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Cybernetica - Welcome to Neon City 
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The darken night skies were lit up by the bright city lights, the rain was heavy, and the smell of wet metal filled the air. The streets were busy as usual, filled with people walking to where ever their destination may be. It was a typical night in Neon City, booming with energy and life. Aegis patrols filled the streets due to the recent tension caused by The Jade Dragons. Many people were on edge from this, especially Aegis. With another factory severely damaged, their profits and supplies needed to be carefully monitored. This didn't stop them from keeping security tight throughout the city. Everything was going to protocol that night.

Greetings Aegis Employees

Due to recent events, more men have been sent to patrol the industrial district. Your new posts will be sent to your SABRE device, informing you of any change that may occur. Be on the lookout for any sort of suspicious activity as usual. If a member of the Jade Dragons is seen, apprehend on sight for questioning. Use as much force as necessary. Only neutralize Hood members if they are seen in the middle of a crime. Remember, we want justice, not random violence.

-Sgt. Naismith

The industrial district was under more surveillance as usual. It was no surprise, because of the recent bombings targeting Aegis factories from the Jade Dragons. Kellan saw this as an opportunity to disappear off the radar for a bit while still achieving various goals. Predicting they will strike again, he sent out a few members to scout the area and bring back any useful information. He was planning to steal equipment and weapons if another bomb goes off, using the explosion as a distraction, bringing attention away from the heist. It was a plan that could end very well for Hood, raising their fire power, but at the same time like all heists, could go wrong in a split second.

Lincoln stood in the rain, watching a factory building from a distance. Taking in what information he could, he didn't think they could get enough, and wanted to get closer. He turned around to the group that was with him. Not recognizing some of these faces, he started to speak.

"Alright, so they want us to scout out this area," he opened with, "but I don't think we can learn much from here. We need to get closer."

Jade Dragons
Another factory, another message to be sent. The target: a mainly munitions factory. Much of the contents of the buildings were going to be used to their advantage, aiding in the explosion. This was the largest explosion planned to date. Many small charges have been stashed at a nearby dumpster, ready for the show. All that was left to do was to plant them. A group of Dragons were ready for this, moving around silently and discreetly, preparing the bombs.

Blue wrote:
Palestine should not be free

Fri May 03, 2013 8:27 pm
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JC stood away from her brother, who too had also hopped on board once this mission was made known. For JC this was an opportune moment to get materials for herself. Often times she would leave he field work to the rest of the members, but lately they haven't been bringing in anything worthwhile. As such, the motto: "want something done right, you better do it yourself " spurred her to leave the R&D garage behind.

She pulled her Hood over her head and her hands in her pockets. Reconnaissance? No problem. It was at times like this her implant came in handy.

"Ok" she said with a shrug "I'd be willing to go out there and scout ahead before the rest of us head out if you'd like." She briefly glanced in her brother's direction to see if he was going to object. He didn't budge. In fact, it was as if she hadn't made the suggestion at all. She continued: "My implant'll pick up on any guards on patrol."


Fri May 03, 2013 9:11 pm
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Richard sat on a tree overlooking the massive factory. His Raven landing upon Richard's knee.
"There, there. It will all be over soon, My dear." He said petting the bird. He always called it dear. If anything that could have been considered her name. He continued to watch. He was the lookout of this mission.


Fri May 03, 2013 9:48 pm
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Metias zoomed past the damp streets on his hover-cycle. It was a busy night as usual, and he could already tell he was slowly growing into his new job. He had already been in the industrial district when he had got the message, and took note of the instructions on how to handle the situations of involving the Jades and the Hoods. So far he hadn't seen anything noteworthy to investigate, but he still remained steadfast and continued to patrol, while kept a watchful eye. 

It was times like these that his mind seemed to reminisce about his past as a Trojan. Of course he was happy as a Patrol, but couldn't help to think of what his life would've become of if he hadn't been caught. For a second he wondered if they were up to anything tonight. 

Pushing those thoughts aside for now, Metias continued down the streets to watch for anything suspicious. 

Fri May 03, 2013 10:17 pm
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"Recon, huh?" Kenneth sarcastically commented, hiding the sarcasm other a veil of quizzicality.

He had joined the mission hoping to find for himself, first hand, what his fellow teammates could do. After all, he was pretty green at this whole business of recon, being from an affluent family.

But of course, one has to eventually try, and he decided that it would be a good time.

"I'm not very stealthy myself, but give me a little time and I'll have you know what we need to get closer."

Quickly glancing around at some of the other members, he noticed they all looked like they were in their twenties, and began smirking to himself. After all, if he was right(which he knew he nearly always was), they would just take the easy route and try to sneak in while taking out any guards. He knew better.

"With many sighs, they got up, and I followed, for what better way to spend the last week of your life than by watching humanity go about its usual failures?"

Sig courtesy of Arthur: eternally grateful.

Fri May 03, 2013 10:35 pm

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Carmella moved quickly and quietly, matching the pace of the other Dragons as they crept through the putrid bowels of Neon City. As much as she hated the hustle and bustle of the residential area, the industrial district made the rest of the city seem absolutely pleasant in comparison. Being within the city limits always made her nervous, and knowing she was being watched over by that creepy raven guy served only to make her even more uncomfortable. Unfortunately, some of the higher ups had decided Carmella needed more field experience. Otherwise, she wouldn't be outside of the woods, much less scurrying around through the factory belt.

Carmella's squad located the drop off point for the explosives with little trouble, fortunate enough not to have met any resistance. That could change at any moment, though, so they wasted no time moving on to factory. Once their objective was met, they would finally be able to fall back to the safety of the forest. Carmella, for one, couldn't wait.

Fri May 03, 2013 11:37 pm
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Samantha was nervous and excited all at the same time. This going on actual missions thing wasn't what she was accustom to, yet she made it clear to her betters that she would do anything to help, so when they suggested a medic go with the recon team, due to the increased security in the area, and the increased risk of injury if something goes awry, she was more than happy to help. Plus her sickness had helped her get out of small jams before by playing forgetful, despite her daily chores to keep her memory better than most in her position.

She was currently going over the various call signs over and over under her breathe, adding in her general appearance, to make her look slightly unaware, however untrue such an appearance was.

When my eyes be rollin'
The haters get goin'
The seeds I'm sowin'
With a smile I'm flowin'
And if I be trollin'
Ya never be knowin'
'Cause when the haters get goin'
My eyes just start a-rollin'

Mon May 06, 2013 6:40 pm
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The Dragons moved swiftly, planting their explosives in key structural areas, setting all the timers as planned. Using an old radio, the leader of this attack called out to his squad members, asking their status. With the green light from everyone, they were ready to move on. He command all to set the timers and move back and prepare for the light show. Everything was going to plan, and the explosives were set for only a minute. With all squad members back together, they only had to sit there and wait.

Lincoln noticed a quick blur rush by his eyes. Unsure what he saw, he turned back to the group to see if anyone else noticed it. When he looked back, it was like there was nothing there. It moved to the other side of the factory building, the perfect place for them to recon first.

"Did anyone else see that? We should check it ou-,"

All of a sudden, the explosives went off, one by one, bang after bang. The east end of the building started to catch fire, which made sense, that's where all the fuel was stored. Turning back to the group, Lincoln decided to take the reigns.

"Alright, change of plans. We go what we came for with this as a distraction," he said. "Aegis will be here in a few minutes, so let's work fast."

Blue wrote:
Palestine should not be free

Tue May 07, 2013 3:40 pm

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Carmella grinned widely as she and the other dragons made their way back to the outskirts of the city. Watching a munitions factory go up in flames wasn't something one had the pleasure of witnessing very often. Maybe she would consider volunteering for a mission sometime. Then again, probably not.

Wed May 08, 2013 7:06 am

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Terrell looked on to the factory, not exactly eager to proceed with the mission but then again, orders were orders. He would proceed with the mission whether or not he liked it. He gave a thumbs up to Lincoln to demonstrate he had actually heard him, then glanced at the others with a slight lazy smirk as he turned and began walking towards the factory almost casually.

Wed May 08, 2013 3:36 pm
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Metias didn't know whether or not the explosion he just heard was by the Jade Dragons or the Hood. He was inclined to believe it was the Jade Dragons because of what happened before. However he still left the question open. He made a sharp left and continued in the direction in which he heard the sound. Metias was determined to make a great first impression. Though that didn't mean he was so sure he would.

Thu May 09, 2013 7:53 pm
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Richard jumped off his tree as his raven took to the skies above. Richard ran through the back allies headed to the outskirts of the mighty city. His dear raven flew over the roof tops hiding in the blackness that was the sky. Richard finally caught up with the rest. He slowed his pace as the bird landed on his shoulder. He paused for a brief moment to look at the bright light that was the flames. "Sometimes I wonder if others see the beauty in fire. What do you think dear?" He asked the bird.


Sat May 11, 2013 6:19 pm
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"You heard the man!" yelled Jonny as he sprinted ahead of the rest of the group, "We've got a mission to run, let's do this!"

Jenny shrugged, sure, why not run into the building that had just exploded. Not that it would be swarming with cops in any second. Of course, she didn't say any of this out loud, and she ran after her brother. Besides, it would probably be easier for them to get in while chaos was literally exploding about the factory. It seems those crazy eco-terrorists could come in handy after all.


Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:01 pm
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