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"That was a clean kill, brother."

Qalim was impressed by Lucien. He had spoke as he walked out of the cover to greet Lucien as he turned away to tend to Tyr.

"The explosives worked like a charm though I had never suspected mages to still exist," he eyed, "A bit of a shame they got Tyr."

He had a good look over Tyr. It wasn't that bad but Qalim could probaly not imagine the pain of having your arm scorched. At least he was still breathing. They had to hurry lest he die from the shock.

"We should carry him back before the shock kills him."


"Miss Lady Aranida, I have come to tell you Gigantes is dead. He was killed by an assassin during his escape. I have his head if you need. Also I must be sure that our 72 hours with the guest passes without danger. This is what Mahmoud has told me."

Bahaa was just acting brave. Inside he was quivering at the mere presence of the scary Miss Lady Aranida.


Sat Oct 22, 2011 3:54 am
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At first she was shocked, and slightly disappointed, she want to be the one to bring Gigantes to justice! Her method wouldn't have been as...stomach churning either. It was nothing solitary confinement wouldn't have solved, and then she would have had him serve in among her troops, but alas all her plans were gone to the gutter as Gigantes body.

"An assassin?" she shrugged, she wasn't surprised that the man had enemies, though to actually pay an assassin to hunt him down. He must have angered someone higher up. Aranida blinked at the kid and his statement that he would stay with them to ensure of Avia's protection. Had Avia not been kidnapped earlier before she would have shouted for the kid to get off her property and never show his face in her presence again. However, because she HAD lost Avia before, and this child and his old man were there to witness the resounding consequences, she couldn't say much. She flapped her hands at the kid and walked towards her mansion making sure that Avia was following. "Sure, sure, you can help" she said dismissively "Just don't get in the way"


Sat Oct 22, 2011 5:06 pm
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"Nadev is coming." Lucien remarked in a somewhat cold manner as he motioned for Qalim to follow him back the carriage, the mage's body still in arms. As they made their way back to the carriage Nadev galloped up on horse back to meet them. "Where is Tyr?" he asked as he calmed his horse. Lucien motioned behind him to a body lying on the side of the pass in a pile of brush, immediately Nadev rushed to the body and checked his wounds. There was no sight of the remains of Tyr's arm, but thankfully the wound had been cauterized. He lifted him onto the back of his horse and rushed to the carriage.

"So, you didn't think mages still exist?" Lucien spoke as he went back to walking. "In a traditional sense, they no longer do. The one you describe as God attempted to strip humans of their ability to use 'magic' long ago, but God can't simply take away what humanity was born with, what was rightfully theirs, and so instead, he began to consume the energies that magic users controlled so that casting a spell was no longer possible unless a human was able to create the energy needed to cast the spell themselves. But to do that, you first have to put your body through some.. well excruciating training.." He gave the body on his shoulder a slight nudge. "Him, for instance.. He's no older than 25, and yet his body resembles that of a 60 year old man, he's frail, sickly, and he could barely speak. On top of that his spells were being amplified by blood seals on his hands." He reached back and grabbed the arm of the body and flipped over his palm to reveal a circular seal on his hand with odd characters written around it and a large eye in the middle.

"I'm not quite sure, but I'm certain they're both okay." Eris attempted to comfort the messenger, but she herself worried that one of them had fallen prey to the second strike from the mage. "Alhashir!" a voice echoed in the distance as it came closer and closer, it was Nadev on horse back holding the wounded Tyr in arms. Alhashir stood at attention as Nadev dismounted, laying Tyr's body on the ground. "He was hit bad and is out cold." Nadev informed Alhashir as he began to look over the body "He needs to stay unconscious for now, his heart rate seems to have increased but it's doesn't appear as if it's life threatening.."


Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:59 pm
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Sera fell back in fright as she witnessed the damage done to Tyr's body from one blast. That could have been her burnt to a crisp, and if God learned that she was almost killed, he would pull her from the surface immediately and smite everything. She hoped he was not paying attention, as she wanted to help these people terribly and she could not just let Qalim and Tyr die like that.

She turned to Qalim as he walked over to the group and moved toward him.
"Don't die, Qalim," she pleaded, tears welling in her eyes.

Avia, overhearing what the child told Aranida, grew enraged. He had indirectly killed her savior, a man she believed was not as evil as he was made out to be. She jabbed at the boy's face, wishing to knock him out.

"How could you have done that to the one who selflessly saved me? He wasn't a cruel-hearted bastard like yourself!" she cried.


Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:35 am
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"An interesting theory Lucien. I've heard of rituals involving blood to increase the power of a mage from days long gone but to think that it could possibly go this far."

Qalim trailed off as he spied the teary-eyed messenger.

"But that discussion can wait," he turned to the messenger as she pleaded for him, "Mortality exists because God wished us to live meaningful lives. I cannot promise to live forever, it is impossible and I do not wish for it. But if my continued living will ease some of your enormous burden, then I will endeavour."

He hushed her as he would a child like Bahaa.

"Come, Tyr still lives, he can still be saved, like the rest of us."


Bahaa was shocked to say the least. He was a child of pure intentions, but Avia had perhaps never thought of children in a foreign in such a way. Which seemed rather hypocritical of her if Bahaa knew what hypocrisy was. All he saw was unjust treatment. A person who originally kidnapped her and delivered her to a place that wished her harm was worth more than the messenger boy that Bahaa was.

His eyes teared up.

"He was already like this when I found him."

She had shot the messenger. It remains to be seen if he would still live or not.


Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:16 am
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Aranida was surprised at Avia's sudden outburst. Honestly, she didn't think the woman had it in her to rebuke a child, she seemed so above everything. Then again, even Avia was human too. As the child teared up, Aranida combed her fingers through her hair with a sigh, she truly didn't know how to deal with children. Especially children that were crying.

"There, there, kid" she said in an attempt to console the child "I'm sure you did what you could. Avia and I just feel that it's unfortunate for Gigantes to have gone this way." she crouched so that she was at eye level with the boy "Maybe later you can help us find out who assassinated him?" Of course she meant this merely as a way to calm the child down, she had no actual intention to bring the child with her into such a dangerous business.


Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:33 am
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Avia turned away as Aranida spoke to the child. Once she finished she called out to her.

"I'm going to go over the final preparations with the soldiers. Our deadline is shorter than you probably expected, as we are to meet Lord Norman's forces outside the city tomorrow," she explained. The tone of her voice was proper as it was when they first met.

She then turned around and returned to the mansion.

OOC: yo ichibro you post bro


Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:08 pm
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Tyr's body was placed inside the carriage and the messenger was helped inside with him as the group began to mount up again. Lucien took a moment to examine the mage's body while the others were preparing to leave. Placing his hand upon his face he took in a deep breath before stepping away.

"You weren't much, you were killing yourself by exerting that much force.." he turned and made his way back to the road and mounted up again. The caravan rolled on in the dense forest, with each step Lear's eyes moved side to side, as did Nadev's. It wasn't long before the great black wood trees began to part and glints of sunlight began to beam upon the caravan once more. They had spent what felt like hours in the forest all together, and the Sun's low Western-ly descent reflected this well. Still they continued on as they approached the very edge of the border, they would have to cross yet another country before they reached their destination. Crossing slowly Nadev took note of a massive fortress that sat atop a hill over looking the exact position they were crossing. Calling out in another tongue Nadev seemingly summoned Galaonis to his side as the two began to discuss something with one another. After a few minutes of walking and talking Nadev stopped the Caravan. "It's been decided that because of Tyr's wounds we're going to spend the night in the town of Ratinashur, it sits just on the other side of the fortress off in the distance." and with that they marched on around the large stone and wood walls of Fort Ratinashur to the palisades, and the large gate, of the town.


Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:16 pm
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OOC: If Kiki wants to post I'll give her one day, then I'm ending the night and fast forwarding to the next day.


Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:59 pm
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OOC: *cracks fingers*

"Alright then" nodded Aranida "I will make sure the soldiers are ready for departure. Good night" She turned to the boy whom she had recently consoled, she had a dangerous feeling that she had taken on something that could quite possibly too much for even her to handle. Children. "As for you, young man" she stated "I will have one of my servants prepare you a guest suite, and you shall be bathed and given various supplies as needed. Do not cause a disturbance and go to bed promptly" That said, she walked towards the mansion as well.


Sat Nov 05, 2011 3:18 pm
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Bahaa quietly listened and trembled greatly as the scary Miss Lady Aranida tried to calm him. It didn't work too well but he kept his mouth shut or who knows what she would do to him. Put him in a pot and eat him she would, no doubt.


Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:26 pm
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The sun rises over the continent and a new day has blossomed.

Tyr stared at the ceiling of his room at the inn. Throughout his sleep his right hand searched for his arm, unable to come to terms with that fact it disappeared so suddenly. His breathing was normal after being unconscious and he sat up to fully collect himself. Glancing down at the stub that remained, he hung his head in shame. He could still fight, being right handed, but the loss of the arm had broke him mentally. He was weak, prone to mental breakdowns and handicapped; therefore, nothing but a shell of his true potential.

Tyr stood from the bed and left the room wearing only his pants. His body was well built and in his current mood he did not care about wearing a shirt or not. He walked down the empty corridor toward the balcony, resting his right arm on the wall, and watched the sun rise.

Sera did not sleep, but instead prayed to God all night. She was worried that he would feel she was threatened and withdraw her from the surface, and she wanted to stay and help the surface dwellers, especially after finding out about the yellow eyed people. God was torn, not wanting his child to be in harm's way, but also not wanting to hurt her by taking this chance away from her knowing that she hoped to save the surface people from death as much as possible.

In the end God decided he would allow her to stay and gave her back her wings and full healing abilities. As the people of God, those of Urbel were holy individuals and had a healing touch when they came in contact with foreign bodies. The full potential of this power was handed to the greatest of all of Urbel: Angels. In giving Sera wings and the powers, God had freely chosen to place his daughter on a pedestal and allow her to make choices that could change the lives of the surface people.

However, this would be an issue for Sera, as how she would have to hide the wings under her gown and use her powers at times when knowledge of them would not get out. If anyone learned of the immense powers God gave her, there would be no doubt that they would attempt to abuse them for personal gains.

Dhejuti watched over the preparations for the journey. He was not heading with his mistress, having to take care of the city in her place, so he wanted to make sure everything was accounted for. It was nothing but a small caravan: horses and a wagon for supplies, but all the items were necessary for the trip. Servants piled rations of arms high in the wagon, enough for the 4 day journey and beyond.

Avia exited the manor all set to depart, absentmindedly caressing the fetish around her neck. She wore the sacred longbow given to her by the elder with pride, desiring that all people see the might of God's chosen people. She avoided Dhejuti's sight, still uncomfortable around him after what happened the other day.


Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:34 am
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"How are you holding up?" Lear asked in semi-caring voice as he leaned himself over the balcony looking over the village. It wasn't a large village, but it wasn't small either. There were rows of homes and shops scattered about in districts, and it would appear as if almost everyone in the town was waking up and preparing for the morning. Taking a deep breath he shifted his eyes to Tyr's broken figure.


There came a light tap on the door as Nadev began to dress himself, pulling his tunic over his light shirt he quickly answered the door, only to find Lucien standing before him, his figure as blank and emotionless as ever. "What's wrong?" Nadev asked in a foreign tongue as Lucien entered the room taking a moment to gaze around the decently sized lodge.

"Earlier, there was a massive burst of energy, hundreds of times stronger than the mage from earlier," He turned to face Nadev and began to speak again. "I believe it may have been the messenger, it's the only way that much power could appear and vanish so quickly."

Nadev moved to rest in a chair beside his bed as he began to think over a possible course of action, running his fingers across his aging face he began to mumble to himself before speaking out. "So then. what should we do, Lucien?"
"We wait, I just thought it would be worth while to inform you." he responded as he exited the room.
"He's planning something..." Nadev finally sighed out as his old body slumped up from the chair, taking a moment to enjoy his peace.

Meanwhile, Eris, who had just arisen thought it best that she attempt to take Tyr off the messenger's mind. Quickly dressing herself she made her way to the young girl's door and began to knock.


Thu Nov 10, 2011 4:34 pm
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Aranida pulled on one leather glove with her teeth, while fiddling with one of the belts carrying an assortment of trick bullets around her waist. She stamped on her boots, while kicking under her four poster bed a stray button she had no idea, nor desire to find where it belonged. Looking in her mirror, with both hands on her hips, she stared at herself and sighed.

"Ok, I can do this. Time to make my family proud." she walked towards the door to her room and opened it to leave. Looking back once more at her room, left in impeccable condition in a fashion quite contrary to how she normally left it, she smiled to herself. It would be perhaps a long time before she got to sleep in her bed once again. She would miss it, and her home. As she opened the door, Greya stood waiting for her. Before she could say anything however, she stepped forward and gave Aranida a tight hug.

"Now you be careful, my lady. Remember to eat. You are skinny enough as it is already, my dear" said Greya while she hugged Aranida. She pulled away, though still holding onto Aranida's arms and looked her up and down with a sigh. "My goodness," she said with a proud, though sad smile, "You've grown up to be quite the woman...your parents would be proud of you. I am proud of you. Dhjeuti is as well, though he may not tell you. He's quite the foggy old coot."

"Thank you Greya" replied Aranida softly, which would probably look quite shocking to a passing servant used to the powerful commanding voice she normally used, "I will miss both you and Dhjeuti with all my heart. You raised me, and you're my only family left."

Greya laughed and hugged Aranida quickly once again, "Now hurry my lady, the rest of the platoon is waiting for you, as is that mysterious guest of yours." Aranida nodded and began to walk off, though Greya grabbed her hand and placed into a necklace with a small foreign trinket that hung on it. "Take care, my dear. We will be waiting here for you" Greya rushed off before Aranida could say anything further. Smiling, Aranida left and walked to the courtyard where Dhjeuti oversaw the preparations for their departure.

"Well," she stated casually "I suppose it is time for me to go...I shall miss you Dhjeuti."


Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:25 pm
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Bahaa was roused at first light and was sent this ways and that before being told to stand next to carriage in overblown ceremonial clothing. At least he wasn't put in girl's clothes. The scary miss Lady Aranida it seems, would be over to dismiss him soon.


Qalim did not sleep with the caravan as he didn't feel the need to impose upon them by having a room. He found the seedier parts of the town and took refuge there, the thieves and thugs seemingly indifferent to this man who looked like he belonged there anyway. That was not to say he did not get any rest. He was up before the dawn and had managed to find a local of the Filistine lineage, his lineage. It was well the man was a bird keeper. There were sure to be some carrier pigeons he could use to courier the news of God's Messenger home before he could arrive. It would be encrypted with a one time pad and sent with the highest priority.

Stepping out in to the morning light, he anticipated the journey through the desert, hopefully with less highwaymen. He would rejoin the caravan at the inn before they set off once more.


Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:05 pm
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