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The Line of War. (Full version) 
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It was obvious where to go. Amexa turned to her right, and paced towards the street. She looked back, there didn't seem to be any way to get back, so the portal was just a one-way. Hopefully, no one would be outside, so no work would have to be done, and she could "finish" her mission with ease. Though, when the time comes for a battle, she'd be left behind. Mixed thoughts were streaming through her head, most of them being redundant and nonsense. Perhaps, she'd have the luck to find another Nobody on the same mission, and work would be halved, with just as much rewards. The nauseous feeling was still there, and it was easy for her to be caught off-guard in this state. She found herself constantly having trouble avoiding to trip over her own robes.

Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:08 pm
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Tekun had himself strapped in but still managed to keep the same exact posistioning he had been in despite the take off and launch. He looked up at althea who was right in front of her. She looked nervous and a bit sickly. Tekun looked out into space through the shielded c*** behind Althea. His thoughts couldn't help but be focused on Elibe. Success here meant a chance to get back. He looked over to the man piloting the ship.

"So. You gotta name?" He asked.

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:29 pm
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Sylvia nodded and walked over purposely to the woman that the man had directed her to. She looked over at the keyblade the scholars were hungrily examining, "Will I one day have a keyblade to be examined as well?" she wondered. She took the folder she had held tightly in her hand and she placed it on the desk in front of the woman, though not on top of the papers the woman was currently going over. "Um...excuse me.." she asked "But I was sent here because I want to become an official keyblade wielder except...I lack a keyblade...and I was wondering if you could give me any information relating to the subject"


Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:09 pm
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The flight had been unpleasant. Twirling at rapid speeds, it was a rather sickening experience. Acid had burst from Ross's lips on landing, emptying his churning stomach on the ground before him. The feeling was beyond nausea. It was self-inflicted of course, and he felt quite the fool for rushing in so quickly. In the shock, he had dropped his wand a few feet away, but had not the energy to grasp for it. However, he would need to regain his bearings soon, for he had a mission to accomplish. Feeling a light tapping at his side, it became apparent that he would be needing to stand soon, as the two girls needed him up, and he had already eaten through any patience they had once had. Pushing down with his palms, Ross got onto his knees, and managed to return to his feet. As the world was no longer spinning, it would be an ideal time to take a good look of the surrounding area, which he assumed was the center of Twilight Town, where he was to assist the troops, and defeat the vile human menace.

Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:35 pm
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===Kevin, Althea & Tekun===

"Roger." The man replied simply to the confirmation of their destination, his focus drawn to a small computer settled between the two front seats, on which a map of 'the line', as people had been calling it, was bleeping constantly. "Looks like the worst part is over. No meteors or Heartless anywhere near the route." He told his passengers, they didn't look very comfortable in the Gummi ship. "Probably for the best, I forgot to bring plastic bags." He whispered softly, faintly aware that one of his passengers might lose his, or her, breakfast if he decided to see just how far he could push this thing. Without warning, the ship set off, the sudden acceleration tugging at the occupants, but soon wearing off. He turned to Tekun as he was asked his name. "I'm the leading man." He replied, if you could call it that, turning back to watch where he was going. "There it is, Hollow Bastion, less known by it's original name, Radiant Garden." He murmured as they established orbit around the planet. "Just give me a minute to get clearance to land..."


The woman blinked, jerking up from her papers. "Ah, hello." she greeted, listening patiently to the inquiry. She thought for a moment. "Well, to be honest, the Keyblades are rather unique, every bit of them is unknown to us, down to materials of which it was made." She admitted. "We're currently restricted to theories... But, from past experiences, it seems that they are created in places with a high concentration of Heartless, and then seek out the most fitting, available person. At least, that's what most of the scientists think." She allowed a hint of uncertainty to linger in her voice. "Personally... I don't believe it. There's too many keyblades and keychains out there for the theory they have thought up." She pointed out. "I think... They were forged, by someone, and spread across the universe." Her hand came up to brush through her own hair. "Let me show you." She murmured, heading over to a computer nestled comfortably in the corner of the room, pushing a scientist away from it.

Play Smite with me? (It's like LoL or Dota, but less frustrating)


"Jesus promised the end of all wicked people. Odin promised the end of all ice giants. I don't see many ice giants around."

Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:04 pm
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"Not the talkative type." Tekun said remaining in his posistion yet. There was nothing more at this point to think about other then the mission. Soon they would be at Hollow Bastion. He looked up at Althea.

"You holding up ok? You look sick." He said to her.

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:24 pm
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As bad as today was getting for him, he didn't look at it as such. A bad day was like the one he had a few days ago when he had to witness the brutal murder of his mother. Now that he could barely feel emotions, and he had no family members left, Caffar would never have a bad day again. That fact didn't stop his body from hurting. the pain was so disorienting that he wasn't able to catch the fact that his attackers had fled after saying a whole sentence to them, and he couldn't even catch a brush thrown at him by one of those bimbos in the other room. The more he thought about it, the more odd it seemed to have a wash room so close to a place where recruits got missions.

"Sometimes I feel like I'm part of a collective roll playing game..."

Turning his head, Caffar snatched the paper out of the mans hand and fumbled his way into the booth with the yellow light as the paper suggested. He hoped the pain would subside a bit before he started combat.


Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:53 pm
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=== Niniva ===

He cared not if she mocked him. He began walking once more, not noticing if he stepped upon a skull and crushed it beneath his feet. They exited the clearing, leaving the torn field behind them without a trace. Nini could easily see the utter lack of emotion for the fallen warriors. His sense of honor was obliterated and it was apparent that this man could and would do anything to emerge victorious from a fight. He was the epitome of nothing; uncaring, unfeeling, and unbeatable.

It felt like hours before they came to anything resembling civilization. It was a wall, tall and made from many logs sewn together. A large gate stood before them with two watchtowers hidden behind the behemoth door. Mr. Hood stood for a split second, examining the area, before dashing away. The movement was so quick that she could barely see his blur disappear. It was a few moments before she realized what was about to happen.

=== Amexa ===

Luckily, the entire street was barren. She could hear nothing but the sound of her own needlessly noisy footsteps. Once in the middle of the road, she could see many boarded up houses and burned homes. Nonetheless, it was quite a peaceful escape. The silence was welcoming and not a single breath was wasted with mindless battles. The street went either west or east. A dark cloud loomed over in the east.

=== Ross ===

The girl nearest him kicked his stomach much harder this time and commanded he rise. "We don't have time to waste letting you recover from a mere transport. Perhaps we should kill you now, removing all hindrance..." The other girl nodded and held her sword up a bit. Obviously, Ross had to recover soon or these two vixens would end his story there.

=== Caffar ===

As Caffar sat inside the booth, he noticed five other people already inside. Two women that looked to be in their thirties sat across from him and three men in their twenties to his left. The one directly next to him put his arm around Caffar and began talking.

"Oi, fancy meetin' such a dirty face 'round these pawrts! Everyone 'ere's such a nobody! Get'it? Eh? A nobody?" He burst into laughter as the other four merely stared at him. The woman on the right spoke next.

"We're going, now." The booth immediately shot downward in a jerking motion, plummeting deeper and deeper into the ground. The happier man yelled "Weeeeee!!" most of the way down. The booth stopped just before hitting its mark and allowed them to exit.

"Alroight, time for a avenchure!"He finall released Caffar and ran toward the portal before them. "C'mon, ma'ey! You an' me ar' gonna be on a team!" He motioned for him to take his hand.

"What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today." ~Phil Conners, Channel 9 Pittsburgh Weather Man~

Jin wrote:
I support the bombing of Israel.

Mon Mar 09, 2009 8:40 pm
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Though Caffar wasn't one to hold the hand of a stranger, he did get the impresion this one wouldn't beat him over the head with a bar of soap or beat him with the hilt of his weapon.

"Ah yea, sure...The name's Caffar."

He did find the man's emotions strange. Nobody's seemed to act almost dead to the world around them, yet this one had so much life. perhaps he was stupid enough to think he had emotions? he did have a strange way of speaking...

"Do you and I have the same mission?"

Caffar looked at his note as he said this.


Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:35 pm
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(Fighting system ready yet? )

Niniva trudged along behind her emotionless compatriot. Knowing only that yet more blood would be spilled before this day was done, of that she was certain, but not quite effected by. It was all in a days work after all.. this is what she signed up for. After what had seemed to be ages, they had come upon that towering gate guarded upon by perched watchmen. Her deceitfully gentle hazel eyes then fell upon 'Hood', as if expecting him to command their next move or outline their tactics. That was of course before he sped off in a fervor, becoming nothing more than a passing disruption in the wind; too fast to really know was coming, too hasty to distinguish from a blur. She stood back, letting him go about his plan in his solace, intrigued by whatever he may have planned..

Althea glanced out of the thick windowpane separating them from the cold harshness of the void called space. Watching as their target world became an orb in the darkness so large, its mass slowly started to reach its tethers of gravity upon the ship. They were going to land soon for sure. Suddenly, her concentration broke with the silence of the back seats.

Pilot wrote:
"There it is, Hollow Bastion, less known by it's original name, Radiant Garden." He murmured as they established orbit around the planet. "Just give me a minute to get clearance to land..."

Althea shook her head, lurching forward against the belts of her seat, head down, hands grasping at the restraints.

Tekun wrote:
"You holding up ok? You look sick." He said to her.

"I thank you for your concern, i shall be ok. The sickness has passed, now leaving only the anticipation of what we're about to throw ourselves into" She replied with a half-smirk, head pulled up as the ship slowly moved in.

Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:11 pm
Legendary Ghost
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===Tekun, Althea & Kevin===

"There." He murmured, pointing towards a scale model of the world on the display screen of his computer. On it, a small triangle was flashing, directly below where the gummi ship had established orbit. Without warning, the ship dove down sharply, giving the sensation of crashing to those within, while the landing itself was surprisingly smooth. "Here we are." He murmured as the coc.kpit opened, revealing hundreds of other landing platforms, lined up together, surrounded by high walls, but lacking a roof.

"Ffamran Mid Bunansa, you are under arrest on the charge of hijacking a Gummi Ship owned by the King." A voice called out from besides the Gummi Ship. "You will come with us to await your sentence." It continued, as the distinct sound of swords unsheathing rang out through the landing platform.

"Ah, the welcoming committee, splendid." Ffamran said cheerfully, standing up. He raised his hands above his head, giving his passengers a soft nod, before leaping down to meet the group of seven guards awaiting him. "Lead on." Six of the guards surrounded the pilot, escorting him out of the landing area and out of sight. "As for you hostages." The last guard continued. "I will escort you to meet with our leader."

Play Smite with me? (It's like LoL or Dota, but less frustrating)


"Jesus promised the end of all wicked people. Odin promised the end of all ice giants. I don't see many ice giants around."

Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:55 am
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=== Caffar ===

The c*** man rummaged through his pockets for a minute before giving up the search for any specific note. "Nope, not really. I go 'bout mai own business-ture and they don't likely botha me. But you looked rathuh banged up back in the deli, I thought a bit of fun may broighten yur daiy." He then hoisted Caffar up onto the small platform and tossed him into the glowing portal, quickly following suit. His body was thrown about, twisting at immeasurable speeds. Even the wind seemed to fall behind, his journey swiftly exiling him from the proper norm.

Caffar landed face first in a fountain. Luckily, the water broke what would have otherwise been a horrifying landing. He began retching and gasping, the oxygen completely thrown from his lungs through the weaving teleportation. His new companion dragged the nearly drowned man from the wading pool and began administering CPR. When he came to, the fellow was staring straight into his face, smiling broadly. "Welcum bak, mai juvvy compatriot!" Strangely, the chap didn't seem to have been phased by the portal's nasty side effects.

=== Niniva ===

Nini waited in front of the gate. The guard towers still stood, even after five minutes had passed. There were no screams, no bloodcurdling cries for help, nothing. How indefinitely peculiar it was that no random fire had blazed to life in order to end so many. There was nothing but silence. Had Mr. Hood gone inside? Had he been defeated? Was there a sound barrier behind the walls?

"What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today." ~Phil Conners, Channel 9 Pittsburgh Weather Man~

Jin wrote:
I support the bombing of Israel.

Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:30 am
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Sylvia nodded as the lab woman told her the various theories surrounding the mystery of the keyblades, she made sure to keep a mental note of it all tucked away in her mind. She followed the woman after she had indicated that she had something to show her. Sylvia followed closely not wanting to be swarmed by the scientists who were conducting all manner of experiments around her. She looked at the computer screen waiting for the woman to explain the screen's contents.


Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:18 pm
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Tekun frowned out that site of the man being taken away upon their arrival. But then couldn't help but mumble in a confused manner. "Hostages?" He scratched the back of his head and shrugged. Tekun turned his neck around in a circle as though to strech and followed. "Alright."

Hakker wrote:
The mages...

They come for me...

They come through the forest...

The mages...

"In this world, is the destiny of man kind controlled by some transcendental entity or law?
Is it like the hand of God hovering above?
At least it is true, that man has no control, even over his own will."

Happily married to Kiki <3

Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:35 pm
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For the whole ride, Kevin had had a blank expression on his face, maybe pondering. He simply nodded and decided it'd be better not to say anything, unlike the tall man. Blinking again, he waited to be taken to their 'leader'.

Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:17 pm
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