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Omnivident - Book 1: A War of Souls 
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"How about... We just destroy it!" Carter suggested, stabbing the floor so holes started to appear.


Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:34 pm
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OOC: My bad everyone, for some reason I thought that Li was charging up to purify the room, but I re-read it now, and I see now that he was charging up to kill some baddies, which he eventually did. So I'm going to wrap up this baby up and bring chapter 1 to a close.

"How should I know?!" replied Evelyn irritably, "I don't cleanse places; I only kill stuff!" she floated away from the angel's vicinity as the ground began to shake even more violently than it had just moments before. Carter's attempts were in vain as he was stabbing hardwood flooring, leaving nothing but minor scratches on the ground. A trumpet sounded loudly, and the entire group was knocked to the ground, excluding Evelyn who went flying backwards, as they were all hit by a powerful sound wave.

"Thine end has come" stated a rich baritone voice that reverberated in each of the students' minds. The angel slowly began to open his eyes, a blinding light shooting forth from between his eyelashes and incinerating wherever the light landed. The light slowly crept towards the children as his eyes opened, though the angel was soon interrupted by a wave of golden fire.

A series of shadows walked across the fire, their forms difficult to discern, appearing more like shadow puppets than anything else. One of the shadows wielded a sword and pointed at where the angel was last seen standing, his form now hidden behind the holy fires, and three of the shadows ran with weapons drawn towards the location, and began to spin their weapons as if fighting. The shadow with the sword then pointed at where Miss Rachel lay plastered against the wall, the shadow of a bird of some sort with an extremely long tail flew to where it had been directed and immediately Miss Rachel fell to the ground panting heavily. A taller shadow than the rest of the shadows walked onto the scene and knelt before Miss Rachel as if trying to console the woman and without another word the golden flames went out, with it the shadows.

The scene before the students remained largely unchanged, the woman who was passed out on the dinner plate still showed no sign of waking up, neither did the rest of the people who had been possessed earlier. The angel on the other hand had lost much of his splendour. He no longer shown brilliantly with perfection and light, and his wings were bruised and bloodied. His suit was not pristine white and instead looked as if it had been burned and ripped. His face looked angered.

"I command you!" gasped Miss Rachel "To begone from this plane" she wheezed "And return whence you came. Your contract here has become invalid."

The angel looked at Miss Rachel as if annoyed, though slightly amused. It tucked its wings around itself and disappeared in a flash of light. Sighing relieved, Miss Rachel collapsed to the ground, uttering solely: "I've failed you all. I'm sorry."



Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:24 pm
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OOC: A bit of school-life in this chapter. Check the Information Topic to gain info about the NPCs in your class.

Autumn, Friday 9:00 AM

A cool autumn breeze blew coloured leaves along the ground as classes continued as usual, and summer’s warm embrace continued to slip away as winter’s approach could be felt in the air. Two weeks had passed since the momentous battle in the apartment complex. This first mission of the year had a profound impact on the young members of the Supernatural Defense Unit; for some, it had been their first time encountering a demon, let alone a fallen angel and still had yet to come to terms with what they had experienced. The whole nature of the environment of the apartment complex remained mysterious, what sort of ritual was taking place before they had arrived and why? The woman they recovered from the scene, a Ms. Tasha Sullivan, could not answer any of their questions. She was a quivering mess, solely capable of remembering that she had been walking on Regina Avenue after visiting the Blue Moon Bar when she was nabbed by strangers. For the time being she remained in the Sanctuary of the s****, it was the only place she felt safe.

Not a word had been heard from Miss Rachel in the span of those two weeks, as she was said to be away on a “meeting” of sorts. In her stead Miss Shields, who was surprisingly an Angelorum disciple with great passivity unlike most of her peers, supervised the club. Really, it was the seniors who ensured that the club ran smoothly, making sure club activities, and training continued in Miss Rachel’s absence. For the first time in the school year, the students could simply act like children. They made friends, joined clubs, and studied for tests; life was mundane. There were a few late transfers to the school, though beyond that, and their weekly meetings at lunch on Friday, nothing eventful passed.

The gates of the school unlocked at 6:30 every morning, allowing those who wish to study, hold club meetings early in the day, or make appointments with teachers with adequate time. At 7:00, the cafeteria opened for breakfast providing food for both students and faculty whether they lived on or off campus. The first bell for classes rang at 9:00 and students were expected to be timely.

First Years

Mrs. McGovney walked across the theatre’s stage with her hands behind her back and sharply turned to face the children sitting in the audience once she reached the centre.

“Children” she stated calmly “I would like to introduce you to two new additions to our class” The curtains behind her rose slowly and two students stood on the stage. A young girl with white hair stared out at the group and standing beside her was a considerably older boy. “This is Miss Lotus Acula who recently transferred here, as did Mr. Damian Grayson. Give a rousing applause for the newest members to our humble academy!”

The class clapped amicably, though in the back of the room Stanley murmured in regards to whether the boy was sure he was in the right grade, which was followed by a quiet snickering.
“Alright everyone!” clapped Ms. McGovney getting everyone’s attention “You two can go sit down with the rest of your classmates. Today we will be working on miming, the art of silent acting. Since you cannot speak, it is ever so vital that the expressions on your face and the actions of your body are readable by the audience in order to convey your scene. You may form groups of three or two to mime a scene from Shakespeare! Begin!”

Second Years

The second years were assembled in the library tower with various books covering the study tables. They had been given an assignment by the history teacher, in which they were to research anyone in history and write a short speech on the person. They had been granted the period to spend in the library to select whom they wanted to research and begin the preliminary research with the aid of the librarian. Professor Johnson, preferably called Elaine, entered the room after having left for a few moments with a girl in tow.

“Hello everyone again,” she smiled charmingly “It appears that we have a new student who transferred all the way from Japan! Allow me to introduce Tsubaki Yamikatsu.” She looked around the classroom and her gaze fell on Logan. “Umm Logan, would you mind helping Tsubaki for the time being, she’ll need to be informed on what to do for this assignment.”

Third Years

“Hustle kids!” screamed Mr. Hightower as the third year students ran laps around the gym. The class was being punished because Fatima had forgotten her gym attire at home. “I want to be able to mop this floor with your sweat by the time you’re done!” continued Mr. Hightower “Afterwards we’re moving towards the obstacle course. Go! Go! Go!”

Fourth Years

Mr. McGovney sat in the far back of the computer room as the fourth year students worked with their simulation of buying and selling stocks. Whoever had the greatest stock increase by the end of the period won, as well as received bonus marks on the next exam.


Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:16 am

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Logan was more than happy to have a respite from the supernatural after such a significant encounter. Everyone in the Darren Archive Club had almost been killed for the second time in as many years. He couldn't begin to imagine how his parents would feel if he were to be killed, so a break was welcome. The junior's contentment lasted for all of a week before he began to get bored. Sure, it was nice to have an opportunity to catch up on his fiddle practice, and training with Adi kept him fit as his beloved instrument. He even participated in a few extracurricular activities, namely the music club, even though the music teacher was a bit of a downer. However, most of the past two weeks was spent doing mundane and non-exciting schoolwork, such as his current assignment.
Perhaps he was being a bit too harsh, though. History had always been the junior's favorite academic subject, after all. The past was intriguing, bold and adventurous. Nowadays there was nothing worth exploring. Nothing interesting, at least. The history teacher was a bit quirky, and his most recent assignment found Logan sitting in the library, something he decided he would have to do more often. He was a bit let down to find that Bernice Holiday was nowhere in sight, but there was always tomorrow. For now, he had a chance to study up on, well, absolutely nothing. From the instant the history assignment had been given, Logan had known precisely who the subject of his speech would be. Moreover, he knew more about the man than any book had to tell. He had an encylopedia open on the table in front of him, but that was for the librarian's benefit. In actuality, he was writing entirely from memory about about his great ancestor, Allan McWilliam. That is, until he was interrupted.
“Umm Logan," It was Elaine. Logan looked up quickly with the expression of someone who had been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. In retrospect, he wasn't sure why. There was no way anyone could have known that he wasn't writing from the books.
"Would you mind helping Tsubaki for the time being, she’ll need to be informed on what to do for this assignment.”
"Ah," He sighed in relief. "Of course, Ms. Elaine." He said with a c*** grin, absently ruffling his hair.
He made room at the table next to himself for the new student.

Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:21 am
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During the lull after the mission Adi had been fiercely practicing in his spare time. He recalled the one time he lost himself to anger and acted nearly rashly. The b**** had it coming true but there was no reason to lose control like that. Outside of trying to beat Logan in to a pulp during training, he tried meditation, like other Silat masters, under a tree. Many a lunch periods saw him sitting somewhere in the courtyard with his legs crossed and eyes closed, fasting all the while as he did so.

Self-improvement aside he had tried to find other students to continue the Association. Unfortunately, only Li, Torrente and himself were aware that they practiced martial arts that didn't have an official club. Logan as well in a pinch though he was more a fencer, he even had that claymore he so desperately wanted now. He might as well try and found a club at this rate. It wouldn't be a bad idea, they'd receive actual recognition, maybe even a small budget and more. The downside was of course all the paper work required. That and most of the members would actually need to know to martial arts and their club activities amounted to little more than drinking tea and sparring. He would consult Dr. Dawn on the matter but she was on leave and thus Adi had been left to brood on the matter for the past two weeks.

That didn't stop him from keeping pace with Sullivan, Li and Torrente as they did their rounds around the gym. The others were most likely lagging behind. His grudging respect for Sullivan and friendship with Li aside, Adi was never really close to much of the other students. At best they earned his indifference and at worst he'd tell them off for breaking whatever school rule they deemed unimportant and maybe almost start fights. They resented him for it Adi was sure but he cared little for what they thought of him. It was possible wrangle some information out of the Wongs if he ever felt like it.

Maybe it was the nature of the exercise but he suddenly muttered one of the sound offs from Full Metal Jacket.


Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:34 am
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Tsubaki, seeing that Logan had made a place for her, daintily walked over to it and sat down. She thought about offering a handshake, but decided against it, even though there was a slight movement of her hand.

"s***. It is nice to meet you." Tsubaki hesitated for a moment, unsure of what exactly to do after the initial greeting, before adding. "What will be the requirements of this assignment? Is it meant to be a long essay?"

She gestured at Logan's paper, which seemed to have quite a lot on it compared to the other students around, before shying her gaze away from it.

When my eyes be rollin'
The haters get goin'
The seeds I'm sowin'
With a smile I'm flowin'
And if I be trollin'
Ya never be knowin'
'Cause when the haters get goin'
My eyes just start a-rollin'

Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:54 pm

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"Logan. Th' pleasure's all mine." He responded to the girl's hesitant introduction, though he found himself a bit uneasy when she pointed at his paper.
"Er, well, no." He answered her question, scratching his chin. "We're writin' speeches about historical figures. It, eh, isnae supposed to be much more than half a page." The junior stated, realizing for the first time just how much he had written. He pushed the paper aside before the girl got the idea to ask who Allan McWilliam was.
"I guess I just got carried away." He chuckled. "Um, Hijomameshi, was it? Ye dunnae happen tae have a nickname, dae ye?"

Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:33 pm
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The past few weeks for Johnathan had been rather smooth. Miss Rachel's departure to some important meeting didn't bother Johnathan and didn't keep him from going down to the s****. If Johnathan wasn't studying for tests or completing homework assignments, he's been reading the Compendium he's neglected to read in the past, with it's knowledge of different types of supernatural forces, reading the Lore, or honing his abilities alone at which it seems he works best. He paid special attention at his billhooks, spending the most of his training time practicing with them.

While trying to multitask at two entirely different things, which so far he's been handling well, he attempted to socialize more with non-omnividents. So far he wasn't despised openly or embarrassed, but he wasn't the most popular either. Which was perfectly fine with Johnathan. While in class, Mrs. McGovney introduced two new students. One of whom seemed a bit older received a jest for his welcoming gift from none other than Stanley. Johnathan glanced up and shook his head. He then shot a sharp look at Stanley. He refrained with all his will to lose his cool and snap at him in the middle of class. Mrs. McGovney gave out the assignment for the day, to mimic a part from one of Shakespeare's plays without speaking. Johnathan hid a smile. It would be a walk in the park for him. When Mrs. McGovney was finished speaking, Johnathan approached the new kid, who was apparently named Damian.

"I don't know if you heard Stanley or not, but just ignore him. My name is Johnathan, want to partner up?" If he agreed he would get Carter to join and start the assignment. If he declined then it would just be him and Carter.

Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:57 pm

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Carter has been spending his time pondering about how life has changed so much, he tried mixing ingredients together and seeing what he found out, which usually resulted in 'rocks usually go boom' but he's tried to meet the others and tried to be everyone's go to guy. So far he's been having a blast, sure he might some disagreements but he always had fun with the others.

But now it was time to be a mime, he went straight to John, who was going to the new kid. Carter always thought first impressions only mattered for the first few weeks, but it was important regardless. He made his way to John and said, " Hey dude, don't say anything about the dude's age, it'd just make him be uneasy, also, we are partners for sure, right?" They made their way to the new kid and Carter introduced himself, "Well hey there! A new face! That's good, because I like new, how do ya do, buddy?" And Carter put out his hand to shake.


Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:21 pm
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Returning to regular school life after what had just happened was at first uncomfortable for Li as he was concerned for Miss Rachel's health. What really happened in the apartment was still a mystery to the club. What did matter was that they were all safe. When he did get back into the flow of school life, he was on top of his game once more, achieving only the highest marks in all of his classes. The Martial Arts Club was slowly making it's way to reality, with fellow classmate David who proved to be quite a skilled fighter himself.

Knowing Mr. Hightower, the punishment of running laps will only reflect a minor example of the exercise to proceed. Never the less, Li was at the top of the pack along with Adi, David, and Peter. Li looked over to the other three and put a small grin on his face, then proceeded to speed up, bit by bit, in an attempted to take the lead.


Of all times for Dom to decide not to skip class, this was possibly the worst possible assignment to end up having to do. He never really was a history fanatic, so he would probably pick the first random name he finds. On the plus side, he gets to ogle the librarian for the period. The table he was sitting at contained the new girl, Tsubaki, straight from Japan, and the ginger who he learned is named Logan.

Dom was half asleep by the time Tsubaki came over to the table, supporting his head up with his hand. What truly caught him off was the Japanese greeting coming out of the exchange student. Now wide awake, he listened in on the conversation. Somehow, the assignment became more clear listening to Logan rather than when Professor Johnson explained it. Dom didn't care too much about interrupting the two's conversation interjected in the middle.

"Logan, your name is Logan right? You mind if I borrow that giant book of your afterwards?" he asked, pointing at the open encyclopedia.

Blue wrote:
Palestine should not be free

Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:05 pm

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Damian had little to complain of, he didn't mind being transferred here, after all he had little friends in his old school. Damian pondered over the fact he may have no friends here seeing how they were all younger than him. Annoyingly enough, he still has not gotten used to that, hopefully in time he will. Damian was later presented on stage along with a girl who transferred as well, as the lady spoke Damian considered suicide. Such attention was sure to get him laughed at and surely enough in the back someone found this amusing. Damian ignored him, having received this treatment before. As the presentation ended he and the girl were told to go sit.

He sighed in relief at the fact that he didn't suffer a heart attack but dreaded. Such relief ended when a boy approached him remarking over the person who found my situation amusing. The boy then asked Damian if he would like to be his partner. Rather surprised, he considered it and seeing no possible regrets, he replied with the answer," Umm yeah sure". Another boy arrived and welcomed him reaching for a handshake, Damian reached and shook it. Both of them had given their names, Johnathan and Carter. Damian thought to himself, "Well today did not go as crappy as I thought it would've".

Last edited by Jack on Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:24 pm

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"Wonderful!" Carter exclaimed, grabbing the boy's arm and shaking it like a mad man playfully, "I'm Carter, and this here is my buddy John, so, Damian was it? Pleasure to meet cha!"


Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:30 pm
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After the events in the apartment Maximilian found himself quite relaxed with the monotony of school, after all he didn't have to risk his life. Though in truth he wasn't doing much risking back in the apartment either. That aside Maximilian did find himself quite turned off by the idea of miming anything as his instructor suggest and so he attempted to push himself away from the group or people he recognized from their 'club'. Staying silent was something he could do, acting like an a** on the other hand was reserved for when he truly felt he needed to act.


Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:26 am

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"I've failed you all. I'm sorry."

Alice couldn't take her mind off Mrs. Rachel's words. Why would the teacher try to bear the burden on her own? Mr. Albright had gone to great lengths to recruit her, and since freshman year she had taken that to mean her part was valued. When the bus crash happened, a small part of her realized something huge was going on, something the school never intended her to know about. After all the years of hard work and dedication she'd put into the SDU, it seemed the school still didn't think of her as someone they could count on. Were the students just throwaway pawns to them? Or was the school doing something shady? The senior grimaced at her computer screen. Neither possibility was the sort of thing she wanted to consider.

Trying to distract herself from these dark thoughts, she glanced around at her peers. The extra credit part of the stock assignment didn't really concern her, partially because she probably wouldn't win anyway. Mei Zhang or Adrian was most likely to get the honor, unless of course Basil bothered to make an effort. Alice had quite a few friends in the class, but lately she found the "normal" students difficult to face and for the most part took to avoiding them. Sighing, she turned back to her computer and examined some charts absentmindedly.

Whose side am I on? Alice pondered silently while pounding away at the keyboard.


Daniel had spent most of the morning meticulously hiding his more suspicious personal possessions, so naturally he was running quite late to his first theater class. It didn't help that the school was absolutely massive. The transfer student's brain didn't stand a chance against the mazelike hallways and scores of classrooms. Being late did have one benefit, in that there were no other students around. Any time life spared him from the gawking and dirty looks of those around him, it was always a welcome reprieve. Little did he know that from now on there would be extra stares, because his uniform was about two sizes too large for him. The shirt and blazer which lazily hung off the boy made him stick out like a sore thumb among legions of impeccably dressed students.

After another few minutes of aimless wandering he finally found a room that looked like a theater. Daniel cautiously peeked into the window before opening the door and slipping inside, hoping not to be noticed by his classmates, or better yet the teacher.

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Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:52 am
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Gregory was quietly reading one of the books he picked for the assignment. He was tired, and didn't want to just simply make it vanish with his power. Because of practicing that, he didn't show any of the signs of exhaustion, although it would take longer for him to react to anything. He didn't pick anyone specific; He took out a random book and took notes on it.

He participated in a number of clubs. Although he wasn't a regular in any of them, joining one day, and not coming back until a couple sessions later. The only one that he participated the most in the occult club, although that was mostly because he was concerned that they might've found something actually supernatural at some point. That, and taking practice in the baseball team ate up most of his time; His occasional late work that he turned him showed that. Nevertheless, he still had excellent marks, although they could be improved.

Looking away from his book, there seemed to be a new student in the class. She was sitting next to Logan, his roommate. He hadn't had the time to interact with him, nor anyone as far as he recalled. He made a silent sigh. He should try and know more people. He met plenty of students already, but he never personally knew anyone except the conversations he heard as he walked through the school.

Putting this thought on hold, Gregory looked back to the book, taking notes instinctively.


Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:44 am
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