Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2008 9:16 pm Posts: 12685 Country:
Gender: Male
Waifu: I'm married
In this tournament I will be conducting a series of interviews via Twitter! Interviewees will be chosen by you guys, and they will be asked questions chosen by you guys.
People who don't respond will be given other attempts at contact before being pushed into the Bog of Which Left Hanging (Awful, awful place!) Where we will usually replace our current grade eith a resounding "Maaaan, that's f*** weak, maaaaan..." And we may even enlist someone to make some weird postmodern sort of diss track only few could understand, to those in the bog or those with the worst answers.
This is technically a tournament, which means the lamest dudes will be cut by our discretion. We will ensure quality control of who we publicly view as the coolest dudes ever!!! But there doesn't have to be big contests or anything. It's not hard for KP to weed out the cool dudes from the lamos or assholes.
So, go ahead and start suggesting interviews and attendants. We must pick carefully, we might never hold Stone Cold Austin's attention long enough to get his opinion on Luke's favorite noise album AND learn his favorite hat/song from dkc2 ost.
We want to get a good mix of individuals, you can suggest anyone on Twitter or anyone that you know I can get in touch with. So, Obama, Trump, Clinton, etc are just as viable as Tom Hanks, Rihanna, The Pope, Markiplier, an actual MG member, a weird anime cosplayer/furry thing, or even a random account, s***, artist, etc.
I was thinking of including that birbposting pioneer, maybe Ariana Grande, probably a metal cover badass, Desharezone if they don't just dox me or block me, ummm probably multiple politicians, Michael Cera, A wrestler, Ozzy Osbourne, probably at least a retsupurae dude, and webcomic creators like the Achewood or Kawaiiookichaans author.
And for questions, we should start off easily - What is your favorite Super Mario game? Or, What Super Smash Bros games have you played? If any, which characters did you like most or seem to have better odda with?
As a side note, we want to not ask everyone the exact same wuestions. I will post the responses here and we will work on some more questions. We might wind up with a giant f*** you from someone who doesn't play games, but I'm too nice and starry eyed to just leave it there, so we'll just have to adjust the subject a little. But if they sink too far into the bog we're stepping on their scalp really hard after ilI hit a big hole in one off it.
Don't leave all the thinking to me, honestly, I'm KP I'm not the anime man or the hip hop squid or the Sonic The Hedgehog scrub. I hardly represent the opinions of MG. Period. That being said, feel free to have gigantic angry debates over which answers are cool and stuff lol.
Now, let's begin.
_________________ Meow /l、 ゙(゚、 。 7 l、゙ ~ヽ じしf_, )ノ