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This is Nate, my character and namesake.
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 3' 2"
Weight: 83 lbs.
Species: Cat
Personality: Friendly; Witty when it comes to humor
Strength: Cooperative
Weakness: Overtrusting, but not to the point of being stupid
Physical Capabilities: Average
Powers: Neutral energy, dabbling with fire.
Favored Weapon: His sword.
Other Weapons:
(Note: All characters have their own version of each of these weapons, but are only capable of choosing one per battle, usually their favored one.)


In an alternate universe on a Planet called Kratix…

As Nate ran, he could here nothing but the pounding of his feet on the ground and the soft thumps of his rapidly beating heart. Today was the day. As he rounded the final turn on his path, he found himself before a large building, looking as if it hadn't been occupied for years. But he knew better. This was the laboratory of Professor Doc, a brilliant scientist and inventor. Nate had befriended him at an early age, and they had been close ever since. Today was the day he finished with his new invention. Nate suddenly heard shouting behind him, and he immediately recalled why he had been running. He had been on his way to Doc's lab when he had run into the local thugs, a wily group called the... well, no one ever knew what they were called because no one ever found out and lived to tell about it. He made a dash for the door, but a mere three steps from freedom, he felt a sharp pain in his arm. He collapsed to the ground and curled up as the throbbing in his arm sent him into convulsions. He saw the gang running toward him, and then he saw nothing...

When Nate came to, he was laying on a sterilized examination table in a brightly lit room. Doc's lab. Before he even had time to question what had happened, Doc strolled into the room.
"Ah, Nate! Good to see you awake, my boy." he beamed with delight.
"Ughhh..." groaned Nate, "How long have I been out?"
"Oh, about a week and a half now." Doc replied.
"What!?" Nate exclaimed, then, catching on to Doc's petty joke, searched for something to throw at him.
"Oh, come now, It was merely a joke!" Doc stated with mock indignation. "You've come to see my latest invention, I suspect?"
Nate, suddenly remembering the purpose of his sojourn, nodded his head enthusiastically.
"Follow me, then."
Nate hopped off the table and followed Doc down a fluorescently lit corridor to a room that contained all of his most ingenious inventions. It was filled with all sorts of machinery, from insignificant little trinkets to hulking masses of metal, but the feature that most caught Nate's eye was a lit pedestal smack in the center of the room. On it laid a ring adorned with elaborate designs and a beautiful gray gem.
"As you know," Doc said, snapping Nate out of his trance, "the crime rate in this province has been spiraling out of control recently. This ring is a revolutionary technology that will completely reinvent the criminal justice system. Each ring contains-"
"Each ring?" Nate cut him off. "You mean there's more than one?"
"Oh, yes, there are many. You wouldn't think one would be enough to completely evolve weapons technology as we know it would you?" The professor fished in his pocket and pulled out a small remote with one button. He pressed it and the walls of the pedestal began to lower, revealing rack upon rack of rings, each with their own intricate design and an intoxicating jewel. They came in a myriad of colors. "Each ring," Doc continued, "holds the technology to control its own specific "element" as you would put it. Each unique, each powerful beyond comprehension. Some of them are even so powerful as to where I wouldn't dare tamper with them. They control the fundamental forces of the universe, and if they were to fall into the wrong hands, whoever was in possession of them would be capable of ruling the entire planet of Kratix. Those are the ones cased in fiberglass.” Nate glanced down and, sure enough, there was a fiberglass container containing twelve more rings. Doc resumed, “So, aside from those… choose one.” Nate merely stared on as Doc waited patiently for him to come out of his shock. Finally, Nate came back to his senses.
“Ohhhhh, nice one, Doc. You almost had me, there.” He studiously analyzed Doc’s features for any sign that he might be joking, but the expression on his face was one of only the most authentic seriousness. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Nate shouted, “Me!?”
“Well,” said the professor, “if you don’t want one, I’ll just-” Doc suddenly stopped, noticing that Nate had sat down and was holding his head in his hands. Perhaps this was just a little too much for him. “Nate, what’s the matter?”
“This…” Nate mumbled, then suddenly jumped to his feet and gave a shout, “This is AWESOME!!!” Doc sighed with relief. He had worried that his words had had a traumatic effect on the young lad, but now his worries were erased as Nate slowly shuffled up to the pedestal and began examining each ring. They were all exquisite and all quite distinctive, but none had such a mesmerizing effect on him as the one he had seen originally, the one with the stunning gray gem. He gradually slid the ring onto his finger and felt energy flood into him. The ring was now inseparable from him. It was part of him. It had memorized his DNA and now would allow no other master but him.
“Terrific choice, Nate.” Doc’s voice ringed in from behind him. “You now have power over neutral energy. No elements will have any exaggerated effect on you, but you have no extra effect on them either. You are standing on the point in the exact center of the elemental spectrum. As you learn, you will also develop the capability to copy the energy properties of the other rings. By the way, did I mention that it also functions as a mood ring? It will change color to match your emotions.”
“…Cool.” was all Nate said. It was all he could say. I mean, come on, what would you say if you harnessed such a power as this?

Nate meandered through the halls of Doc’s lab until he came to the test area. Here, he would have enough space to safely practice his newfound powers. He foolishly decided to start off big. He conjured up as much energy as he could and sent it hurdling at the far wall. A speck neutral energy came out. Nate dropped his head and heaved a heavy sigh. He felt the weight of Doc’s hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t feel so down.” Doc said, “No one gets it on the first try. With enough practice, you could do amazing things.” Nate looked back up, gathered his energy, and tried again…

Three Weeks Later…

Nate was in the test room, practicing his powers. They had developed considerably from the first day. He could now summon an energy ball of considerable strength as well as neutral energy objects. Doc had also provided him with weapons to channel his energy. After practice, Nate went to speak with Doc.
“Hey, Doc,” he said bluntly, “I think I’m ready to take this thing to the next level.” Doc glared at him with skeptical eyes, but he couldn’t hold the serious expression for long, and a smile slipped through.
“You think you’re ready for a fight?” He asked.
“You bet!” Nate answered enthusiastically. After a moment, Doc nodded hesitantly.
“Alright, but I expect you to come back. Alive, mind you.”
“I was planning on it!” Nate replied. He left the room, feeling like he could face down the world…

"He's gone now." Doc muttered, gazing back at four concealed figures in the back of the room. One stepped forward, a lion wearing a black, sleeveless shirt and a red pair of shorts.
"Finally" he growled. I was getting tired of waiting. The rings?"
"Right this way." Doc replied, gesturing toward the door. The four figures followed him into the invention chamber and stared at the rack of rings that were about to be their own. Flare, the lion, stepped forward and selected a ring with a fiery red crystal embedded into it. The three others followed suit. Chip the monkey, Chase the rabbit, and Conner the raccoon selected three more rings: one with an emerald green jewel, one with a yellow gem, and one with a crystal the color of sapphire. Each gaped as they felt the power flow into them. Chase ecstatically aimed an elemental blast at the far wall of the chamber and let loose with his energies. A gust swooshed through the chamber. Chase gawked as he contemplated. So, he had power over wind, huh? With a little more experimentation, the other three soon discovered their powers as well. Flare could command fire, while Chip could make nature do his bidding. Connor could influence water. Unlike Nate, the command of the elements seemed to come to them naturally.
"This is incredible!" Connor stated as he fixated his full attention to the ring on his finger. It was surprising that such a small, insignificant object could contain such incredible energy. Chase seemed to take well to the use of his newfound abilities and quickly decided that he was ready to fight some evil-doers or something like that.
"C'mon, let's go!" He cheered. He rushed out of the building, followed closely by the others. Doc was left alone, mourning. How could four teenagers wreck so many inventions so quickly?

Signatures are for people with decent penmanship.

Last edited by Nate on Sun Nov 09, 2008 9:01 am, edited 6 times in total.

Sat Nov 01, 2008 5:21 pm
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The whole storyline of this narrative of the planet Kratix is based around an elemental spectrum.

Cardinal Elements:
Fire beats Nature. Often associated with anger and strength.
Nature beats Wind. Associated with joy and defense.
Wind beats Water. Associated with anxiety and speed.
Water beats Fire. Associated with sadness and skill.
Nature and Water are opposites.
Fire and Wind are opposites.

Each element is defined by a type of energy.
Red: Fire
Green: Nature
Yellow: Wind
Blue: Water

Expansion Elements:
Lava beats Stone and Nature. Red energy.
Stone beats Electricity and Wind. Green energy.
Electricity beats Ice and Water. Yellow energy.
Ice beats Lava and Fire. Blue energy.

Vertical Elements:
Light beats Dark, Negative, Yellow, and Blue energy. White energy.
Positive (Health) beats Negative, Wind, and Water. Pink energy.
Dark beats Light, Positive, Red, and Green energy. Black energy.
Negative (Poison) beats Positive, Fire, and Nature. Brown energy.

Other Elements:
The other elements share properties with other elements with the same energy color.
Red: Plasma, Electromagnetic, Solar, Energy.
Green: Solids, Sensual, Celestial, Gravity.
Yellow: Gases, Thought, Stellar, Magnetism.
Blue: Liquids, Sound, Lunar, Time.

Then, of course, is Neutral energy. It is smack dab in the middle of the entire elemental spectrum. There is a ring for each element.

Signatures are for people with decent penmanship.

Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:05 am
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Nate knew what he was going to do the second he left the building. He was going to go find those thugs and give them a run for their money. As he ran through the streets, his eyes tirelessly scanned the background in search of the gang. Bingo. Nate glimpsed out of the corner of his eye a mysterious shadow sinking back into a side alley. Gotcha. Nate made a dash for the alley before they could get away, but he didn't see anyone. He meandered further into the alley, hoping to find some sign of the offending gangsters. He turned suddenly as he heard a voice behind him.
"Hey, Grinder," the voice said. "Isn't that that same guy we chased 'bout three weeks back?"
Nate saw the silhouette of an imposing figure step out of the shadows.
"Yeah, Boss." A deep voice replied. "That's him." A hulking figure stepped in then, followed by two others.
"We's gots unfinished business wit' you, twerp." Said the voice apparently belonging to a guy nicknamed "Boss". "Nos bodys messes wit' da Kratix Crushas and goes not punished!"
"I think you mean unpunished." Nate replied sarcastically. "And... the "Kratix Crushas"? Please, God, tell me that's not the best you could come up with." Nate taunted, shaking his head back and forth with mock disapproval. Boss just stared at him with a puzzled expression, then, suddenly realized Nate's words were an insult, began to get really, really angry. Like, so angry that you could only pretend to try to get that angry. He screamed at Nate, his voice unsteady.
"You'll gonna pay fer dat, you little punk!!! Assassin! Take 'im out!" The tallest figure of the group stepped forward and slung a knife at Nate. He saw a glint of green on the end, telling him that the knife had been dipped in some sort of tranquilizer. That's what they'd used to knock him out three weeks ago. Nate easily dodged the blade, then did a little more taunting.
"I am unimpressed by your bad grammar skills." Nate said mockingly. "Boss" merely gazed on in confusion. Sure, he didn't know what unimpressed meant. Or grammar. Or skills. But he was pretty sure that what Nate said hadn't been a complement.
"GET 'IM!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, and all four thugs attacked Nate at once.

The subsequent battle lasted all of about five seconds. Nate sent a large net of energy and hurled it at the thugs. They were all immediately trapped except for "Assassin". He apparently had more going for him that mere muscle. Nate sent energy bonds that... well, bound his hands and feet. He collapsed to the ground with a sickening thud. He was about to go get the police when a new figure appeared at the end of the alley. He was concealed by the shadows, but his demeanor gave off an aura of blind rage. However, his voice was surprisingly controlled when he spoke.
"You can go now." he said, addressing Nate. "Leave them to me." It wasn't a request.
"Hey, don't ignore me!" Boss yelled through the net.
Flare ignored him. Nate considered, but he realized that Flare's plans for them might have been a little more harsh than turning them over to the law enforcement officers.
"I don't think so." Nate said. He gathered the entire gang into a barrier of energy and tried to push past Flare, dragging the unfortunate goons along the ground. Flare turned and punched Nate right in the face. Nate flew back and hit the far wall of the alley.
"Stay out of this." Flare advised. "My quarrel is with them," he said, gesturing to the aching thugs. "not you." With that, Flare grabbed the barrier and turned to leave, but he met a wall of solid energy.
"'Fraid I can't let you do that." Nate said as he wiped the blood from his grinning mouth. "These guys need to be brought to justice." This statement sent Flare over the edge.
"Justice!?" he yelled as loud as he could. "JUSTICE!!!???" He screamed with a roar that could be heard for miles. He advanced on Nate, lifting him off of the ground. "Do you know what justice is!?" Flare spat. He seemed quite mad. "Justice is when someone does something wrong, they go to court, they sue the police for capturing them, and then they get let go. I'm not allowing that to happen again!" Nate saw a glowing red ring on his finger and cried out in pain as Flares hands grew unnaturally hot. Nate reacted by instinct, knocking Flare away from him with a tendril of energy. Nate dropped to the ground in a heap. Flare retaliated with a stream of white-hot flames. Nate could see the walls of the alley begin to melt and knew that if the blast hit him, he would be nothing more than ash on the ground. Nate created a wall of enegy, shifting it so that it captured the fire. he then sent the wall straight at Flare and enclosed him in a force-field of energy. He cried out in frustration as Nate sent energy fists from the walls of the field to pound Flare into submission. Nate allowed the field to dissipate and Flare slinked to the ground, unconscious.

That was when he remembered Doc's words about how he would be able to reproduce the powers of the other rings. This was an opportunity. Nate, not quite sure how to copy powers, simply held out his hand and concentrated. He felt a new power inside of him that mingled with the rest. He now had command over flame, which he instantly decided to test. He could barely create a spark, but he knew he would grow used to it. He turned and saw the "Kratix Crushas", not seeming quite so daunting anymore, attempting to sneak away. Nate renewed the energy field and, with the slightest of effort, sent the field hurdling through the air toward the police department.

Jack was an average cop. He was new and was still not very respected. He recoiled as he was a glowing gray orb flying through the air right toward where he stood, right out in front of the police station. It stopped right in front of him and then disappeared, dumping its contents onto the pavement. With a start, Jack realized who the guys were who fell out. He was about to make a dash for it when he noticed that they were in no condition to fight. He thought for a moment, then a smile slowly spread over his face. This would look very, very good on his resume.

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Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:49 pm
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Wow. This is the biggest rp Story that i've ever saw. (Poor Nini :shock: )

Very Descriptive, although it might be hard to create formidable enemy/challenges...

Ok... Only choosing one weapon? Come on!

Cat... Interesting. does he have an urge for fences?

The story has a very dramatic touch to it, drawing in a touch of smart words and humor.
Question: Why doesn't the "Doc" have Automated Weapons if there are people are trying to steal his ideas? I'd expect lasers or chain gun emplacements...

Wait... what time period is this? Where you can put the power of fire and whatnot in rings?

And finally, Jack, the random cop, ending.

Maybe edit it some more so there's a bit of an open ending?

So, other than that, this is perfect...


Have a nice day.


Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:12 pm
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ConquestStreak wrote:
Wow. This is the biggest rp Story that i've ever saw. (Poor Nini :shock: )

Pfft, Althea's was larger, by alot (Nini's looks as big or slightly bigger too, but length isn't everything, content and fluidity of words matter just as much). That and i haven't posted much of the content for relevance sake :P

Nice job btw, Nate. Regardless. ^^

Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:40 am
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It's my character bio topic. I can post as much as I want as long as there's stuff to add.

Signatures are for people with decent penmanship.

Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:13 am
Legendary Ghost
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Nate wrote:
It's my character bio topic. I can post as much as I want as long as there's stuff to add.

I never said you couldn't? O-o;

Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:43 am
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Nini wrote:
Nate wrote:
It's my character bio topic. I can post as much as I want as long as there's stuff to add.

I never said you couldn't? O-o;

I don't think he was addressing you, Nini.

Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:06 pm
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Talkin' to ConquestStreak.

Signatures are for people with decent penmanship.

Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:17 pm
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