NEW TEST1) You stop by New Users and see a lot of newbs getting flamed. You...
A: ... step in and help defend them.
B: ... ignore them. not my problem, I am not mod.
C: ... take a flamethrower and join in on the fun.
2) A large portal opens in front of you.
A: I curiously step inside and take a look.
B: I step away for fear of my health.
C: I start throwing noobs into it. if thay walk out, not screaming, then it is safe.
3) (randomquestionisveryrandom) You go into the Spam section and see Hakker getting beaten to death by [insert possible username]. You...
A: ... attempt to help by pulling the attacker off of him.
B: ... kick him while he's down.
C: ... grab a bag of popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the show. no need to explane why.
4) You have the ability to permaban any one user on the forums.
A: I ban a noob.
B: I ban a mod. blue mage won't let me post in the
meat section.
C: I ban that idiot who only gave me 5 points on the first question of the last test because I don't like Taco Bell.
5) There is no point to this question.
B: ... Then why did you make it? 20/20 plz
C: *smashes a Lexus*
Answer these questions by next weekend. Good luck.