Insane Anime wrote: Name:Hina Price Nothing of note, although I keep thinking of the guy from Call of Duty. Gender:Female Nothing wrong Age:17 Same Faction: The Castle Guards. Personality:Polite, shy, and calming Err, needs more details, like how does she react to people Apperance: Purpleish black hair with a Camo and purple combat boots Other than hair, no physical features, nor anything notable Bio: As a child hina was very repective and kind to her parents they were very loving and happy but one night some strange men ramage rampaged their way through Hina's house. hHer dad grabbed her and hid her in a closet this but this didn't stop hina from peaking through a crack in the door, After the men tied up her family and shot them they took their masked off and laughed Hina stayed hidden and cried. Hina was found by the police force and they took her to an awful Millitary orphanage were she got little sleep because of her nightmares about that awful night. Hina had to wake up early because she had to run millitary drills but later she was adopted by a tall musclar man and a very young looking women later when they went home Hina was Whiped and raped by the new family so one night Hina ran away which resulted in her learning to Live and survive for herself as she went to go get Breakfast she heard some familar laughing and ran into that direction she then saw that those were the man who killed her family Hina then had to make a decision run or stay and fight so she charged in blindly and ten minutes later she saw all the men dead at her feet from that day on she knew that she got a fix from avenging a fighting so she decided to join the war. I stopped midway because of horrid errors. It also seems a bit too traumatic in my taste.
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