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The Sandbox 
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Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:15 pm
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Currently Playing: Sitting down and playing video games is for chumps.
Once upon a time, there was a Sandbox, a place for new RPers and sometimes even those not-so-new to hang out, learn, and exchange secrets. They came, and saw that it was good. And then it got moved, and there were lotsa good things it didn’t have before. And it was good.

And then the person who ran the sandbox, Joat, mysteriously disappeared, and suddenly there was no place for RPers to train, besides small, hastily-crafted mini-worlds. One day, after a long vacation, ferailo9 appeared and he saw the emptey hole where the sandbox was (the tree was still there, however) and he thought, "omgwtf" and decided to create something that was almost, but not quite, the sandbox.

The sandbox is about a quarter-mile in all directions, a plenty big-enough to train. To the south is a vast ocean. To the east is a significantly less vast, but still large forest. To the near north are candy machines, soda machines, newspaper dispensers, a pool table, and an air-hockey table. A bit farther and you will reach the town of Adther, which has all sorts of good things. To the west is an empty field, with a single tree that hangs over the sandbox with its branches just like the old one’s did. In fact, I think that is the same tree. Must’ve been transplanted.

And remember, your bio must be approved before you may enter.

I just copied the stuff in italics, sorry...

NickKun Bentel
Spokesperson/ Voice Actor
Player: ferailo9
Race: Human
Class: Bard (guitarist)
Appearance: Tall, pale, blond dreds, always in jeans, and a shirt with his band logo on the chest.

Aspiring Legend
Player: jasonguy299
Race: Human
Class: Flarron Warrior
Appearance: Red jacket, black pants, red baseball cap Sword strapped to his right leg and metal bands on his left.

Concious Warrior
Player: Organix
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Appearance: Light beige t-shirt, dark gray jacket. Rolled up brown pants, leather gloves. Neck-length brown hair.


Player: Pug
Race: Half-Pug
Appearance: Jeans, red hair, freckles, orange T-Shirt, Pug ears and tail.

Pissed-off Show-off
Player: Electro
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Appearance: Black steeltoe boots, blue jeans, black t-shirt, black trench coat. Short brown hair, dark blue eyes

Dark Bowman
Player: Kebin
Race: Human
Class: Archer.
Appearance: Short, underweight, pale guy. Long black messy hair. Dark purple robe over a plain, black shirt. Quiver of arrows. Long, elegant bow is in left hand. Black shoes, purple-blue shorts.


Player:Neo Spawn
Race: Human
Class: Fist Fighter
Appearance: White t-shirt, black jeans, goggles on his head and black hair, carries a laptop.


Player: Neo Spawn
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Apperance: Grey hoodie, brown hair, red jeans, carries a book called "the devil and the monkey"


Player: lll
Race: Human (Assumed)
Class: Child
Appearence:Huge messy brown curls (hair). Blue eyes, blue tunic (ripped and old but Jaques refuses to take it off.) Brown boots and white socks, big black belt.Aviators in a bad mood.


Last edited by The Cool on Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:09 pm, edited 10 times in total.

Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:08 am
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What happened to Joat?


Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:10 pm

Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:15 pm
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I don't know, but he's been gone since '08, so...


Thu Jul 23, 2009 7:15 pm
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jasonguy299 stood in the dead center of what seems to be an empty field...or was it? Deciding it would be best to examine his surrondings closer, he took a look in all four cardinal directions. He was about to see a rather large forest, but then noticed some vending machines. Huh...I might be able to get som stuff I'll need later, thought jg299. He made haste, running to see whatever those vending machines provided... and if they would prove useful.


Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:59 pm

Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:15 pm
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"Hold it!"
A pale guy with blond dreadlocks appears out od nowhere and stands in the way of jasonguy299.
"Who are you?


Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:01 pm
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As jasonguy299 could see the vending machines coming closer, he stopped suddenly as some guy with blond hair stood right in front of him. Aww, what? I should have seen this coming! Stupid, stupid, stupid... thought jg299.
"Halt! Who are you?" asked the stranger.
Whatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoido???? went jg299's frantic mind. After a few seconds of trying to calm down, he figured he would have to choose his words carefully...
He took a bold step and stated, "I think the real question around here is who are YOU."


Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:08 pm

Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:15 pm
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'Isn't it obvious? I'm awesome."
"Well, I'm NickKun. I have been apointed by my boss to oversee this Sandbox and to make sure no one godmods."


Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:11 pm
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Well, isn't that new. This guy's pretty much a mod, thought a mentally releived jasonguy299. It's nice to have one around here. Might as well answer his question. Who knows what he might do to me...
"Err, well, nice to hear that. I'm jasonguy299. Just another one of those ordinary people, I guess."
This guy might be able to explain a few things, probably should carry on the conversation...


Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:15 pm

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He pulls out a clipboard with blank paper.
"Correct me if I'm wrong on any of this. Jason, Human, Swordsman. No magical powers, aversion to cranial sunlight."
As he says this, a grey stream of matter appears out of nowhere and aranges itself in the shape of words on the paper.
You can tell that they are meant to be the words he just said, but they seem misspelled to you.


Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:21 pm
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Hearing all those facts about himself lead jasonguy299 to surprise, and surprise rose to shock when words started to form in midair. He was so shocked, he didn't realize the words were in LOLspeak. "Whoa... how... did you... did that..." mumbled jg299, stiff as a cucumber.
And yes, jg299 knew what he said was true.


Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:41 pm
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Trey appeared at the edge of what appeared to be a forest. "Holy s***! What just happened?" He asked in total shock in confusion to himself. Well, I guess I should get the walkin' as usual he thought to himself. He continued to walk, hoping to find civilization.

Blue Mage wrote:
Nope, that chick's got tits. Pedobear ain't on that.

Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:55 pm
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Doromac wrote:
Trey appeared at the edge of what appeared to be a forest. "Holy s#%$&! What just happened?" He asked in total shock in confusion to himself. Well, I guess I should get the walkin' as usual he thought to himself. He continued to walk, hoping to find civilization.

Errr, Doro? You gotta get your bio approved first...


Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:56 pm
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OOC:SHHHH! I KNOW THAT!I wanted to see if he forgot..

Blue Mage wrote:
Nope, that chick's got tits. Pedobear ain't on that.

Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:02 pm

Joined: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:15 pm
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Don't worry, I've got a plot device set up for this situation.


Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:02 am
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ferailo9 wrote:
Don't worry, I've got a plot device set up for this situation.

Well I'm leaving now. Have fun, ku ku ku.

Blue Mage wrote:
Nope, that chick's got tits. Pedobear ain't on that.

Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:05 am
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