and from the palm of his hand he can either release an explosive ball of fire, or a continuous stream of fire like a flamethrower.
<Flame Heart> Chris can point at a location or ally, and have them surrounded by a protective sphere of fire.

LG - Kassidy: show
Username: Live Grenade
Name: Kassidy Pride
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Personality: Stubborn to a fault, Kassidy is a very independent person. She has little regard for anyone's judgement but her own, and her habit of constantly outsmarting others doesn't do much to change that outlook. She has a bloated sense of superiority, and is rather arrogant. Despite this, she shows unwavering loyalty to anyone who can manage to earn her respect.
Appearance: Kassidy stands at nearly six feet, substantially taller than average for a girl her age. Her height can be attributed to her long legs. Aside from her height, though, she sports a nondescript build. She wears her golden hair in an elevated bob, as long hair tends to be bothersome. Her complexion is fairly clear, but her skin is a very light brown. Her lips are thin, and her eyebrows nearly always form a skeptical arch above her cloudy blue eyes.
Bio: Kassidy has always had a gift for sleight of hand. As early as middle school, Kassidy had been scamming other students out of cash with her knack for deception. She saw others as suckers, imbeciles unworthy of her attention and useful only for what they were carrying in their pockets. Because of this, she had quite a lot of trouble making friends. Those who knew her referred to her as either "Kass", or "b****", depending on who you ask. As time went on, the girl found a more constructive use of her skills and became an illusionist. She traded the potential of profit for the chance to fool people in mass, something that gave her a feeling of smug satisfaction.

Kassidy was at home practicing a card trick when she was transported to Estaria.

Element: Water
Weapon: Scepter
What do you desire?: A Sailor's Gamble
An object you brought: Nine of Diamonds
Chalice: Unrevealed
<Mirage Veil> Kassidy is enveloped in a cloak of water, rendering her completely invisible.
<Cat-o'-Nine Tails> Nine streams of water form at the end of Kassidy's scepter, transforming it into a deadly whip. She controls each stream individually.
<Maelstrom> Kassidy stirs a large vortex of water in the ground, threatening to swallow any who get caught in it.

JC - Hayden: show
Username: JamesClyde
Name: Hayden Blake
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: He is cold, refuses to accept defeat, and is ruthless. He possesses no respect for life and freedom, and often daydreams during lessons. He will normally get into fights, and will ruthlessly attack the opponent with everything he's got. He cannot make friends easily, and will not open up to anyone. When put into large groups, he will not communicate, and will normally be the outcast of the group.
Appearance: He is about 6 feet tall, with a good build. He has spiky golden-blonde hair(Not dyed, natural) and tanned skin which seems to reflect to his personality. His eyes are a brilliant shade of blueish green. He normally wears a black shirt, with cargo pants and a checkered hoodie just to top it all off. Icing on the cake, anyone? He wears lightweight sneakers, which are white in color.
Hayden was just the average kid like me and you. Except his father was a businessman, working almost 24/7 with almost no sleep at all. And his mother was an artist, who spent most of her time thinking of ideas on what to paint for her next art exhibition which was in a year's time. So Hayden was sent to a public school, with no one to help him with his homework. As he grew up, he saw that his parents were occupied most of the time. He tried to make his parents happy by getting good grades, but every night the only thing he saw from his parents was a note saying they were at work. Oh, how frustrated he was. The next morning, a kind, but unpopular student became friends with him. She would stay by his side even when things looked bleak. And so Hayden forgot all about his parents. Soon, that friend was killed in a fight with guns. Hayden was heartbroken. From that time until now, Hayden has sworn that he would not let anyone be in danger of dying.. ever again. That is why he does not want to make friends. So no one will get hurt. He soon got into M.I.T studying for a masters in quantum physics. He was extremely stressed by the subject; adding to the fact that his friend died and he could have saved her. He sulked. His classmates gazed at him, wondering why he was so sad. While studying for his exam which would come in a month, Hayden felt a sharp pain in his brain which seemed to blur his vision. He staggered around the dorm room, dazed and confused, when he suddenly collapsed to the ground.
Element: Wind
Weapon: Double Scythes
What do you desire?: A Queen's Gaze.
An object you brought: A book all about nuclear stuff.
Chalice: Unrevealed
<Air Swipe> Hayden conjures a crescent-shaped construct of solidified air capable of deflecting colossal projectiles, or inflicting heavy blows.
<Flying Fury> Quickly focusing air on his fists or feet; by punching or kicking, Hayden is capable of sending off compressed formations of air at his foes.
<Winded> Focusing on one of his opponents, Hayden is capable of knocking the wind from their body, causing the opponent to suffer the same effects of having been winded.


Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:22 pm
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Deciton_Reven wrote:
Eh, seems like it would take a bit of planning to come up with a character just to have no idea what they could do, and to have them have no idea about the world around them. Which may be some people's cup-o-tea, but not mine.

Valid sentiments. Though I'm curious as to what sort of planning has to go into it. If anything it's perhaps the most simple profile, since you don't have to depend on the lore of the world to make your character. They're just average people. And then you answer the questions. The sole thing that is truly ambiguous is the desire, and I suppose the offence, defence, utility questions. Which essentially will assign what your first two abilities will be.

Deciton_Reven wrote:
It also seems like we missed the best part of the game. The story feels lacking to me. I'm sure there is a great story behind it, but the first impression doesn't really produce much of an impact on me. Last time the magical champions were needed some super bad-ass enslaved the world, now the world needs new dudes to, ah, do pest control? I don't know why medieval people didn't just carry around some kind of poison with them in case the dragon needed to feed again, so that it would eat one and die or some...

Think about what you said. Last time the champions were called, there was some super bad-ass enslaved the world, yes. Now, why would the champions be called to simply eliminate some monsters?

I never reveal the intricacies of the RP plot within the initial synopsis. Take The Omnivident for example, the synopsis is that there is a group of children killing ghosts and stuff, will that be the overarching plot? Nope. It's just something to get people used to the world, and to push certain events into causation.

Deciton_Reven wrote:
Anyways, I get he's evil and everything, but does the bad guy really need (w)rath in his name? I personally think the name sounds better and rolls off the tongue much nicer if you drop that part.

Just as a technical linguistic standpoint, "r" + an open sounding vowel rolls off the tongue much better than a word ending in "n" where there is no rolling off of the tongue >.> I made up the name as I was writing so *shrugs* A name is a name.

Deciton_Reven wrote:
Finally, is Offense, defense, or utility?:<Choose one> supposed to be listed twice, or is one supposed to be, like a give-up-this type of deal, or...?

Nothing is a give up type of deal. You can answer both questions the same, or one different from the other.

Deciton_Reven wrote:
I don't think I'm in for this one, but good luck though!

That is fine. ^.^


Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:49 pm

Joined: Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:01 pm
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Gender: Male
Skype: JackBatman1
Currently Playing: nothing anymore
Name:Jack Bradley
Appearance:Jack has a powerful build, he clearly works on his body a good amount. He has a military buzzcut, and a shaven beard, his hair is black. He has a tatoo pattern on both his shoulders which run down to his elbow
Personality:Jack is a chaotic person, easily prone to anger. He is friendly to those he knows well, but cares little for those he doesn't. He can be sarcastic at times and he tends to be honest and outspoken. When Jack is angered though, he is a danger to everyone, even friends so he is not trusted very well. He tends to break things when angry.
Bio:Jack was born to an abusive father who worked as a cashier, his mother was a waitress. Jacks father would often abuse him or his mother, leaving Jack in fear every night. He went through school and did average, but he was bullied there as well. Once he finished school he decided not to go to college and instead simply work as a garbageman with his friends. He rented an apartment and has been living there since. On a certain sunday, he recieved a painful headache and knocked out sitting on his couch.
To which element does your heart belong?:Lightning
What does your heart desire?:A Queen's Gaze
An object you brought:An axe
Offense, defense, or utility?:Offense
Offense, defense, or utility?:Defense

Last edited by Jack on Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:19 am

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Ugh, there's utility again. That term is so general. What does it even meeeeeean?
Also, add agility maybe?

Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:59 am
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Utility refers to something that isn't an attack, or something defending. Ie: a magical grappling hook, or something that'll make you invisible, or even healing. It's an ability that's more of a "tool" than an attack.


Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:07 am
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Kiki wrote:
Valid sentiments. Though I'm curious as to what sort of planning has to go into it. If anything it's perhaps the most simple profile, since you don't have to depend on the lore of the world to make your character. They're just average people. And then you answer the questions. The sole thing that is truly ambiguous is the desire, and I suppose the offence, defence, utility questions. Which essentially will assign what your first two abilities will be.
Well even average people need a background and personality, and I find those two to be the two most interlocked pieces of any character. Both have a drastic impact on each other, so you can't have one good one without the other one also being good. Aside from that when I make a character I have what his/her main traits are, but I always like to have some secret little thing you don't know about the character unless you find it out in the role-play, things like the desire, in particular. A character that was strong, reckless, stubborn, and a bully, will have a motivation behind that. It would be great for said character to have power;power;king's judgement to play on his main traits, but bio-wise he's probably that way because his parents never had time for him, thus his desire is would make more sense as mother's embrace which doesn't sound like it would play off of what he was made for. (Beating in faces)

As for not needing to base anything off the lore of the world, that is an untruth. Basing a character in the real world is just as difficult as a fantasy world, maybe more so because you have to play off of real world events, not events you can make up because the lore is left open-ended. (That only applies to world events, not local level ones, which are still make-upable, mostly because they have to be.)

There are very few times when any custom made character will ever take less planning than another, IMO. Even when a sheet leaves out certain parts, a good character will still have those parts, making the time and effort that goes into any one character roughly the same.
Kiki wrote:
Think about what you said. Last time the champions were called, there was some super bad-ass enslaved the world, yes. Now, why would the champions be called to simply eliminate some monsters?

I never reveal the intricacies of the RP plot within the initial synopsis. Take The Omnivident for example, the synopsis is that there is a group of children killing ghosts and stuff, will that be the overarching plot? Nope. It's just something to get people used to the world, and to push certain events into causation.
Yes, however in The Omnivident there is a motivation that the characters in-game can know about and peruse, the motivation being the bus-plosion. (Maybe they want to hunt down who did it, or take proactive steps to prevent it to happening to them). Random drop-in-from-another-world plots really hamper a character's initial motivation (9/10 its "Where am I. Look a town! (and/or) *Fights monster*" then some old dude saying "Bros, Y U NO know prophecy." Its a plot that fits a observer better than a participant. (But I do plan on observing, knowing you it'll still be pretty good after all the initial fluff.)
Kiki wrote:
Just as a technical linguistic standpoint, "r" + an open sounding vowel rolls off the tongue much better than a word ending in "n" where there is no rolling off of the tongue >.> I made up the name as I was writing so *shrugs* A name is a name.
Eh, just a nitpick. Most wouldn't even notice such a thing.
Kiki wrote:
Nothing is a give up type of deal. You can answer both questions the same, or one different from the other.
Okie-Dokie, just making sure.

When my eyes be rollin'
The haters get goin'
The seeds I'm sowin'
With a smile I'm flowin'
And if I be trollin'
Ya never be knowin'
'Cause when the haters get goin'
My eyes just start a-rollin'

Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:08 am
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I'm not really expecting novels for the bio in these profiles, all the power to those who want to make them like that, but the outcome of your abilities, secondary weapons, and transformations stems from the choices you make in Estaria. Your past can serve as a source for various motivations, or the reasoning behind your personality, but I'm not going to have the characters focus on who they were, but more so on who they're becoming as the Champions of Estaria.

While the inner-workings of a character can be interestingly left concealed, personally I don't think it the best to do that for a RP profile. It kind of hinders the potential story-telling of the GM in my opinion. Say that strong power-house guy was in The Omnivident, if it was mentioned that they had familial issues in his profile, it would be an opportunity for me to use a demon to stab at that emotional weak spot of the character, as that's something a demon would do, which would then trigger the other characters to see another side of this macho guy with their varying reactions afterwards. Had that been kept a secret, the opportunity would've come and gone.

A desire doesn't necessarily have to coincide with their personality. It's just something that the character truly desires, be it because they are that way, or because its something that they desire in the depths of their heart, or simply something you pick on a whim. Having it in the profile doesn't necessarily mean that any other character is going to know.

And yeah, this RP is most definitely going to start with a battle. That's how I'll introduce the first weapon as well as their initial abilities.


Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:02 am
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Just some further clarification on how things will work

Kiki wrote:

Ok, well firstly, every character is going to get a weapon, however I need to discuss that with every player individual personally so that we don't end up with everyone using swords, which is why I refrained from putting it in the profile.

Everyone is going to start off with 3 abilities, the result depending on offence, defence, utility, the element chosen, and the desire.

Ie: Say someone chooses fire, offence, defence, messenger's gift. Their first abilities could possibly be something along the lines of

<Fist of Fire> - Punches with a fist emblazed with fire.
<Fire Wall> - Raise a wall of fire in front of him/herself.
<Hot Dash> - Gains super speed while leaving a burning trail of fire on the ground.

So basically I would PM back and forth with the participant suggesting their initial abilities, which they can tweak, name, change how it works, etc.

As the RP goes on, the player gains access to new abilities, a secondary weapon/item, and a transformation in armour. In a sense it's like levelling up and learning skills.


Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:33 pm
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Kiki wrote:
While the inner-workings of a character can be interestingly left concealed, personally I don't think it the best to do that for a RP profile. It kind of hinders the potential story-telling of the GM in my opinion. Say that strong power-house guy was in The Omnivident, if it was mentioned that they had familial issues in his profile, it would be an opportunity for me to use a demon to stab at that emotional weak spot of the character, as that's something a demon would do, which would then trigger the other characters to see another side of this macho guy with their varying reactions afterwards. Had that been kept a secret, the opportunity would've come and gone.

Oh, yeah I would definitely mention it in the background, just not out right state it.
Kiki wrote:

Ok, well firstly, every character is going to get a weapon, however I need to discuss that with every player individual personally so that we don't end up with everyone using swords, which is why I refrained from putting it in the profile.

Everyone is going to start off with 3 abilities, the result depending on offence, defence, utility, the element chosen, and the desire.

Ie: Say someone chooses fire, offence, defence, messenger's gift. Their first abilities could possibly be something along the lines of

<Fist of Fire> - Punches with a fist emblazed with fire.
<Fire Wall> - Raise a wall of fire in front of him/herself.
<Hot Dash> - Gains super speed while leaving a burning trail of fire on the ground.

So basically I would PM back and forth with the participant suggesting their initial abilities, which they can tweak, name, change how it works, etc.

As the RP goes on, the player gains access to new abilities, a secondary weapon/item, and a transformation in armour. In a sense it's like levelling up and learning skills.

That fixes some of the dilemma I was having...

As a side note:Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog?

When my eyes be rollin'
The haters get goin'
The seeds I'm sowin'
With a smile I'm flowin'
And if I be trollin'
Ya never be knowin'
'Cause when the haters get goin'
My eyes just start a-rollin'

Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:57 pm

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Username: Live Grenade
Name: Kassidy Pride
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Personality: Stubborn to a fault, Kassidy is a very independent person. She has little regard for anyone's judgement but her own, and her habit of constantly outsmarting others doesn't do much to change that outlook. She has a bloated sense of superiority, and is rather arrogant. Despite this, she shows unwavering loyalty to anyone who can manage to earn her respect.

Appearance: Kassidy stands at nearly six feet, substantially taller than average for a girl her age. Her height can be attributed to her long legs. Aside from her height, though, she sports a nondescript build. She wears her golden hair in an elevated bob, as long hair tends to be bothersome. Her complexion is fairly clear, but her skin is a very light brown. Her lips are thin, and her eyebrows nearly always form a skeptical arch above her cloudy blue eyes.

Bio: Kassidy has always had a gift for sleight of hand. As early as middle school, Kassidy had been scamming other students out of cash with her knack for deception. She saw others as suckers, imbeciles unworthy of her attention and useful only for what they were carrying in their pockets. Because of this, she had quite a lot of trouble making friends. Those who knew her referred to her as either "Kass", or "b****", depending on who you asked. As time went on, the girl found a more constructive use of her skills and became an illusionist. She traded the potential of profit for the chance to fool people in mass, something that gave her a feeling of smug satisfaction.

Kassidy was at home practicing a card trick when she was transported to Estaria.

To which element does your heart belong?: Water
What do you desire?: A Sailor's Gamble
Weapon: Scepter
An object you brought: Nine of Diamonds
Offense, defense, or utility?: Offense
Offense, defense, or utility?: Utility
<Mirage Veil> Kassidy is enveloped in a cload, rendering her completely invisible.
<Cat-o'-Nine Tails> Nine streams of water form at the end of Kassidy's scepter, transforming it into a deadly whip. She controls each stream individually.
<Maelstrom> Kassidy stirs a large vortex of water in the ground, threatening to swallow any who get caught in it.

Last edited by Shrapnel on Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:12 am

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Done, my mind is not showering in creativity though so, I don't think I can currently do much better.


Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:17 pm

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So, is this that new RPG you were talking about? I'll be the first to admit, it wasn't what I was expecting, but I certainly am intrigued by it.
Maybe after a bit more information is given out (like Omnividence) I could try and make my own character there :)

Here to lurk and say things sometimes. Don't mind me.

Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:19 pm
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Deciton_Reven wrote:
Random drop-in-from-another-world plots really hamper a character's initial motivation (9/10 its "Where am I. Look a town! (and/or) *Fights monster*" then some old dude saying "Bros, Y U NO know prophecy."

Because of that I am now going to go with something completely silly for my character's motivation. You have three guesses and the first two don't count.

Username: Thai
Name: Pierre "Maudit" L'Orphelin
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Personality: The typical quiet type, even his speech is barely above a whisper with a laid-back laissez-faire kind of attitude. Has a rather black or strange sense of humor.
Appearance: A grand beard graces the face of Pierre, his jawline softened by the thick growth. This contrasts horribly with his shaven head which would be a black mane but he doesn't like long hair. His skin is dark due to his Senegalese descent and despite his average height, possess a body of a military man.
Bio: Pierre's name is not actually his. Though now a citizen of France, he originally came from Senegal, the reason of which he keeps to himself. Joining the French Foreign Legion as soon as he was able, he is now an Adjutant in the 1st Foreign Regiment of Engineers with three chevrons of seniority. His nickname, Maudit, "The Cursed" is a joke from back when he was a Legionnaire. During an explosive defusal exercise, the bomb he was given exploded though it wasn't armed in the first place. No one was harmed during the incident but his fellow soldiers often remind him of the fact, much to his silent s****. He plays boardgames in his spare time, managing to organise games over the internet with other like-minded fellows or otherwise collects models of ships, planes and soldiers. At the time of the fateful day, Pierre was cleaning a gift from an American friend he had made during an overseas deployment and was browsing the internet, reading a hilarious story of an order of knights created by a single person's wish to "rub an elf's ear."
To which element does your heart belong?: Metal
What do you desire?: The Hunter's Patience
An object you brought: An unloaded Thompson Contender fitted with a .45 Colt barrel


Tue Sep 11, 2012 4:25 pm
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Currently Playing: Dragonball Xenoverse, Civilization 5, Europa Universalis 4
Username: Infinity
Name: Zane Netratus
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Zane is the calm, collected type of person. However, he is in no way quiet or shy. Though, he has some insight on certain things, he sounds a bit naive when he speaks. He is appreciative of the little things or gestures. At times, he can get controlling and fierce. When he is like this, he claims his 'other half' of his personality is coming out.
Appearance: Zane has a little over average build than most teenagers his age. Thick black hair with fair tan skin. His eyes are a deep brown. He's also tall, and most people think he's older than he is.
Bio: Growing up, Zane had a pretty normal life starting out. His father a police officer and his mother a nurse, they occasionally had to struggle making ends meet with the high cost of living nowadays. Nonetheless, they still considered themselves middle class. Zane was the second born out of three, an older brother and a younger sister, named Niko and Janice, respectively. In the summer, Niko would work at a grocery store to earn a little extra money.One day, Zane was 10, the whole family went out, doing their usual Saturday errands, the parents food shopping, Niko was going to get some clothes for school, Zane to get a new video game, and Janice wasn't going to get anything special, but she was too young, and couldn't be left home alone. 14 minutes later, the family crashed into another car. The other car's driver, a teenager who had just learned to drive, had been texting away. No serious injuries, or anything happened, but from that moment on, they became closer than they already was. Perhaps a little too close. They then went out somewhere different every Friday afternoon. If they didnt have any money to go out, they would stay inside and improvise.
Eventually, Niko graduated and moved onto college, and ever since then, the little getaways hadn't been the same. It was like something was missing. Eventually they learned to get around it. One day, Zane had been studying for a test he needed to pass to get into college, the test was Thursday. All of a sudden, he felt a sharp pain and fell unconcious.
To which element does your heart belong?: Earth
What do you desire?: A King's Judgement
An object you brought: A cell phone (iPhone).
Offense, defense, or utility?: Offense and defense.

Last edited by Infinity on Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:36 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:02 pm
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