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WHIM'S SEXY RP IN ACTION: What are We to Fight For? 
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The room was lit brightly, exposing the cold steel of the inside of the Walker Machine. The six men and women were lying in the far end of the room, no longer set in the suspended animation they were held in for the last year. In the middle of the room; a man stood tall above them. His military uniform was neat and creased, his hat sloppily pushed off to the side.
Behind him was a woman who had an unhappy look upon her face, a face filled with scorn. She eyed each of them quickly and looked back up at the man, signaling to him quickly.
"My name is Major Graff. Welcome to The Year of the Machine, 2897; known to you as the future. We are currently in the western most area of the badlands, around the borders of what some of you might have called Ukraine. Today, it is no more than a pile of smoking s***. That's what happens when countries become battlefields these days." He paused and took in a breath, exhaling slowly.
"We are en route to the headquarters of the Nu-United Nation, which is located in what used to be known to some as Hungary...before the war."
He stared at the group again, his gaze was neutral to the men, but as he reached to women it became cold. "Women...fighting a war with them...they'll do not better than an trained child." he muttered
"I am expecting there to be a few bandit machines up ahead. I want them eradicated completely. That is all. No questions from anyone, just get your job done."
Once finished, Graff left the room, heading for the main bridge of the Walker machine.

The woman walked up to the men and women.
"My name is Lyn Snider, and I brought you here from the past. Each of you should go down the hall to your left once exiting, and you'll find your rooms. The hangar is to the right of this room, and to get to the bridge, just go up one of the elevators in the corridors around here."
When she finished explaining everything, she left the room to follow Graff to the bridge.

Akiva pulled himself from the bed. He scanned the others, taking note of their unique look. Once complete, he quickly left the room and turned to the left, processing the data and storing it away in his mind. He began to wonder why he was chosen for this. He wasn't human, unless they were looking for someone who had no ties with any family, in which he'd be the perfect subject, as Levi was the only person he had ever truly met and known.
He began to think of her, and his heart began to move strangely. "Curse those engineers and their search for the perfect machine..." he muttered unemotionally.

spring break go shove it troll

Last edited by A Cat on Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jul 21, 2009 10:32 pm
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Whimmy, consider renaming the title and posting the link to here on the dis. topic.


Sat Jul 25, 2009 12:41 pm
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ConquestStreak wrote:
Whimmy, consider renaming the title and posting the link to here on the dis. topic.

Err...this was the title for the RP, but okay.

spring break go shove it troll

Tue Jul 28, 2009 3:12 pm
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Nadya ran a hand through her raven black hair, hardly able to understand why she wasn't dead right now. Her wounds were healed, and by all means she was in working physical shape. But how? was she not just at deaths door, preparing to meet the reaper?

The clothing upon her seemed old and dirtied, just then, her memory came back to her. She was saved, but she was saved with a specific purpose in mind. The former spestnaz's new purpose dawned upon her, it all seemed the same way.
She stretched her arms out behind her head, yawning subtly. "ee suppoose yoo all are my new comrades" She remarked callously as she began to relax her muscles. "ee'll s'ay yoo all on ze battle field then" She continued nonchalantly. Her memory was foggy, but of what she could remember prior to cryo-stasis, she would be manning a armed bipedal war machine. Truth be told she looked forward to such a pleasure, being more almost 1000 years form her time period had its perks afterall.

She proceeded towards the door, with intent to get to her assigned room, before preparing to shove off.

Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:17 pm

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Ned contemplated the words of the angry looking woman; First with amazement and interest, but that soon melted into horror after realising what this all meant.
He'd have... To kill? The thought of it almost made him lose his lunch.
"Can I even do it?" Ned asked himself. After all, killing was about as far from his values as possible. He didn't even have discipline or training, so what would the "recruiters" want with him?
Ned eyed the other people who had been gathered in the room, and was further dismayed by how tough they looked.
"I'll just be a burden to them, won't I?" He thought. "What can I do that would possibly help them?"

Ned looked up from his black shoes, the ones he'd been staring at while pondering, and saw the dark-haired girl speaking. He hadn't noticed her get up. Not that it would've mattered, anyway; her accent was difficult to understand.

When she finished speaking, she hurried out of the room, with Ned's eyes following thoughtfully.
"Perhaps I should just do as everyone else does," He concluded.
With that thought, He stood up, and looked back at his new allies.
However, he was at a loss for words, and decided to bolt to his room.

Ooc: This is my first Rp in a while. I probably shouldn't have jumped into this one, especially when Nini's here XD

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Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:31 pm
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Samuel was about to enter the room, to see the new arrivals. He really didn't want to be here, battles are up to actual soldiers, not some guy who's been unlucky enough to jump in one. Before he entered, he noticed someone else exiting, and instead,waited on the side, looking for the other arrivals.


Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:04 am
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The woman spoke with a Russian accent. That brought back bad memories for Ekyll. Such an ill-fated combat air patrol where he was surprised by a Russian Polikarpov I-16 Siipiorava, a s*** flying squirrel of a fighter not even worth his BF-109s' guns. Well at least he was spared death, although the shame he had would be taken to the grave as well.

The man earlier had mentioned rooms, and despite just being emerging from stasis, he felt he needed a place to sit down to think. This was a new situation, a new war. They were around the former Ukraine and were heading to Hungary. Groggily and silently, he proceeded after the woman looking for his assigned room.


Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:33 am
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Josephina despite being introduced to the world earlier, was unsettled by the metal walls. It was so unusual, like being inside a giant pot. She listened to the man who mentioned something about the kingdoms of Ukraine and Hungary. Though it appears their territories have changed in this war torn world. She watched as the man walked over to her and the other woman whom she would later discover to have a very thick accent.

"Women...fighting a war with them...they'll do not better than an trained child." he muttered in a very cold manner. Josephina's eyes narrowed as the man passed them. It was quite typical for men to always feel themselves superior to women. Though she knew within her heart that women could accomplish equal perhaps even greater things than men, for she was a knight, a task thought only suitable for men.

Eager to get to her quarters, Jo got up and stretched, feeling like she hadn't done anything for centuries. She did not know what to make of her allies, except that she hoped that they were competent in what they were all required to do. She would introduce herself afterwards. Following the woman's instructions, she exited and went to the left towards where she would stay.


Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:44 pm
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To those who had taken to left path to find their rooms ended up in another small hallway. Doors lined both sides, on each was a placard which had a name written; one for each pilot chosen. The walls were still all cold metal, and the doors did not deviate from this simple pattern.

Akiva wandered down the hall until he found a room designated as Levi. He stared at the placard. He was given fingerprints that were an exact copy of Levi's when he was created, and the fact that they used some type of fingerprint system to designate rooms meant that they probably found out who he was with the same system. "Do they think I'm Levi?" he muttered, placing his hand on the scanner.

The door opened up to a cold, desolate room. They pulled the design from the persons subconscious and modeled the rooms after the fabric of the person's mind, so they would feel at home.
Akiva just stood in the hallway, staring at his room. There was no bed, no chairs. Only four walls and a floor. "Do they know I'm a machine?" he asked aloud.

spring break go shove it troll

Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:58 pm
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Jo, walking down the cold metal corridor stopped in front of the room she had been assigned. Seeing the hand symbol beside the door she assumed that she was to put her hand on it, a thin green line flashed across the pad and she pulled her hand away in shock. The door slid open and to her surprise her room was that of home. She tentatively placed one foot into the room, testing to see if it was really there, her feet touched solid ground, and with much elation she rushed into her room, and the door slid behind her with a soft hiss.

A great fireplace burned merrily at the far end of her room, a shield hung above it baring the crest that she had been given for her short-lived knighthood. A grand scarlet rug covered most of the room that appeared to be a room that was part of a castle. No longer were the walls cold and made of metal but they were now made out of stone, or they at least appeared to be. Two high backed armchairs faced each other in front of the fireplace with a stool in front of the right one and a small round polished mahogany table stood in the centre. A chest, and a vanity with a oval mirror were on the wall to the left. A small round alcove with a cushioned bench and a window looking out onto the forest, a scene that had been created digitally were in the corner closest to her beside a bookshelf. On the other side of the door was a sturdy desk and chair, an inkwell and a bunch of quills stood diligently on top of the desk. On the right was a great bed spread richly with red and gold sheets, and a red veil canopy. A smaller chest stood in front of the bed.

Josephina sighed happily, and hopped onto with a girlish happiness. One that she had not displayed since putting on the persona of Joseph. Hugging her pillows tightly as she sank into the layers of sheets. The warmth of the fireplace, the coolness of the slabs of stones for her walls, ceiling and floor, it was all too real. It was as if she had returned home. That was when reality struck her, she wasn't home, and she was never going back.


Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:44 pm

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When Ned reached the hallway with the recruit's rooms, he had just enough time to watch in confusion as the short, brown-haired girl excitedly disappeared into a room.
"What was that about?" He muttered to himself.
Shrugging nonchalantly, Ned wandered about until he found the room assigned to him.
A small, holographic hand symbol was displayed off to the side of the metal door.
He quickly guessed it was some sort of fingerprint-scanning lock device, and promptly placed his right hand over it.

When the door opened, He was hit with the kind of purely metaphorical shock that could only be carried out by using a purely metaphorical bolt of lightening.
Ned quickly analysed the situation, and concluded that he was wrong about the hand symbol.
Inside the room was five small bunk-beds, all but one having a large suitcase-like trunk neatly placed in front. Where the fifth trunk should be, there was only a pitch-black shadow.
Seconds later, he noticed that there were several other places with similar shadows.
They all had one thing in common, however: Ned couldn't recall the exact appearance of what was supposed to be where each shadow was.
Judging from this analysis, Ned concluded that the holographic hand was not a fingerprint scanner. Rather, it must've been a complicated memory scanner, that would rely on the mind of the designated occupant to design an interior which would make them feel at home.
The advanced tech had only one flaw: Ned had a ridiculous habit of forgetting things, leaving the computers with nothing to work with. But instead of crashing, like a computer from Ned's time would, the system would simply replace missing data with a shadow.
"Very clever," the genius mused, as he admired the technology further.

After wasting a moment lying stupidly on his bed ("No, a copy of my Bed," he reminded himself.), another thought hit Ned. This one wasn't nearly as extravagant as the imaginary lightning bolt, but it was still important.
"What the hell do I do now?"

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Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:33 am
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Sam, not waiting for any other newcomers, decided to follow the others, to his own room. He placed his hand on the scanner to his own room, and entered. It looked like his room back at home: a bed was in the corner, a drawer was next to it. To one side, there was a desk, with papers and pens ready. The floor was polished wood, and the walls had green wallpaper. It wasn't a unique room, yes, but if he could go anywhere (which he could, if his power didn't go on the fritz for whatever reason) he would choose it anytime. "Wonder how long I'll be here..." Samuel thought, sitting on the bed. He was already here for what, three or so weeks? Every time he tried to jump, it only sent him a short distance, or if it was in a bad mood, hovering over the air. Standing up, he decided not to lay around pondering about problems. He stepped outside, and knocked on a random door, hoping it was occupied.


Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:28 am
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Ekyll came to his room, after passing some scanner for his hand. Technology had indeed come a long way. But at heart, he was still a pilot, and as he stepped it, the sight of his replicated office/bunk from the barracks gave him some pangs of nostalgia. To one side was a bunk and opposite, a metal desk with the steel chair he loved leaning back in. Taking a seat, Ekyll scanned the desk, there were pictures of his love then. Oh Macha, he ached to see her again. There were of also papers of his previous sorties as well as new ones, but these were probably for the missions to come. That was right, he had not see his machine yet. Still in his formal uniform, he wondered if he should change.

Underneath the bunk was the storage area and he found his other clothes, neatly arranged as he remembered. How they managed to replicate something like this was not his concern, at least it was convenient. Still feeling like he should not dally, he took the papers concerning his new plane and future mission briefs and headed for the hangar.


Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:57 am
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(sorry guys, i started my new job, im back in the swing of things now, <3 lets get this ball rolling)

Nadya approached her room, nonchalantly placing her hand upon the scanner before entering. For her, the room resembled a military bunker of sorts. Stretching her arms behind her, tensing her muscles, she readied her body from the fatigue of its long stasis-induced slumber. Along the desolate wall lied portraits of Lenin and Trotsky, grainy black and white photos. Relics of her time long forgotten, and irrelevant to her current duties. She sat herself upon the cot-like bedding and leaned her back against the cold wall. Folded neatly beside her was a camo-colored suit fitted for her physique.

With hands folded behind her head, she relaxed herself. For the first time, she reminisced about her old life, realizing her festering desire to return whence she came. Despite the domestic appeal of her room and board, she knew she was surrounded by foreign technology, unfamiliar devices, and people she should have no real reason to have survived to know existed. Shutting her eyes, she simply bided her time before whatever assignment lay ahead pulled her into battle once more.

Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:28 pm
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OOC: Hey guys, I'm going to ignore Sayo, it's not like he was going to do anything anyway.
Also, dice rolling for sortie selection. Only three for the first mission, those who get the highest go.

Graff stood on the bridge, looking out at the barren landscape ahead. He could clearly see the bandits ahead, and was expecting them to begin mobilizing for an assault. The small screen before him began to flicker as a graying man appeared. Only his head was visible from what looked like a c***, but his slightly wrinkled skin was easy to notice.
"I'm almost there Graff. I have her too, shame that I couldn't get her machine though." He explained.
"It's not a problem so far, we'll take care of her AI unit once we make it to the United Nation building." Graff replied. "Feel free to engage the bandits or my pilots as you wish, just don't kill all of them or get yourself killed. I need her to further the production."
"Well, I'll see what I can get YYY to do while keeping her from being injured too badly..." He let out a laugh and the communication ended.
Graff grinned and pressed the deployment button.

In each of the pilot's rooms the deployment alarm went off. A hologram of Lyn appeared in front of each of the pilots. "It's time...get to the hangar..." she muttered, disappearing.

Akiva was still staring in the empty room when the alarm went off, but then quickly understood. He jetted out down the opposite hallway towards the hangar. As he entered he saw the machines, all prepped for battle.
Something was odd though. Only three machines were ready for launch (The dice say: Nayda, Ekyll, Akiva), and one of them looked familiar to him. It was during the hibernation phase, when they delved into their minds to find which machine worked best with them through the cable and they also pulled the designs from the mind as well.
He headed to his machine and climbed in the c***. The controls were simplistic for this one, mostly because the mind cable took away the need for the complex systems.

The cable itself looked like a jack from a pair of headphones or a mic. Akiva grabbed it and the jack filled with energy, then it autonomously drove itself into his forehead. He didn't flinch. Machines don't feel pain.

spring break go shove it troll

Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:40 pm
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