So I use Xpadder to play SSF2. I have my brother over so we're both trying to use Xpadder however, for some reason SSF2 only accepts input from the controller profile that's currently highlighted in Xpadder! So for example; Say I had Xpadder open and there were two controllers plugged in with two different profiles, all the controllers are set up with key bindings from SSF2. Say in xpadder i have my DS4 controller highlighted++ as a Yoshi and a second player as Goku with a game cube controller, when i try to play only the DS4 (Yoshi) is able to be used. If i then highlight the GameCube controller in Xpadder i.e. the second controller then then DS4 (Yoshi) no longer works but the GC (Goku) then works. But if the DS4 is highlighted and yoshi is moving around and i press the keyboard to control goku it still works.
So Ive tried to open 2 instances of Xpadder to have both controllers highlighted 1 by 1 and the other controller by the other instance, but Xpadder doesn't
allow multiple instances of itself.
WE NEED HELP! We stayed up for hours trying everything to get it to work but we're turning to you guys.
Any help would be amazing thank you!
EDIT: I have images of this showing whats happening but I cannot upload them due to the size restriction