Mystic Blader
Joined: Sun Aug 04, 2019 9:12 am Posts: 1 Country:
So I recently downloaded the game because I wanted to get used to the feel before Krystal comes out, but I'm having an issue getting the controls set up right. I don't really like the feel of Keyboard with fighting games (the only one I even played with a keyboard was Brawlhalla, and even then once I got used to a controller I was happier), so I'm trying to get my Gamecube controller set up. The part I'm having issues with is the getting the game to change the radius and the dead zone. Everytime I change them, then quit the game so it can save the changes, it just resets the radius back to 70 and the deadzone then becomes way lower than I set it (example I try to test at 50, it get's set to 5, if I try to change it back to 20, then it gets set to 2). What is going on, and how can I get it working better? I'm using a Mayflash Adapter, just in case that matters for this.