Seems to me you don't know what shield dropping actually is.
What is Shield Drop? Shield dropping is dropping through a platform, while you're in shield.
Note: This isn't you dropping to the next platform or floor with shield on you. It's simply you just dropping through that current platform. It can't be done on the main stage, since there's no where to really go.
What isn't Shield Drop?: It's not really a defensive move, but a way to escape or to move along for repositioning. Hence why it's not going to help you shield better, nor is it going to protect you. It's just a way to get away. It CAN be used defensively if you're above the other player and shield then shield drop into an Aerial. But you might want to be quick if you want to do those right.
How to preform a shield drop?: Go on top of any platform. (Hold Shield > then hold the walk/run button> then press down.)
Make sure you press down last one you'll end up spot dodging.