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The Awakening: Exodus 
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Pitre stared at the vendor with a blank, hardened expression on his face.

"Meat, couyon." he muttered. His accent was disguised at such a low level, mainly because in an area like this, it seemed the Southern accent would be a telling sign that it was him. Of course, he was so oblivious to the fact that his appearance and stench were the most telling factors.
With the motion of his head, he motioned towards the combat knife sheathed by his pants, a heavy threat, along with the rifle looming right behind him.


Wed May 11, 2011 6:51 pm
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The busy city streets of New Moscow weren't exactly what he called a place of rest but he had to make do with what he had, Hadrian had been wandering the lands studying both the creatures and the plant life that existed in it, and New Moscow bore no interesting animal life or plant life, just hordes of humans to study. It had been almost three weeks since he had come across anything larger than a hunting party so Hadrian settled for a moment in the market square listening in on conversation while closely observing the actions of the people. It wasn't before Hadrian's empty, dim, silver eyes came across what he assumed to be a brigand of sorts standing in front of a vendor. Hadrian watched closely making sure to remember the details of the shady figure before his eyes continued to pan across the square.


Wed May 11, 2011 8:23 pm
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Sounds of a disturbance reached Elias’ ears, followed by a crowd of people clearing out from the area where he had purchased his meal. Curious, he tucked the rest of his salmon back in it’s brown paper wrapping and placed it in his satchel. He got up from where he had been sitting and headed back in the direction of the meat vendor’s stand. The reason for the disturbance was evident. A scruffy looking man was threatening the shop keeper with a knife, and the fat man was obviously scared. Elias’ decided to intervene, and readied his staff for a quick hit to the rough man’s neck. A few second of paralysis should be enough to bring the situation under control. As he approached, however, the constant stream of thoughts grew louder. He took a few more steps, then fell to his knees, clutching his head in agony. The voices had never been this loud before. They were pounding against his skull, threatening to drive him mad. Elias tried to roll back to where he had come from, but he could barely move. He managed only to whisper through clenched teeth; “Help.”

((OOC: This is due to the fact that Pitre is a Voipath, just to be clear.))

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Thu May 12, 2011 12:38 am
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Tanya stared apathetically at some ants scurrying around carrying crumbs. She wrinkled her nose in disgust as a sour smell filled her nostrils and recoiled slightly when it got stronger as a hobo-esque man pushed past her. He pushed to the front of the line where the stench seemed to hang around, almost like a fog and Tanya began to gag. Repulsed by the man and his stench, she began to turn around when she noticed a glint of steel; a knife probably. Not wishing to be a part of some sort of fight, she quickly walked away, tripping over someone who had fallen. Looking back, she noticed it to be an elderly man and being brought up in such a way, she gave her courtesy and extended a hand of help. Mumbling "help, help, help" he grabbed onto her hand and through a bit of a fit, he fainted.

Half-dragging, half-carrying the old man, Tanya sat the man down onto a nearby seat; close enough so that she could see what was happening at the meat stall yet far enough that she would have plenty of time to run if need be. She decided that she would stay with the man until he woke up as she was concerned for his health; an elderly man like this shouldn't be out alone. A wave of fireworks sprang up, and Tanya distracted herself by feeling for a pulse.

Parents - Ray fletcher, Blue Mage(?)
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Thu May 12, 2011 6:54 am
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Patrick's path eventually went towards the meat stall. The first thing he noticed was a sharp odor coming from a nearby man. If he had interacted more with people, he probably would've been more cautious towards the armed man, but he thought nothing of it. The second thing he noticed was another man being dragged by a women.

"Err..." Patrick started, confused at the situation. "Did, uh...something happen here?"


Thu May 12, 2011 7:41 am
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OOC: Just waiting for one more person to get posting privledges here and we'll be good to go.

The salesman of the stall saw as the man clearly threatened him. He did not know who he was but he dared to have the nerve to rob him, and rob him in such a crowded area. Some old man crumpled to the ground near the stand, he wondered if it was because of the stench of this upstart of a man. Perhaps it affected the elderly greater than he expected, this made for bad business. This was adding to insult to injury!

"You who smells like the behind of a boar from the depths of the swamps in the path of rice, either you pay up or I slit your throat." He indicated to his own, relatively smaller knife, hanging from a peg in the wooden stall. Throughout his years of entrepreneurship, he learned that it was best to deal with these types with your own threat. They usually backed down quickly afterwards.


Trisha, continued to nibble at her sweet meats, they appeared to be much more filling than she had originally thought they were. It was either that, or perhaps it was all the eating she had done throughout the day. She was glad she didn't have to work today, it made it feel even more so like a holiday. She stopped walking as she took not of the few coins rolling along the ground in front of her and went to pick them up just as she heard a crash. An unfortunate boy had fallen to the ground just a few steps behind her. Immediately adding one and one together she concluded that they were probably the boy's.

"Hey, um excuse me" she said kneeling in front of the boy and grabbing his hand in an effort to help him up "Are you alright? That was quite the fall. Oh and I believe these are yours" she said while handing him the coins. Trisha took another glance at the boy, and he seemed kind of familiar, his grubby clothing, his state of uncleanliness. Yes, she had probably seen him on more than one occasion out on the streets in Odin. Therefore they kind of had some sort of kinship of sorts, or at least that was the general sentiment in the Odin District. It was then and there that she decided that she would help him. "My name is Trisha, do you need any help? Oh and happy 100th!" she said amicably.


Thu May 12, 2011 11:02 am

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OOC: That's a lesson for me.

Noticeing the woman who handed her his coins, Kain smiled.

"My name's Kain," he replied. "Happy 100th to you too." After a moment of dusting himself off, Kain spoke again. "I'm alright from that fall. I've tripped so many times, it's become natural to me. Thanks for asking anyway."

I've said what I have to.
Hey look! My new piece of writing! Dunno if it's crap, so look and tell me!
-Formerly Gyokokaru-

Thu May 12, 2011 12:03 pm
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Hadrian once again took notice of the vendor as he watched an elderly fellow collapse, he also noticed the voice of the vendor raise.
"So, that's the way it is." He muttered to himself as he stood up. Behind him his cloak flowed as he paced towards the vendor, he no longer felt it necessary to simply watch.


Thu May 12, 2011 2:41 pm
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Trisha laughed uneasily "Well, I suppose we're all a bit clumsy...some more than others, but it's fine. Say, you wouldn't be from Odin District would you? I live there with my father. I swear I've seen you before." She offered him one of her sweet meats, she truly was stuffed from the first one which she still had yet to finish, she hated to see it go to waste, though she supposed she could always bring it home and put it in the icebox.

"Hey would you like this?" she asked, "I've been eating all day and I feel like I've reached my upper limit" she added with a laugh.


Thu May 12, 2011 5:52 pm
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Pitre's eyes widened at the vendor's response. He licked his lips at the stench of fresh flesh. He knew he was making a scene, but at this point there was no turning back. He had no money, no method for escape, and lacked care for either.

"Is that a challenge, couyon?" he barked. "You think you can deal with me? I slit the throats of wild hogs bigger than you. You give me meat or I'll make you my next piggy."

He anchored himself on the blade, set up for one false swipe. In any case, a false swipe would causes enough commotion without any real damage, which led to less issues he had to deal with in the future. In his mind, the plan ran as one swipe causing the man to flinch and the crowd to fall back. At that point he would grab the desired meat and escape into the forest and continue traveling where the path took him.


Thu May 12, 2011 9:00 pm
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Patrick was shocked at the stinking man's response. Well at the very least, he now has a idea of what some people are like in cities...he thinks. Unsure on what to do, he did what he would've done against a attacker. He raised the taser from his right pocket, aimed , and fired while closing his eyes. He hoped it didn't hurt too much but then realized this was a idiotic thought.


Thu May 12, 2011 11:25 pm

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Kain smiled, surprised on the inside. It was the first time anyone had offered him food.

"Yes please," he replied to Trisha, happy for the second time in his life. "Thanks for offering."

I've said what I have to.
Hey look! My new piece of writing! Dunno if it's crap, so look and tell me!
-Formerly Gyokokaru-

Fri May 13, 2011 4:09 am
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There wasn't much time to act, Hadrian immediately intercepted the projectile the taster released with his cloak. He reached down and tore the metal prongs away from the stiff leather lining that it pierced, his eyes shifted quickly towards the stand. he wasted no time now, cutting to the front of the line. Using his back side as a shield of sorts he even made his way in front of the knife wielding 'lunatic' to place an 'order'

"Could I request that piece of meat?" Hadrian questioned in a clam, voice his hand pointing to a what he assumed was large enough to feed a man while his other shifted money across the countertop.


Fri May 13, 2011 2:29 pm
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OOC: Imma just move on for now, don't worry you guys who haven't posted yet can still catch up. Time for the true introduction~

The salesman looked back and forth between the man who threatened to slit his throat and this new man who appeared to have intercepted some sort of contraption, cut to the front of the line and then had the nerve to ask for some of his quality cooked meat. He had half the mind to close his stall right there and then. That was until he saw the large amount of money that was placed before him.

"Why yes my good man!" replied the salesman, deftly cutting thin strips of the freshly prepared meat with one hand and sliding the money across the counter top into the pocket of his apron. "Yes, my meats here are the finest throughout the land. Taken from the choicest pieces of Mandese borinne." He nodded his head in the direction of a picture depicting a large box shaped quadrupedal beast with four twisted horns on its head a ring in its nose munching on grass in a wide open field. He handed the man a healthy serving of the meat, while giving the vagrant who smelled like rotting flesh the stink eye. He groaned, they were probably all Mentals weird stuff usually followed those kind of people.
The music in The Square noticeably began to lessen and the performers began bring their performances to an end. A series of torches were simultaneously lit around the main stage in the centre of The Square and music began to play as important dignitaries and ambassadors from the great cities began to walk on stage. The last one to walk on stage was Governor Ivan, and the crowd of New Moscow erupted in a roar of jubilation chanting, cheering and whistling as he walked to the podium. He was a very tall man, with short cut light blonde hair that had begun to go almost white on his sideburns. He wore a dark gray trench coat, and a black suit with a red vest and tie over top of a white shirt. He was very impressive looking and carried himself with an air that let others know that he was the most important man in the city, the world even.

He raised his hand and the square grew quiet waiting for him to speak. "First," he spoke powerfully, his voice carrying over the entire square "I would like greet many of our neighbours and thank them for coming such a long way to celebrate this special day with us." He waved his hand in the direction of the men and woman who sat behind him on the stage, and the crowd cheered as they nodded their heads or waved good heartedly. Governor Ivan raised his hand for silence once again.

"Second, though equally as important I would like to congratulate us, the people of New Moscow, for letting this city stand for one hundred years! Happy 100th to everyone!" Again the crowd cheered to which he quickly subdued "Our people have been through much, but New Moscow has managed to remain strong. An impenetrable fortress that has allowed our people to flourish and thrive through these difficult times. Our forefathers who founded New Moscow and built our great wall would never have dreamed of such success for their children, and we look forward to the advancements that we will achieve so that another hundred years from now, our decedents will marvel at our accomplishments. One of such advancements shall be revealed tonight." There was a murmuring as people eagerly whispered to each other wondering what the Governor was referring to, even those on the stage along with him began to whisper amongst themselves.

Governor Ivan looked up at the sky, a full moon hanging lowly overhead. "Alright then!" he said, the tension in the square seeming to mount higher and higher with each passing moment. "Our researchers tell us that there was a popular line from a book in the Days before the Night of White." he coughed once preparing his vocal chords and spoke: "Let there be light!" Suddenly there was the sound of a low hum, and people within the square began to look around nervously at one another. Suddenly there was a click and a glass ball hanging on the walls of The Square (which could quite easily have been passed as decoration) sprang to life, a bright, though not blinding light illuminating the corner. This process continued as the various orbs hanging on the wall flickered to life, much to the marvel of the people within. The people were awestruck, they gasped, some cried, others simply stared with their mouth hanging open. The crowd erupted like never before as they applauded this marvel, the thought of working lights, electricity, was unthinkable, nigh imaginable.

Governor Ivan raised his hand once again, this time he had to raise both in an effort to quell their amazement and cheering. "Yes," he said with a chuckle "We have discovered a means to have electricity running, by the end of this year we will have every street lit up upon nightfall and potentially the following years, homes will also have access to the light. However the man you thank mustn't be me, it is through the efforts of Dr. Maksim Von Aristo that we can witness such a spectacle tonight." He stepped back from the podium and applauded the man, the rest of the people following suit as a man dressed in a lab coat walked up to the podium. Surprisingly, he looked relatively young for his age, his hair was black and slicked back and though he was shorter than governor Ivan he walked with a purposeful and self-important gait.

"Greetings people of New Moscow, friends of the cities throughout the known world, and weary travelers." he said while gripping the podium tightly "Yes, I have rediscovered a means to provide us with a reliable source of electricity. It took a lot of hard work and dedication as well as mind control." The crowd gasped and began to murmur people began to ask whether they had heard what he said correctly, and as if he heard them clearly he continued:"Yes, mind control." Governor Ivan got up, but the Dr. casually turned to him and shouted "SIT DOWN!" he then returned his attention to the audience "BE SILENT! NOBODY MOVE! LISTEN!" He drummed his fingers on the podium. "The great New Moscow, capital of hypocracy. How is it Ivan, that this "fortress" is so grand if half of the people are living in poverty? Had you all known that I was a Mental would you have clapped? NO! You people of "liberty" make me sick. Just because one is born with a certain talent they are immediately thrown into the slums! Has it occurred to you that we are superior?! Our minds can do things you would not even be able to fathom! We can create illusions! We can heal the body! We can see your very thoughts! This is why you keep us down, in hopes that we do not enslave the pathetic remnants of the old human race. Never fear, for you are a dying breed, the Mentals will overcome, and it is starting here in the heart of the world, New Moscow. YOU ARE FREE!" his spoken words seemed to release whatever spell that had been placed on the people within the square but they remained frightened and unmoving. My brethren, my fellow Mentals, aid me in creating a new era. An era where your abilities are a thing to take pride in, not hide. We shall purify the land, removing the old blood and replacing it with the new. We start here, with the people of New Moscow, lead me in the purging of the people of the liberty district. The rich and powerless who have subdued the powerful. It is time to make amends to the social order!"

Suddenly there was the sound of a lone struggle in one of the corners followed by a scream that was quickly cut short. It was apparent that someone had been killed. It was then that the tension in the atmosphere broke and the crowd broke out in mass hysteria. Governor Ivan, along with the delegates and Dr. Maksim disappeared from the podium nowhere to be found. Some were trampled, friends turned against friends. Anyone who looked wealthy was attacked, though that is not to say that all Mentals attacked those without powers, in as many other cases a civilian from the liberty district attacked an individual whom they saw as grubby, a potential threat in the long run. It was chaos, and to make matters worse the great doors of New Moscow were beginning to close, it was going to be a massacre.


Fri May 13, 2011 5:06 pm

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Kain, surprised by this sudden event, instinctively drew his small sword, gleaming in the moonlight.

"This is gonna be bad," he murmered. "I'll have to kill anyone who attacks me." Kain stood rooted to the spot, ready for any assailant, his left hand grasping the handle of his knife, ready to draw it in a sudden stab.

I've said what I have to.
Hey look! My new piece of writing! Dunno if it's crap, so look and tell me!
-Formerly Gyokokaru-

Fri May 13, 2011 5:22 pm
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