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My two art projects: AWAKENING and THE GEM saga. 
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greetings everyone.

some of you might remember my request page.
innactive like hell.

well, the reason it has been so innactive lately has been school and other affairs, but most importantly, a new art project for one of our subjects.

i was chosen to represent my school as their top comic artist, and currently i need to work on an original comic. there are no specific rules; everything is open.

so, i've been thinking all around for what has already been done, what would or not be a cliché or something, and i came up with two ideas.

they are all much deeper than what i will post here; i will not post everything for the sake of spoiling. if you really, really are intherested, feel like you have good suggestions and need to know some more, let me know and i will explain it better via PM, but DO NOT spread the spoilers, please ;)

so, these are my two ideas. i like them both very much; i am doing this so that you guys can help me choose exactly which one would look better. since in this forum i can find anime, comic and cartoon coinnosseurs, i believe this would be one of the best places to start.

NOTE TO FORUM MODERATORS: i divided the original post into three posts. altough for one side it goes against the rules, the original post was simply too long. i decided to split it up for the sake of convenience and reader friendliness... i am well aware that this is a triple post, i am attempting to justify so. if it is your opinion that i should fix this, le me know, and i will.

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Last edited by WAR-THERAPY on Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Dec 20, 2013 5:42 pm
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Awakening would take place in a close future - something around 2040-2050.
it is all about a secret program to virtualy train people into the ultimate modern soldiers through simulations. it goes really deep here, so i wount specify exactly how they do so. it is a hidden base deep under the ocean, ran by AI, with almost none human scientists on it, where all sorts of experiments go on: cloning, genetic enhancing, brainwashing, cybernetic implants, drone and cyborg construction, and in some cases mixing these all up, in order to create the ultimate breed of super soldiers.

the protagonist is a young guy in his 20's who, not knowing so, was kidnapped at the age of 6 when a boat where he was with his family sank. (the "missing people" were basically abducted, and the boat sinking was no accident). father and mother were left to die, his younger, 16-17 year old sister is also in the facility. (yeah, dramatic as hell.)
after he was abducted, he has been brainwashed, received several carbon-titanium implants on certain bones, and is currently kept in a controlled coma, in order to allow a permanent simulation to go on.
according to the simulation, he has been a young guy living a normal life, while his nation progressively degenerates into war, in which he is involved. basically the simulation makes him endure a massive training program and combat scenarios, where he can never really die. he spends about 15 years like this. the idea was to continualy re-shape the simulation he was subjected to, in order to make it so that, when the time came for him to be employed in a real conflict, he would effectively act as a normal person, not like a dumb science experiment, believing that everything was real, when in fact the real history was all wrong, and he would simply be used, along with tons of other abductees.

until a group of spies manages to discover the location of the base and, realizing that it being in the bottom of the ocean hinders the possibility of assaulting the facility, as well as not knowing what is inside it, they try to hack into the simlation, starting to send messages to the protagonist, who starts raising questions.

to shorten things up, because this is becoming a massive wall of text: he eventualy discovers that all of this is a simulation because he can never be killed. the simulator automaticaly forces the enemies who would kill him to be killed in a believable manner, by sometimes jamming their guns; or having them killed immediately by an ally; allways, at the last possible second. he finaly realizes this when, conducting an assault with a squad of 20 special-ops soldiers, he ignores rules and steps right into the building, where the soldier who would kill him is shot in the back by a "new" team member. but how could there be a teammember inside, if all 20 were behind? he eventualy starts disobeying all rules, effectively forcing the simulator to shut down.

thats when he "AWAKES." and realizes his whole life so far has been a lie; that he had been used and abused, prived of his life and family, and decides to bring the facility down, after making contact with the spies, identifying themselves as british intelligence.

the rest of the plot is secret, but i can guarantee it involves a lot of action, drama, some terror, even.

the art style would be a blend of serious manga with ocidental comic. i want things to be rather realistic, but still with a personal graphic style. it probably will be done traditionaly, with digital painting and refining.

the idea behind this is to create a dramatic sci-fi story with some horror to it, while also keeping a good amount of emotion and storyline originality. any questions? go ahead and ask.

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Last edited by WAR-THERAPY on Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:39 pm
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The Gem is a contrasting idea against the previous one. this one is a fantasy setting, and has absolutely no horron on it - in fact it could even have some parts of comedy. but it would also be quite serious.

it is set on a world with specific rules given by the Architect, in which everyone can use magic freely. that is the main core of the world: magic is available to anyone - those are the good news. the bad news are, it is very, VERY hard to learn how to efficiently use at an advanced level. basically, everyone can use magic to light a campfire or lift a chair, but shooting flames or making a small hurricane would be something only the best could do.

however, this is a young god, one of the most recent Architects. he was naive, and didnt design the world properly. as a result, nature went out of control. hurricanes, earthquaques, volcanoes scorched and scarred the world, threatening everything. so, in order to counter this, he had no choice but to create an item that would absorb the excess of power, balancing things up.

(Architects ae beings of Creation; they can only create, not destroy; thats why he couldnt have simply re-made the forces of nature.)

problem is, that gem would need to be so powerfull, that creating it would consume most of his power. but otherwise, the world would End. so, he creates it, but not before selecting 100 among the wisest wizards to help him continue his creation, to whom he grants eternal life and amplified powers.
he also gives the Gem for them to guard.

and so a golden age rises, in which the Architect and the Enlightened consistently create new things, prevent wars from happening, explore what the world has to offer...

until a war happens, which they cannot avoid. altough not taking sides, they are mistakenly accused of helping the the enemies, and eventualy suffer attacks, thus being directly participant in the war. they win, of course - but over 70 of the original 100 mages die or disappear, the Architect among them.

the remaining 30 or less mages conclude that they can no longer maintain control or protect the gem, so they decide to get new members. about 20 are selected, a few centuries after the war is over. now 50 mages, they manage to keep things at peace.

until Archeron, one of the selected mages, rebels.
his reasons are varied. firstly, he considers the council to only work on their own intherests, disregarding those below its power. also condemns the Architect for having been incompetent, in which his incompetence made him a weak god, forced to live among mortals to continue his work. also, his greed and thirst for power kick in: he, one of the most powerfull of all mages, even among the Enlightened, considers himself worthy of becoming the new Architect, by absorbing the power contained in the gem (containing all the potential power nature had in excess for millenia; arguably the most massive concentration of power in the entire universe). in his opinion, if he absorbs a little of its power, he would be powerfull enough to settle things straight.

of course, soon as the others find out his plot, he has already stolen the Gem, and is about to start absorbing it in a locked room. once they break in, they manage to fight him, but he already absorbed too much power, kiling most of them.
the Architect, (which in fact never really disapeared; he just concealed his identity, pretending to be a member of the council watching things from affar, realizing that his presence was generating too much conflict), trying to stop him, eventualy dies. even as Architect, he can not match the power that Archeron now possesses. (well, at this point, the Architect is not much stronger than an average enlightened, so this is not too surprising).

Archeron eventually becomes too powerfull for his own sake. so much power made him arrogant; he proclaims himself the incontested ruler of the world, becoming an over-powered tyrant. (not unlike galbatorix, come to think of it).
in the end, he is killed by another Architect, whi finds out what happened.

like before: this is just a broad resume. the story goes much deeper - so deeper, that i probably would exceed the entire 60.000 words limit for one post. but, for the sake of spoilers, i will not post all of it, at least not for now.

Aaah, you guys should take a break after all this. a wall of text with 9000 characters is tiresome. :D

well, these are the ideas. feel free to comment. tell me what you think. give me your advice, please. i dont bite. much.

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Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:41 pm
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cmon guys... i know this is a wall of text. but i really could use some opinions. this is for a school project. my grades depend on this.

be constructive. tell me if you think it is bad, where is it bad, and what can i do to improve it.

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Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:04 am
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to tell you the truth i'm disapointed. i expected someone to at least say something. this was a pain to write down, you know?


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Tue Jan 07, 2014 2:53 am
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