Yes, it's another Hurt 'n Heal game, with Pokémon!
You know basic rules by now, don't you?
HEALTHMaximuin Health: 500
Starting health: 250
ATTACKSYou have up to Five moves every hour, and the hour is counted by the moment you posted
Heal: +5
hurt: -5
They can be stacked to D, T and Q. Each advanment adds 5 more damage, but takes away one point of move.
POKEMONSnover: 255 (If you Kill him I'll get you banned
Mudkip: 250
Pikachu: 250
Eevee: 215 (If you Kill him I'll try to make you a Mod
Phanpy: 250
Mewtwo: 250
Wobuffer: 250
Scizor: 245
Hitmonchan: 250
Hitmonlee: 250
Hitmontop: 250
Lugia: 250
Ho-oh 250
Lucario 260
Skitty: 250
Diagla: 260
Palkia: 250
You can also request Pokémon to be put in, too, and I'll also add random ones into the fight, too.
DEATH LISTHere, Defeated characters (Heath dropped to Zero) go here, as they are now dead)
SEMI-GODIFIED LISTHere is somthing new! Instead of dying, characters that get 500 HP or more at any point turns into a immortal God, to go with the plot.
PLOTYes, there is a plot for this one!
The gods were all bored to tears, they also wanted new Gods, so then the created some Pokémon to Life, then they forced them to fight. If strong enough, they will become a Semi-God of Pokémon, The last one left becomes the God of Pokémon! Let the fight begin!
I Quad hurt Eevee and heal Snover.