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TerminX presents: TROLLBEAN - Best in the State! 
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Actual boxart. I actually submitted this in a DVD case for every competition Trollbean went to. I still have it on my shelf.

Hey all.

This is my platformer, Trollbean. It is my first venture into the world of vidya game development. It was created for an Electronic Game Design competition at school. I intended to continue working on it after, but an unexplainable gamebreaking glitch forced me to drop the game.

In the game, you control Trollbean. Is he a troll? Is he a bean? These questions, and many, many others will go unanswered during your quest through the world of Trollbean. Hop on platforms! Turn red, for some reason! Feed live bunnies to creatures that are supposed to be bats! Anything is possible!

It was designed to be completed in under 20 minutes, and if you're good at games it likely won't take you ten. It was definitely a learning experience, and I'm a lot more comfortable with game design now. That said -- some parts of Trollbean are awful awful bad. Some are surprisingly impressive for baby's first Game Maker game, though.

But is it worth playing, Term?
Do you have ten minutes?
--If yes: play the game son.
--If no: what are you doing here?? Hurry!! You have somewhere to be in less than ten minutes!!

Download Trollbean on!
It's free! But if you want to donate for some reason, you're more than welcome! It's like a Patreon!

If you like the sprites, you can get a better look at them in my sprite thread.

STAFF To avoid anal pain
-Brad Lakey, Dylan Lovin & Jacob Long - Level design & Creative Infulence


0.2C Changelog: show
-Backgrounds improved, torches renovated
-Enemies kiled by explosions now make the correct sound effect
-You can now skip the intro & end screens (if you're a horrible person) by clicking
-Spikes (FINALLY) work
-Bunnies are now more lively, enemy version added
-Trying to punch the spike box is gonna kill you now. Sorry.
-2nd punch now actually hurts enemies (That's why punching was useless, the 2nd one didn't work)
-Mute button added
-Added a secret area in Level 2
-All characters can now crouch
-Shading on the Jelly sprites isn't backward anymore
-Jelly now makes a proper death sound, as he should
-Trollbean now has an air & crouch attack, and can punch from a run.
-Jellybean collectibles added (150 total)
-Trollbean's attacks now hurt the Stormer. I don't reccomend it, but I suppose if you're a Nuzlocke kind of person then go ahead
-Item pickups have a new, better sprite, and they make a sound when picked up
-Manly Men Mode added, it unlocks at 150 beans collected
-Manly Men Mode features several enemies not present in 0.2b (Or Normal Mode), such as Oldbot, Burmeisters and Jacob Long
-Created a special item pickup just for Manly Men Mode. It restores Trollbean's punch attack. For bosses only.
-Fixed boxart issues
-Crash sound at game startup is better
-Sound effects rebalanced
-Jelly glitch is.. Not quite fixed, but it's harder to pull off
-Pobe sprites improved a bit
-Several sprite effects were replaced by Game Maker Pro's effect command, makes them much nicer
-A 'restart level' button was added, incase s*** hits the fan. This may be edited to look more nice before the final release.


Last edited by Term on Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:43 am, edited 15 times in total.

Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:39 pm
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ehh I suggest creating the base engine before integrating the sprites.


Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:36 pm
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And this is where I lock this thread down and warn you for not following the rules. PM me to sort this out.


Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:26 am
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Oh hey, my thread is back

G0l3m The Rock wrote:
ehh I suggest creating the base engine before integrating the sprites.

Got that bro. Still needs some tweaking but ehh making rooms is more fun. :p There is a "demo" up there, in the link

Btw this thread will be much more interesting further in production, obv


Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:20 pm
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Hey guys. Just wanted to post this in here real quick, I have a demo uploaded in the OP. It has one five room level, two enemies and two playable characters. Give it a try, and lemme know what you think :p

And for an added challenge, try getting through room 3 with Trollbean - No Chili allowed. :p


Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:39 am
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It's kind of a large file, but I went and downloaded it anyway. Do you use mp3s for music for the game?

When I attempted to download the file, upon clicking the "Download Now" it forwarded me to a "The address is not valid" page.

Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:34 pm
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That's odd, download worked fine for me.
Anyway, it seems solid I guess? I didn't quite finish it but it worked fine. I played as Chilli whenever I could, I didn't feel the punch was worth losing that speed.

Ask me anything!!!
Special thanks to Steven for my beautiful Deep avatar! <3

Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:28 pm
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I do use mp3s. And I know that's a bad idea. :p I just haven't got around to changing that yet

I wanna also note that several aspects of this demo are temporary - The music, the menu, the terrifying loading screen, the annoying sound effects. Those will all be fixed. If I can figure out what I'm doing wrong, I'll also add an air kick attack for Trollbean.

Thanks for trying it man, anyone else have any thoughts?


Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:38 pm
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Wait... I'm able to download it now... That's weird. Maybe mediafire was just having technical difficulties. Well, the file works now (for me), so I'll do a quick playthrough and in depth review.

Trollbean, by TerminX, is a platform action game where you play as two bean shaped characters named Troll and Bean as they go on a journey together to some unknown destination. The game showcases simple platforming with a twist, as giving the player the choice to play as either Troll or Bean, both having their own abilities and perks allowing them to traverse obstacles and move forward.

The gameplay is simple; utilizing the Left/Right Arrow keys as movement, the Up Arrow key to jump, and the [P] key to use an ability with Troll. The controls being so close together felt a little awkward, but I soon learned to use them effectively.

The gameplay itself plays much like a platform game. You can move about in any direction, limited by terrain and gravity, and jump onto platforms to go forward. Usually the stages are very straight-forward and linear, so the player shouldn't be confused as to which direction to go. Scattered across the rooms are certain power-ups; upon contact, it has a special effect on the player. Green boxes turn the player into Troll, Red boxes turns the player into Chili, and Purple boxes moves you forward in the game.

Both Chili and Troll have their own perk for being the active character. Troll can throw short range punches with [P], allowing it to defeat enemies; where Chili trades it's only offense for greater agility and movement speed, allowing the player to cross longer gaps with ease. The enemies follow predictable movement patterns, and can be defeated by a single punch from Troll; however, should any enemy hit Troll or Chili directly, they are sent back to the beginning of the current level.

In all, Trollbean is a amusing game that may keep you playing until the end. It has much room for improvement, but shows potential for being a fun and innovative platformer.

It was a fairly enjoyable game, and I was able to "complete" the game after traversing 4-5 so rooms, which ended my journey in a flower field (which I assume is the current end of the game). There are a few areas that could be improved upon, which I'll summarize below.

- Variable Jumping
When I pressed the UP arrow key, it naturally allows me to jump if I'm standing on a platform. While it's no problem on it's own, I have no control on the height of the jump. Variable jumping gives the player the option to change the vertical velocity of the jump. Such as tapping the jump key, allows for a very short hop, but holding down the jump key would allow for greater height. Another thing that got me during my gameplay was repeated jumping while holding the Up key, which sometimes killed my character by accidentally jumping into a monster.

- Ground Snapping
When I land on differently elevated platforms, I sometimes vertically stop a few pixels off the ground, before landing on the ground a couple steps later. I also found I was unable to jump through seemingly passable platforms, unless that was intentionally left out.

- Troll punching
I was uncapable of using the [P] button while moving, so my character had to come to a complete stop to punch, sometimes making hitting the flying enemies difficult, unless you were on even level terrain as the enemy. Due to the range of the punch, it was difficult to hit these flying opponents without getting hit myself.

I'd also like to see...
-More different types of enemies, such as ones that follow you or ones that try to hit you with attacks.
-More types of platforming, such as moving platforms and jump-through platforms.
-An [P] key ability for Chili.
-Jumping on enemy KO's allowing for general offense for both characters.

Good luck!

Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:51 pm
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Thanks for the in-depth review. c: Lemme just respond to a few things here

"two bean shaped characters named Troll and Bean"
Nnnnope. The characters are Trollbean and Chili Pepper :p lul

"as they go on a journey together to some unknown destination"
There will be a story in the final version, This is just a demo, you know :p

"The controls being so close together felt a little awkward"
Really? Noted, thanks for the feedback. It'd be really easy to change that key

"Usually the stages are very straight-forward and linear, so the player shouldn't be confused as to which direction to go"
Again, just a demo. You can expect better levels in the finished game

"which ended my journey in a flower field (which I assume is the current end of the game)"
Yup. Nothing beyond the THRASHER room at the end :p

Variable Jumping
mmm Not sure I know exactly how to do that, but I'll certainly play with it a bit. I agree that it would improve the game.

Ground Snapping
Now that you mention it, I think I may know about how to fix that. It is a problem..
And you aren't supposed to be able to go through the platforms. Several people seem to have thought that you could; is it because they're a bit thin?

Troll punching
I agree. His attack is pretty useless, tbh. I'm having a lot of trouble getting an air attack to work, though, and I can't imagine a walking attack would be much easier.. I'm sure I'll come up with something, though :p

-More different types of enemies, such as ones that follow you or ones that try to hit you with attacks.
Definitely coming.

-More types of platforming, such as moving platforms and jump-through platforms.
Not sure how it'd be done. If a level calls for it, then I'll certainly put some work into figuring that out, but otherwise idk

-An [P] key ability for Chili.
Nah. I have about 10 characters planned, and each one has to have some weakness in exchange for their strengths. Several of them can't attack, including Chili obviously.

-Jumping on enemy KO's allowing for general offense for both characters.
I'm not sure I want the game to play like that, though. MAYBE for some enemies later, but certainly not the Batats in the demo.

Thanks for the feedback :D I'll work on your suggestions.


Thu Apr 14, 2011 2:59 pm
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I'd like to see this game through, the idea is nice and room for improvement is definetely present.

I can assist you with codes or D&D functions if you wish, if this game is made with Game Maker. I have good knowledge of how platform games, physics, and mechanics work, and can assist with some things if it pleases you.

RE: The horizontal platforms do appear fairly slim, some people may be able to mistake it as passable platform. I did, at least.

Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:28 pm
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That'd be nice, if you could tell me how variable jumping & moving/jump though platforms work :p I am pretty new to this tbh, never done anything in GM before.


Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:45 pm
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Each D&D (drag-&-drop) function has it's gml equivelent, so I'll try to use the "Execute a piece of code" snippet.

Variable jumping: in a simple form. What this code should do is check if you are standing on a solid platform and press up, the character will execute a jump. If the Up Arrow is released before the character reaches the peak of the jump, the jump slows down. Also includes the obligatory gravity.

STEP EVENT for obj_characters (ie: Chili Pepper and Trollbean)
gravity_direction = 270
if place_free(x,y+1)
gravity = .5
gravity = 0

if vspeed = 0 and gravity = 0 //Not moving vertically
if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_up) //Checks if the Up key was pressed.
vspeed = -10 //Makes the character jump
if vspeed < 0 and gravity != 0 //Moving upward
if keyboard_check_released(vk_up) //Released Up key
vspeed = -1 //Reduces vertical movement

Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:35 pm
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Hm. Thanks Shyan, it works really well :D

Though that makes the Ground Snapping problem quite a bit more noticeable.. any ideas on how to fix that one? . -. The thought I had only made it worse


Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:09 pm
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Let's try something like this:

What this code should do is snap your character to the platform surface when collided with (when the character is moving downward or horizontally); and should allow you to jump through only certain horizontal platforms (and not get stuck on the decent).

Collision Event w/ obj_platform (the platforms)
if vspeed < 0
if other.solid = 1
y += vspeed
other.solid = 0
if vspeed > 0 and ! place_meeting(x,y-vspeed,obj_floor) //Replace obj_floor with name of horizontal platoform.
other.solid = 1
//Does your character move with hspeed?
//These codes work best when the characters use a mask.
if ! place_free(x,y+1) or ! place_free(x,y-1)
vspeed = 0
if ! place_free(x+1,y) or ! place_free(x-1,y)
hspeed = 0

Hope it helps!

Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:20 pm
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