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Best doubles partners 
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Joined: Fri Sep 29, 2017 7:42 pm
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Well everyone knows that doubles are really unexplored in SSF2 so i'm making this thread to find out the best partners in SSF2 example: little mac & puff are a great team in SSB4 because mac is godly in the ground but trash in the air and jigglypuff (in SSB4) is meh in the ground and semi decent in the air, anyway you got the point of this thread.

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Thu Oct 19, 2017 9:05 pm
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I haven't seen any doubles tournaments yet.
But Ichigo and Tails sound like a threat to face.

A male moth can smell a female from over 7 miles away.
Oh my mains?
:bandanadee: :kirby: :jigglypuff:

Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:08 am
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SrMeme wrote:
example: little mac & puff are a great team in SSB4 because mac is godly in the ground but trash in the air and jigglypuff (in SSB4) is meh in the ground and semi decent in the air

Bit off topic because this is a SSF2 forum and not a SSB4 forum but...

Based on your logic Jigglypuff is not a good fit for that team. Why be meh on the ground and semi decent in the air when you can pick some high tier that is great in the air and still decent on the ground?

Back to SSF2 I'm not sure what synergies characters have but two very good characters should be good in a team.

Maybe Samus and someone else (or another Samus) and get lots of charge shot combos? I don't know if team damage is supposed to be on or off but if it's off then Samus could give a lot of space control without hurting her teammate. With team damage off two Samus's sounds scary to me.

Another strategy would be do like they do in melee. Using Fox and Falco (not necessarily together) because of all the attributes/tools they have that are good in doubles and their teammate can save them from combos and maybe edge guarding. Jigglypuff isn't as good as it is in melee but you could still do rest combos and save it from rest's endlag with Falco's lasers or something. Maybe they do that in melee because the characters are already some of or the best in the game but they should still work right in doubles in SSF2 just not as well.

Maybe what makes characters good in singles makes them also good in doubles. This is present in every smash game and goes back to when I said two very good characters should be good in a team.

Why do you think Ichigo would be good with Tails?

Thu Jul 19, 2018 9:22 am
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Double Chibi. Put one Chibi on a plat and the other one below it, or one Chibi on each side of the stage. Proceed to hold Neutral B. Done.

Join Team Star Flash!

Shoutouts to Harr for this sick player card!

Join Chibi Nation, the 20CR Discord for all aspiring Chibi-Robo mains!

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Thu Jul 19, 2018 12:43 pm
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Potentially, a good defensive doubles team is Isaac/Chibi.

Use Laser to make Isaac's Hand an actual projectile.


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Fri Jul 20, 2018 8:40 am
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As overrated as Pac-Man is, double Pac-Man teams are dumb because there are a lot of cool doubles techniques like hydrant totems and more that just makes Pac-Man overly stupid. Also since two hydrants can be sent at the screen, its a lot harder for the opponents to avoid pac-man's actual kill options and it makes setups twice as fast >:D


Fri Jul 20, 2018 2:04 pm
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