STICK WARS! wrote: Well the premise of this system is that the players never say what they do, they draw it. So when a player wants to pick up a item, they draw their stick figure bending down picking the item up. This makes playing the game easier in situations that require no noise. And it's always a plus to see people's hilarious drawings, or mad dashes to see which player can draw themselves picking up an item first.
When making a character a player distributes 20 points between six stats, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Perception, and Charisma, with a minimum of 1 and a max of 5*. Skill checks are preformed with this formula: (1d6+ability rank+misc modifiers+drawing modifier**). Misc modifiers are those that a player gets from items or traits.
Traits are special skills and abilities each character has. Things like the ability to fly, or gaining a bonus on hacking. I give each player two traits either from a list like the following or they make their own, with approval. TRAITS: Super (strong, smart, charming, ect.): This trait can only be taken if you have a five on the chosen stat. The chosen stat becomes a six. Mad skillz (hacking, crafting, balancing, ect.): Gives a +3 modifier when attempting the chosen action. Flying: The character can fly by some means. Berserker Rage: When the player takes damage, they deal that much extra damage their next attack, provided it is a melee attack and hits.
Stats defined: Strength: Governs physical power, abilities like pushing a heavy block or kicking in a door. Dexterity: Governs balance and stealth, abilities like moving silently or strafing a ledge. Intelligence: Governs knowledge, abilities like hacking or identifying plants. Perception: Governs the five sences, abilities like detecting noise or noticing a trap. Charisma: Governs personality, abilities like bluffing or intimadating foes. Constitution: Governs health, abilities like mantaning consintration or resisting poison.
*A 'Super Trait' can raise it to a max of 6. **The drawing modifier is normally zero, but for really bad un-understandable, or extra epic drawings this can change.