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The Mecha Rebels (For reals, I'm starting it.) 
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"Yeah" Dentrek said "I wanted to talk to you about Rangtost's defenses.I had sent some troops to investigate the defenses of the base.From what I hear it's pretty tough to get in, so I was wondering if you can help us find some sort of weakness in there defenses, so we can strike Rengalis directly." Dentrek then noticed Warhawk "Well what do we have here?" Dentrek asked "A new recruit I assume?"

Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:07 am
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"Well, not exactly...." Gear said looking at WarHawk from the corner of his eye. "However, the silver haired android is. And about Rangtost's defenses..we need a hacker. There's a number of machines there, a professional must shut them all down. May you happen to know anyone, Dentrek?"

smesh heel

Sat Mar 06, 2010 4:35 pm
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"Hmm...Ah!I do happen to know one person who is pretty good at hacking.The problem is he's in Trilopod and as of right now he's in hiding so I don't know where he is exactly. Maybe if you can send some troops to accompany me I might be able to find him."

Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:21 am
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"Crap. Well, I guess we can travel there. This would also be suitable for Snow's first mission! We will set for Trilopod tomorrow." Gear said confidently. He turned around to WarHawk. "You may also come if you want, WarHawk." Gear said with a carefree tone.

smesh heel

Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:04 pm
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"Warhawk Hmmm... Strange name.Well anyways I'm gonna pack some food and oil (for robots.) for the journey."As Dentrek started to leave he glance back at warhawk and said "You should come you seem like a good android."He then walked towards a nearby shop to buy supplies.

Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:22 pm
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WarHawk mentally scoffed at Dentrek's methods of persuasion, but seeing this as a chance to show what he was made of, turned to Gear. "Yes, I will come." Was all he said before turning again to keep an eye on the possible assassin. He knew Dentrek seemed to be trusted, but if there was one thing he knew it was never to trust anyone. This was, for the most part, why WarHawk has never truly joined any group. For all he knew Gear was just trying to get a chance to kill him.


Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:11 pm
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The day finally arrived when the crew took the ship to Trilopod. The ship's air was very warm from the body heat radiating off of the soldiers. "Is stealth gear in check?" Gear asked his soldiers. What appeared to be ranked Deity (assistant of Gear) rushed up to him. "Everything is in order sir." Gear grinned. Everything so far had been great. I wonder what it'll be like when we actually land on this planet, Gear thought to himself. He had hoped his soldiers were ready. Calm down, Gear. They've had way worse. The thought did help. Gear looked at Snow, then WarHawk. Snow had a confident smirk on his face. Thats what I need in my troops, Gear thought. WarHawk on the other hand, had a look that interpreted Gear as trying to kill him. Threatning and cold. Gear tried to ignore this, but the look never left his mind.

smesh heel

Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:18 pm
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Dentrek slumped against the inner wall of the ship he closed his eye's and yawned. "Tell me when we get there."Dentrek said lazily and fell asleep right away.

Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:38 pm
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WarHawk was resting againstthe wall as well, but his face was showing no signs of lazyness at all. Instead, he seemed to be ready for anything that could possibly happen. After all, you always had to be ready for battle, even in seemingly normal conditions. You never knew when a 'freind' would turn out to be an enemy in disguise. It had happened to him often. This was part of why he was resting against the wall-never knew when someone was LITERALLY out to stab your back.


Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:03 am
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The ship whisked through the air for quite some time, but came to a halt with a loud thump. They had crash landed on some planet. "Observation, please." Gear called out to the pilot. There was a moment of silence, and no voice was heard. "Observation, please!!" Gear yelled. Still, nothing. Gear became angry, and stepped out of the ship. He was surrounded by flames, and he knew he was on Rangtost.
"Well, we must take advantage of this." Gear turned to his army, some troops in the ship, some not. "Change of plans everyone. We will invade Rengalis head on, without the hacking. Its a big enough army, so victory looks on us with a smile." Something pierced the back of his mind, however. Why did the ship crash?

OOC: Sorry this took so long, I haven't had time to come here due to all the homework.

smesh heel

Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:42 pm
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Dentrek was awoken by the loud crash."Huh are we there?" Dentrek asked bluntly He started to leave the ship when he realized that they were definatly not on Trilopod "Wait why the hell are we on Rangtost?" Dentrek asked He looked around and found gear.Due to Dentrek sleeping he did not know what was going on so asking gear would be the first thing to do."Hey gear what happened to the ship?"

Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:10 pm
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WarHawk was quite alarmed by the fact that they were on Rangtost. He highly doubted that they could possibly simply break in like this, much less manage to kill Rengalis. "A-are you insane?! An army that can fit in a single ship, destroy a nation?! I may wanna kill this guy as much as anyone else, but I'm not an idio!" He yelled in one of his rare times of panic. After all, how was he supposed to avenge the man that practically created him if he was killed now? "I highly suggest hiding for a while, then leaving when we have a chance," he said, slightly regaining his composure.


Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:56 pm
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Gear remained calm, and managed to smirk. "We're not taking down the whole nation of course. That'd just get us killed. We're heading to Rengalis' base, the whole nation doesn't make it up. Besides, most of the time, they are cowardly. I told you before, WarHawk. Victory is smiling on us." Gear replied. He turned to Dentrek. "The ship has crashed. There is a change of plans, so we'll take on Rengalis' troops instead. Understood?"
He marched slowly, west, onwards to Rengalis' base. Snow quickly followed behind him. "Snow, prepare for your first mission." He nodded, and drew a sword made completely of ice and checked that his pockets contained the ice daggers he was taking. Gear drew his Phaser, going into focus.

smesh heel

Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:04 pm
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"I highly doubt that base is very small..." WarHawk mumbled to himself, though slightly reassured. Quickly transforming his hand into a machine gun of sorts, though it looked like a revolver, he reluctantly followed. If anything went wrong, he could always find the base's 'garage' of sorts and get outta there; though, preferably with allies.


Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:13 pm
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"Well I guess I should get ready."Dentrek said then muttered under his breath "Constellation."Dentrek hand Was then suddenly surronded by a green aura. He then quickly drew a laser gun with no more then 10 lines.The laser gun materialized and dropped in his hand."Okay so what's our first move Gear?"

Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:11 pm
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