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Organization X [RP] 
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Xrichs gave a sigh of relief. "Well, that's good." He turned his head to the sky, cupped his hands to his mouth, and bellowed, "Hear that, kid? We can head back!" Ircxon heard the cry and immediately snapped to attention. She kind of liked the island, but it was still far too hot for her liking. Xrichs opened up a Corridor back to the Castle and stepped through. Ircxon headed after him.

[11:08:57 PM] Luke:
[11:09:42 PM] Luke: like ok if it was something funny
[11:09:44 PM] Luke: but
[11:09:50 PM] Luke: really
[11:15:07 PM] Super High School Level Shut-in: lol sigged xD

Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:37 am

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OOC:Is portals immediate,or what? Do you just open up a portal,then suddenly appear at your destination? Just asking.
BIC:A Corridor of Darkness appeared right below the window,catching Axwell's attention."How about...No? Since they've returned." Axwell throw his book towards the table,and saw something that he thought could not Master? It's been only a few days before the Keyblade chose his new master,and that person had been caught by the Heartless? Pfft,what a weakling.Oh,I wonder if Kaxil had given him a name? It may seem that Axwell is going to be good "friends" with this new Keyblade Master.Or not.

Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:32 am
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OOC: I would assume so, since that's pretty much how it works in the games.

Xrichs stepped out of the portal, with Ircxon hovering behind him. Xrichs graciously left the portal open for Kenim to follow. Xrichs turned to Kaxil and reported, "Well, there's the new Keyblade kid. Guess we were lucky to catch him when he wasn't very experienced yet. Poor little guy didn't stand a chance." He went on to describe the Destiny Islands from what he gathered during his recon, while Ircxon soon lost interest and moved around in her seat impatiently.

[11:08:57 PM] Luke:
[11:09:42 PM] Luke: like ok if it was something funny
[11:09:44 PM] Luke: but
[11:09:50 PM] Luke: really
[11:15:07 PM] Super High School Level Shut-in: lol sigged xD

Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:56 am
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"Hmm..." Kaxil seemed as if he was pondering of something... "Anywho, that is it for missions today, you may either have combat training, or you may wait for the next day." Kaxil would dissapear in black and white vines, fading after a while, his last word seemed to have echoed a bit.


Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:44 am
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Xrichs turned to Ircxon and said, "Hey, kid. Might be nice for you to get some training in. You seem to enjoy fighting, anyway." Xrichs opened up a Corridor to the open-spaced training area, stepped halfway into it, then continued, "I don't care if you want to, but I'm bored. I want to get some more fighting in today." As he finished the last word, he put the rest of his body through the Corridor and disappeared. Ircxon, deciding she had nothing better to do, followed him through.

[11:08:57 PM] Luke:
[11:09:42 PM] Luke: like ok if it was something funny
[11:09:44 PM] Luke: but
[11:09:50 PM] Luke: really
[11:15:07 PM] Super High School Level Shut-in: lol sigged xD

Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:49 pm
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Kenim quickly appeared from the portal, mumbling something along the lines of "Sorry I'm late" before stopping to see that Ircxon wasn't there. Seeing an open Corridor, he quickly jumped through, assuming that Ircxon had gone into it. Of course, he had caught a glance of the late guy, and before completely submerging into the portal he flashed him a silly grin.


Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:16 pm
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Siluxus closes the obscure book he was reading moments ago and puts it into a pocket on this inside of his robe. Noticing an open corridor of darkness he assumes it is the portal to the current mission, not realizing he completely missed it while reading his book. He jumps down from his seat onto the ground into the portal.


Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:24 pm
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The people arrive to a vast, yet not every wide, series of cliffs, the corridor would lead to a top of a cliff, a very open area with not a tree in sight, by looking off the cliff, they could see thousands of keyblades impaled into the cliffs, giving this world the name, 'Keyblade Graveyard'. The voice would speak..."You may go retrieve a practice keyblade, but remember they are not all aren't keyblader's. I assume you know what i'm saying here.." the voice would fade, leaving them instructions of what to do.


Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:19 pm

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Axwell saw the portal,and went through it.He heard the line,"You may go retrieve a practice keyblade, but remember they are not all aren't keyblader's.I assume you know what i'm saying here.." Before the voice faded away."Hmm,seems like a plan,but is it a must? If it isn't,I'll rather train with my Chakrams." As soon as Axwell said that,he saw an old Keyblade across the cliff that was engulfed in the power of fire.He pointed to that keyblade,and said,"I call that Keyblade.Forget my last line." He walked towards it,and grabbed it.It's chain have a fire symbol,and its blade looks like a chakram. It's hilt have the Nobody Symbol,and it seems strange in every other way. "Why is this somehow jogging my memory..? Oh well,who wanna fight?" He says,as he raised the Keyblade,taunting the others.
OOC:You can't say that the NEW Organization can't have connections between the OLD Organization,so ha!

Mon Mar 08, 2010 5:10 am
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OOC: Uh, yeah guys. Continue the RP.


Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:10 pm
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"Ah, now where's something explosive?" Kenim asked himself. It was quite obvious that he didn't plan on fighting, or even training, with something that didn't go 'boom.' Grumbling, he shook any keyblades he saw a little to see if it did anything he liked, but alas, he couldn't find anything. Sighing he picked one up and repeated this process.


Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:38 pm
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Out of seemingly no where, a gusting wind would blow strongly, carrying dust that blocks out the vision for a bit. When the wind would finally seize...a bronze armor with a long, arched keyblade appeared, the keyblade in the ground. The armor would awaken, standing up in it's place with it's keyblade. Finally it spoke. "Who are you all...?" The seemingly 'Living Armor' would ask. And then the voice spoke out. "Now you all have a fighting partner..enjoy!" Then the voice shortly dissapeared after.


Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:32 am
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OOC: Bump, yo.


Tue Mar 16, 2010 5:53 pm
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