First off, before I get to my point and am banned again (LOL!), I'd like to say some things.
Am I sorry about how I acted? Most likely not.
Am I sad that just about everyone thinks I'm a humongous f***** and a "troll" (LOL! at that too. I even SAID that I wasn't trying to be a troll at all)? Hell no.
If I recall, I've been called an egotistical bastard in this section more or less because of that little note I left around half a year ago, about me being the LOLKING of the section and s***. If you didn't understand, I was trying to bust your balls with that comment; HOWEVER, that doesn't throw the term "egotistical" off the list. More or less I have a HUGE ego that I don't display. Often I feel as if I'm better than other people, merely because from what they have shown me does not amount to what i believe I can achieve or have achieved.
It's true that I could have put tons of effort into everything I do, I have the capability to do so. My issue however was my lack of attention to a project while I get halfway through it. While it starts out with my fervent interest in it, that dies away rather quickly and usually I abandon projects halfway. It is a fatal flaw in my design.
So what was the point? I don't know. I guess I felt respect was deserved. I guess it stems from the fact that throughout my life no one ever took me seriously and gave me the respect I deserved. Even my friends, no matter how long we have known each other, they can still not take me seriously as a person, attached to my old persona from years past. People change, and I changed, yet, no one who knew me before saw the change. They saw me as the person I was before. I am still that comic relief type buffoon that I portrayed in my earlier years. No one takes a second look to find the maturity nor the ability, they only look through glasses fabricated by nostalgia.
In the end, my journey to be acknowledged led me to attempting to excel wherever I could. However, no matter what I proved, they would not see the change. I could not garner respect for my accomplishments because no one wished to take another look and notice them. And the issue is that I feel like I deserve respect for what I do, the time I take out of my life to commit myself to a project. No one cares. And therefore I am saddened.
Additionally, I'd also like to use this space to note that I'm finished with RPing. I have no drive to perform these days. A month ago I told DH I wanted to get back into RPing. I tried. I honestly tried. But the drive was no longer there.
The ideas were still flowing. All these ideas I could flesh out, but I wondered, why should I even care to flesh out these ideas if I
A) Do not care enough anymore
B) Have no where to park them
Remember that due to the banning, there was no way to hold a steady account without it getting banned (To this day Nook and I both wonder why the f*** Zero was unbanned after posting porn and we remain banned for a mild infraction such as spamming. It is quite "the lulz"), and I no matter where I go, I cannot shake the nerves of being new in a community where people have known each other so long, and therefore I often flake out in the first week. Due to this I thought there would be no point in exerting the effort if there was nowhere to watch it come to fruition, and in the end I would only be writing it for my own self-satisfaction.
I came under this dilemma while writing this RP.
I actually began this months ago, around late March, developing my basic brainstorming. I pulled ideas from several similar RPs I tried in the past and mixed and mashed ideas from each. And as I was developing the final draft throughout this week, I had some chats with Nini, where I wondered why the hell I was working on this detailed beast if I had nowhere to park it, and therefore it seemed as if it was only being made myself. Actually the only person i showed the semi-final draft to was Nini, merely because she was on and I wanted feedback (WHERE THE f*** WERE YOU THIS WEEK KYZAK?!).
In the end I decided to make another alt (LOL!) just to post this at the only place I could think of that had an RP section (I honestly do not travel around the internet, I'm usually busy working on other projects in the MUGEN community with some friends).
Thus, MG, you will be the witnesses to my magnum opus.
My only request is that it does not get deleted. I worked on this too long and too hard to see it torn apart.
World is Down
Year: 2956 AD
Location: Orbital base, Outer Ring of the Asteroid belt
It is the late Cycle of Weapons. Earlier in this era, Major Sampson Graff pulled several innocents from
the past to pilot his war machines. In an attempt to overthrow the Earth government, he attacked the
Grand Tower of Uhn, a magnificent pillar of white jutting out from the barren landscape of war torn
Earth. If all of his troops had not died when they slammed their mechs into the force field, he might
have won that battle. Instead, he was left with only his Walker Fortress, the Pillbug, and rather than
surrendering and facing death at the hands of the government he once worked for, he called his Walker
Fortress forward into the force field, and obliterated himself in the ensuing explosion.
With the crisis on Earth resolved, eyes now turned to space. A hotbed of violent activity between three
factions, war in space had been going on long before the era began.
While space was an immense frontier, most did not leave the solar system, due to supply access issues
the further out you went. Therefore, war ensued between the three pioneering groups: Star's Unity,
Illuminate, and The Sakltin pirates.
The Orbital base is a neutral position maintained by the Earth government in an attempt to boost their
control of the outer ring. For the Earth government, the base was merely a method to annex territory
further out through shuttle transports. However, this encroachment into already disputed territory
fueled further conflict between the factions, despite it's declared neutrality in the outer rim.
The Earth government's misplayed move was built upon by their sudden embargo of goods from Star's Unity,
which, as a trading group, was terribly taken aback by the sudden declaration and loss of the prime
consumer of their "exotic" goods from the outer rim. This embargo drastically dropped the trader's
overall income, as they could only trade with the Illuminate, who had little interest or need for the
goods of Star's Unity. The pirates, as usual, would never trade with Star's Unity, instead stealing the
goods they desired. This major loss coupled with the results of the embargo propelled Star's Unity into
debt towards the Earth Government, who supplied essentials for organic life to all pioneering groups as
the outer rim lacked many items that those from Earth thrived on.
Five months after the decline of Star's Unity, the group fell into a state of disarray as the leadership
was massacred by a rebellion with roots within the society. With the group now in an uncontrollable
state of anarchy with an insatiable appetite for freedom from their debt to the Earth government.
In their self righteous rage, a fringe group from the defunct Star's Unity assaulted and hijacked a
Skaltin pirate cruiser. Approaching the Orbital base, the group sent the cruiser on a collision course
with the base, then launched from the cruiser in Illuminate made mechs. The cruiser eliminated the high
grade force field that the base employed, leaving it open to attack. The group's mechs now had the
ability to swoop in and decimate the base with illegal weapons. The main point of attacking with both a
pirate cruiser and Illuminate mechs equipped with illegal weapons was to shove blame upon both groups so
that when the Earth government sought retribution for their transgressions, they would only target the
Skaltin pirates and the Illuminate. Additionally, the Illuminate would possibly suffer the same fate as
Star's Unity, ensuring the group that their people would have some form of vengeance.
However, the assault of the base was not successful, as late arrivals to the fight appeared, namely the
entrance of the man once affectionately called "The Crassus of the Earth government," Lacunar and his
unit, co-led by Nydia, a genetically modified pilot from an Illuminate colony, engaged combat with the
group, and successfully overpowered them, saving what was left of the orbital base. However, with the
identities of the rebels unknown to the Earth government, their response to this transgression could be
MachinesWhile it's predecessor (What are we to fight for?) made use of mechs and weapons sampled from the Super
Robot Wars series, this time I'd like to reach out from another end of the mecha spectrum, mainly
Armored Core, on this one. However, understand that customization is barely an option for this. What my
basic idea is that I'll allow you to choose ALMOST any unit from the series. That's a HUGE amount from
you to decide from. This is mostly due to the fact that because many of the mechs in AC are unique. This
led to my issue consisting of the fact that no one could have the same machine, so I couldn't just pick
out a select few like I did with SRW, as each is different. Therefore, I decided you could choose you
own. However, I'll have limits, of course, but in general I'll be lenient and let MOST pass.
The one thing is that I don't want you coming off with the wrong idea that this is a fanfic RP type
thing that 12 year olds do with their "NEUREUTU NINJAH ARRRPEEEE" bollocks and etc.
I merely use machines from established series because I can't draw for s***. If I could draw even
remotely well, I WOULD be supplying the designs. Also, I'd like to note that only the players supply
images. As I did with WAWTFF, the enemy mechs will be described, and you'll just have to make a mental
note of that mech.
However, Each group makes their own type of mech, and the differences are mostly in body type (they also
make different weapons, but I'll get to that later). Here is a quick reference list so you can figure
out what type your chosen mech would be:
Earth government models: Very blocky in design (i.e. legs, torso, arms, head, etc.). Made for Land
combat and therefore they suffer sloppy movement is zero gravity conditions. However, artificial gravity
situations work fine. Fly time is shorter and much slower than all competing producers. Armor levels are
higher than competing models and EG mechs can take much flak before having to pull out or being
Pros+ Superb land movement
+ High Armor levels
+ Large generators = more energy to use
+ High weight capacity (able to carry many weapons)
Cons- Terrible in zero gravity conditions
- slow speed on land and air
- little fly time
Star's Unity models: A mid range type design. Slightly blocky when it comes to torso and arms, but legs
are smoother, head comes in a wide variety of shapes. Works well on land and in zero gravity conditions
due to satisfactory boosters. Mid range fly time, mid range armor levels. Sub par energy usage due to
SU's terrible generator design.
Pros+ Mid range body type leads to much flexibility and options
+ Good performance in all environments
+ Good amount of fly time
+ satisfactory speed
Cons- Leg armor is significantly weaker than that of torso and arms
- Terrible energy management
Illuminate models: Smooth, streamlined design. Almost no blocky surfaces. Due to lack of ability to move
leg joints well, these models often slide on the ground, boosting speed but handling on this terrain
becomes immensely sloppy. Excellent in zero gravity situations. High fly time and speed. Energy usage is
great due to the Illuminate's mechanical discovery enabling them to shrink the size of a generator
without hampering the amount of energy severely. Low armor levels allow mechs to be decimated faster,
but their light weight enables them to Blink Step.
Pros+ light body allows for fast speeds and long fly times
+ excellent performance in zero gravity
+ huge generator capacity
+ ability to Blink Step
Cons- low armor
- bad handling on land
- low weight capacity
Skaltin pirates models: The pirates steal their mechs, and therefore have a wide variety at their
disposal. However, most pirates in high positions built their own machines. Each differs immensely
depending on the personal tastes of the pilot.
Let's get into some technical stuff now.
Weight capacityThe weapons, generator, and other accessories that a machine lugs contribute significantly to the weight
putting pressure on the machine. Weight capacity cannot stop you from equipping anything you want, but
the further you go over the weight capacity limit, the slower your machine will be. Lightweight and
speedy models like those of the Illuminate can be slowed tremendously due to their low weight capacity.
Blink StepThe Blink Step is a process directly embedded within Illuminate generators, where a entire sector of the
energy is dedicated to this one process. Blink Stepping is essentially the ability to dash side to side
at the drop of a dime. However, it costs around half the energy available at that very moment. The less
energy available, the slower the Blink Step. A non Illuminate craft can be equipped with a generator
enhancement that partitions the available energy so that one's machine can Blink Step.
BurstA powerful boost that launches the machine at ludicrous speeds. Can only be enabled by additional
boosters that contain their own energy source. Drains the generator entirely and leaves machine
vulnerable as it recharges.
Zero Gravity vs Planetary Gravity vs Artificial GravityThe main idea of this is that instead of being confined to one area (i.e. Space or Earth) the entire
time, you will actually be able to sample all three types through different missions. Zero Gravity
implies that you will be floating around, and therefore the more boosters you have to correct your
flightpath, the easier time you'll have in space. Those who don't have many boosters or weak boosters in
general (i.e. Earth Government types that don't need boosters because they were made for various terrain
conditions on Earth) will suffer in space and their combat ability will be severely weakened. Planetary
Gravity behaves depending on the gravity on said planet. Earth gravity will be like gravity for us,
while Moon gravity will be weaker. Basically, it depends on the mass of the planet, similar to how it
works in science. Planetary gravity will only inhibit efficiency if the pull is severe enough.
Artificial Gravity is usually somewhere in between the gravity of the Earth and the Moon, so generally it
would have a looser grip than Earth's gravity.
Where gravity really plays in is flight. The less gravity, the easier it is for the force from you
boosters to propel you up and you'll be able to stay up for a longer time. The more gravity, more force
you would have to apply to propel yourself upward and flight time would be shorter.
Generator CapacityMostly based on the basics of each model type specified above. There is no specific number for your
capacity, as that would severely complicate things. Don't worry about it too much. In the future you
will have a chance to buy other generators for your machine.
Weapons and other AccessoriesHere is a list of what can be equipped to you machine. Weapons come in a variety of types and are
mounted either on arms/hands, shoulders, or the back. Normal guns have ammo amounts, energy and laser
weapons have unlimited rounds, but tap the energy from the generator, so firing uses your energy. Bladed
weapons come in two types, energy and reinforced steel. Energy blades have a length rating from 1 to 7,
representing the length in meters. Energy blades do not dull, but cost energy. The more powerful or the
longer the blade is, the more energy it costs. Reinforced Steel blades are much weaker when compared to
energy blades and dull over time, yet they do not cost energy to use. Missiles come in several
varieties. There are straight forward rockets that do not home in, Hanging missiles that remain static in
the air until they are activated to motion, where they then sink into the target, and Lastly the homing
variety that seek what you're targeting already.
Other accessories include add-ons such as additional boosters (all enable burst), radar frequency
jamming fields, and other optional additions.
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry
Long barrel rifle
7 shots, 3 loads (21 shots)
weight: mid
Gungrest M-427-SM
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry
Long barrel rifle w/ folding stock
7 shots, 3 loads (21 shots)
weight: light-mid
Armature 74
Manufactured by Ballistic Union
Medium barrel rifle
High penetration bullets
3 shots, 2 loads (6 shots)
weight: mid-heavy
Signan limitd.
Manufactured by Ballistic Union
Close combat short barrel rifle
4 shots, 3 loads (12 shots)
weight: light
Enscripture Basic
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry
Standard sniper rifle
High penetration bullets
6 shots, 2 loads (12 shots)
weight: mid
Enscripture Professional
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry & 5th Division Industries
Sniper Rifle w/ targeting lock & jamming frequency
Maximum penetration bullets
2 shots, 1 load (2 shots)
weight: heavy
Gungrest A-000
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry
Medium barrel automatic
30 rounds, 4 clips (120 rounds)
weight: mid
Gungrest SA-000
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry
Medium barrel semi-automatic
30 rounds, 4 clips (120 rounds)
weight: mid
LA Gungrest A-000
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry
Long barrel automatic
20 rounds, 5 clips (100 rounds)
weight: mid-heavy
Les Miserables A-34
Manufactured by Ballistic Union
Short barrel automatic
40 rounds, 2 clips (80 rounds)
weight: light-mid
Phantom GG-6
Manufactured by Ballistic Union
Long barrel semi-automatic
High penetration bullets
30 rounds, 3 clips (90 rounds)
weight: mid-heavy
Phantasm Mk-I
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry
High powered rocket launcher
1 shot, 2 loads (2 shots)
weight: heavy
Phantasm Mk-II
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry, 5th Division Industries, & Ballistic Union
Smart type rocket launcher w/ homing, jamming frequency, radar, & target lock
High impact explosive & shattering shell type
1 shot, 1 load (1 shot)
weight: Heavy x2
[LASERS]Phantom LAS-000
Manufactured by Zeebrah Union
Short barrel laser
low power usage
weight: light
Phantom LAS-000 Delta series
Manufactured by Zeebrah Union
Medium barrel laser
low power usage
weight: light-mid
Phantom LAS-090 Impurge series
Manufactured by Zeebrah Union
Long barrel laser w/ target lock
mid power usage
weight: mid
Phantom LAS-070 Impurge series
manufactured by Zeebrah Union
Medium barrel laser w/ target lock
mid power usage
weight: light-mid
Phantom LAS-220 Senator series
Long barrel laser w/ jamming frequency
mid-high power usage
weight: mid-heavy
Noah Limitd.
Manufactured by Boaz Works
Long barrel laser
Highly concentrated
mid-high power usage
weight: mid-heavy
Noah Limitd. Production #2
Manufactured by Boaz Works
Long barrel laser
Highly concentrated
High power usage
weight: heavy
Trinity Production model #3
Manufactured by Boaz Works
Several barrel, long length laser
Highly concentrated
high power usage
weight: heavy
Cain Rendition #1
Manufactured by Boaz Works
Laser cannon
Highly concentrated
high x2 power usage
weight: heavy x2
Cain Rendition #2
Manufactured by Boaz Works
Small laser cannon
Highly concentrated
high power usage
weight: heavy
Manufactured by Boaz Works
Long barrel sniper laser
Highly concentrated
high power usage
weight: mid
Manufactured by Stewart Steel Systems
large cleaving blade
Length: 3
weight: mid
Manufactured by Boaz Works
Extending laser blade
Highly concentrated
Length: 5
weight: light
Manufactured by Boaz Works
Experimental mass laser blade
Highly concentrated, explosive impact
length: 1
weight: light
Manufactured by 5th Division Industries
Experimental matter blade
Explosive impact
length: 2
weight: heavy
SHOULDERS Jamming Frequency
Manufactured by 5th Division Industries
radar jammer
weight: none
Manufactured by 5th Division Industries
radar extender
weight: none
Shoulder boosters
Manufactured by 5th Division Industries
Boosters attached to shoulders
weight: none-light
manufactured by 5th Division Industries
increases stability is zero gravity conditions
weight: none
Missile Row - Homing
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry
Row of homing missiles
low power
45 missiles
weight: mid
Missile Row - Hanging
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry
Row of Hanging missiles
low power
45 missiles
weight: mid
Missile Box - Straight Fire
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry
Box of straight fire missiles
mid power
35 missiles
weight: mid-heavy
Missile Box - Homing
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry
Box of homing missiles
mid power
35 missiles
weight: mid-heavy
Missile Box - Hanging
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry
Box of hanging missiles
mid power
35 missiles
weight: mid-heavy
Missile Launcher - Straight Fire
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry
Launcher w/ straight fire missiles
high power
20 missiles
weight: heavy
Missile Launcher - Homing
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry
Launcher w/ homing missiles
high power
20 missiles
weight: heavy
Missile Launcher - Hanging
Manufactured by Telkon Weaponry
Launcher w/ hanging missiles
high power
20 missiles
weight: heavy
Sniper Cannon
Manufactured by Boaz Works
Long barrel laser cannon w/ target lock
Highly concentrated
Mid-high energy usage
weight: mid-heavy
Gatling Gun
Manufactured by Ballistic Union
Long barrel gatling gun
280 rounds, 2 loads (560 rounds)
weight: mid-heavy
BACK(Using Back parts disables shoulder weapons and accessories)
Cylinder Booster
Manufactured by 5th Division Industries
Booster pack with 4 cylindrical boosters
weight: heavy
Wing Frame Booster
Manufactured by 5th Division Industries
Booster back extending from torso in wing frame, 3 boosters on each frame
Fragile frame
weight: light
Row Booster
Manufactured by 5th Division Industries
Booster pack extending horizontally along torso, large amount of small boosters
weight: mid
V Booster
Manufactured by 5th Division Industries
Booster pack in the shape of a V, large amount of small boosters
weight: mid
RP SystemAlright, here we get to the meat of the proposal. Basically, unlike WAWTFF's entirely story driven view,
WiD will take some ideas from an old idea of mine, Estiga Unbeknownst (you know, the one nobody cared
about?). From EB, I'm using a hybrid event system. EB had what I called a Spontaneous event system, of
which you would be faced with a dilemma and were allowed to deal with it however you wished. If a
faction was a part of this, you might find that they would view you differently depending on how your
resolved the issue. If you humiliated them or attacked them, it in turn would lower their appreciation
rating of you. A lower appreciation rating would take away certain cooperative benefits, and they would
view you with more enmity. If you resolved the issue in their favor, then your appreciation rating would
increase, and they would act friendlier to you. However, other groups might look down to you if you got
along with a group they despised. Often you can find that you can negotiate terms between two groups as
a mediator in an attempt to patch up some issues between the two parties. Or the negotiations could go
sour and they could hate one another even further, and one side might even hate you more because of it.
It's all based on intergalactic diplomacy in a way.
Now, on the other end of the spectrum is the opposite of the event system. The main focus of the RP is
that you're a neutral party, mercenaries to put it crudely, and therefore you're more or less running
around performing missions. Any of the major groups may contact you with a proposal and you may decide
what mission you want to take depending on any factors you fancy (reward, the faction, the content,
There are two types of missions, side and story driven. Most of the time you will be doing side
missions, but the story driven ones will pop up after a while. There aren't many story driven missions
(as it's been planned, there is a short story), but there are MANY side missions to complete, so there
still will be some length to it, unless you know, some people flake out...but I don't need a full crew
to complete this, I mean, as long as EVERYONE doesn't flake out it'll run smoothly. As a matter of fact,
these kinds of RPs get confusing with tons of people acting at once.
The great thing about these two systems combined is that the results of the events (appreciation and
what not) directly influence what group send missions and what kind of missions you get. If a group
doesn't like you as much, they could set you up on a particularly difficult (maybe even rigged!) mission
for little pay. It meshes well and often some groups repay you more for you deeds, so there is incentive
for good resolutions to random events.
Once again, the battle system will be DOUBLE DICE!
It just is the system that I found to work best with this type of RP, especially after I found it worked
quite well with WAWTFF.
Repost for those who might have missed it in the past or have forgotten it:
The Double Dice system makes use of two six sided dice. When attacking, the dice
will be rolled for the attacker. The number rolled is then taken note of. The
dice will be rolled for the defender as well. If the number is higher, they dodge
or guard (depending on their preference). If it is lower, they take damage based
on the type of weapon, whether it is a boss or not, and the difference of the
numbers for attacker and defender.
However, if an attacker gets either dual sixes or snake eyes, it counts as an
automatic crit hit, which, as stated above, kills instantly.
[As a note, it works on most bosses as well, except for those who are bigger than
a normal machine.]
Stalemate rolls are treated as a blocked attack. You still get slightly damaged
from block attacks, unless you have a shield equipped.
I'm not using special rolls this time around because the probability of rolling them really prevents
usage and they were never activated in the last one so I decided "f*** it."
Spirits and leveling have also been omitted, due to impracticability and my desire to not have to
calculate experience based on performance. Spirits are unnecessary point calculation anyway, and probably
wouldn't be used by anyone. So good riddance, I guess.
Factions and subsidiariesThese are major factions that play a role in the story, along with the subsidiary companies that produce
much of what they use to fight one another. Each faction has a larger company that in turn owns the
lower companies as branches. Just as the factions work with mechs, each specializes in a certain type of
weapon, which will be outlined in the information.
Earth GovernmentDate of creation: 2156
By far the oldest faction to exist in the modern era, The Earth Government was established in the heyday
of the Mechanization period, during which thick metropolises sprung up from the urban sprawl the
previously existed from 19th to the late 21st centuries. The Earth Government arose from the failing
United Nations, establishing itself as a pro defensive group, for both the Earth and the claimed
territory around it. The Earth government handled the South sea bombings and personally enacted the
exile on the terrorist group and the entire South Sea area to Jupiter. While not the most well planned
move to be played, it demonstrated a strong backbone in the group, moreso than the old United Nations
could prove. Following the exile, the Earth Government proved its merits in its major role, protecting
Earth, in the Ten Year war. Situated in the Asteroid Belt, the Earth Government out gunned the
descendants of the exiled group, who called themselves "Jupitermen." The Earth Government won the war
easily, merely dragging it out for 10 years due to political strife leading to the inability to destroy
the rest of the resistance. In the end, General Jonas Licht ordered a purge of the Jupitermen "race," to
end the conflict. However, his barricade on the press failed and the Earth's people watched as the
millions of living Jupitermen were cast out into dead space with no suits, dying a slow, painful death.
The Earth Government was unofficially disbanded after this incident and General Licht was executed in
the same manner he killed the Jupitermen. Of course, the group would form together once again to combat
other "menaces" to Earth. Through several small conflicts not even significant enough to garner
individual names, the Era of Strife began. Lasting from 2354 to 2760, The Earth Government grew stronger
decade by decade, earning the trust of the people. Thus, many turned a blind eye. Of course, because
they did not pay attention, they payed dearly. In early 2760, Europe was decimated by a bomb of unknown
origins, and on that cold Winter morning, The Cycle of Weapons began. While it is still ongoing, many
associate this era with the late Major Sampson Graff, "The Mad Chauvinist." Of course, other names have
popped up, but none electrified the public as much as Graff.
The Earth Government is passionate about its "deeds" and "debts" to mankind (on Earth), and sees itself
as a holy army in a war against hedonistic groups, such as the illuminate, whose worship miffs the group.
Star's Unity was once a close ally of the Earth Government due to a somewhat shared philosophy, but
current times have proven that the Earth Government is willing to step over its closest friends to reach
the top.
Main Subsidiary: Telkon Industries
Telkon industries is a household name on Earth. It practically creates every mechanical wonder in each
city of the world, and therefore has much control over society. However, as a subsidiary of the Earth
Government, it builds in the boundaries of what the group wishes. However, the control that the company
has over not only the market, but the people itself, looms overhead as a dangerous factor that the Earth
Government can use to control the masses.
Subsidiaries: Telkon Weaponry, Papa Telkon's Mechanics
Telkon Weaponry stands as the leader of conservative weapons in the inner circle (Inner Asteroid Belt to
the Sun), and is slowly catching up in the outer Rim due to the demise of the Star's Unity corporation,
Ballistic Union. Specializes in mainly ballistic weaponry such as rifles and other basic guns, but also
is a step ahead of the other groups in rocket and missile production.
Papa Telkon Mechanics is The Earth Government's specialized mechanical production group. They build the
Earth Government model mechs for the army. It hasn't expanded beyond supplying the Earth Government as
the space factions see PTM's technology as inferior as it cannot perform on par with their machines in
space. However, Pap Telkon Mechanics prides itself in building the sturdiest machines in the system and
looks down at Geneva Co.'s fragile mechs, often called "glass dolls" in derogatory fashion by the
Star's UnityDate of creation: 2802
Star's Unity goes back to the early days of pioneering parties in space. Founded by Manfred Von Behrend,
a young capitalist with visions of a greater consumer society in space, a paradise for his compatriots.
He slowly gained a base following of like thinkers and embarked towards the Outer Rim. Once he set up
his perfect society, he used his old business connections to set up trade routes along the Outer Rim and
the Inner Circle, fabricating the first and only "Silk Road" of space. Trading "exotic" goods from the
outer rim and circulating the goods from Earth around all the territories in the Outer Rim, he began to
build his empire. However, he did not see his dream blossom, as he died of a Stomach Tumor in 2848; but,
his empire grew each year, and by 2856 it controlled all major, mainstream trade in both the Outer Rim
and Inner Circle. As the founding generation began to die out and the newer generation emerged as
dominant, a new philosophy sprung up. This philosophy worshiped currency. There was nothing more pure
and good than money, not even gods were mightier than currency, for currency had a omnipotent physical
form, whereas gods did not. To quote one of the founders of this philosophy, "Currency does not live nor
die, yet it controls more lives than a living creator does." Therefore, currency became a guiding force to
the people. They could not live without their money, for it gave them life. While it remained odd, it drove
society forward and people were happier with life than they ever were, no matter how false it seemed. Then,
after fifty years of this over consumptive prosperity, the worst possibility occurred. The Earth Government
placed an embargo on Star's Unity goods, and profits decreased rapidly. It was one of the most violent crashes
to occur in 500 years. This led to the cry of anarchy in Star's Unity as the government was massacred by
underground groups who then fought one another in the colonies. Star's Unity fell into disarray as citizens
fought one another over who would control the new government and who would free them from debt. Then, the
attack on the Orbital base occurred...
Main Subsidiary: Grand Star Trading Company
Manfred Von Behrend's magnum opus was the Grand Star Trading Company, which ran every major route in the
solar system, even to the furthest hermit colonies out around Pluto. While its main focus was always the
art of trading, smaller chunks of it were dedicated to various other industrial works. Von Behrend's
goal was to create a self-sufficient, autonomous society where the people had the ability to support
themselves in every way, especially where the Earth Government did not provide, and the company's profit
sustained this lavish lifestyle for quite some time.
Subsidiaries: Ballistic Union, Star Mechanization, Zeebrah Union
Ballistic Union was the leader in conservative weaponry in the Outer Rim (partially because there was
little competition in the market) and found itself at odds with Telkon Weaponry when faced with the
Inner Circle. Still, while Ballistic Union was slow in the Inner Circle, it produced weapons of high
quality, with a marginally low chance of jamming during use. Specialized in ballistic weaponry such as
basic guns.
Star Mechanization was the portion of the company that built the mechs used by Star's Union. Little
funding was put into this segment, and the mechs were often lower quality than that of Papa Telkon
Mechanics and Geneva Co. However, they were much more affordable on the market than the ridiculously
expensive Geneva Co. mechs and the god forsaken Papa Telkon Mechanics mechs, making it a better buy to
later be customized, as many satisfied customers did. Customization was a snap for Star Mechanization
mechs, due to their wide versatility range, and made them a staple for many small contractors.
Zeebrah Union was Star Union's foray into the world of laser weaponry. Originally created due to the
Illuminate's reluctance to trade with Star's Unity, Zeebrah Union created crude laser weaponry in order
to bring Star's Union into the future to compete against the Illuminate. Not as sophisticated as the
weaponry made by Boaz Works, it found a following in the Inner Circle due to the grudge between the
Earth Government and the Illuminate.
Take Note: Because Star's Unity is now defunct, no more mechs or weapons have been made (at least, as it
seems), therefore, "affordability" and "cheap cost" may not apply anymore as many still seek Star's
Unity weaponry and mechs, and the prize usually goes to the highest bidder.
The IlluminateDate of creation: 2579
Starting as an offshoot of the Evangelical branch of Christianity, its founders promised of a meeting
with the divine presence in Space in the teachings. The Illuminate were hardly able to forgive those not
of their religion and at most acted with sheer violence against what were hedonist groups to them. This
included mainstream religions, especially those who worshiped several deities or no god at all, and
atheists. In addition, they also saw those who oppose them as damned sinners. By 2634, the Earth
Government had enough with their shenanigans and deported them to the Outer Rim, causing the Illuminate
to be known as the first pioneering group in that sector. They built a grand colony, named Cherub's Ark,
which they believed would led them to God through orbital travel. When other pioneering groups entered
the Outer Rim in the early 2800s, the Illuminate encountered strife with many of them. This was
especially true with Star's Union, whose growing philosophy contrasted with the teachings of the
Illuminate prophets. In an attempt to remain clean of the sin caused by the hedonist groups, the
Illuminate shut itself completely from all contact. The group wanted little to do with the other
factions. In their solitude they built some of the most incredible machines, weapons, and dabbled in the
genetic sciences, where they created a series of modified men and women who possess tremendous skill in
everything they did. Dubbed the "God Complex" project, it was an attempt to reach God through artificial
means, as they were disillusioned with the teachings that God was waiting for them in space. Because he
did not appear to them for nearly 200 years, they decided that if they desired a god, they would create
one. Of course, following the paranoid outbreak in 2843, they turned their mechanical prowess to
defending themselves, contorting their machines of beauty into machines of death. They also abandoned
the original purpose of the "God Complex" and cryogenically froze the modified people for use in crisis
situations down the line.
Main Subsidiary: Majestic Magistrate
Majestic Magistrate is the scientific corporation installed to further genetic and mechanical research.
It was in charge of developing the higher quality laser used in Illuminate weaponry, fabrication of the
Illuminate standard generator, and the genetics work of the "God Complex." However, it goes far beyond
scientific engineering, and also lampoons in the media. Much of the propaganda recycled through the
Illuminate colonies is created by the Majestic Magistrate, and it controls the masses similar to Telkon
Industries. The propaganda fed to the people boosts morale in all circumstances and ensures trust in
government actions no matter what is undergone.
Subsidiaries: Geneva Co., Boaz Works
Geneva Co. is the main proprietor of the Illuminate mechs. They are the famous designers of the "glass
dolls," the most agile machines in the galaxy. The price is as famous as the machines itself, often
costing a small fortune for the basic model. Extras drive the price up twice as much. However, the
machines' ability is worth the cost, and piloting one of Geneva Co.'s mechs is one of the most
exhilarating experiences that one will have. Geneva Co.'s superiority often drives them to mock Papa
Telkon Mechanics and Star Mechanization.
Boaz Works is the illustrious provider of high quality laser weaponry in the Galaxy. With prices just as
high as Geneva Co., Boaz Works supplies advanced laser weaponry to most colonies, who often pay a steep
price to gain the protection they need. In general, you mostly pay for the workmanship and reliability
of the weapons instead of just the laser itself. However, feedback is unanimous on the the evident
quality, making Boaz Works even more successful than its sister company Geneva Co.
Skaltin Space PiratesDate of creation: Unknown
The Skaltin Space Pirates entered the system in the early pioneering days, noticing a chance to reap
major spoils from the incoming groups. Originally from the Crab Nebula, the pirates stalked large trade
fleets through the Milky Way Galaxy, usually those more technologically advanced than the trade ships
from the Solar System. The change occurred when the pirates realized they could reap rewards easily by
attacking the unsophisticated Earth based machinery. Due to being away from their home galaxy for so
long, the pirates did not have any mechs at (Mechs from the rest of the Universe were much more advanced
and sophisticated compared to the current arsenal of the factions in the Solar System) the time they
entered the system, so they resulted in stealing machines from the factions and repainting them with the
Skaltin insignia, a boney claw. This collection of machines makes the Skaltin pirates the most well
rounded out faction in the Outer Rim.
Main Subsidiary: None
Subsidiaries: None
NPCsThese are the main characters you work with in the RP
It is short because you don't need too much information on the NPCs.
If you disagree, screw you.
LacunarModel: Aaliyah (Illuminate)
Ex commander of Earth Government forces. Currently rides with an independent mercenary service as the
combat leader.
NydiaModel: Noblesse Oblige (Star's Unity w/ modifications)
One of the genetic experiments from the "God Complex" project, making her nearly 100 years old despite
her appearance. On loan from the illuminate government at the moment
You're a huge f*****.
It's summer, if you don't have enough time to read this, then you don't have enough time to do anything.