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Getting a 3DS soon...need some advice! 

What game should I get first?
Poll ended at Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:59 pm
Super Mario 3D Land 50%  50%  [ 1 ]
New Super Mario Bros. 2 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Mario Kart 7 50%  50%  [ 1 ]
Sonic Generations 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 2

Getting a 3DS soon...need some advice! 
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Joined: Sat May 16, 2009 9:12 pm
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So, I'm going to (hopefully) buy a Nintendo 3DS soon, and, of course, I'll need a game to go with it. I'm limiting myself to ONE GAME at a time. For the first game I get, I need something with easy-to-learn controls, and just an overall gradual step into the 3DS world. I know that it may seem obvious to most people, but for those who aren't really sure what to vote for, please read the guidelines below:

1. You can only suggest a game if you have played it AND like it. Please don't suggest a game just because you've heard it's good, or something you have played and don't like.
2. If you're not sure which game I should get, or want to suggest multiple listed games, then please, either vote for your #1 option or don't pick at all.
3. If you have a suggestion that's not listed on the poll, please comment that suggestion below, and if you have a suggestion that is on the list, please vote for it and leave no comment suggesting it. If you like, however, you may vote for a listed game AND comment an unlisted game below.

Also, this isn't really a rule, but the store that I'm going to may or may not have a certain game that's on the list. If that one game is the #1 voting option, I'll buy the game that scored #2.

Thanks for the help!

Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:59 pm
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There is a 'recommand a game' topic in the section, which I believe is used for situations like these.

Enfin, I highly recommand 3D Land as opposed to the other titles. If you happen to own a PS3, Xbobx 360 or frequently use your PC to play games, then buy Sonic Generations for that.

I would advise against Mario Kart 7 since as far as I know it's community is more or less dieing due to the new upcoming Mario Kart, the solo players won't keep your interest for long, whilst 3D Land has neough solo player content to offer for a good amount of time.

I don't think that the listed titles are among the best the 3DS has to over, but you're clearly into Mario, so may I suggest you also look into Paper Mario: Sticker Star?


(you can now tweet mean things at me on Twitter @StevenEggplant)

Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:08 pm
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Steven wrote:
There is a 'recommand a game' topic in the section, which I believe is used for situations like these.



Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:11 pm
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